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    Indonesia Chiefs of State - 2003
      President MEGAWATI Sukarnoputri,
      Vice President Hamzah Haz ,
      Coordinating Min. for Economic Affairs DORODJATUN Kuntjoro-Jakti,
      Coordinating Min. for People's Welfare Yusuf KALLA,
      Coordinating Min. for Political & Security Affairs Susilo Bambang YUDHOYONO, Lt. Gen. (Ret.)
      Min. of Agriculture Bunngaran SARAGIH,
      Min. of Culture & Tourism I Gede ARDIKA ,
      Min. of Defense MATORI Abdul Djalil,
      Min. of Energy & Mineral Resources PURNOMO Yusgiantoro,
      Min. of Finance BOEDIONO,
      Min. of Fisheries & Maritime Affairs ROKHMIN Dahuri,
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Noer Hasan WIRAJUDA,
      Min. of Forestry M. PRAKOSA,
      Min. of Health Ahmad SUJUDI, M.D.
      Min. of Home Affairs Hari SABARNO, Lt. Gen. (Ret.)
      Min. of Justice & Human Rights Yusril Ihza MAHENDRA,
      Min. of Manpower & Transmigration Jacob NUWA WEA,
      Min. of National Education Abdul Malik FAJAR,
      Min. of Religious Affairs Said Agil MUNAWAR,
      Min. of Resettlement & Regional Infrastructure SOENARNO,
      Min. of Social Affairs Bachtiar CHAMSYAH,
      Min. of Trade & Industry Rini SUWANDI,
      Min. of Transportation Agum GUMELAR, Lt. Gen. (Ret.)
      State Min. of Acceleration of Development in Eastern Indonesia Manuel KAISIEPO,
      State Min. of Administrative Reform Faisal TAMIN,
      State Min. of Communication & Information H. Syamsul MUARIF,
      State Min. of Cooperatives & Small & Medium Enterprises Alimarwan HANAN,
      State Min. of Culture & Tourism I Gede ARDIKA,
      State Min. of Environment Nabiel MAKARIM,
      State Min. of Research & Technology M. Hatta RAJASA,
      State Min. of Revenues & State Companies Laksamana SUKARDI,
      State Min. of Women's Empowerment Affairs Sri Redieki SOEMARJOTO,
      Head, National Development Board KWIK Kian Gie,
      State Secretary Bambang KESOWO,
      Attorney General Muhammad ABDUL RACHMAN,
      Head, National Intelligence Agency A. M. HENDROPRIYONO, Lt. Gen. (Ret.)
      Cdr., Armed Forces Endriartono SUTARTO, Gen.
      Governor, Bank Indonesia Burnhanuddin ABDULLAH,
      Ambassador to the US SOEMADI Brotodiningrat,
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York

      NOTE: The information regarding Indonesia on this page is re-published from the 2002 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Indonesia Gov. Leaders 2002 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Indonesia Gov. Leaders 2002 should be addressed to the CIA.

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