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Cuba Defense Forces 1996

    • Branches:
      Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) includes ground forces, Revolutionary Navy (MGR), Air and Air Defense Force (DAAFAR), Territorial Militia Troops (MTT), and Youth Labor Army (EJT); Interior Ministry Border Guards (TGF),

    • Manpower availability:
      males age 15-49 3,065,751; females age 15-49 3,023,997; males fit for military service 1,909,901; females fit for military service 1,878,768; males reach military age (17) annually 72,582; females reach military age (17) annually 69,361 (1995 est.)

    • Defense expenditures:
      exchange rate conversion - approx. $600 million, 4% of GSP (gross social product) in 1994 was for defense

    • Note:
      Moscow, for decades the key military supporter and supplier of Cuba, cut off military aid by 1993

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