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Rhamnus (Frangulae cortex)

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Authorisation details
Latin name of the genus: Rhamnus
Latin name of herbal substance: Frangulae cortex
Botanical name of plant: Rhamnus frangula L.
English common name of herbal substance: Frangula Bark
Status: F: Final positive opinion adopted
Date added to the inventory: 23/11/2005
Date added to priority list: 23/11/2005
Outcome of European Assessment: Community herbal monograph
Additional Information:

Product Characteristics
To be specified for the individual finished product.
Well-established use
Traditional use
With regard to the marketing authorisation
application of Article 10(a) of Directive
2001/83/EC, as amended
With regard to the registration application of
Article 16d(1) of Directive 2001/83/EC, as
Rhamnus frangula L. ( Frangula alnus Miller),
cortex (frangula bark)
Herbal substance
dried, whole or fragmented bark of the
stems and branches, standardised
Herbal preparation
standardised herbal preparations thereof
Well-established use
Traditional use
Standardised herbal substance or herbal
preparation for oral use in solid or liquid dosage
The pharmaceutical form should be described by
the European Pharmacopoeia full standard term.
4.1. Therapeutic indications
Well-established use
Traditional use
Herbal medicinal product for short-term use in
cases of occasional constipation.
2 The material complies with the Ph. Eur. monographs.
3 The declaration of the active substance(s) should be in accordance with relevant herbal quality guidance.
© EMEA 2007
4.2. Posology and method of administration
Well-established use
Traditional use
The maximum daily dose of hydroxyanthracene
glycosides is 30 mg. This is equivalent to ....(dose
of the preparation).
The correct individual dose is the smallest
required to produce a comfortable soft-formed
Adolescents over 12 years of age, adults, elderly
Herbal substance/preparation equivalent to 10 – 30
mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives, calculated as
glucofrangulin A, to be taken once daily at night.
Normally it is sufficient to take this medicinal
product up to two to three times a week.
Not recommended for use in children under 12
years of age (see section 4.3 Contraindications).
The pharmaceutical form must allow lower
Method of administration
As described in the package leaflet corresponding
to the pharmaceutical form.
Duration of use
Use for more than 1 - 2 weeks requires medical
If the symptoms persist during the use of the
medicinal product, a doctor or a pharmacist should
be consulted.
See also section 4.4 Special warnings and
precautions for use.
4.3. Contraindications
Well-established use
Traditional use
Known hypersensitivity to the active substance.
Cases of intestinal obstructions and stenosis,
atony, appendicitis, inflammatory colon diseases
(e.g. Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis),
abdominal pain of unknown origin, severe
dehydration state with water and electrolyte
Children under 12 years of age.
© EMEA 2007
4.4. Special warnings and precautions for use
Well-established use
Traditional use
Patients taking cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic
medicinal products, medicinal products inducing
QT-prolongation, diuretics, adrenocorticosteroids
or liquorice root, have to consult a doctor before
taking frangula bark concomitantly.
Like all laxatives, frangula bark should not be
taken by patients suffering from faecal impaction
and undiagnosed, acute or persistent gastro-
intestinal complaints, e.g. abdominal pain, nausea
and vomiting unless advised by a doctor because
these symptoms can be signs of potential or
existing intestinal blockage (ileus).
If laxatives are needed every day the cause of the
constipation should be investigated. Long-term use
of laxatives should be avoided.
If stimulant laxatives are taken for longer than a
brief period of treatment, this may lead to
impaired function of the intestine and dependence
on laxatives. Frangula bark preparation should
only be used if a therapeutic effect cannot be
achieved by a change of diet or the administration
of bulk forming agents.
When frangula bark preparations are administered
to incontinent adults, pads should be changed
more frequently to prevent extended skin contact
with faeces.
Patients with kidney disorders should be aware of
possible electrolyte imbalance.
4.5. Interactions with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
Well-established use
Traditional use
Hypokalaemia (resulting from long-term laxative
abuse) potentiates the action of cardiac glycosides
and interacts with antiarrhythmic medicinal
products, with medicinal products, which induce
reversion to sinus rhythm (e.g. quinidine) and with
medicinal products inducing QT-prolongation.
Concomitant use with other medicinal products
inducing hypokalaemia (e.g. diuretics,
adrenocorticosteroids and liquorice root) may
enhance electrolyte imbalance.
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4.6. Pregnancy and lactation
Well-established use
Traditional use
There are no reports of undesirable or damaging
effects during pregnancy and on the foetus when
used at the recommended dosage.
However, as a consequence of experimental data
concerning a genotoxic risk of several anthranoids,
e.g. emodin, frangulin, chrysophanol and
physcion, use is not recommended during
Use during breastfeeding is not recommended as
there are insufficient data on the excretion of
metabolites in breast milk.
After administration of other anthranoids, active
metabolites, such as rhein, are excreted in breast
milk in small amounts. A laxative effect in breast
fed babies has not been reported.
4.7. Effects on ability to drive and use machines
Well-established use
Traditional use
Not relevant.
4.8. Undesirable effects
Well-established use
Traditional use
Hypersensitivity reactions may occur.
Frangula bark may produce abdominal pain and
spasm and passage of liquid stools, in particular in
patients with irritable colon. However, these
symptoms may also occur generally as a
consequence of individual overdosage. In such
cases dose reduction is necessary.
Chronic use may lead to disorders in water
equilibrium and electrolyte metabolism and may
result in albuminuria and haematuria.
Furthermore, chronic use may cause pigmentation
of the intestinal mucosa (pseudomelanosis coli),
which usually recedes when the patient stops
taking the preparation.
Yellow or red-brown (pH dependent)
discolouration of urine by metabolites, which is
not clinically significant, may occur during the
If other adverse reactions not mentioned above
occur, a doctor or a pharmacist should be
© EMEA 2007
4.9. Overdose
Well-established use
Traditional use
The major symptoms of overdose/abuse are
griping pain and severe diarrhoea with consequent
losses of fluid and electrolytes, which should be
replaced. Diarrhoea may cause potassium
depletion, in particular. Potassium depletion may
lead to cardiac disorders and muscular asthenia,
particularly where cardiac glycosides, diuretics,
adrenocorticosteroids or liquorice root are being
taken at the same time. Treatment should be
supportive with generous amounts of fluid.
Electrolytes, especially potassium, should be
monitored. This is especially important in the
Chronic ingested overdoses of anthranoid
containing medicinal products may lead to toxic
5.1. Pharmacodynamic properties
Well-established use
Traditional use:
Pharmaco-therapeutic group: contact laxatives
ATC-code: A 06 AB
Not required as per Article 16c(1)(a)(iii) of
Directive 2001/83/EC as amended.
1,8-dihydroxyanthracene derivatives possess a
laxative effect.
Glucofrangulins and frangulins are respectively 0-
diglycosides and 0-monoglycosides, which are
largely (all β-0-glycosides) not split by human
digestive enzymes in the upper gut and therefore
not absorbed to a large extent. They are converted
by the bacteria of the large intestine into the active
metabolites (emodin-9-anthrone).
There are two different mechanisms of action:
1. stimulation of the motility of the large intestine
resulting in accelerated colonic transit.
© EMEA 2007
2. influence on secretion processes by two
concomitant mechanisms viz . inhibition of
absorption of water and electrolytes (Na + , Cl - )
into the colonic epithelial cells (antiabsorptive
effect) and increase of the leakiness of the tight
junctions and stimulation of secretion of water
and electrolytes into the lumen of the colon
(secretagogue effect) resulting in enhanced
concentrations of fluid and electrolytes in the
lumen of the colon. The motility effects are
mediated by direct stimulation of colonic
neurons and possibly by prostaglandins.
Defaecation takes place after a delay of 8 - 12
hours due to the time taken for transport to the
colon and metabolisation into the active
5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties
Well-established use
Traditional use
The β-0-linked glycosides are not split by human
digestive enzymes and therefore not absorbed in
the upper gut to a large extent. They are converted
by the bacteria of the large intestine into the active
metabolite (emodin-9-anthrone). Mainly
anthraquinone aglycones are absorbed and
transformed into their corresponding glucuronides
and sulphate derivatives. After oral administration
of frangula bark extract, rhein, emodin and traces
of chrysophanol are found in human urine.
Not required as per Article 16c(1)(a)(iii) of
Directive 2001/83/EC as amended.
After administration of other anthranoids, active
metabolites, such as rhein, pass in small amounts
into breast milk. Animal experiments
demonstrated that placental-passage of rhein is
5.3 Preclinical safety data
Well-established use
Traditional use
There are no studies on single dose toxicity, on
repeated dose toxicity, on reproductive toxicity or
on carcinogenicity.
Experimental data, mainly in vitro tests showed a
genotoxic risk of several anthranoids in the
Salmonella microsome assay, emodin,
chrysophanol and physcion were weakly
mutagenic. No mutagenic effects were observed in
the V79-HGPRT mutation assay and in the
unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay for
chrysophanol and physcion. Emodin was highly
mutagenic in the V79-HGPRT mutation assay. In
the UDS assay emodin was a string inducer of
Not required as per Article 16c(1)(a)(iii) of
Directive 2001/83/EC as amended, unless
necessary for the safe use of the product.
© EMEA 2007
UDS in primary hepatocytes. Emodin was also
tested with respect to its transforming activity in
C3H/M2 mouse fibroblasts in vitro . In the in vitro
salmonella/microsome mutagen test and the
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) repair test of
primary rat hepatocytes emodin and frangulin, an
alcoholic extract of “Rhamnus frangula”, and a
commercial frangula bark preparation showed a
dose-dependent increase in the mutation rate or the
induction of DNA repair.
However, in vivo studies of other anthranoid-
containing herbal substance (senna) in rat
hepatocytes (chromosome aberration test, mouse
spot test, in vivo / in vitro UDS (unscheduled DNA
synthesis) showed no evidence of any genetic
Further 2-year studies on male and female rats and
mice with emodin gave no evidence of
carcinogenic activity for male rats and female
mice, and equivocal evidence for female rats and
male mice.
Laxative use as a risk factor in colorectal cancer
(CRC) was investigated in some clinical trials.
Some studies revealed a risk for CRC associated
with the use of anthraquinone-containing
laxatives, some studies did not. However, a risk
was also revealed for constipation itself and
underlying dietary habits. Further investigations
are needed to assess the carcinogenic risk
Well-established use
Traditional use
Not applicable.
