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Polymorphosis > A short story

Maxims and Aphorisms
by Andreas Filios

IV. Poetic Aphorisms

Thinking comes from the inside
Imagining from the outside
Think from an imagination and vice versa
To get a broader picture.

The beauty of a storm
When ice turns into heat
And the wind into sunlight
Taking a different perspective
Like that of a flying bird.

Only the good things
Are not affected by the elements
And other forces

For the sum of two
It is only worth adding one and one.

If five is the beginning of the second half
And zero is neither even nor uneven
Then the five is also neither even nor uneven.

Achieve everything in order not to make use of it.
The questioning of the potential
The avoidance of feeling guilt?
Or the challenging of uncertainty
Through the economisation of utilised ability

When you let your subconsciousness drop and nothing happens, it is time for your consciousness to wake up.

How you judge in your dreams determines how much happiness you permit in real life.

Lost happiness
When people eat a donut � with all its perfection �
How can they fully appreciate it?
Because they did not have to hunt for it, harvest the grain or bake it.
How much happiness is lost?

Memories are the sound of time.
(And if you listen carefully you can hear this very moment)

When time seems to capture your life,
Putting frames to it,
Is like imposing a grid on a river.
Life should be captured by time.
Life should be captured by feelings.

Time is interruption of infinity.

When the sky is watching you, you are making use of time.
And time is making use of you when you are watching the sky.

Poetry is like mathematics
There are equations and formulas, in different varieties, concerning general cases or specific problems.
Like a parameter-equation concerns an infinite spectre and yet has got the most detailed properties.
On the other hand, functions e.g. could display the uniqueness and multiplicity of a specific problem.

Life is momentum; should be momentum
Carry your convictions through life consistently � regardless of rules- just according to your own ethics, morals.
Inconsistency is the source to volatility, which might bring the glass to fall over.

Instincts and will:

The world does not care about the will; it only acts according to instincts.
This is the weakest link. And a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. To give birth to yourself, on the way to find the truth, you should speak a language understood by both will and instinct.

The task is to establish a connection between the mind and the body, the instinct and will, the dream and reality.

Takes time
Takes will
Takes determination
Takes answers
Answers take questions
Questions take objectivity
Objectivity takes freedom of responsibility, freedom of habits.

Light and shadow:

Fear not darkness but light. For when there is light, there will be shadow.

Refuge in shadow
Because it offers a pure objective perspective
Always with you
Bigger than you
And always reminding you
Who you must be, who you may be.

At sunrise,
In the wake of the morning
Your sight is more intuitive and breathing less intuitive
Peace can be taken for granted
(No worries or thoughts of time should be in your mind during a rising sun � that is ultimate peace)
As the weather prepares to become inconsiderate
Carpe mane

People, every materialistic thing, not recognised as its own unity but as a reflection of light.
Not existing in a world without light. Yet people spread their own light. Some more, some less.
And their light is again reflected by others.
What is the source of this light?

Desperation and regret:

Ready to sell the world
At half of Wednesday�s price
Willing to sell the whole universe
If only it was Wednesday again

There will be times when you want to sell time.

It�s the last sunset that you�re looking forward to
And even this last sunset will disappoint you
Because the sun will not rise

There are people who will forget you.
Remember those who don�t.

Artists have the ability to transform the real world into two dimensions: from 3D to 2D. This includes the transformation of colours into greyscales.

Capturing thought and feelings into words,
Like leaves catching raindrops,
And keeping them as pure as they originate,
Is the art of philosophy.

This is how people are, because idleness always dominates movement. As a result, they cease developing, exploring themselves.
So, if you are idle and listen carefully, you can hear time. Time is your biggest challenger. It has no weapons and yet it challenges you and shouts at you to take action.

Recognition of defeat is the first step of improvement.

What is a storm without lightning?
What is victory without honour?
What is summer without sun?
What is the sea without salt?
What is without reason?


Every time you breathe in you transform nothingness into something.
And every time you breathe out, that something vanishes and turns into nothingness.

If this is life, this cant be it.

When materialistic progress doesn�t move you forwards; doesn�t matter.
When you see all your potential in front of you
When you are ready to fight the battle of your life, ready to risk it all
Then you know you�re having the time of your life.

