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Macadamia Nut: | An oily, marble size, white nut with a buttery rich flavor. The macadamia nut's shell is exceptionally hard. It has an extremely high fat content.
Macadamia nut: | Also known as the Queensland nut, it is a fleshy white nut with a coconut-like flavor. In Asia, it is used in savory soups and stews. In the U.S., the macadamia is used mostly in sweets. The nuts have an extremely high fat content.
Macaire: | A potato pancake made with seasoned potato puree.
Macaroni: | Pasta made from semolina and water, usually refers to tube shapes, but can also include shells, twists and ribbons.
Macaroni: | A general name for the pastas which are made into various shapes and sizes, as spaghetti, linguini, vermicelli, etc.; actually tubular-shaped pasta.
Macaroon: | A small round cookie that has a crisp crust and a soft interior. Many versions bought commercially have been thoroughly dried. These cookies may be made from almonds, though coconut is common in the US. The may also be flavored with coffee, chocolate, or spices. Amaretti, from Italy, are a type of macaroon.
Macarronada: | [Spanish] macaroni.
Mace: | A sweet, but pungent spice, made from the outer covering of the nutmeg, and has a very similar flavor.
Mace: | The outer covering of nutmeg, reddish-orange and lacy. Used as nutmeg or cinnamon, with nutmeg flavor.
Macedoine: | Small dice - 1/4" square
Macedoine: | [French] A mixture of fruit or vegetables. Vegetable macedoine are cut into small dice and used as a garnish to meats. Fruit macedoine are cut in larger pieces and often marinated in sugar syrup with liqueur.
Macerate: | To soak fruit or other food in liquid to infuse it with the flavor of the liquid.
Macerate: | To soak fruit or vegetables in wine, liquor, or syrup so that they may absorb these flavors. Salt and sugar macerations are used to draw excess moisture out of the food for a secondary preparation. This is done for canning, jam and preserve making, and to remove bitter flavors from vegetables.
Machaca: | [Spanish] from the verb machacar, which means to pound or break something into small pieces; meat that has been stewed, roasted or broiled, then shredded; it is typical of Sonoran cooking.
Machacado: | [Spanish] mashed; name of a dish of scrambled eggs and shredded dried meat.
Mache: | A plant with small, tender, dark green leaves and a slightly nutty flavor; used in salads or cooked. It is often found growing wild in cornfields, but it is difficult to find in stores and can be quite expensive.
Mache: | A wild lettuce with small round leaves that may be used for salads or cooked and used as you would spinach. The taste is a little less pronounced than spinach. Mache grows wild, and can be found in the fall. It is cultivated in France, Italy, and the US from September to April. It is also known as lamb's lettuce and field salad.
Machine readable (food industry term): | A scannable bar code.
Mackerel, king: | Also called the "kingfish," this is the most popular variety of mackerel. This fish has a firm, high:fat flesh with a savory flavor.
Mackerel, pacific: | Also called the "chub," this species of Pacific mackerel is also found in the Mediterranean. Like other mackerels, this fish is fatty and has a strong flavor.
Mackerel: | A long, slender saltwater fish. The flesh is firm and fatty, with a distinctive savory flavor. The most popular mackerel is the king mackerel, also known as the "kingfish."
Mackerel: | The king mackerel (also known as kingfish) is probably the best known of this family of saltwater fish found in the Atlantic Ocean. Mackerel has firm, savory flavored flesh and is available fresh, smoked or salted.
Madeira: | A sweet, Portuguese desert wine often served as an aperitif or as an after dinner drink.
Madeleine: | A small, scalloped, shell shape cake from a butter and egg rich batter.
Madeleine: | A small scalloped or shell shaped cookie or cake made from a rich batter similar to genoise. These may be flavored with almonds, lemon, or cinnamon.
Madire, au: | Made with Madeira wine.
Madrilene: | A clear chicken consomme flavored with tomato juice.
Mafalda, Mafalde(pl): | Wide, flat noodle with ruffled edges, resembles a lasagna noodle, only narrower.
Maggi Seasoning: | Dark brown, bottled sauce that resembles soy sauce; it adds salt and depth of flavor to dishes; do not overdo using this sauce as it will overpower the dish; regular soy sauce may be substituted, if necessary.