26 October 2006
© EMEA 2007

Assessment Report
I. Introduction
II. Clinical Pharacology
II.1 Pharacokinetics
II.1.1 Phytochemical characterisation
II.1.2 Absorption, metabolism and excretion
II.2 Pharacodynaics
II.2.1 Mode of action
Laxative effect
Other effects
II.2.2 Interactions
III. Clinical Efficacy
III.1 Dosage
III.2 Clinical studies
III.2.1 Constipation
III.2.2 Other studies
III.3 Clinical studies in special populations
III.3.1 Use in children
III.3.2 Use during pregnancy and lactation
III.4 Traditional use
IV. Safety
IV.1 Genotoxic and carcinogenic risk
IV.1.1 Preclinical Data
IV.1.3 Conclusion
IV.2 Toxicity
IV.3 Contraindications
IV.4 Special warnings and precautions for use
IV.5 Undesirable effects
IV.6 Interactions
IV.7 Overdose
V. Overall conclusion
Community herbal monograph
©EMEA 2007
III.2.3 Conclusion
IV.1.2 Clinical Data
This assessment report reviews the scientific data available on frangula bark ( Rhamnus frangula L.
( Frangula alnus Miller)), primarily the clinical data. The core-SPC for Frangulae cortex established
in 1994 by the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) the German monograph of the
Commission E “Frangulae cortex” (1) and the German pharmacovigilance actions for anthranoid-
containing laxatives of 21 June 1996 (2) were taken into consideration. Due to the lack of specific
clinical data, results of investigations in animals are also referred to. The report also takes into account
the literature presented by the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) to support
the monograph “Frangulae cortex (Frangula bark)” (ESCOP Monographs, second edition 2003) (3).
Constipation is a common complaint in 1 – 6% of the middle-aged population and 20 – 80 % of the
elderly people, and may be treated by laxatives. Constipation also tends to be more prevalent among
women. Functional constipation is the most common type without any specific aetiology (4). The most
commonly used laxatives are either stimulant preparations (containing anthracenic derivatives),
lubricant laxatives (e.g. mineral oils) or bulk forming agents.
Frangula preparations of the dried bark belong to the stimulant laxatives containing
hydroxyanthracene derivatives. According to the CPMP core-SPC, they are intended “for short-term
use in cases of occasional constipation”. This indication is substantiated by empirical data derived
from research into the constituents of frangula bark and their pharmacology and those of other
anthranoid-containing herbal substances. There are only limited clinical data available.
Frangula preparations have to be regarded as herbal medicinal products with a “well-established
medicinal use” in this indication with respect to the application of Directive 2001/83/EC of the
Parliament and of the Council on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use as
Anthraquinone laxatives such as aloe and senna preparations share a tricyclic anthracene nucleus
modified with hydroxyl, methyl, or carboxyl groups to form monoanthrones (54). This report on the
assessment of frangula bark therefore refers also to the assessment report on senna leaves and fruits
and to the assessment report on aloe.
II.1.1 Phytochemical characterisation
Frangula bark consists of the dried, whole or fragmented bark of the stems and branches of Rhamnus
frangula L. ( Frangula alnus Miller). It contains not less than 7.0 per cent of glucofrangulins,
expressed as glucofrangulin A (C 27 H 30 O 14 ; M r 578.5) and calculated with reference to the dried herbal
substance. The material complies with the European Pharmacopoeia monograph “Frangula bark” (ref.
The constituents with known therapeutic activity of frangula bark are emodin-di- and mono-glycosides
viz . the diglycosides glucofrangulin A (emodin-6-0-α-L-rhamnosyl-8-0-β-D-glucoside) and
glucofrangulin B (emodin-6-0-β-D-apiosyl-8-0-β-D-glucoside) and the monoglycosides frangulins A,
B, C (emodin-6-0-α-L-rhamnoside, emodin-6-0-β-D-apioside, emodin-6-0-β-D-xyloside) and emodin-
The herbal substance also contains small quantities of other anthraquinone glycosides, dianthrones and
the aglycones emodin and emodin-9-anthrone (3).
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Lemli J 1965 (5) confirmed the presence of chrysophanol, emodin and emodin dianthrone in the fresh
bark of Rhamnus frangula . In addition he identified the heterodianthrone palmidin C. In the fresh bark,
the glucofrangulins are available in reduced form, in the stored bark in oxidised form. With this
oxidisation a saccharolytic process occurs and the stored bark therefore contains a higher amount of
frangulin and frangulin-emodin.
The anthrone O-glycosides (reduced form) are supposedly responsible for serious side effects seen in
the stomach after oral administration (6). Therefore, the bark should not be used before at least 1 year,
so that oxidation of the anthrones can take place.
II.1.2 Absorption, metabolism and excretion
We refer to the assessment report on “ Cassia senna L. et Cassa angustiolia Vahl, folium”.
Glucofrangulin A and B are the main constituents of frangula bark with known therapeutic activity,
and they belong to the anthraquinone O-glycosides. For glucofrangulin, Longo R 1980 (7) has shown
that the aglyka moieties are set free in the gut through bacterial β-glycosidases. Mainly anthraquinones
aglyka are absorbed.
In comparison to anthrones, anthraquinones are absorbed to a much larger extent (8). This was shown
in studies with [ 14 C]rhein anthraquinone and [ 14 C] emodin. Rhein anthraquinone was absorbed to at
least 37% of the injected dose after intracecal administration and to 50 – 60 % of an oral dose in rats.
[ 14 C] emodin showed the same absorption. The author explains the great difference between rhein
anthraquinone and rhein anthrone in terms of chemical stability and reactivity. Rhein anthraquinone
does not react with unabsorbable substances present in the intestinal mass and is not degraded to
polyphenols. The amount of time which rhein anthrone spends in the intestinal tract is more limited
than for rhein anthraquinone. The absorption of rhein anthraquinone is slowly limited by the
continuous bacterial reduction. After absorption, the aglyka are distributed over the different organs
and tissues of the body. Exact data are missing. The aglyka are excreted in urine (causing the yellow
or redbrown discolouration of the urine) and bile as glucuronides and sulphates. With three substances
(rhein anthrone, rhein and emodin) a fast body clearance was shown.
After oral administration of 600 mg or 400 mg of a powdered frangula extract in 2 volunteers, rhein,
emodin and traces of chrysophanol were found in human urine (67).
Frangula bark acts within 8 to 12 hours due to the time taken for transport to the colon and
metabolisation into the active compounds (3).
We also refer to the assessment report on “ Cassia senna L. and Cassa angustiolia Vahl, folium” and
to the assessment report on “ Aloe barbadensis Miller and Aloe (various species, mainly Aloe ferox
Miller and its hybrids)”.
II.2.1 Mode of action
Laxative effect
Constipation is said to be present when passed stools are of hard consistency and when evacuation of
faeces is too difficult, too infrequent and irregular. The physiological range for frequency of bowel
movements is wide, extending from defaecation three times daily to once every 2 to 3 days. In the
pathogenesis of constipation the colon plays a key role because this is where the contents of the gut
remain for 24 – 48 hours. During this period the liquid contents from the small intestine are converted
into faeces by absorption of water and electrolytes in response to the action of bacteria. These
functions are dependent on the interplay of peristaltic processes, which mix the contents and the
normal coordination of the anorectal muscles during defaecation. A disturbance involving any of these
individual areas may lead to constipation. In this context, functional disturbances are far more
common than those of an organic origin. In addition, assessment is problematic because the symptoms
©EMEA 2007
are perceived differently by the individuals affected (9, 10), due to different concepts of what normal
bowel habits are.
Frangula bark belongs to the stimulant laxatives. Emodin-9-anthrone is the most important metabolite,
which is produced by the bacteria of the large intestine. The mode of action is based on two
mechanisms. Firstly, colonic motility is increased leading to a reduced transit time. Secondly, an
influence on secretion processes by two concomitant mechanisms, namely inhibition of absorption of
water and electrolytes (Na + , Cl - ) into the colonic epithelial cells (antiabsorptive effect) and increase of
the leakiness of the tight junctions and stimulation of secretion of water and electrolytes into the lumen
of the colon (secretagogue effect), results in enhanced concentrations of fluid and electrolytes in the
lumen of the colon.
These findings are based on investigations with different anthrones deriving also from other
anthranoid-containing herbal substances, but the results of these investigations are not always
consistent (see the assessment report on C assia senna L. et Cassia angustifolia Vahl, folium”).
Results of investigations of Capasso F et al. 1983 (55) in rat isolated colon suggest that the laxative
properties of aloin and 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone may depend, at least in part, on increased
prostaglandin synthesis by the intestinal tissue.
Frangula bark predominantly contains the anthranoids as anthraquinones. Therefore it is supposed that
the influence of frangula bark on fluid absorption and on secretion processes is lower than the
influence of other anthranoid-containing herbal substances. Data of a direct clinical comparison of the
effects are missing (8).
Cressari A et al. 1966 (11) investigated different constituents of the frangula bark to evaluate the
laxative effect in comparison to a standard senna leaves extract (amount of anthranoids not mentioned)
in mice. Glucofrangulin and frangulin only showed a laxative effect after oral administration. This
effect was nearly 4 to 5 times stronger than the effect of the senna extract. The effect of emodin was
comparable with the effect of the senna extract. Physcion and chrysophanol had no noteworthy effect.
The administration of a methanolic extract of frangula bark (17.5 % anthranoid glycosides calculated
as 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinon-glycoside) in mice resulted in a dose dependent decrease of the
intestinal transit time. After oral administration of 50 mg/kg body weight defaecation after 4 h took
place in 20 % of the mice, after oral administration of 100 mg/kg body weight in 40 %. The ED 50 was
mentioned with 121.5 mg/kg body weight (12, 13).
A methanolic extract of frangula bark (23 % glucofrangulin, 2 % frangulin, 0.5 % aglyka) had a
laxative effect in mice with a weight of 20 g after oral administration. The ED 50 was 3.66 mg/20 g
body weight. The ED 50 of another frangula extract with 25 % glucofrangulin, 1.5 % frangulin and 0.5
% aglyka was 2.45 mg; the ED 50 of pure glucofrangulin A was 7.97 mg, of pure frangulin A 2.37 mg
and of pure emodin 4.67 mg /20 g body weight (7).
