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carcinomata (kar-si-no′ma-ta)
Alternative plural of carcinoma.

carcinomatosis (kar′si-no-ma-to′sis)
A condition resulting from widespread dissemination of carcinoma in multiple sites in various organs or tissues of the body; sometimes also used in relation to involvement of a relatively large region of the body. leptomeningeal c. SYN: meningeal carcinoma. lymphangitic c. a condition in which lymph vessels are filled with tumor cells or blocked by tumor cells. meningeal c. SYN: meningeal carcinoma.

carcinomatous (kar-si-nom′a-tus)
Pertaining to or manifesting the characteristic properties of carcinoma.

carcinophobia (kar′sin-o-fo′be-a)
SYN: cancerophobia.

carcinosarcoma (kar′si-no-sar-ko′ma)
A malignant neoplasm that contains elements of carcinoma and sarcoma so extensively intermixed as to indicate neoplasia of epithelial and mesenchymal tissue. SEE ALSO: collision tumor.

carcinostatic (kar′si-no-stat′ik)
1. Pertaining to an arresting or inhibitory effect on the development or progression of a carcinoma. 2. An agent that manifests such an effect.

carcoma (kar-ko′ma)
Dark red-brown or mahogany-colored granular material that occurs in human feces in tropical regions; it yields a chemical reaction similar to that of urobilinogen and is composed of calcium oxide, iron, phosphoric and carbonic acids, urobilinogen, cholerythrogen, and other organic matter in varying proportions. [Sp. wood dust under the bark of a tree, caused by the wood louse]

cardamom (kar′da-mom)
Grains of paradise. Dried ripe seeds of Elettaria cardamomum; used for flavoring baked goods, confectionery, curry powder, and in the manufacture of oil of c. which is used for flavoring liqueurs. Pharmaceutical aid (flavor); adjuvant and carminative.

Henry D., British surgeon, &dag;1872. See C. amputation.

cardenolide (kar-den′o-lid)
A class of cardiac glycosides containing a five-membered lactone ring ( E.G., the Digitalis glycosides).

See cardio-.

cardia (kar′de-a) [TA]
The area of the stomach close to the esophageal opening (cardiac orifice or c.) that contains the cardiac glands. SYN: pars cardiaca gastricae [TA] , cardiac part of stomach, cardial part of stomach, gastric c., pars cardiaca ventriculi. [G. kardia, heart]

cardiac (kar′de-ak)
1. Pertaining to the heart. 2. Pertaining to the esophageal opening of the stomach. 3. (Obsolete). A remedy for heart disease. [L. cardiacus]

cardiac ballet (kar′de-ak bal-a′)
Short runs of cardiac dysrhythmia consisting of uniform sequences of repetitive multiform extrasystoles; so called from its undulating appearance, originally described by Bellet. SEE ALSO: torsade de pointes.

cardialgia (kar-de-al′je-a)
1. Obsolete term for pyrosis. 2. SYN: cardiodynia. [cardi- + G. algos, pain]

cardiataxia (kar′de-a-tak′se-a)
Extreme irregularity in the action of the heart. [cardi- + G. ataxia, disorder]

cardiatelia (kar′de-a-te′le-a)
Incomplete development of the heart. [cardi- + G. ateles, incomplete]

cardiectasia (kar′de-ek-ta′ze-a)
Dilation of the heart. [cardi- + G. ektasis, a stretching]

cardiectomy (kar-de-ek′to-me)
Excision of the cardiac part of the stomach. [cardi-(2) + G. ektome, excision]

cardiectopia (kar-de-ek-to′pe-a)
Abnormal placement of the heart. See ectopia cordis. [cardi- + G. ektopos, out of place]

cardinal (kar′di-nal)
Chief or principal;in embryology, relating to the main venous drainage. [L. cardinalis, principal]

The procedure of placing individual sets of anterior or posterior teeth in trays lined with a wax strip.

cardio-, cardi-
1. The heart. 2. The cardia (ostium cardiacum). [G. kardia, heart]

cardioaccelerator (kar′de-o-ak-sel′er-a-ter)
Accelerator of the heart beat.

cardioactive (kar′de-o-ak′tiv)
Influencing the heart.

cardioangiography (kar′de-o-an-je-og′ra-fe)
SYN: angiocardiography.

cardioaortic (kar′de-o-a-or′tik)
Relating to the heart and the aorta.

cardioarterial (kar′de-o-ar-ter′e-al)
Relating to the heart and the arteries.