Magnetic stripe reader (food industry term): | A peripheral hooked to a computer that reads magnetic strips on the back of bankcards and credit cards.
Magret: | The breast meat from a mallard or Barbary duck. These ducks are specially raised for foie gras. Their breasts are large and have a much thinner layer of fat than do the Peking or Long Island duckling.
Maguey: | Cactus plant (Agave americana) from which tequila, mescal and pulque are made.
Mahi Mahi, Dolphinfish: | Though this fish is actually a type of dolphin, it should not be confused with the dolphin that is a mammal. Mahi mahi is a firm, flavorful fish, excellent grilled or broiled.
Mahi mahi: | Also called "dolphin fish." Although this fish is a dolphin, it is not a mammal. To avoid this confusion, the Hawaiian name "Mahi Mahi" is becoming prevalent. This fish is moderately fat with firm, flavorful flesh.
Mahi-mahi: | Contrary to popular belief, mahi-mahi is not a mammalian dolphin. A warm-water fish with dark meat that turns brown after cooking. Mahi-mahi is a great alternative to swordfish.
Maigre: | French term for a dish containing no meat. It may also refer to lean or low-fat cooking.
Mailer (food industry term): | An ad circular direct mailed to customers.
Mail-in blanks (food industry term): | An order form used by retailers to obtain advertising or promotional materials from a manufacturer.
Mail-in premium (food industry term): | A point-of-sale promotional offer in which a customer receives a bonus for mailing a coupon or label to a manufacturer.
Mainframe (food industry term): | A non-networked, large computer, the predecessor of personal computers.
Main-line (food industry term): | A store's primary display area, which has permanent display fixtures.
Maintenance cost (food industry term): | An average inventory's storage expense.
Mais: | [French] corn.
Maitre d'hotel butter: | This is the most common of all the compound butters. It is flavored with lemon and chopped parsley and used to garnish fish and grilled meats. Garlic may be added, but it would then be called escargot butter.
Maiz: | [Spanish] maiz; corn.
Maizena: | [Spanish] cornstarch; a product of Mexico which comes in almond, chocolate, cinnamon, coconut, guava, mango, pineapple and vanilla flavors; commonly used to make Atole.
Mako shark: | Fairly inexpensive fish with ivory-pink flesh that resembles swordfish in color and texture (but not in appearance). Other available shark includes dusky, black tip, silky, lemon, bull, tiger, or hammerhead shark.
Malanga: | A tuber sold in all Latin American markets and some supermarkets; you might find it under the name "yautia." Raw, it has the texture of jimica, but it is not eaten raw. It's best boiled, fried, or included in stews, in short treated exactly as a potato. Peel and trim before cooking.
Mallet: | A tool usually made of sturdy hard wood with a metal-reinforced striking surface; used to flatten thin cuts of meat or poultry and for cracking the shells of cooked crabs and lobsters.
Malt: | 1. A fountain drink that is a thick blend of malted milk powder, ice cream, milk and flavoring. 2. A grain like barley that has been sprouted, kiln-dried and ground into sweet-flavored powder. The malt powder is used to brew beer, make vinegar and is used as an additive to many foods.
Maltagliate: | Irregular, triangle- or diamond-shaped pasta pieces, half the size of a postage stamp, often used as an ingredient in soups.
Management information services (mis) (food industry term): | A computer system, based on a mainframe or minicomputer, designed to provide managers with current information about a company's performance, e.g., inventory and sales.
Manchamantel: | [Spanish] "tablecloth stainer." Usually refers to sauces that do not wash out easily.
Manchego: | [Spanish] an aged sheep's milk cheese that is dry and crumbly; packed in straw and weighted; usually grated for use in quesadillas and empanadas; substitute good Parmesan or aged white Cheddar.
Mandarin: | 1. A cooking style from China. The word mandarin literally means "Chinese official," suggesting the style is the aristocratic epitome of Chinese cuisine. 2. A citrus fruit with loose yellow to reddish-orange rind that is very easy to peel. The flesh is orange in color and has a sweet flavor.