The administration of an aqueous suspension of 0.6 g pulverised bark (12 mg anthranoids
(glucofrangulin and frangulin) had a laxative effect in humans after 6 to 24 h (12, 14).
Other effects
¾ Antifungal effect
An alcoholic extract of frangula bark (500 mg dried bark) completely prevented the germination of
spores from Aspergillus fumigatus , Penicillium digitatum and Fusarium oxysporum in the agar
dilution test (15).
Manojlovic NT et al. 2005 (23) reported the results of a preliminary antifungal screening of the
methanol extracts and the major anthraquinone aglyka, alizarin (1,2-dihydroxyanthracene) and emodin
(1,8-dihydroxyanthracene), of Rubia tinctorum and Rhamnus frangula in comparison with the
©EMEA 2007
antifungal activity of the anthraquinone-containing lichen Caloplaca cerina and its main secondary
metabolite parietin. The methanol extracts were significantly active against the fungi tested:
Trichoderma viride , Doratomyces stemonitis , Aspergillus niger , Penicillium verrucosum , Alternaria
alternata , Aueobasidium pullulans , Mucor mucedo . All three extracts contain anthraquinone
derivatives as major secondary metabolites. However, the major isolated anthraquinone aglyka from
Rubia tinctorum (alizarin), from Rhamnus frangula (emodin) and from Caloplaca cerina (parietin)
were less active against fungi than the corresponding extracts. The Rhamnus frangula extract and
emodin showed an inhibition as follows: Trichoderma viride 63% and 31% respectively; Doratomyces
stemonitis 45% and 41%; Aspergillus niger 41% and 41%; Penicillium verrucosum 25% and18%;
Alternaria alternata 39% and 56%; Aueobasidium pullulans 46% and 41%; Mucor mucedo 68% and
¾ Antiviral effect
Sydiskis RJ et al. 1991 (16) tested the virucidal effects of hot glycerine extracts from Rheum
officinale, Aloe barbadensis, Rhamnus frangula, Rhamnus purshianus , and Cassia angustifolia against
herpes simplex virus type 1. All the plant extract inactivated the virus. The active components in these
plants were separated by thin-layer chromatography and identified as anthraquinones. Anthraquinone-
glycosides should be ineffective. The extract of Rhamnus frangula was completely virucidal after 15
min incubation with herpes simplex virus type 1. The ID 50 was 0.35µg/mL whilst 0.75µg/ml inhibited
the replication to an amount of 90%. A 90% higher concentration was not cytotoxic against WI-38-
cells and renal cells of monkeys. A purified sample of aloe emodin was prepared from aloin, and its
effects on the infectivity of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2, varicella-zoster virus, pseudorabies
virus, influenza virus, adenovirus, and rhinovirus were tested by mixing virus with dilutions of aloe
emodin for 15 min at 37˚C, immediately diluting the sample, and assaying the amount of infectious
virus remaining in the sample. The results showed that aloe emodin inactivated all of the viruses tested
except adenovirus and rhinovirus. Electron microscopic examination of anthraquinone-treated herpes
simplex virus demonstrated that the envelopes were partially disrupted. These results showed that
anthraquinones extracted from a variety of plants are directly virucidal to enveloped viruses.
¾ Antibacterial effect
Wang HH and Chung JG 1997 (61) reported on studies, which were conducted to examine the dose
effects of emodin on inhibition of growth versus DNA damage events in Helicobacter pylori from
patients who had peptic ulcer disease. Inhibition of growth study from H. pylori demonstrated that
emodin caused a dose-dependent growth inhibition in H. pylori cultures. S1 nuclease sensitivity
analysis studies revealed that emodin induced dose-dependent DNA damage in H. pylori . The authors
concluded that these results suggest that there was a possible relationship between the dose response to
emodin and the inhibition of growth and DNA damage in H. pylori .
¾ Effect on platelet aggregation
Teng CM et al. 1993 (17) isolated emodin and frangulin B from the plant Rhamnus formosana .
Emodin inhibited the aggregation of rabbit platelets induced by arachidonic acid and collagen, without
affecting that by ADP (adenosine diphosphat) or PAF (platelet-activating factor), while emodin
acetate had no antiplatelet effect. Frangulin B inhibited selectively and concentration-dependently
collagen-induced aggregation and ATP release in rabbit platelets, without affecting those induced by
arachidonic acid, ADP, PAF and thrombin. Frangulin B also inhibited the platelet aggregation induced
by trimucytin which was reported to be a collagen receptor agonist isolated from Trimeresurus
muscrosquamatus snake venom. The aggregability of platelets inhibited by frangulin B could be
recovered after washing the platelets. Frangulin B also selectively suppressed the thromboxane B2
formation caused by collagen, but not those by arachidonic acid and thrombin. Similarly, the
formation of inositol phosphate caused by collagen was also suppressed by frangulin B, while that of
PAF or thrombin was not affected. In the presence of PGE 1 , frangulin B also decreased Mg(2+)-
dependent platelet adhesion to collagen. The authors concluded that frangulin B may be an antagonist
of collagen receptor in platelet membrane.
©EMEA 2007
¾ Anti-inflammatory effect
Wei BL et al. 2001 (18) assessed in vitro the anti-inflammatory activities of the isolated
anthraquinone, frangulin B, of Rhamnus formosana by determining its inhibitory effects on the
chemical mediators released from mast cells, neutrophils, macrophages, and microglial cells.
Frangulin B showed potent inhibitory effects on TNF-alpha formation in LPS/IFN-gamma (interferon-
gamma)-stimulated murine microglial cell lines N9.
¾ Anticancer effect
Zhang L et al. 1995 (62 and 63) reported on results, obtained with human breast cancer MDA-MB453
cells, which indicated that emodin inhibits HER-2/neu tyrosine kinase activity and preferentially
suppresses growth and induces differentiation of HER-2/neu -overexpressing cancer cells. The HER-
2/neu proto-oncogene encodes the tyrosine kinase receptor p185neu. Amplification and
overexpression of the gene have frequently been observed in human breast cancer and are correlated
with poor prognosis. The authors concluded that the results may have chemotherapeutic implications
for using emodin to target HER-2/neu overexpressing cancer cells.
Zhang L and Hung MC 1996 (64) also investigated the effect of emodin in human non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC) cells in which overexpression of the HER-2/neu proto-oncogene has been also
observed. Emodin decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of HER-2/neu and preferentially suppressed
proliferation of HER-2/neu -overexpressing NSCLC cells. Furthermore, the combination of emodin
with cisplatin, doxorubicin or etoposide (VP16) synergistically inhibited the proliferation of HER-
2/neu -overexpressing lung cancer cells, whereas low doses of emodin, cisplatin, doxorubicin or VP16
alone had only minimal antiproliferative effects on these cells.
Zhang L et al. 1999 (65) examined whether emodin can inhibit the growth of HER-2/neu -
overexpressing tumours in mice and whether emodin can sensitize these tumours to paclitaxel, a
commonly used chemotherapeutic agent for breast cancer patients. Special human breast cancer cells
were injected s.c. into the flanks of female nu/nu (athymic) mice. Three weeks later, when the solid
tumours were palpable, the mice were given either placebo, emodin (40 mg/kg bw), paclitaxel (10
mg/kg bw), or emodin plus paclitaxel by i.p. injection twice a week for 8 weeks. The authors reported
that emodin enhanced the effects of paclitaxel on growth and transformation of HER-2/neu -
overexpressing human breast cancer cells and significantly inhibited tumour growth and prolonged
survival of these mice.
Fenig E et al. 2004 (66) conducted a study to determinate if members of the anthraquinone family
could be used as adjuncts to increase the growth inhibiting effect of anticancer agents in Merkel cell
carcinoma (MCC). An adherent variant of MCC was derived from a previously established MCC cell
line suspension. Emodin and aloe-emodin inhibited proliferation of the adherent MCC cells, with a
slight advantage of aloe-emodin over emodin. Aloin had no effect on cell proliferation. The
chemotherapeutic agents, cis-platinol (abiplastin), doxorubicin (adriablastin), and 5-fluorouracil, and
the tyrosine kinase inhibitor STI 571, all independently inhibited the proliferation of adherent MCC
cells. The addition of aloe-emodin potentiated their inhibitory effect, especially when low
concentrations of the anticancer compounds were used. The addition of emodin was not investigated.
II.2.2 Interactions
Chronic use or abuse of frangula preparations may lead to hypokalaemia like the abuse of all
anthranoid-containing laxatives. This hypokalaemia and the increased loss of potassium may increase
the activity of cardiac glycosides and interfere with the action of antiarrythmic agents (interaction with
antiarrhythmic medicinal products, which induce reversion to sinus rhythm, e.g. quinidine) and
medicinal products inducing QT-prolongation (68). Concomitant use with medicinal products
inducing hypokalaemia (e.g. diuretics, adrenocorticosteroids and liquorice root) may aggravate
electrolyte imbalance.
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The above-mentioned investigations of Teng CM et al. 1993 (17) showed an antagonistic effect of
frangulin B to collagen receptor in platelet membrane. This effect resulted in an inhibition of the
platelet aggregation. Clinical studies in humans are not available. It is unknown whether these
investigations have relevance for the concomitant use with other medicinal products, which inhibit the
thrombocyte aggregation. Until now, data are too poor to give special information on such
concomitant use in the HMPC monograph.
Clinical Efficacy
There are no dose-finding studies available.
The recommended dosage as a laxative for adults, elderly and adolescents over 12 years (20 – 30 mg
hydroxyanthracene derivatives only once daily at night) is supported by experts’ opinions and by
clinical investigations with other anthranoid-containing laxatives like senna preparations. We refer to
the assessment report on “ Cassia senna L. et Cassa angustiolia Vahl, folium”.
The German Commission E monograph “Frangulae cortex” (1) indicates a daily dose of 20 – 30 mg
hydroxyanthracene derivatives calculated as glucofrangulin A, but it recommends that the
pharmaceutical form must allow lower dosages than the usual daily dose.
The ESCOP monograph “Frangulae cortex” (3) also recommends 20 – 30 mg hydroxyanthracene
derivates daily.
The recommendation in the pharmacovigilance actions taken in Germany in 1996 for anthranoid-
containing laxatives after consideration of the toxicological data (2) only determines a daily maximum
limit of 30 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives.
