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Serbia and Montenegro Government 1996

    • Names:

        conventional long form:

        conventional short form:
        Serbia and Montenegro

        local long form:

        local short form:
        Srbija-Crna Gora

    • Digraph:



    • Type:

    • Capital:

    • Administrative divisions:
      2 republics (pokajine, singular - pokajina); and 2 nominally autonomous provinces*; Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia, Vojvodina*

    • Independence:
      11 April 1992 (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia formed as self-proclaimed successor to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - SFRY)

    • National holiday:

    • Constitution:
      27 April 1992

    • Legal system:
      based on civil law system

    • Suffrage:
      16 years of age, if employed; 18 years of age, universal

    • Executive branch:

        chief of state:
        President Zoran LILIC (since 25 June 1993); note - Slobodan MILOSEVIC is president of Serbia (since 9 December 1990); Momir BULATOVIC is president of Montenegro (since 23 December 1990); Federal Assembly elected Zoran LILIC on 25 June 1993

        head of government:
        Prime Minister Radoje KONTIC (since 29 December 1992); Deputy Prime Ministers Jovan ZEBIC (since NA March 1993), Uros KLIKOVAC (since 15 September 1994), Nikola SAINOVIC (since 15 September 1995)

        Federal Executive Council

    • Legislative branch:
      bicameral Federal Assembly

        Chamber of Republics:
        elections last held 20 December 1992 (next to be held NA 1996); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (40 total, 20 Serbian, 20 Montenegrin) seats by party NA

        Chamber of Citizens:
        elections last held 20 December 1992 (next to be held NA 1996); results - percent of votes by party NA; seats - (138 total, 108 Serbian, 30 Montenegrin) SPS 47, SRS 34, Depos 20, DPSCG 17, DS 5, SP 5, NS 4, DZVM 3, other 3

    • Judicial branch:
      Savezni Sud (Federal Court), Constitutional Court

    • Political parties and leaders:
      Serbian Socialist Party (SPS, former Communist Party), Slobodan MILOSEVIC; Serbian Radical Party (SRS), Vojislav SESELJ; Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO), Vuk DRASKOVIC, president; Democratic Party (DS), Zoran DJINDJIC; Democratic Party of Serbia (Depos), Vojlslav KOSTUNICA; Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro (DPSCG), Momir BULATOVIC, president; People's Party of Montenegro (NS), Milan PAROSKI; Liberal Alliance of Montenegro, Slavko PEROVIC; Democratic Community of Vojvodina Hungarians (DZVM), Andras AGOSTON; League of Communists-Movement for Yugoslavia (SK-PJ), Dragan ATANASOVSKI; Democratic Alliance of Kosovo (LDK), Dr. Ibrahim RUGOVA, president; Party of Democratic Action (SDA), Sulejman UGLJANIN; Civic Alliance of Serbia (GSS), Vesna PESIC, chairman; Socialist Party of Montenegro (SP), leader NA

    • Other political or pressure groups:

    • Diplomatic representation in US:
      US and Serbia and Montenegro do not maintain full diplomatic relations; the Embassy of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia continues to function in the US

    • US diplomatic representation:

        chief of mission:
        (vacant); Charge d'Affaires Rudolf V. PERINA

        address NA, Belgrade

        mailing address:
        Box 5070, Unit 1310, APO AE 09213-1310

        [381] (11) 645655

        [381] (11) 645221

    • Flag:
      three equal horizontal bands of blue (top), white, and red

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