Mandatory recycling (food industry term): | A requirement by jurisdictions that residents dispose of used plastic, paper and aluminum in separate collection bins or centers in order to reduce the waste that goes to dumps or landfills.
Mandel: | [German] almond.
Mandoline: | A hand-operated slicing and cutting apparatus. Mandolines are used to cut fruits and vegetables evenly.
Mandoline: | The original food processor, and still highly useful, the mandoline is the easiest way to cut thin slices of vegetables.
Mango: | A beautiful tropical fruit which grows in a variety of shapes and sizes; the skin may be green, rosy red, gold or all three as the fruit ripens. The juicy, smooth, golden flesh is fragrant and sweetly tart, with one large flat seed.
Mangos: | [Spanish] mangoes; one of the most popular fruits in the Southwest and Mexico; it has a peach-like taste and flowery aroma; the skin is pink, red, gold and green; the flesh is deep yellow and juicy; to slice the fruit, free it from the flat, oval pit in large pieces. There are some two hundred varieties. They are usually eaten ripe, as a fruit or in salsa. Green mangoes make great salads and chutneys.
Manhattan Clam Chowder: | Chowder made with quahog clams, tomatoes, onions, celery, and potatoes.
Manicotti: | Large, tube shaped pasta that is normally stuffed with a meat, vegetable and cheese mixture and topped with a red sauce and baked.
Manicotti: | Rolled pancakes (crepes), stuffed with cheese. Pasta tubes may also be used.
Manifest (food industry term): | See loading sheet.
Manioc: | [Spanish] yuca; cassava; see "yuca."
Mano: | [Spanish] hand; implement used to grind corn and chiles on a metate.
Manteca: | [Spanish] lard; fat; probably the most frequently used ingredient in traditional Mexican cooking; has approximately half the cholesterol of butter; fresh rendered lard is best; it is usually best to substitute vegetable shortening unless fresh lard is available.
Mantequilla: | [Spanish] butter.
Manufacturer brand (food industry term): | A manufacturer's product distributed by more than one wholesaler or retailer in a territory.
Manufacturer's coupon (food industry term): | A magazine advertisement or direct mail coupon for a product..
Manufacturer's representative (food industry term): | A sales representative responsible for the sales and distribution of manufacturer's products.
Manzanas: | [Spanish] apples.
Manzanilla Olive: | Spanish green olive, lightly lye-cured then packed in salt and lactic acid; available unpitted and/or stuffed.
Map (food industry term): | Modified atmosphere packaging.
Maple sugar: | Made by the evaporation of maple sap or maple syrup. Usually pressed into fancy shapes and sold as a candy. It is not generally used for baking or cooking.
Maple Syrup: | Maple sap that has been reduced by boiling until a thick syrup with a sweet distinctive taste is formed.
Maple syrup: | Thick and sweet syrup used on pancakes and waffles or as an ice cream topping. Pure maple syrup is made by the evaporation of the sap from maple trees. Maple-blended syrup is a mixture of maple syrup and cane syrups, resulting in a milder and less costly product.
Maquereau: | [French] mackerel.
Maraschino Cherry: | A pitted cherry soaked in a flavored, sugar syrup and dyed red or green. Maraschino cherries are used for drink and food garnishes.
Marble: | To smoothly whirl one food into another.
Marbling: | The streaks of intramuscular fat found in meat (especially beef) which add to the meat's flavor and tenderness. Marbling is a primary factor in determining a meat's quality grade.
Marchand de vin: | A dark brown sauce made with meat and wine.
Marengo: | A chicken dish containing mushrooms, wine, tomatoes, pearl onions and garlic.
Marengo: | A chicken stew made with wine, tomatoes, and garlic. The stew is served over toast, garnished with crayfish and fried eggs. The modern versions of this omit the eggs and substitute shrimp for the crayfish. Of course, other liberties have been taken with this recipe to include black olives, peppers, and veal. The dish is rumored to have been named for the dish served to General Bonaparte after his army s defeat of the Austrians in the battle of Marengo.