Through the individual product information (especially the package leaflet), patients should be
informed that the correct individual dose is the smallest required to produce a comfortable soft-formed
motion. It is therefore preferable to recommend a larger range of 10 – 30 mg hydroxyanthracene
derivatives daily.
It is normally sufficient to take an anthranoid-containing laxative up to two to three times a week (69).
Clinical studies
III.2.1 Constipation
The only available clinical investigations of frangula bark evaluate its efficacy in combination
preparations. There are no controlled clinical studies available.
Fotiades P et al. 1976 (19) investigated the efficacy of Laxariston® in the treatment of constipation; 3
g of this preparation contain 0.9 g methyl cellulose, 0.3 g frangula bark (13.5 mg hydroxyanthracene
derivatives), 0.3 g senna leaves (7.5 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives), 0.15 g rhubarb root (6.75 mg
hydroxyanthracene derivatives) and 0.015 g achillea extract. Laxariston® was given to 61 inpatients
with mainly arthritic illness (3 g daily for 26.1 days on average) and to 33 outpatients mainly after
abdominal surgery (7.6 g daily for 88.9 days). 31 patients of the whole study population had acute
complaints, 20 patients suffered from chronic constipation and 41 patients from “functional”
constipation. Special complaints are not mentioned in the publication. The time until disappearance of
complaints was evaluated as follows: 0 – 2 days: very good efficacy; 3 – 14 days: good efficacy; 15 –
28 days: satisfactory efficacy; more than 28 days: insufficient efficacy. Laxariston® had a very good
efficacy in 71 patients (77.2%), a good efficacy in 19 patients (20.7%) and a satisfactory efficacy in 2
patients (2.1%). In the group with acute complaints, the efficacy was very good in 77.4% and good in
22.6%. In the group with chronic complaints, the efficacy was very good in 35%, good in 55% and
satisfactory in 10 %. In the group with functional complaints, the efficacy was very good in 97.6% and
good in 2.4%. The tolerance of the preparation was good in all these patients. The efficacy in 2
patients was not evaluated because these patients developed abdominal pain.
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Bauer H 1977 (20) administered Laxariston® (specification defined above) to 73 patients with
gynaecological diseases and to 95 pregnant women suffering from constipation. Special complaints
are not mentioned in the publication.
The first group consisted of 30 patients who underwent a laparotomy in the past, of whom 15 patients
additionally took oestrogens, 6 patients with conservative gynaecological diseases and under
oestrogenic treatment, 7 patients who took oestrogens and other medicinal products, which influence
the intestine motility, 13 patients with pathological-anatomic alteration in the pelvis minor, and 7
patients with constipation not caused by the gynaecological diseases. On average, the women took this
medicinal product for 47.2 days and the complaints disappeared in 5.3 days with a daily dose of 5.3 g.
The time until disappearance of constipation complaints was assessed as follows: 0-3 days: very good
efficacy; 4-5 days: good efficacy; 6-7 days: satisfactory efficacy; >7 days: insufficient efficacy.
Efficacy was very good in 41 patients, good in 20 patients and satisfactory in 11 patients. One patient
dropped out (reason not given). Six patients (8.2%) complained about adverse reactions (spasms,
tenesmus, and nausea) whilst 21 patients (28.8%) reported about positive reactions like weight
reduction, decrease of haemorrhoidal complaints, and decrease of flatulence.
In the second group, 14 pregnant women were in the first trimester, 15 in the second one, and 66
women in the third trimester. On average Laxariston® was administered for 61.4 days and the
complaints disappeared in 3.9 days with a daily dose of 3.9 g. Efficacy was very good in 55 patients,
good in 31 patients, satisfactory in 7 patients and insufficient in 2 patients. This result was not
analysed with regard to the different trimesters. Four patients (4.2%) complained about adverse
reactions whilst 29 patients (30.5%) reported about positive reactions.
Twelve women in the second group were gynaecologically treated because of a threatening abortion.
One of these women only miscarried. There is no information about the state of the new-borns.
It is worth noting that 3 g of Laxariston® contain 27.75 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives, of which
nearly 50% derive from frangula bark. A contribution to the efficacy of Laxariston® by frangula bark
is therefore supposable. However, Laxariston® also contains the bulk forming agent methyl cellulose,
which also has a laxative effect.
III.2.2 Other studies
Feldman H et al. 1971 (25) conducted a double-blind trial to evaluate Caved-S tablets in 47 patients
with active duodenal ulcer. Caved-S tablets contained 380 mg deglycyrrhizinated powdered block
liquorice, 100 mg bismuth subnitrate, 100 mg aluminium hydroxide gel, 200 mg magnesium
carbonate, 100 mg sodium bicarbonate and 30 mg powdered frangula bark. The content of
hydroxyanthracene derivatives is not mentioned. Patients received 2 tablets 3 times daily after meals
for 30 days. Tablets were chewed before swallowing. A placebo was administered to 24 patients and
23 patients received Caved-S tablets. Clinical results were similar in both groups. No advantages of
Caved-S over placebo were found. No side effects were observed.
Gracza L et al. 1977 (21) described therapeutic results following the use of Bilicura® in 61
outpatients (22 male, 39 female, 21 – 83 years old) with diseases of the hepatocholegastroenteral
system, and of Spasmo-Bilicura® in 73 outpatients (18 male, 55 female, 28 – 78 years old).
The composition of one coated tablet Bilicura® was the following: 30mg Extr. Kava-Kava sicc. e
rhiz., 40 mg Extr. Cynarae scol. sicc. e fol. recent., 50 mg Extr. Cardui Mariae sicc. e fruct., 20 mg
Extr. Aloes, 20 mg Extr. Frangulae sicc. e cort., 30 mg Fel tauri, 5 mg Oleum Menthae pip., and 0.5
mg guajazulene. The content of hydroxyanthracene derivatives was not mentioned. On average the
patients took 1 – 2 coated tablets three times daily for 2 weeks. The complaints disappeared in 11
patients, considerably decreased in 20 patients, decreased in 18 patients, and remained unchanged in 4
patients. Two patients discontinued because of diarrhoea, and in 6 cases, there were no data available.
A positive efficacy was reported by 80.3 % of the practitioners, and a negative efficacy by 9.9 %.
Adverse reactions occurred in 8 patients, with 6 reports of diarrhoea and 2 reports of headache. The
tolerance was assessed by 12 patients as ‘excellent’, by 45 as ‘good’.
The composition of one coated tablet Spasmo-Bilicura® was the following: 30mg Extr. Kava-Kava
sicc. e rhiz., 40 mg Extr. Cynarae scol. sicc. e fol. recent., 50 mg Extr. Cardui Mariae sicc. e fruct., 10
mg Extr. Aloes, 10 mg Extr. Frangulae sicc. e cort. c. Meth. parat., 30 mg Fel tauri, 5 mg Oleum
Menthae pip., 0.5 mg guajazulene, 0.5 mg L-scopolamine-N-methylbromide, and 10 mg Ethaverin-
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hydrochloride. The content of hydroxyanthracene derivatives was not mentioned. On average the
patients took 1 – 2 coated tablets three times daily for 2 weeks. The complaints disappeared in 23
patients, considerably improved in 30 patients, improved in 9 patients, and remained unchanged in 2
patients. Two patients discontinued because of diarrhoea. Seventeen patients reported immediate
analgesia and 45 patients after 3.2 day on average. In 11 cases there were no data available. A positive
efficacy was reported by 85 % of the practitioners, and a negative efficacy by 5.4 %. Adverse
reactions occurred in 6 patients, with 4 reports of diarrhoea, 1 report of stomach ache and 1 report of
xerostomia. The tolerance was assessed by 9 patients as ‘excellent’, by 22 as ‘good’. No data were
available for 42 patients.
The contribution of each constituent of the preparation cannot be assessed by this investigation. Data
on the amount of hydroxyanthracene derivatives were lacking. The investigated population did not
suffer from constipation.
Arndt EM 1982 (22) observed the effectiveness of the product Cefakliman® when taken orally
during climacteric deficiency symptoms, over a period of one to four months, in four groups of
patients: 1) women in preclimacteric stage; 2) women in the climacterium after prior hormonal
therapy; 3) women in the climacterium without prior hormone therapy; and 4) women in the post
menopause. In each case, 15 patients from these four groups were treated with Cefakliman® drops,
and after the observation period were asked about the subjective improvement of their complaints.
Cefakliman® is a combination preparation containing 5 g Ferrum phosphoricum D8, 1 g Lachesis D6,
10 mg Kalium phosphoricum UT, 1 g Aqua silicata, 7.5 g extract of alchemilla and 12.5 g extract of
frangula bark. The best results were obtained with women in the post menopause with lighter
deficiency symptoms (group 4). Nine women described the treatment success as ‘very good’, 4 women
as ‘good’ and 2 women as ‘satisfactory to adequate’. The success with women in the climacterium
without prior hormonal therapy (group 3) was almost the same. Here 8 women replied with ‘very
good’, 5 women with ‘good’ and 2 women with ‘satisfactory to adequate’. None of the patients from
both these groups assessed the therapeutic success as being ‘inadequate’. The results with women in
the preclimacteric stage (group 1) were almost as good. Eight women were very satisfied, 4 women
described the improvement in their complaints as ‘good’, and 3 women as ‘adequate’. The lowest
therapeutic success was obtained with group 2. No improvement was reported by 6 women, ‘adequate
to satisfactory’ improvement was reported also by 6 women, and only 3 women assessed the
therapeutic success with ‘good’.
III.2.3 Conclusion
There are no recent clinical investigations available, which evaluate frangula bark alone i.e. not in
combination with other laxatives, in a representative study population. Two non-controlled
investigations of the seventies assessed the efficacy of a combination preparation in patients with
constipation; 3 g of this preparation contain 27.75 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives, of which nearly
50% derive from frangula bark, and 0.9 g of the bulk forming agent methyl cellulose. The daily dose
was 3 to 7.6 g on average. A contribution of frangula bark to the efficacy of the investigated product is
The postulated laxative effect of frangula bark is mainly based on pharmacological data, experts’
opinions (CPMP core-SPC, German Commission E monograph, ESCOP monograph) and clinical
experiences. Clinical and pharmacological data obtained on other anthranoid-containing laxatives
(please refer to the assessment report on “ Cassia senna L. and Cassa angustiolia Vahl, folium”) and
the 2 above-mentioned non-controlled investigations with Laxariston® support the efficacy of this
anthranoid-containing herbal substance for short-term use in cases of occasional constipation.