Cardiobacterium (kar′de-o-bak-te′re-um)
A genus of nonmotile, pleomorphic, Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacteria found in the nasal flora and associated with endocarditis in humans. The type species is c. hominis. C. hominis a bacterial species that causes endocarditis in humans. The type species of C.. See HACEK group. C. violaceum a motile, Gram-negative, non–spore-bearing rod, found in soil in tropical and subtropical environments; a cause of human infections including septicemia, pneumonia, wound infections, and abscesses; it can be rapidly fatal, and may relapse after cessation of antibiotic therapy.

cardiocele (kar′de-o-sel)
A herniation or protrusion of the heart through an opening in the diaphragm, or through a wound. [cardio- + G. kele, hernia]

cardiochalasia (kar′de-o-ka-la′ze-a)
Achalasia of the cardia.

cardiodiosis (kar′de-o-de-o′sis)
Rarely used term for maneuver to dilate the gastric cardia. [cardio- (2) + G. diosis, a spreading open]

cardiodynamics (kar′de-o-di-nam′iks)
The mechanics of the heart's action, including its movement and the forces generated thereby.

cardiodynia (kar′de-o-din′e-a)
Pain in the heart. SYN: cardialgia (2) . [cardio- + G. odyne, pain]

cardioesophageal (kar′de-o-e-sof-a-je′al)
Denoting the area at the junction of the esophagus and cardiac part of the stomach.

cardiogenesis (kar-de-o-gen′e-sis)
Formation of the heart in the embryo. [cardio + G. genesis, origin]

cardiogenic (kar′de-o-jen′ik)
Of cardiac origin.

cardiogram (kar′de-o-gram)
1. The graphic tracing made by the stylet of a cardiograph. 2. Generally used for any recording derived from the heart, with such prefixes as apex-, echo-, electro-, phono-, or vector- being understood. [cardio- + G. gramma, a diagram] esophageal c. tracing of left atrial contractions made by recording displacements of the column of air in a sensor-equipped esophageal transducer tube or wire.

cardiograph (kar′de-o-graf)
An instrument for recording graphically the movements of the heart, constructed on the principle of the sphygmograph. [cardio- + G. grapho, to write]

cardiography (kar-de-og′ra-fe)
Use of the cardiograph. SEE ALSO: electrocardiography. ultrasonic c. SYN: echocardiography. ultrasound c. SYN: echocardiography.

cardiohemothrombus (kar′de-o-he-mo-throm′bus)
SYN: cardiothrombus.

cardiohepatic (kar′de-o-he-pat′ik)
Relating to the heart and the liver.

cardiohepatomegaly (kar′de-o-hep′a-to-meg′a-le)
Enlargement of both heart and liver.

cardioid (kar′de-oyd)
Resembling a heart. [cardi- + G. eidos, resemblance]

cardioinhibitory (kar′de-o-in-hib′i-to-re)
Arresting or slowing the action of the heart.

cardiokymogram (kar′de-o-ki′mo-gram)
Record made by a cardiokymograph.

cardiokymograph (kar′de-o-ki′mo-graf)
Noninvasive device, placed on the chest, capable of recording anterior left ventricle segmental wall motion; consists of a 5-cm diameter capacitive plate transducer as part of a high frequency, low-power oscillator with recording probe; changes in wall motion affect the magnetic field and thus the oscillatory frequency, which is then recorded on a multichannel analog waveform polygraph.

cardiokymography (kar′de-o-ki-mog′ra-fe)
Use of a cardiokymograph.

cardiolipin (kar′de-o-lip′in)
A 1,3-bis(phosphatidyl)glycerol found in many biomembranes with immunologic properties;used in serologic diagnosis of syphilis. When mixed with lecithin and cholesterol c. will combine with the Wassermann antibody but not with the treponema-immobilizing antibody. SYN: acetone-insoluble antigen, heart antigen.

cardiologist (kar-de-ol′o-jist)
Physician specializing in cardiology.

cardiology (kar-de-ol′o-je)
The medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. [cardio- + G. logos, study]

cardiolysis (kar-de-ol′i-sis)
An obsolete operation for breaking up the adhesions in chronic mediastinopericarditis; access is gained by resection of a portion of the sternum and the corresponding costal cartilages. [cardio- + G. lysis, loosening]

cardiomalacia (kar′de-o-ma-la′she-a)
Softening of the walls of the heart. [cardio- + G. malakia, softness]

cardiomegaly (kar-de-o-meg′a-le)
Enlargement of the heart. SYN: macrocardia, megacardia, megalocardia. [cardio- + G. megas, large] glycogen c. a form of glycogenosis due to abnormal storage of glycogen within the heart muscle cells. glycogenic c. enlargement of the heart due to glycogen storage disease; most often occurs in type II (lysosomal acid glucosidase deficiency), especially in infancy and childhood.