Margarine (oleo, oleomargarine): | Comes in several forms. Regular margarine, with 80% fat is usually interchangeable with butter. Soft margarine is readily spreadable even at refrigerated temperatures. Whipped margarine has air beaten in to increase volume. Imitation or diet margarine has greatly reduced fat content and Half the calories, sometimes less, of regular margarine. Margarine was first invented to replace butter in cooking and baking. It was then made solely of beef fat. Margarine is now made with a variety of fats, alone or with others, along with the addition of water, whey, yellow coloring, and vitamins. Beef fat is still used today, but with a higher consciousness toward a healthier diet, it is very rare.
Margarine: | Developed as a butter substitute in the late 1800s, margarine is 80 percent vegetable oil that is partially hydrogenated to hold a solid form. The remaining 20 percent is liquids, flavoring, coloring, and other additives. Margarine may be salted or unsalted. For best results in home baking, recipes that call for margarine should use margarine and not a spread, whipped, or reduced-fat form.
Margarine: | A solid fat invented in 1869 to replace butter in cooking and baking. Originally, it was composed entirely of beef fat. Today, margarine is made with a variety of fats (usually vegetable), water, whey, yellow coloring, and nutritional additives.
Margin (food industry term): | The difference between the cost and the retail selling price of goods.
Margin blending (food industry term): | A combination of higher- and lower-margin products to achieve an overall margin figure.
Marguery: | A Hollandaise sauce made with shellfish essence and wine.
Marina: | [French] Pickled, marinated.
Marinade, To Marinate: | A liquid seasoning blend or dry spice rub for foods, used for flavor enhancement and tenderizing. Marinades are added to foods and then allowed to set for a period of time. Liquid marinades are usually acid-based with wine, vinegar, yogurt or lemon juice with added spices.
Marinade: | A seasoned liquid, usually containing an acid, in which foods such as meat or vegetables are soaked (marinated) before cooking.
Marinade: | A seasoned liquid, often containing vinegar and oil, in which food is soaked to improve flavor.
Marinara Sauce: | Literally, "sailor-style" in Italian, this sauce can be made either red or white, but it always contains garlic, tomatoes, olive oil, oregano, and vinegar and/or wine.
Marinara: | A spicy tomato and garlic sauce.
Marinate | Soaking or coating a food in a seasoned liquid to absorb flavors and tenderize the food prior to cooking
Marinate: | To soak a food, usually meat, seafood, or vegetables, in a seasoned liquid mixture, the marinade, so that the food absorbs the flavors of mixture. Marinades also help to tenderize tough meat. Macerate is the term for soaking fruit in a similar manner. Example
Marinate: | To let food stand in a marinade which is a liquid, usually an oil-acid mixture such as French dressing.
Marinate: | To soak meat, vegetables or fish in seasoned liquid.
Mariscos: | [Spanish] seafood dishes.
Marjoram, Sweet Marjoram: | A Mediterranean herb of the mint family that has short oval, pale green leaves, a sweet flavor suggestive of thyme and oregano and a strong aroma.
Marjoram: | Sometimes called "wild oregano," it is an herb in the mint family and is related to thyme; often confused with and substituted for oregano; grows up to 2 feet high with closely bunched purple and white flowers that resemble knots; used to season game or pork; often labeled as sweet marjoram.
Markdown (food industry term): | A price reduction of merchandise to sell older merchandise or for a specific sale period.
Market development funds (mdf) (food industry term): | A manufacturer's money offer to retailers in a market to advertise or introduce their products.
Market profile (food industry term): | A marketplace analysis that describes the number and types of customers in a retail area and other retail stores.
Market research (food industry term): | A study of product performance or consumer acceptance; a basis for marketing plans and decisions.
Market, market area (food industry term): | See trading area.
Marketing (food industry term): | The strategy or creating of an image, designed to attract customers to buy specific products or services or shop in particular stores.
Marketing plan (food industry term): | A strategy to increase sales and profits on a product or brand, using ads, signs, displays, promotional incentives and certain performance criteria.
Marketing system (food industry term): | The path merchandise travels from a producer to a customer.
Markup (food industry term): | The percentage of increase in a wholesale price when sold at a retail price. See margin.
Marmalade: | A jellied fruit preserve that contains pieces of rind (usually citrus fruit).