The investigations concerning effectsother than the laxative effect are insufficient to support further
indications. The other effects mentioned in chapter II.2.1 have indeed only been investigated in
experimental studies. Adequate clinical trials are not available.
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Clinical studies in special populations
III.3.1 Use in children
First of all change of nutrition is recommended in constipated children with an increase in daily fibre
intake. According to the recommendations from a conference on dietary fibre in childhood, children
older than 2 years of age should increase their intake of dietary fibre (increased consumption of a
variety of fruits, vegetables, cereal and other grain products) to an amount equal or greater than their
age plus 5 g (e.g. 8 g/day at age 3) (24). Change in nutrition should be accompanied with behaviour
modification, e.g. increased physical exercise.
There are no available systematic clinical data, which evaluate the use of frangula bark as a laxative in
According to the ESCOP monograph, the use in children under 10 years of age cannot be
According to the “Note for guidance on clinical investigation of medicinal products in the paediatric
population” (CPMP/ICH/2711/99) of 27 July 2000, the age limit between ‘children’ and ‘adolescents’
is set to 12 years of age.
III.3.2 Use during pregnancy and lactation
There are no recent investigations available.
As reported above (20), 95 pregnant women suffering from constipation were treated with a
combination preparation containing frangula bark. Most of them were in the third trimester. Twelve
women were gynaecologically treated because of a threatening abortion. Only one of these women
miscarried. No information about the state of the new-borns was given in the publication.
In theory, it is possible that reflex stimulation might occur, involving not only the colon but also
uterine muscles and then might lead to the development of hyperaemia in the pelvic region and to
miscarriage as a result of neuromuscular stimulation of uterine muscles. This explains why this herbal
substance had been misused as an abortifacient agent (12).
Animal experiments demonstrated that placental passage of rhein is small.
Bruggemann IM et al. (26) studied genotoxicity of emodin in the Salmonella/microsome assay, the
sisterchromatid exchange (SCE) assay and the hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase
(HGPRT) forward mutation assay with V79 Chinese hamster cells. In the Salmonella/microsome
assay, emodin was found to be positive in TA97, TA100 and TA1537 in the presence of liver
homogenate. In TA1537 a weak direct mutagenicity was also observed. In both mammalian test
systems, no genotoxicity was found either with or without metabolic activation.
Westendorf et al. 1990 (27) reported on the genotoxicity of several structurally related
hydroxyanthraquinones. Frangula bark contains chrysophanol and physcion, albeit in small amounts,
and emodin. In the Salmonella microsome assay, emodin, chrysophanol and physcion were weakly
mutagenic in strain TA1537 in the presence of S9 mix only. Chrysophanol was also weakly mutagenic
in strain T102 without and with exogenous metabolic activation for induction of mutagenicity. No
mutagenic effects were observed in the V79-HGPRT mutation assay and in the unscheduled DNA
synthesis (UDS) assay for chrysophanol and physcion. Emodin was highly mutagenic in the V79-
HGPRT mutation assay. In the UDS assay, emodin was a string inducer of UDS in primary
hepatocytes. Emodin was also tested with respect to its transforming activity in C3H/M2 mouse
fibroblasts in vitro . Emodin was clearly active in this assay.
Helmholz H et al. 1993 (28) investigated the mutagenic and genotoxic activities of the glycosides
emodin and frangulin, of an alcoholic extract of “ Rhamnus frangula ”, and of a commercial frangula
bark preparation Sanurtin N®, using the in vitro salmonella/microsome mutagen test and the
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) repair test of primary rat hepatocytes. The anthranoid content of 1 g of
the alcoholic extract was the following: 50.76 mg glucofrangulin, 86.84 mg frangulin, 30.88 mg
emodin, 10.3 mg physcion, and 14.32 mg chrysophanol. One coated tablet of Sanurtin N® contained
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8.28 mg glucofrangulin, 0.21 mg frangulin, <0.1 mg emodin, and physcion and chrysophanol only in
traces. The tests provided evidence of a dose-dependent increase in the mutation rate or the induction
of DNA repair, for the glycosides, the extract of the crude herbal substance and the commercial
preparation. The mutagenic potency was larger for emodin than for the alcoholic extract than for
frangulin than for Sanurtin N®. The authors concluded that phytotherapeuticals based on “ Rhamnus
frangula ” can cause genotoxic effects and are potential tumour promoters.
Mengs U et al. 1997 (59) investigated the potential of emodin to induce micronuclei in polychromatic
erythrocytes (PCEs). Mice of both genders received a single oral dose of 2,000 mg emodin/kg and
were killed 24 and 48 h later. Bone marrow cells were collected from 5 males and 5 females and 2,000
PCEs per animal were scored for the presence of micronuclei. There was no enhancement in the
frequency of micronuclei at both preparation intervals when compared to the negative controls. Blood
level examinations confirmed the systemic availability of emodin. Plasma levels of up to 190 µg
emodin/ml represented concentrations being in the concentration range that induced positive responses
in several genotoxicity cell culture assays.
Jahnke GD et al. 2004 (56) evaluated emodin for potential effects on pregnancy outcome. Emodin
was administered in feed to timed-mated Sprague-Dawley (CD) rats (0, 425, 850, and 1,700 ppm;
gestational day (GD) 6-20), and Swiss Albino (CD-1) mice (0, 600, 2,500 or 6,000 ppm; GD 6-17).
Ingested dose was 0, 31, 57, and ~80-144 mg emodin/kg/day (rats) and 0, 94, 391, and 1005 mg
emodin/kg/day (mice). Timed-mated animals (23-25/group) were monitored for body weight,
feed/water consumption, and clinical signs. At termination (rats: GD 20; mice: GD 17), confirmed
pregnant dams (21-25/group) were evaluated for clinical signs: body, liver, kidney, and gravid uterine
weights, uterine contents, and number of corpora lutea. Fetuses were weighed, sexed, and examined
for external, visceral, and skeletal malformations/variations. There were no maternal deaths. In rats,
maternal body weight, weight gain during treatment, and corrected weight exhibited a decreasing
trend. Maternal body weight gain during treatment was significantly reduced at the high dose. In mice,
maternal body weight and weight gain was decreased at the high dose. Prenatal mortality, live litter
size, fetal sex ratio, and morphological development were unaffected in both rats and mice. At the
high dose, rat average fetal body weight per litter was unaffected, but was significantly reduced in
The rat maternal lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) was 1,700 ppm; the no observed
adverse effect level (NOAEL) was 850 ppm. The rat developmental toxicity NOAEL was ≥ 1,700
ppm. A LOAEL was not established.
In mice, the maternal toxicity LOAEL was 6000 ppm and the NOAEL was 2,500 ppm. The
developmental toxicity LOAEL was 6,000 ppm (reduced fetal body weight) and the NOAEL was
2,500 ppm.
No in vivo study on reproductive toxicity of frangula bark or frangula bark preparations is available
Experimental data, mainly in vitro tests showed a genotoxic risk of several anthranoids (e.g. emodin,
chrysophanol, and physcion). However, in vivo studies of the crude senna herbal substance (please see
the assessment report on “ Cassia senna L. and Cassia angustifolia Vahl, folium”: Chromosome
Aberration Test, Mouse Spot Test, in vivo / in vitro UDS Test in rat hepatocytes ) showed no evidence
of any genetic effects ( Heidemann A et al. 1993 (29)). In vitro assays overestimate the potential
hazard from exposure and must be reevaluated by in vivo experiments.
The NOAELs for emodin defined by Jahnke GD are twice the decimal power and above the maximum
daily dose of hydroxyanthracene derivatives (30 mg).
However, data on frangula bark and its preparations are insufficient and results of available
investigations are not consistent. Use during pregnancy cannot therefore be recommended.
Furthermore, other actions like behavioural modification, dietary changes and use of bulk forming
agents should be the first actions taken during pregnancy to treat constipation.
©EMEA 2007
Use during lactation is not recommended as there are insufficient data on the excretion of metabolites
in breast milk. Investigations with a “standardised senna laxative” (Agiolax®), which also contains
Plantago ovata seeds/husks as bulk substances, showed that small amounts of active metabolites
(rhein) are excreted in breast milk. No laxative effect in breast fed babies has been reported (30).
III.4 Traditional use
Since the 14 th century frangula has been used as a medicinal plant. The dried bark has been mostly
used as a laxative. Because of its purgative properties, this herbal substance was also used for other
diseases like diseases of the liver, gallbladder and spleen, and for dropsy and scabies.
Madaus 1938 (31) describes that in 1556 Hieronymus Bock mentioned frangula bark in his
“Kreutterbuch” to cure scurf and affected teeth, but did not mention the laxative properties. He
indicates that, in his New-Kreuterbuch in 1626, Matthiolus compared the laxative effect of frangula
bark with the effect of rhubarb and that V. Haller in 1755 recommended the use for dropsy.
Furthermore Madaus mentionsd the use for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and spleen, for scabies
and as antihelminthic. Frangula bark was also an ingredient in teas used for purification of the blood.
The British Pharmaceutical Codex 1911 (32), the Dispensatory of the United States of America
1918 (33) and the Ecletic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1922 (34) mention
frangula bark as a purgative.
In his “Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology” Culbreth 1927 (35) mentions the use as a
purgative, tonic and diuretic. The effect resembles that of rhubarb and senna, although milder. Further
indications are dropsy, costiveness, constipation during pregnancy and, as an ointment of fresh bark,
for parasitic skin affection, itch etc.
Hager 1927 (36) refers to frangula bark as a ‘cheap and effective laxative’. Frangula bark is indicated
as also effective for complaints of haemorrhoids and for liver diseases, as a decoction often together
with sodium sulphate. Intoxication causes colics, and the fresh bark causes vomiting.
Thoms 1931 (37) also describes the use a mild effective laxative.
Fischer 1966 (38) mentions the use for constipation and all diseases, which can be associated with
constipation like liver damage, gallbladder complaints, but even headache and decrease of intellectual
power, dizziness, decrease of the ability to see and to concentrate, and heart palpitation.
Dragendorff 1967 (39) describes the emetic effect of fresh bark and the laxative effect of dried bark.