cardiometry (kar-de-om′e-tre)
Measurement of the dimensions of the heart or the force of its action. [cardio- + G. metron, measure]

cardiomotility (kar′de-o-mo-til′i-te)
Movements of the heart.

cardiomuscular (kar′de-o-mus′ku-lar)
Pertaining to the cardiac musculature.

cardiomyopathy (kar′de-o-mi-op′a-the)
Disease of the myocardium. As a disease classification, the term is used in several different senses, but is limited by the World Health Organization to: “Primary disease process of heart muscle in absence of a known underlying etiology” when referring to idiopathic c.. SYN: myocardiopathy. [cardio- + G. mys, muscle, + pathos, disease] alcoholic c. myocardial disease occurring in some chronic alcoholics; may result from alcohol toxicity, thiamin deficiency, or be of unknown pathogenesis. SYN: alcoholic myocardiopathy, beer heart. congestive c. SYN: dilated c.. dilated c. decreased function of the left ventricle associated with its dilation; most patients have global hypokinesia, although discrete regional wall movement abnormalities may occur; usually manifested by signs of overall cardiac failure, with congestive findings, as well as by fatigue indicative of a low output state. SYN: congestive c.. familial hypertrophic c. familial occurrence of hypertrophic c. exhibiting an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. Familial c. of various kinds occurs with autosomal dominant inheritance [MIM*115200]. There is also an asymmetrical form affecting the ventricles and the interventricular septum [MIM*192600]. hypertrophic c. thickening of the ventricular septum and walls of the left ventricle with marked myofibril disarray; often associated with greater thickening of the septum than of the free wall resulting in narrowing of the left ventricular outflow tract and dynamic outflow gradient; diastolic compliance is greatly impaired. idiopathic c. SYN: primary c. (1) . peripartum c. cardiac failure due to heart muscle disease in the period before, during, or after delivery. postpartum c. cardiomegaly and congestive heart failure developing in the puerperium in the absence of any of the known causes of heart disease. primary c. 1. c. of unknown or obscure cause; SYN: idiopathic c.. 2. a disease that affects mainly the heart muscle, sparing other cardiac structures and usually resulting in fibrosis, hypertrophy, or both. restrictive c. a diverse group of conditions characterized by restriction of diastolic filling; often confused with constrictive pericarditis and the infiltrative cardiomyopathies; left ventricular size and systolic function may be preserved but dyspnea results primarily from increase in left ventricular diastolic pressure; signs of right ventricular failure may be prominent. secondary c. disease that affects the myocardium secondarily to systemic disease, infection, or metabolic disease.

An operation that uses stimulated latissimus dorsi muscle to assist cardiac function. The latissimus dorsi muscle is mobilized from the chest wall and moved into the thorax through the bed of the resected 2nd or 3rd rib. The muscle is then wrapped around the left and right ventricles and stimulated to contract during cardiac systole by means of an implanted burst-stimulator. SYN: cardiac muscle wrap.

cardiomyotomy (kar′de-o-mi-ot′o-me)
SYN: esophagomyotomy. [cardio- (2) + G. mys, muscle, + tome, cutting]

SYN: atrial natriuretic peptide. [cardio- + Mod. L. natrium, sodium, + suffix -in, material]

cardionecrosis (kar′de-o-ne-kro′sis)
Necrosis of the myocardium.

cardionector (kar′de-o-nek′tor, -tor)
Archaic term sometimes used for conducting system of heart. [cardio- + L. necto, to join]

cardionephric (kar′de-o-nef′rik)
SYN: cardiorenal.

cardioneural (kar′de-o-noor′al)
Relating to the nervous control of the heart. [cardio- + G. neuron, nerve]

cardioneurosis (kar′de-o-noo-ro′sis)
SYN: cardiac neurosis.

cardioomentopexy (kar′de-o-o-men′to-pek-se)
Operation for the attachment of omentum to the heart with the object of improving its blood supply. [cardio- + omentum, + G. pexis, fixation]

cardiopaludism (kar′de-o-pal′oo-dizm)
Irregularity in the heart's action due to malaria. [cardio- + paludism, malaria, fr. L. palus, marsh]

cardiopath (kar′de-o-path)
A sufferer from heart disease.

cardiopathia nigra (kar-de-o-path′e-a ni′gra)
SYN: Ayerza syndrome.


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