Marmalade: | A preserve of citrus fruits (most commonly oranges) and sugar.
Marmite: | [French] a rich meat soup or stock; an earthenware stock pot.
Marrons glaces: | Chestnuts preserved in syrup or candied.
Marrons: | Chestnuts.
Marrow: | Bone substance and gut eaten by Native Americans and pioneers.
Marsala: | An Italian, dessert wine, served as an after dinner drink or as an aperitif. Marsala is available in dry and sweet.
Marzipan: | A mixture of almond paste, sugar and egg whites (of ground almonds, sugar, and egg whites) used to cover dessert cakes or to mold and shape for decorations on pastries.
Marzipan: | A sweet confection made from ground blanched almonds and sugar, some of which is liquid sugar to make a soft pliable paste. While there are no hard-and-fast rules, Marzipan typically contains more than 60% sugar some of which is liquid sugar. Marzipan is like edible modeling clay. It can be sculpted into fanciful shapes, rolled to decorate cakes or coated in chocolate to make a candy center.
It has been enjoyed in Europe since the Middle Ages. It is believed that when the Crusaders opened up trade routes to the Near East, they brought the taste for this Arab sweet back to Europe. There, almond paste and nougat candies made their way into the Mediterranean pastry and candy traditions, as well as in Germany, the British Isles, and Scandinavia.
Masa Harina: | Instant corn flour, dough flour; a product developed by the Quaker Oats Company at the request of the Mexican government; used to make dough for tamales and corn tortillas; uncooked corn kernels that have been ground into flour.
Masa, Masa Harina: | Masa is the plain, wet stone ground dough made with a special corn known as Nixtamal. Fresh masa is sold two different ways: prepared and unprepared. Prepared masa is plain masa which has been mixed with lard and salt only. This type of masa yields heavy, greasy, drier dough. Masa is the dough used mainly for tortillas and tamales. It is made from dried corn kernels which has been cooked in limewater, then ground while wet. Masa Harina is flour made from dried masa.
Masa: | [Spanish] dough; dough of ground dried corn and flour; usually refers to ground nixtamal; instant corn flour tortilla mix; cornmeal dough made from dried corn kernels that have been softened in a lime solution, then ground; fresh frozen masa is available in supermarkets throughout the Southwest; comes finely ground in a dehydrated form and can be used to make tortillas and tamales.
Mascabado: | [Spanish] brown sugar.
Mascarpone Cheese: | An extremely rich cream cheese from Italy.
Mascarpone: | A rich triple cream, fresh cheese from Italy with a texture resembling that of solidified whipped cream.
Mash: | To crush, beat or squeeze food into a soft state by using a fork or a masher.
Mash: | To press or crush a food into a smooth mixture.
Mask: | To cover a dish with sauce or aspic after it has been cooked but prior to serving. It also refers to over-seasoning a dish to the point where all other flavors are indiscernible.
Mask: | To cover completely, as with mayonnaise, jelly, ganache, aspic, etc.
Mass display (food industry term): | A large display of items, used to create an impression of abundance and value.
Mass merchandiser (food industry term): | A general merchandise retailer offering a large quantity of products at low prices.
Master broker (food industry term): | A broker supervising other brokers that represent the same manufacturer. See agent.
Mastic: | a resin that gives a sour flavor to dishes. A shrub rarely growing higher than 12 feet, much branched, and found freely scattered over the Mediterranean region, in Spain, Portugal, France, Greece, Turkey, the Canary Islands, and Tropical Africa. The best Mastic occurs in roundish tears about the size of a small pea, or in flattened, irregular pear-shape, or oblong pieces covered with a whitish powder. They are pale yellow in color, which darkens with age. The odor is agreeable and the taste mild and resinous, and when chewed it becomes soft, so that it can easily be masticated. This characteristic enables it to be distinguished from a resin called Sanderach, which it resembles, but which when bitten breaks to powder.
Matafan: | A thick pancake eaten sweet as a snack, or savory as an accompaniment to cheese. They are also made with bacon, spinach, and potatoes.
Match cut: | A long thin cut, ? x ? x 3 inches; alumette.
Matelote: | Stew containing freshwater fish, wine and aromatics.