Additionally, there is a mention that the bark is externally used for scabies. He does not specify the
preparation used.
In Martindale 1967 (40) frangula bark is described as a mild purgative with properties similar to
those of cascara sagrada.
The use of frangula bark as a laxative is mentioned in nearly all above-mentioned references. Due to
its laxative properties, the herbal substance was also used as a detoxifier for the blood and other
viscera (liver, gallbladder and spleen). In former times such purification was often the first step to treat
a lot of diseases. Such a procedure is obsolete now. Furthermore there are no plausible
pharmacological data for the purification of the blood and other organs than the bowel.
Rarely the external use of the fresh bark is mentioned. The use in skin affections is surprising because
other anthranoid-containing herbal substances, e.g. senna leaves/pods, can cause skin irritations by
Furthermore the possible risks described in chapter IV have to be taken into account.
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None of the above-mentioned uses can therefore be accepted for frangula bark for inclusion in the
‘Community list of herbal substances, preparations and combinations thereof for use traditional herbal
medicinal products’.
Genotoxic and carcinogenic risk
IV.1.1 Preclinical Data
In vivo studies of frangula bark on single dose toxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity or
on carcinogenicity are not available (3).
As mentioned in chapter III.3 Clinical studies in special populations, toxicological data from in vitro
investigations indicate that several hydroxyanthraquinones might represent a genotoxic risk. However,
in vivo studies of anthranoid-containing herbal substances (senna) showed no evidence of any genetic
In 2001 the National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services published a technical report on toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of emodin (57).
¾ 16-day study in F344/N rats
Groups of 5 male and 5 female rats were fed diets containing 0, 600, 2000, 5,500, 17,000, or 50,000
ppm emodin. This corresponds in males to average daily doses of approximately 50, 170, 480, 1,400,
or 3,700 mg emodin/kg bw and in females to 50, 160, 460, 1,250, or 2,000 mg/kg bw. Three female
rats died before the end of the study. Mean body weights of males and females exposed to 5,500 ppm
or greater were significantly less than those of the controls. Feed consumption by males and females
receiving 17,000 or 50,000 ppm was decreased throughout the study. Macroscopic lesions were
present in the kidney of rats exposed to 17,000 or 50,000 ppm.
¾ 16-day study in B6C3F 1 mice
The size of the groups and the administered concentrations were the same as described above. The
concentrations correspond in males to average daily doses of approximately 120, 400, 1,200 or 3,800
mg/kg bw and in females to 140, 530, 1,600 or 5,000 mg/kg bw. 50,000 ppm equivalents were not
calculated due to high mortality. All mice exposed to 50,000 ppm died before the end of the study.
Mice in the 17,000 ppm groups lost weight during the study. Feed consumption by 5,500 ppm females
was greater than that by the controls throughout the study. Macroscopic lesions were present in the
gallbladder and kidney of mice exposed to 17,000 ppm.
¾ 14-week study in rats
Groups of 10 male and 10 female rats were fed diets with 0, 312.5, 625, 1,250, 2,500 or 5,000 ppm
emodin. This corresponds to average daily doses of approximately 20, 40, 80, 170, or 300 mg/kg bw in
males and females. Among others, relative kidney weights of rats exposed to 1,250 ppm or greater and
relative lung weights of rats exposed to 625 ppm or greater were significantly increased compared to
the control groups. Relative liver weights were increased in females exposed to 625 ppm or greater.
The estrous cycle length was significantly increased in females exposed to 1,250 or 5,000 ppm. All
male rats exposed to 1,250 ppm or greater and all exposed female rats had pigment in the renal
tubules; and the severity of pigmentation generally increased with increasing exposure concentration.
The incidences of hyaline droplets in the cortical epithelial cytoplasm were increased in all groups of
exposed males and in females exposed to 312.5, 625, or 1,250 ppm.
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¾ 14-week study in mice
The size of the groups and the administered concentrations were the same as described above. This
corresponds to average daily doses of approximately 50, 100, 190, 400, or 800 mg/kg in males and 60,
130, 240, 500, or 1,100 mg/kg in females. Relative kidney weights of male mice exposed to 1,250
ppm or greater, relative lung weights of males exposed to 625 ppm or greater, and relative liver
weights of female mice exposed to 625 ppm or greater were increased. The incidences and severities
of nephropathy were increased in males and females exposed to 1,250 ppm or greater. The incidences
of renal tubule pigmentation were significantly increased in males exposed to 1,250 ppm or greater.
¾ 2-year (105 weeks) study in rats
Groups of 65 male and 65 female rats were fed diets containing 0, 280, 830, or 2,500 ppm emodin
(equivalent to average daily doses of approximately 110, 320, or 1,000 mg/kg in males and 120, 370,
or 1,100 mg/kg in females).
Three Zymbal’s gland carcinomas were observed in female rats exposed to 2,500 ppm. This incidence
exceeded the range observed for current historical controls and was considered an equivocal finding.
At the 6- and 12-month interim evaluations and at 2 years, emodin-related increases in the incidences
of renal tubule hyaline droplets occurred in all exposed groups. The incidences of renal tubule
pigmentation were significantly increased of all exposed groups of males at 2 years. There were
negative trends in the incidences of mononuclear cell leukaemia in male and female rats, and the
incidences in the 2,500 ppm groups were significantly decreased. In females exposed to 2,500 ppm,
the incidence was below the historical control range; the incidence in males exposed to 2,500 ppm was
at the lower end of the historical control range.
¾ 2-year (105 weeks) study in mice
Groups of 60 male mice were fed diets containing 0, 160, 312, or 625 ppm emodin (equivalent to
average daily doses of approximately 15, 35, or 70 mg/kg). Groups of 60 female mice were fed diets
containing 0, 312, 625, or 1,250 ppm emodin (equivalent to average daily doses of approximately 30,
60, or 120 mg/kg). Low incidences of renal tubule adenoma and carcinoma occurred in exposed male
mice; these incidences included one carcinoma each in the 312 and 625 ppm groups. Renal tubule
neoplasms are rare in male mice, and their presence in these groups suggested a possible association
with emodin exposure. At the 12-month interim evaluation, the severity of nephropathy was slightly
increased in males exposed to 625 ppm. Also at 12 months, the severity of nephropathy increased from
minimal in the lower exposure groups to mild in females exposed to 1,250 ppm; the incidence in this
group was significantly increased compared to the control group. At 2 years, the severities of
nephropathy were slightly increased in males exposed to 625 ppm and females exposed to 1,250 ppm.
The incidences of nephropathy were significantly increased in all exposed groups of females. At the
12-month interim evaluation, the incidences of renal tubule pigmentation were significantly increased
in all exposed groups of males and in females exposed to 625 or 1,250 ppm. The severities increased
with increasing exposure concentration . At 2-years, the incidences of renal tubule pigmentation were
significantly increased in all exposed groups; severities also raised with increasing exposure
¾ Genetic toxicology
Emodin was mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium strain TA100 in the presence of S9 activation; no
mutagenicity was detected in strain TA98, with or without S9. Chromosomal aberrations were induced
in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells treated with emodin, with and without S9. Three separate in
vivo micronucleus tests were performed with emodin. A male rate bone marrow micronucleus test,
with emodin administered by 3 intraperitoneal injections, gave negative results. Results of acute-
exposure (intraperitoneal injection) micronucleus tests in bone marrow and peripheral blood
erythrocytes of male and female mice were negative. In a peripheral blood micronucleus test on mice
from the 14-week study, negative results were seen in male mice, but a weakly positive response was
observed in similarly exposed females.
©EMEA 2007
Conclusion by the “National Toxicology Program’s Board of Scientific Counselors’ Technical Reports
Review Subcommittee”:
The studies give no evidence of carcinogenic activity of emodin in male rats and female mice,
and equivocal evidence in female rats and male mice.
In view of conflicting results on genotoxicity, it was noted the first pass effect and need for
metabolic activation suggesting a metabolite as the genotoxic form. The metabolite 2-
hydroxyemodin acts as the genotoxin (60).
IV.1.2 Clinical Data
Siegers C-P et al. 1993 (41) reported about a retrospective study of 3,049 patients, who underwent
diagnostic colorectal endoscopy. The incidence of pseudomelanosis coli was 3.13% in patients without
pathological changes. In those with colorectal adenomas, the incidence increased to 8.64% (p<0.01),
and in those with colorectal carcinomas it was 3.29%. This lower rate was probably caused by
incomplete documentation of pseudomelanosis coli in those with carcinoma. In a prospective study of
1,095 patients, the incidence of pseudomelanosis coli was 6.9% in patients with no abnormality seen
on endoscopy, 9.8% (p=0.068) in patients with adenomas and 18.6% in patients with colorectal
carcinomas. From these data a relative risk of 3.04 (1.18, 4.9; 95% confidence interval) can be
calculated for colorectal cancer as a result of anthranoid laxative abuse if the pseudomelanosis coli in
patients with no abnormality is calculated with 1 %.
Kune GA et al. 1988 (42) and Kune GA 1993 (43) reported about the “Melbourne Colorectal Cancer
Study”. Commercial laxative use as a risk factor in colorectal cancer was investigated as one part of
this large population based epidemiological study of colorectal incidence, aetiology and survival.
Commercial laxative use was similar in 685 colorectal cancer patients and 723 age/sex matched
community based controls. Also, when laxatives were subdivided into various groups containing
anthraquinones, phenolphthalein, mineral salts and others, previous laxative intake was similar
between cases and controls. Previous use of anthraquinone laxatives and of phenolphthalein
containing laxatives was not associated with the risk of colorectal cancer. Furthermore the results of
this study suggest that chronic constipation, diarrhoea, and the frequency and consistency of bowel
motions are unlikely to be etiologic factors in the development of colorectal cancer. They indicate that
it is the diet and not the constipation that is associated with the risk of large-bowel cancer.
Additionally, a highly statistically significant association (p=0.02) with the risk of colorectal cancer
was found in those who reported constipation and also had a high fat intake.
