Serbia Photos
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Belgrade Castle, Belgrade, Serbia photo Belgrade Fortress from the air, Belgrade, Serbia photo Belgrade Fortress lower town, Belgrade, Serbia photo Castellan's Tower (Dizdareva kula), Belgrade, Serbia photo Cvijeta Zuzoric Art Pavilion, Kalemegdan, Serbia photo Danube at Zemun, Zemun, Serbia photo Djavolja Varos-Natural Wander, Serbia photo Etno houses at Lepenski Vir, Serbia photo Federation Palace, Novi Beograd, Serbia photo Fruska Gora National Park, Serbia photo Gate, Belgrade Fortress, Serbia photo Great Steps, Kalemegdan, Serbia photo Institute for the Protection of Monuments, Serbia photo Iron Gate of Danube River, Serbia photo Kalemegdan Citadel in Belgrade, Serbia photo Kalemegdan Park, Serbia photo Kraljevo, City Center, Serbia photo Lakeside on mount Zlatibor, Serbia photo Military Museum, Belgrade Fortress, Serbia photo Night street scene, Serbia photo Novi Sad, Serbia photo Old railway bridge, Serbia photo Old Zemun, Serbia photo Orthodox Church, Serbia photo Passenger dock and Kalemegdan, Old Belgrade, Serbia photo Republic square in Belgrade, Serbia photo Rose Church (Crkva Ruzica), Belgrade Fortress, Serbia photo Rose Church (Crkva Ruzica) - entrance, Belgrade Fortress, Serbia photo Sargan Countryside, Serbia photo Serbian Government building, City Centre, Serbia photo Sremski Karlovci, Baroque town, Serbia photo Sremski Karlovci, Serbia photo st.Sava Cathedral at night, Belgrade, Serbia photo st.Sava Cathedral, Belgrade, Serbia photo Studenica Monastery, Serbia photo The Prison Gate (Zindan kapija), Belgrade Fortress, Serbia photo The Victor Monument and the Institute for Monuments, Belgrade Fortress, Serbia photo Tower, Belgrade Fortress, Serbia photo trsic-Rural, Serbia photo Vojvodina plains of the Slankamen Hills, Serbia photo Vrnjacka spa, Serbia photo Zica Monastery, Serbia photo

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NOTE: The photos of Serbia on this page is re-published from the sources noted on each indivitual Serbia photo page. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Serbia information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Serbia photographs should be addressed to their respective copyright owner.

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