Matelote: | [French] in the sailor's style. A fish stew made with wine. The Alsatian version of this dish is made with freshwater fish, Riesling wine, and thickened with cream and egg yolks. The Normandy version includes seafood and is flavored with cider and Calvados. These stews are normally embellished with pearl onions and mushrooms. Also, asauce made with court bouillon and red wine.
Matjes herring: | A reddish herring that has been skinned and filleted before being cured in a spiced sugar-vinegar brine.
Matzo Meal: | Ground matzo (unleavened bread made of only wheat flour and water), which is used in a variety of foods including matzo balls (dumplings) and pancakes.
Matzo, Matzoth: | Thin, unleavened, Jewish flat bread made of flour and water.
Mayonnaise: | A creamy, thick white sauce consisting of oil and vinegar emulsified with egg yolks. It is used as a spread or dressing. It is sold commercially and comes in reduced fat and non fat varieties.
Mayonnaise: | This is the mother of all of the cold egg and oil emulsified sauces. Commercial versions are made with inferior oils and are far to thick for proper utilization. A hand made version has a rich, subtle flavor and silky texture. You should always use a neutral oil or a good olive oil. Avoid using an extra-virgin olive oil, which will offer too strong a flavor for most usage.
Mdf (food industry term): | Market development funds.
Mead: | A fermented beverage consisting of water, honey, and yeast (or hops) with flavorings.
Meal: | Grain or seeds milled or ground more coarsely than flour.
Measuring cups and spoons: | Containers or spoons that come in graduated sizes and are used to accurately measure dry or liquid ingredients when cooking or baking.
Measuring Cups: | Containers used to measure the volume of dry or liquid foods.
Meat tenderizer: | A food product obtained from the papaya, which works on the fibers of raw meat to make it tender, regardless of kind, grade, or cut. When the meat is cooked all tenderizing action stops.
Meat tonnage (food industry term): | The total amount of meat that the meat department processes.
Meat: | 1. The flesh (muscles, fat and related tissues) of animals used for food. 2. The edible part of nuts.
Meatball: | Chopped meat formed into balls and cooked. Additional ingredients are sometimes added to the meat.
Medallion: | A very small, round cut of pork, veal, or beef.
Medallion: | [French] the "eye" of a rib lamb chop.
Mediano: | [Spanish] medium hot (to taste).
Mejillones: | [Spanish] mussels.
Mejorana: | [Spanish] marjoram; wild oregano.
Melange: | A mixture
Melba Sauce: | A sauce composed of pureed, strained fresh raspberries, red currant jelly, sugar and cornstarch. It is traditionally served with Peach Melba, but can be used as a topping for other desserts.
Melba Toast: | A very thin and very dry toast that is served with soups and salads.
Melba: | The name of a popular dessert invented by Auguste Escoffier. Poached peach halves are served with vanilla ice cream and topped with fresh raspberry sauce.
Melon: | A member of the gourd family. There are two groups of melons: muskmelon and watermelon, of which there are many varieties.
Melon: | There are three kinds of melons (aside from watermelon, a different species entirely). Small melons with ridged skin, such as the charentais, more common in Europe; and those with a meshed rind, such as cantaloupe; and those with a smooth rind, like the honeydew. When looking for ripe melons, an appetizing smell is a good sign. Shake the melon. Loose seeds are a fairly good indication of ripeness. Squeeze the ends, especially the one opposite the stem; it should be fairly tender, almost soft.
Melon: | [Spanish] cantaloupe.
Melt: | Heating a solid food such as butter or sugar until it is liquid.
Melt: | To alter a food from a solid to a liquid by heat.
Membership club store (food industry term): | See club store.
Membrillo: | [Spanish] quince.
Menta: | [Spanish] mint.
Menudo: | A Mexican soup containing tripe, green chiles, hominy and spices.
Menudo: | [Spanish] tripe and cow's foot soup or stew; fiery Mexican "hangover cure," traditionally eaten on Saturday and Sunday; traditional dish for New Year's Day; normally served with lime wedges, oregano, red pepper flakes and hot tortillas.
Mercados: | [Spanish] markets.