In a retrospective study a cohort of 2,277 patients was defined by colonoscopy. Among other factors
Nusko G et al. 1993 (44) tested whether in these patients laxative use or the endoscopically diagnosed
presence of melanosis coli were risk factors related to colorectal neoplasm. In comparison to patients
taking no laxatives, there was no significant increase in colorectal cancer rate either in laxatives users
or in patients with melanosis coli. However, there was a statistically significant association between
the occurrence of colorectal adenomas and laxative use (relative risk of all patients exposed to
laxatives = 1.72; of patients exposed to laxatives without melanosis coli = 1.47). The relative risk of
adenoma development in patients with melanosis coli was 2.19. Taking into account that polyps can
be diagnosed in the dark mucosa of melanosis coli patients more easily, the authors concluded that
even this relative risk of 2.19 seems to be related to a generally enhanced risk of laxative intake rather
than to a special group of (anthranoid-containing) laxatives.
Sonnenberg A and Müller AD 1993 (45) performed a meta-analysis, since individual case control
studies have failed to resolve the question whether constipation and use of cathartics (purgatives)
represent significant risk factors of colorectal cancer. The analysis of 14 previously published (from
1954 to 1988) case control studies revealed statistically significant risks for colorectal cancer
associated with both constipation and use of cathartics, the pooled odds ratios (OR) and their 95
percent confidence intervals being 1.48 (1.32-1.66) and 1.46 (1.33-1.61), respectively. The increased
risk applied similarly to both sexes, it was higher in cancer of the colon than rectum. Since
constipation and cathartics are associated with much lower odds ratios than various dietary
©EMEA 2007
components, such as fat, meat, alcohol, and low-vegetable or low-residue diets, the authors concluded
that their risk reflects the confounding influence of underlying dietary habits.
Loew D et al. 1994 (46) conducted a comparative study involving 423 patients with colorectal
neoplasms and 522 patients with benign proctologic disorders who were regular users of laxatives for
bowel regulation. A pseudomelanosis coli (PMC) test was used as an indicator of exposure to
anthranoid-containing laxatives to determine if these preparations were potential colorectal
carcinogenics. Results indicated no significant difference of the PMC rates between carcinoma (6.1%)
and the control groups (4.2%) (p≤0.197).
Jacobs EJ et White E 1998 (70) examined the associations of colon cancer with constipation and use
of commercial laxatives in a case control study among men and women aged 30 - 62 years (424
incident cases and 414 random-digital-dial controls). Constipation was defined by “feeling constipated
to the point of having to take something”. The adjusted relative risk (RR) was 2.0 [95% confidence
interval (CI) = 1.2-3.6] for constipation 12-51 times per year, and 4.4 (95% CI = 2.1-8.9) for
constipation 52 or more times a year. Cumulative lifetime use of commercial laxatives was also
associated with increased risk of colon cancer. When adjusted for constipation, commercial laxative
use was no longer associated with increased risk (RR = 0.3, 95% CI = 0.1-0.9 for less than 350 uses;
RR = 0.9, 95% CI = 0.4-2.3 for 350 or more uses). The association with constipation remained. In this
study, no subject reported use of anthranoid-containing laxatives.
Nusko G et al. 2000 (47) performed a prospective case control study at the University of Erlangen to
investigate the risk of anthranoid-containing laxative use for the development of colorectal adenomas
or carcinomas. A total of 202 patients with newly diagnosed colorectal carcinomas, 114 patients with
adenomatous polyp, and 238 patients (controls) with no colorectal neoplasm who had been referred for
total colonoscopy were studied. The use of anthranoid preparations was assessed by standardised
interview, and endoscopically visible or microscopic melanosis coli was studied by histopathological
examination. There was no statistically significant risk of anthranoid use for the development of
colorectal adenomas (unadjusted odds ratio 1.0; 95% CI 0.5-1.9) or carcinomas (unadjusted odds ratio
1.0; 95% CI 0.6-1.8). Even after adjustment for the risk factors age, sex, and blood in the stools by
logistic regression analysis the odds ratio for adenomas was 0.84 (95% CI 0.4-1.7) and for carcinomas
0.93 (95% CI 0.5-1.7). Also, there were no differences between the patient and control groups for
duration of intake. Macroscopic and high grade microscopic melanosis coli were not significant risk
factors for the development of adenomas or carcinomas.
Willems M et al. 2003 (48) described a case of melanosis coli, which occurred in a 39-year old liver
transplant patient, who took an over-the-counter product containing aloe, rheum and frangula. The
typical brownish pigmentation of the colonic mucosa developed in a period of ten months. The
anthranoid medication was stopped and follow-up colonoscopy one year later showed normal looking
mucosa once more. However, in contrast to previous examinations, a sessile polypoid lesion was
found in the transverse colon. Histology showed tubulovillous adenoma with extensive low-grade
dysplasia. From a practical point of view, the authors discouraged the use of anthranoid-containing
laxatives, although they stated that “the role of the short-term use of the laxative in the development of
this patient’s adenoma is highly speculative” because he “clearly was at risk for developing colonic
neoplasm considering his long-standing ulcerative colitis in association with primary sclerosing
cholangitis and the use of immunosuppressive medication after liver transplantation”. The authors
stated that it remains controversial whether melanosis coli is associated with an increased risk for
colorectal cancer because of controversial results of several investigations.
Roberts MC et al. 2003 (71) conducted a population-based, case control study with equal
representation by white and black men and women aged 40 – 80 years. Constipation, defined as fewer
than three reported bowel movements per week, was associated with a greater than two-fold risk of
colon cancer (OR 2.36; 95% CI = 1.41-3.93) adjusted for age, race, sex, and relevant confounders. The
OR for constipation was slightly higher for distal than for proximal colon cancers. There was no
association with laxative use (OR 0.88; 95% CI = 0.69-1.11). The authors did not explicitly mention
anthraquinone-containing laxatives. They mentioned the group “stimulants, fibers, natural remedies,
©EMEA 2007
stool softeners, oils, osmotic agents, enemas, suppositories, and unknown”. They mentioned in
particular phenolphthalein and magnesium.
Nilsson SE et al. 2004 (49) examined the impact of constipation and laxative treatment on the blood
levels of homocysteine, folate and cobalamine in a population-based sample of aged people. Elevated
plasma homocysteine secondary to reduced supply of folate and cobalamine, might indicate an
increased risk of cancer, and cardiovascular and neurological diseases. The homocysteine level
depends on the supply of folate and cobalamine, which constipation and/or laxative treatment might
compromise. The study was based on biochemical tests in 341 females and 183 males aged 82 years
and older. The concentrations of homocysteine (plasma), folate, cobalamine and urea (serum) were
measured in subjects with and without ongoing treatment with laxative products. Values were adjusted
for age, gender and frailty, as well as for clinical diagnoses and medicinal therapies known to affect
homocysteine levels. Homocysteine levels were increased and those of folate reduced in aged subjects
on laxatives. Homocysteine remained elevated after adjusting for frailty and various neurological
disorders. There was no significant effect on homocysteine and folate in constipated subjects without
Jae Sik Joo et al. 1998 (50) investigated changes occurring on barium enema in patients ingesting
stimulant laxatives. The study consisted of two parts. In part 1, a retrospective review of consecutive
barium enemas performed on two groups of patients with chronic constipation (group 1, stimulant
laxative use (n=29); group 2, no stimulant laxative use (n=26)) was presented to a radiologist, who
was blinded to the patient group. A data sheet containing classic descriptions of cathartic colon
(historic term for the anatomic alteration of the colon secondary to chronic stimulant laxative use) was
completed for each study. Chronic stimulant laxative use was defined as stimulant laxative ingestion
more than three times per week for 1 year or longer. To confirm the findings of the retrospective
study, 18 consecutive patients, who were chronic stimulant laxative users underwent barium enema
examination, and data sheets for cathartic colon were completed by another radiologist (part 2).
Colonic redundancy (group 1, 34.5%; group 2, 19.2%) and dilatation (group 1, 44.8%; group 2, 23.1
%) were frequent radiographic findings in both patient groups and were not significantly different in
the two groups. Loss of haustral folds, however, was a common finding in group 1 (27.6%) but was
not seen in group 2 (p<0.005). Loss of haustral markings occurred in 15 (40.5%) of the total stimulant
laxative users in the two parts of the study and was seen in the left colon of 6 (40%) patients, in the
right colon of 2 (13.3%) patients, in the transverse colon of 5 (33.3%) patients, and in the entire colon
of 2 (13.3%) patients. Loss of haustra was seen in patients chronically ingesting bisacodyl,
phenolphthalein, senna, and casanthranol. The authors concluded that long-term stimulant laxative use
results in anatomic changes in the colon characterised by loss of haustral folds, a finding that suggests
neuronal injury or damage to colonic longitudinal musculature caused by these agents.
IV.1.3 Conclusion
Because of the possible genotoxic or tumourigenic risk in experimental investigations and the results
of Siegers 1993, pharmacovigilance actions for anthranoid-containing laxatives (2) were initiated in
Germany in 1996 : the daily dose and the duration of administration were limited and children,
pregnant women and nursing mothers were excluded from the application of frangula bark containing
The results of the most recent studies are inconsistent and the question of a possible carcinogenic risk
of long-term use of anthranoid-containing laxatives is still open. Some studies revealed a risk for
colorectal cancer associated with the use of anthraquinone-containing laxatives, some studies did not.
However, a risk was also revealed for constipation itself and underlying dietary habits. Further
investigations are needed to determine the carcinogenic risk definitely.
There are also data available suggesting an antitumourigenic effect of emodin, but only to specific
cancer cells (see chapter II.2.1 Mode of action).
In his review article Van Gorkom BA 1999 (51) concluded that although the short-term use of
anthranoid laxatives is generally safe, long-term use cannot be recommended.
©EMEA 2007
In “Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics” (11 th edition 2006) (54) the
following conclusion is drawn about anthraquinone laxatives: “Regardless of whether a definitive
causal relationship can be demonstrated between the use of these agents and colonic pathology, they
should not be recommended for chronic or long-term use.”
Taking all available data in consideration, the conditions determined in the above-mentioned
pharmacovigilance actions for anthranoid-containing laxatives (2) have to be maintained for the
Long-term administration of anthranoid-containing medicinal products leads to the development over
a period of 4 – 13 months of pseudomelanosis coli – pigmentation of the gut wall in the caecum and
colon. This condition is produced by the accumulation of macrophages that have stored a brown
pigment from the breakdown products of anthranoid (probably lipofuscin) and consequently cause the
mucosa to appear brown to blackish-brown in colour. Prevalence among patients with chronic
constipation is reported to be 12 – 31%, and 62% following chronic ingestion of anthranoid-containing
laxatives. This finding disappears 6 – 12 months after stopping chronic laxative administration.
