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United Kingdom People 1996

    • Population:
      58,295,119 (July 1995 est.)

    • Age structure:

        0-14 years:
        19% (female 5,572,189; male 5,843,192)

        15-64 years:
        65% (female 18,723,583; male 18,935,931)

        65 years and over:
        16% (female 5,471,383; male 3,748,841) (July 1995 est.)

    • Population growth rate:
      0.27% (1995 est.)

    • Birth rate:
      13.18 births/1,000 population (1995 est.)

    • Death rate:
      10.66 deaths/1,000 population (1995 est.)

    • Net migration rate:
      0.17 migrant(s)/1,000 population (1995 est.)

    • Infant mortality rate:
      7 deaths/1,000 live births (1995 est.)

    • Life expectancy at birth:

        total population:
        77 years

        74.18 years

        79.95 years (1995 est.)

    • Total fertility rate:
      1.82 children born/woman (1995 est.)

    • Nationality:

        Briton(s), British (collective plural)


    • Ethnic divisions:
      English 81.5%, Scottish 9.6%, Irish 2.4%, Welsh 1.9%, Ulster 1.8%, West Indian, Indian, Pakistani, and other 2.8%

    • Religions:
      Anglican 27 million, Roman Catholic 9 million, Muslim 1 million, Presbyterian 800,000, Methodist 760,000, Sikh 400,000, Hindu 350,000, Jewish 300,000 (1991 est.)

        the UK does not include a question on religion in its census

    • Languages:
      English, Welsh (about 26% of the population of Wales), Scottish form of Gaelic (about 60,000 in Scotland)

    • Literacy:
      age 15 and over can read and write (1991 est.)

        total population:

    • Labor force:
      28.048 million

        by occupation:
        services 62.8%, manufacturing and construction 25.0%, government 9.1%, energy 1.9%, agriculture 1.2% (June 1992)

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