France and Belgium Pipelines map - Crude Oil (petroleum) pipelines - Natural Gas pipelines - Products pipelines
SOURCE: various
France and Belgium oil, gas and products pipelines map - Click on map to enlarge Click on the map to enlarge

The following table lists pipelines in France and Belgium, including cross-border, international pipelines which originate or end in these countries, as shown on the map. It is followed by a map, which you can click to see an enlarged version. The pipeline routes on the map are labeled with the codes that are explained in the table. Pipeline label codes are colored green for oil, red for gas and blue for products, such as gasoline and ethylene. The diameter, length and capacity of the pipeline, if known, are shown on the table. Follow these links for current France economic data, which include oil and natural gas production, consumption, imports and exports and Belgium economic data with the same information. For historical data follow this link and on that page click on a year and then a country name.

Pipelines map legent

Scroll horizontally to see the rest of the table details.


on map
or bn cm)
--------- --------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
E1 - - - Antwerp Brussels 12 507 -


E4 Marseille Region Lavera Manosque 13 107 200
E5 Le Havre Region Le Havre Grandpuits 20 251 270
E6 Le Havre Region Le Havre Valenciennes 13 285 70
E7 Bordeaux Region Parentis Bec S'Ambes 12 94 -
E8 Bayonne Region Pecorade Boucau 6, 12 130 -
E31 - - - Bec D'AMbes Fontignan 10 510 -
E4 - - - Berre L'Etang Nice - 200 200
E5 Trapil Caen Valenciennes 20 - -
E6 - - - Donges Grandpuits - - -
E7 DMM Donges Verne - - -
E8 - - - Feyzin Flandres - - -
E9 Societe du Pipeline Mediterranean (spur) Feyzin St. Julien 12 257 70
E10 SPMR Fos-sur-Mer Feyzin 16 306 108
E11 - - - Grandpuits Reichstett 12 112 -
E12 - - - Lavera Manosque - - 200
E13 Trapil Le Havre Paris 10, 12, 20 192 -
E14 Trapil Paris Tours 14, 20 300 -
E15 - - - Pauliac Bessens 12 43 46
E10 - - - Bourbonne Paris 24 111 -
E11 - - - Brest Donges - - -
E12 - - - Chemery Nozay 18 245 -
E13 - - - Cherbourg Le Havre - - -
E14 - - - Donges Angouleme - - -
E15 - - - Dunkirk to E4 - - -
E16 - - - Fos-sur-Mer Vorepe 16, 24 - -
E17 Skikda Fos-sur-Mer Tersanne 24 214 -
E19 - - - Lacq Paris - - -
E20 - - - Lack Carassonne 16 133 -
E21 - - - Lack Bayonne - - -
E22 Arzew Le Havre Paris 20, 24 207 -
E23 - - - Montoir de Bretagne Paris 36 350 -
E24 - - - Nancy Strasbourg - - -
E25 - - - Nancy Lyon - - -
E262 - - - Roussines Lyon 8, 20 372 -
E27 - - - St. Martin St. Cezaire 16, 24 182 -
E28 - - - St. Martin Beziers 8, 16 164 -
E29 - - - Terxanne Annecy 16, 20 - -

Cross-border pipelines

France - Germany

E473 South European Pipeline Lavera Karlsruhe 24, 34, 40 795 1200
E48 Oleoduc dea la Sarre Reichstett Volklingen 16 107 -

France - Spain

E18 - - - Lacq Zaragoza - - -

France - Switzerland

E46 Societe du Pipeline du Jara (SFPLJ)/Oleoduc du Jara Neuchatelois (OJNSA) Gennes Cressier 16 88 -

Netherlands - Belgium

E534 RAPL Roterdam Feluy 22, 34 193 -

Netherlands - France

E445 - - - Groningen Paris 24, 42 670 -
E486 - - - Maastrict Paris 24, 36 284 -
E50 Franpipe Draupner field Dnkirk 42 326 -

United Kingdom - Belgium

E98 Interconnector Bacton Zeebrugge 40 157 -

---------- Footnotes-----------
1 Toulouse
2 4 lines
3 Transits through France (SEPL)
4 Antwerp
5 Transits through Belgium
6 Transits through Belgium

Pipelines map legent

Click on the map to enlarge
France and Belgium oil, gas and products pipelines map - Click on map to enlarge

NOTE: The information regarding France and Belgium pipelines on this page is re-published from various source. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of France and Belgium pipelines contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about France and Belgium pipelines should be addressed to the webmaster.

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This page was last modified 18-MAR-17
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