Long-term stimulant laxative use may result in anatomic changes in the colon characterised by loss of
haustral folds.
Acute toxicity data are available for emodin in mice. The intraperitoneal LD 50 (dimethylsulfoxide
solvent) is 35 mg/kg; the oral LD 50 (dimethylsulfoxide solvent) is greater than 1,000 mg/kg (58).
Repeated dose toxicity studies with emodin was conducted by the National Toxicology Program of the
United States of America (see above (57)).
Frangula bark preparations should not be used by patients with known hypersensitivity to frangula.
The German Health Authority has received one report of an adverse event concerning allergic
reactions. After administration of lactulose and frangula extract for constipation, a 74-year old woman
developed urticaria the same day and collapsed the next day. She was treated with Hygroton®
(hypertension), Rohypnol® (sleep disturbance) and Lexotanil® (nervousness) for a long time. Both
medicinal products, lactulose and frangula extract, were regarded as suspect. No further information is
Furthermore, like all anthranoid-containing laxatives, frangula bark-containing medicinal products
should not be used in cases of intestinal obstructions and stenosis, atony, appendicitis, inflammatory
colon diseases (e.g. Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis), abdominal pain of unknown origin, severe
dehydration states with water and electrolyte depletion.
Special warnings and precautions for use
The following warnings and precautions for use are recommended:
Patients taking cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic medicinal products, medicinal products
inducing QT-prolongation, diuretics, adrenocorticosteroids or liquorice root, have to consult a
doctor before taking frangula bark concomitantly (see chapter II.2.2 Interactions).
Like all laxatives, frangula bark should not be taken by patients suffering from faecal impaction
and undiagnosed, acute or persistent gastro-intestinal complaints, e.g. abdominal pain, nausea
and vomiting unless advised by a doctor because these symptoms can be signs of potential or
existing intestinal blockage (ileus).
If laxatives are needed every day the cause of the constipation should be investigated. Long-
term use of laxatives should be avoided.
©EMEA 2007
Use for more than 1 - 2 weeks requires medical supervision as outlined in the posology section
of the Community herbal monograph.
Frangula bark preparations should only be used if a therapeutic effect cannot be achieved by a
change of diet or the administration of bulk forming agents.
It cannot be assessed definitely if a longer than a brief period of treatment with stimulant laxatives
leads to dependence requiring increasing quantities of the medicinal product, to an atonic colon with
impaired function and to aggravation of the constipation.
Müller-Lissner SA 2005 (72) concluded in his review that the arguments in favour of laxative-
induced damage to the autonomous nervous system of the colon are based on poorly documented
experiments and that, in contrast, the investigations that do not support such damage are well done.
The studies in the cited references (Smith B 1968 (73); Riemann JF et al. 1980 (74) and 1982 (75);
Berkelhammer C et al. 2002 (76); Meisel JL et al. 1977 (77); Pockros PJ et al. 1985 (78)) showed
abnormalities observed in humans (damage to enteric nerves, smooth muscle atrophy; distension or
ballooning of axons, reduction of nerve-specific cell structures and increase in lysosomes, and
sometimes a total degeneration of whole nerve fibers; short-lived superficial damage to the mucosa).
They were uncontrolled observations and the author therefore concluded that the cause of these
damages can also be the constipation itself or pre-existing changes of unknown aetiology.
The only study comparing the morphology of the autonomous nervous system of constipated patients
taking anthraquinones (aloe) to that of an appropriate control group of constipated patients without
laxative intake ( Riecken EO et al. 1990 (79)) did not support the hypothesis that anthraquinone-
containing laxatives are able to provoke relevant degenerative changes in the colonic nerve tissue. But
this investigation was conducted in 11 matched pairs only.
In the light of existing safety concerns, further warnings and precautions for use are recommended:
If stimulating laxatives are taken for longer than a brief period of treatment, this may lead to
impaired function of the intestine and dependence on laxatives.
Patients with kidney disorders should be aware of possible electrolyte imbalance.
When frangula bark preparations are administered to incontinent adults, pads should be changed
more frequently to prevent extended skin contact with faeces (52).
IV.5 Undesirable effects
Like all anthranoid-containing laxatives, frangula bark preparations may produce abdominal pain and
colickly gastrointestinal symptoms and passage of liquid stools, in particular in patients with irritable
colon. However, these symptoms may also occur generally as a consequence of individual overdosage.
In such cases dose reduction is necessary. The correct individual dose is the smallest required to
produce a comfortable soft-formed motion (2).
As mentioned above, hypersensitive reactions may occur.
Chronic use may lead to disorders in water equilibrium and electrolyte metabolism.
Dahlmann W et al. 1977 (53) reported the case of a 39-year old woman, who developed
hypokalaemia (1.5 mmol/l) with generalised paralysis, reversible organic brain syndrome, and cardiac
dysrhythmias after 15 years of laxative use (Tirgon®, a combination preparation of 5 mg bisacodyl,
30 mg Extr. Cort. Frangulae spir. Sicc., 4 mg Extr. Rhei, 1.5 mg Ol. Carvi, 1.5 mg Ol. Menth. pip.).
Under continuous and cautious administration of potassium the cardiac rhythm became normal within
four days and two days later the paralysis and organic brain syndrome almost disappeared. The cause
of the psychiatric symptoms is thought to be cerebral potassium deficiency and an abnormal
sodium/potassium equilibrium.
©EMEA 2007
Chronic use may result in albuminuria and haematuria.
Furthermore, use over a long period may lead to pigmentation of the intestinal mucosa
(pseudomelanosis coli), which usually recedes when the patient stops taking the preparation (see
chapter IV.1.3 Conclusion).
Yellow or red-brown (pH dependent) discolouration of urine by metabolites, which is not clinically
significant, may occur during the treatment (see chapter II.1.2 Absorption, metabolism and excretion).
See chapter II.2.2
Like for all anthranoid-containing laxatives, the major symptoms of overdose/abuse are griping pain
and severe diarrhoea with consequent losses of fluid and electrolyte, which should be replaced.
Diarrhoea may cause potassium depletion, in particular. Potassium depletion may lead to cardiac
disorders and muscular asthenia, particularly where cardiac glycosides, diuretics or
adrenocorticosteroids are being taken at the same time.
Treatment should be supportive with generous amounts of fluid. Electrolytes, especially potassium,
should be monitored. This is especially important in the elderly.
Furthermore chronic ingestion of overdoses of anthranoid-containing medicinal products may lead to
toxic hepatitis (see below).
Beuers U et al. 1991 (80) reported a case of toxic hepatitis related to abuse of senna glycosides in a
26-year old female, who had taken an extract of senna fruits corresponding to 100 mg of sennoside B
daily in addition to the usual dose of 10 g senna leaves twice a week in a laxative tea. When the patient
stopped taking senna, aminotransferases fell by 70% within a week and ranged from 20 – 40 U/l
subsequently. When the patient took senna alkaloids again, 2 months later, liver function rapidly
deteriorated and improved once more when the product was stopped.
Vanderperren B et al. 2005 (81) reported a case of a 52-year old woman, who had ingested, for more
than 3 years, one litre of an herbal tea each day made from a bag containing 70 g of dry senna fruits.
She developed renal impairment and acute hepatic failure with increase in prothrombin time
(international normalised ratio > 7) and development of encephalopathy. The patient recovered with
supportive therapy. Surprisingly, large amounts of cadmium were transiently recovered in the urine.
According to the Rucam score ( Roussel UCLAF causality assessment method - for detailed
information, please see the assessment report on “ Cassia senna L. and Cassia angustifolia Vahl,
folium”), these hepatotoxic cases are related to the chronic ingestion of overdoses. Rhamnus frangula
L., cortex being an anthranoid-containing herbal substance, the possibility of toxic hepatic reactions is
referred to in the section ‘Overdose’ of the Community herbal monograph on frangula bark.
Well-established use: short term use in cases of occasional constipation
There are no recent clinical investigations available, which evaluate frangula bark alone, i.e. not in
combination with other laxatives, in a representative study population. Two non-controlled
investigations of the seventies assessed the efficacy of a combination preparation in patients with
constipation. This preparation contains 27.75 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives, of which nearly 50%
derive from frangula bark, and the bulk forming agent methyl cellulose. A contribution of frangula
bark to the efficacy of the investigated preparation is deducible.
©EMEA 2007
The postulated laxative effect of frangula bark is mainly based on pharmacological data, experts’
opinions and clinical experiences. Clinical and pharmacological data obtained on other anthranoid-
containing laxatives (primarily senna leaf preparations) and the 2 non-controlled investigations with
Laxariston® support the efficacy of this anthranoid-containing herbal substance for short-term use in
cases of occasional constipation.
The current level of evidence 1 of the available scientific data for “the short-term use of occasional
constipation” can be identified as level III to IV because well-designed studies with mono-
preparations of frangula bark are missing, but 2 uncontrolled investigations are available.
The conditions determined in the pharmacovigilance actions for anthranoid-containing laxatives have
to be maintained for the moment because further investigations are needed to clarify the carcinogenic
risk. The results of the most recent studies are inconsistent. However, a risk was also revealed for
constipation itself and underlying dietary habits.
The use in children under 12 years of age is contraindicated and use during pregnancy and lactation is
not recommended.
Traditional use
Due to its laxative properties, frangula bark was used as a detoxifier for the blood and other viscera. In
former times, such a purification was often the first step to treat a lot of diseases. Such a procedure is
now obsolete. There are no plausible pharmacological data related to the purification of the blood and
other organs than the bowel.
External use of frangula bark was rare and preparations used are not described exactly. The use in skin
affections is actually surprising because anthranoid-containing laxatives can cause skin irritations.
In view of existing possible risks, such traditional uses cannot be recommended and referred to in the
‘Community list of herbal substances, preparations and combinations thereof for use traditional herbal
medicinal products’. This is in accordance with the German pharmacovigilance actions for anthranoid-
containing laxatives.
1 As referred to in the HMPC ‘Guideline on the assessment of clinical safety and efficacy in the preparation of
Community herbal monographs for well-established and of Community herbal monographs/entries to the
Community list for traditional herbal products/substances/preparations’ (EMEA/HMPC/104613/2005)
©EMEA 2007

Source: European Medicines Agency

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