The inclusion of a moment and infinity
Believe there is only this one chance
What should you do with it?
Is it worth spending all your energy?
On the other hand infinity recalls.
Believe you won�t find the answer
Even if, it would only satisfy yourself.


You cannot force yourself into this state, but still you depend on it.
You cannot prepare yourself, because you have to trust completely.
Once you have reached that place, you forget time and everything that you are aware of.
And when you are back in reality, you have no wish but returning to the place where dreams are born.

The imagination of a time period,
Real in potential but only theoretical,
Still brings with it the ability to dream of it.
And the regret of not living it is offset by its practical impossibility.

Losing your thought
That�s you in the spot light making a decision
Trying to keep a clear mind
And you don�t know if you can sustain it
Oh no, you�ve thought too much
You haven�t thought it all

The English
England is full of eradicated errors. People like being laughed at.
Their tedious but genuine amusement about plain jokes.
Polite even in their madness.
People in search of their lost spirit or people in the process of losing it.


Describing eternity without the notion of time

Love is a drug to tame the wild man.
Love is a drug to tame the wise man,
To prevent him from discovering his truth,
To give birth to himself

Without love you have a clear head to find the truth.
But without love you are not happy.
Love reminds you how happy you can be.
But with love you can�t find the truth.
Unless love is the truth and then you can�t live the truth.

No matter how deep your ocean
No matter how valuable your treasure
Before the spark leads to a flame
There won�t be a fire.

Find the light and keep it alive
For it needs one to make a fire
And two to keep it burning.

Suddenly it hits you like an arrow in the chest
Preventing you from sleep and even rest.
It takes your breath, you perceive it in your throat
It makes any clear thought impossible
It keeps you running in circles again�

A world without words. Silence.
View and scent only
No words destroying the atmosphere of the moment
And a smile saying more than a thousand words.

The woman wants you in one corner
Know your feelings, control your feelings
The moment she�s got you there, she decides whether she wants you or not.

What can she give you?
What can she lose?
What might she have that you would be after?
And she acts as if it�s gold �
Maybe it is indeed the most that she can offer.

Time gets a different dimension with her.

You feel alive when your rationality is beaten by something you cannot explain

Rationality can be dominated by sensation.
Sensations are only dominated by other sensations.
Love amplifies sensations and leaves rationality behind.
Far behind.

Sanity and mental stability are tested daily.
Sometimes the chains that hold you together get loose or even break and you need to replace them.
Half regretting the past, half worrying about an uncertain future.
The chains need to be fixed or replaced by new ones.

Humanity is doomed because of its ability to think.

Infinity est infernum � infinity is hell
Eternity extinguishes hope
Hope implies finiteness

Sometimes reality is too real to permit expectations, hopes and illusions.

It�s either black or white
It�s either one or zero
It�s either knowing or never having tried

Truth and deception:

When you realise the uselessness of a thing, even if you never experienced and tested it, the disappointment increases by a multiple. You only have no proof.

The greatest deception should not surprise you
No excuse can dampen the effect
The exceptions that confirmed the rule;
The least likely is the most painful when uncovered as being ordinary.
Only for every great thing the extraordinary needs to become reality.

Disgust of the truth is greater when unveiled from the inconspicuous.

The end appears always closer than the finish.

Clear the mind or clear the world
Clear the mind and descend to the deceptive level of the world
Or clear the world and lift it to reality.
Only is the latter impossible and what if reality is a deception itself?

Too tired to sleep,
Too anxious to be awake,
Too ambitious to be dreaming,
And too late to hurry up.

Answers are too close for not asking.
Fun is too close for not risking.
Certainty is too close for not trying.
And death is too close for not living.

What triggers the drive to jealousy?
What/why do we miss, and don�t feel complete?
Maybe it is the biggest deception of them all � self deception

Deception increases disappointment by a multiple
Because expectations are unfounded
- Just what if expectations were founded?

The biggest challenge is to overcome yourself.
Then you have access to what lies behind the image in the mirror.

If all truth is heard,
There is no more need to see.
Only, to perceive the blue of the sky,
Words are not enough to describe its beauty.
So, man still opens his eyes,
More often than he should.
That is when disillusion begins.

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Polymorphosis >Poetic Aphorisms

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