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Polymorphosis > Maxims and Aphorisms

Maxims and Aphorisms
by Andreas Filios

I. Maxims and Aphorisms

Every day is another beginning of shaping your future.

In case of uncertainty: do your best.
In case of certainty: do better than that.

You are only as good as your skill, not as your equipment.
Be ready to be handed the best equipment.

To achieve the ordinary, you need to give the extraordinary.

Life is for free-
Don�t let other people rule your day.

Good things
You don�t rush (for good things)-
If they are truly good, they�ll wait for you.
If you are truly good, you�ll wait for them.

Who is not satisfied with good:
-is not affected by disappointment
-does not appreciate coincidence
-changes for the sake of change (rather than in hope of something better)

It is an insult to ignore the accumulation of coincidence.

Which is the greater sin: to steal or to lie?
For the theft at least has one beneficiary.

Whatever you do, do it with conviction.

Do not think about losses.
Or if you do, think about them as gains for the future.

It is only when you acquire supplies,
You have in abundance.

Jealousy of the commons is jealousy of money.
Jealousy of the rich is jealousy of luck.

Jealous is he who can�t run
And lost the joy of walking.

What you give is what you loose

The drive to destroy will always dominate the drive to preserve.

Charity: no greater proof of noble moral.

Failure to acknowledge charity is failure to acknowledge yourself � displayed in egoism.

Gratitude is the response to charity.
If genuine, it is charity itself.

See the sky as it is.
When it is without clouds, don�t wish for shadow.

Be afraid when the clouds darken the sky during night.

Fear: that is when time is too short to comprehend

Happiness: that is when time is long enough to comprehend the absence of worries

Happy is he who has tried and didn�t get addicted
Happy is he who doesn�t know he�s happy
Happy is he who looks back and laughs
Happy is he who looks forward and laughs
Happy is he who fills his lungs with life
Happy is he who can see with his eyes shut.

There are three kinds of worries:
Ones that you can solve with money
Ones that you can�t solve with money
And ones that come with money

Look back when you are moving slowly, because someone might want to pass.
There is no need to look back when you are moving fast.


Beauty is the phenomenon of rebellion against randomness

Beauty is to be respected.
Neither appreciated, nor taken for granted.

When you see beauty in transience, you can laugh with the irony of life.

Either your perception of natural beauty has been blunted
Or your bluntness doesn�t permit you to perceive natural beauty

How much inner beauty displayed by a smile is destroyed by an ugly face?

The distance to the future appears too big at present.
But when expecting it � the future - , you�ll never realise that it already passed.

Occupy your mind before time gets the overhand in the balance of dimensions (space & time)

Time is the donor of guilt
Space the recipient
Which one would you rather loose?

Boredom becomes contemplative in the absence of guild.
Guilt becomes contemplative as a sign of remorse.

Awareness kills of the bluntness you need to succeed.

Not being part of the flow means missing out a lot.
Being part of the flow means missing out perspective.

For the blind man:
Is there no light?
Or is there no darkness after sunset?

During motion your perspective is being changed, albeit intentionally but without your active participation.
- it is the narcotic of the thinker

Sinful is he who judges but conceals his own faults.

Fat is he who keeps filling his mouth while he is already eating.

Life is a run
And when you look around you it becomes a race.
But in the end it is just you left in the race.

The alienation of food from its natural simplicity into pretentious complexity is how to please society.

Deceive and you will win their heart.
The only way to top this is they appreciated honesty.

How far can you think without acting?
Because acting without thinking is infinite.

Truth is the interruption of deception
And deception is the opium for the people
Addicted to it and not even aware of it.

He who is not accustomed to the sea
Is likelier to get sick once he boards the ship.

Successful business is mass deception with the simplicity of a card trick.

Deprivation in the short-run is
Enrichment in the long-run
Through the appreciation of the absent.

Don�t increase your materialistic possessions excessively
In order to lower the disappointment of deprivation
And to keep your worries minimised.

You should always have time to listen to ideas.

Always criticise things from the first time you see them, because if you don�t, you get used to them.
Never judge people from the first time you see them, because if you do, you have prejudices.

Keep a bit off perfection
Because if you reach it
You might feel irrevocably incomplete

How much you win depends on your competition.
If you can overcome this law, success is in your own hands.

Dare when you have
And you�ll win luck.
Dare when you don�t have
And you�ll win pride.

You can never be overqualified in business.
In academics maybe. But not in business.

To fully appreciate joy you should have suffered pain and also diminish your ignorance.

Bias of the memory
It would make no difference to lower the expectations once you�ve been disappointed,
Because of the bias of the memory.

Only fools value words higher than action. That�s why you don�t need action to deceive them.

It is in proportion that words are mightier than the sword,
And thoughts mightier than the word.


How can you assess the character of a people, of a country?
Go to the countryside and live a day and a night with the local people.

You can only show character in front of people.
Crying alone, when it�s too late, is no good.

Polymorphosis > Maxims and Aphorisms

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