Merchandise mix (food industry term): | The selection of products and categories that comprise a basic store set or distribution center layout. Competing brands within a category.
Merchandiser (food industry term): | A person who designs a store's layout, selects and prices products and decides which signs to use to maximize sales volume. Also, a movable, free-standing fixture.
Merchandising (food industry term): | The creative handling and presentation of products at the point of sale to maximize their sales appeal.
Merchandising allowance (food industry term): | A manufacturer's incentive offered to wholesalers and retailers to advertise and display products for a specific period of time. Also known as a Performance Agreement.
Merchandising calendar (food industry term): | The annual merchandising schedule of the food industry coordinating seasonal, ethnic and traditional events.
Merchandising committee (food industry term): | A retailer/wholesaler management group that selects new products and accepts manufacturer's allowances and special promotions. See advisory board; buying committee; plans committee.
Merchandising department (food industry term): | A division of a food store company that procures products and develops retail sales programs.
Merchandising technique (food industry term): | An attractive shelf display of products, e.g., hand-stacked; case-packed; tray-packed; lacing.
Merchant discount (food industry term): | A processing fee that retailers pay banks for credit card transactions.
Merienda: | [Spanish] afternoon tea following the daily siesta.
Meringue: | Egg whites beaten until they are stiff and creamy, then sweetened. Primarily used as the topping for cream pies, or baked as cookies.
Meringue: | [French] whipped egg whites to which sugar has been added to form a stiff paste. These are used to lighten mousses, cakes and pastry creams. Unsweetened versions are used to lighten forcemeats.
Mesa: | [Spanish] table.
Mescal: | [Spanish] liquor distilled from fermented juice of the maguey cactus.
Mesclun: | French word for "mixed" that refers to a salad of assorted small salad leaves and herbs.
Mesclun: | A word used to describe a mixture of a dozen or more wild and cultivated greens. Often this mix is stretched with herbs or flower sprigs and bitter greens. These greens should be dressed very lightly, with only best oil and vinegar, so that their flavor will not be masked.
Mesophilic: | Cheesemaking term which describes the temperature at which the culture thrives. From the Greek words meso, meaning intermediate and philic, which means loving. Mesophilic cultures thrive around room temperatures.These terms describes at the temperature the culture thrives at. Mesophilic (from the Greek words meso meaning intermediate and philic, which means loving) cultures thrive around room temperatures. Mesophilic cultures require a temperature than thermophilic cultures.
Mesquite: | A hardwood tree grown in the Southwest US, used to impart a distinct flavor in barbecue and smoked foods.
Mesquite: | Hardwood tree, the dry wood of which is used to fuel fires in Southwestern cooking; the beans are a Native American staple.
Metate: | Old Native American utensil, made of volcanic rock; used for grinding corn, mesquite beans, etc.
Meuniere a la, Meuniere: | Fish or seafood sauteed and served in brown butter. Also, with sauce of butter, lemon juice and parsley.
Mexican chocolate: | A mixture of chocolate, almonds, sugar and sometimes cinnamon and vanilla, ground together and formed into octagonal tablets; Ibarra is the most common brand in the United States; can be used in desserts, chocolate beverages and some mole sauces; the best substitute is to add a dash of cinnamon to bittersweet chocolate.
Mexican mint marigold: | Also known as "sweet mace"; flavor of the leaves is similar to tarragon with a subtle anise flavor; both the leaves and petals can be used in sauces and relishes and as a garnish.
Mexican oregano: | Much larger leaves and a different appearance from the oregano most commonly found in the United States; almost always sold dried in the United States; used in many traditional recipes for red sauces, moles and stews; should be toasted slightly before using to enhance the flavor.
Mexican strawberries: | Cowboy term for red beans.
Mezzani: | Smooth tubular pasta.
Miaz azul: | [Spanish] blue corn.
Microbe (food industry term): | A microorganism that can cause disease. Bacteria, molds and yeast that can grow on various food and equipment surfaces; the main cause of discoloration in meat and food poisoning.
Micromarketing (food industry term): | A marketing plan focused on a defined segment of the marketplace, rather than the entire marketplace.
Microwave Cooking: | A heating method that cooks with high-frequency radio waves that cause food molecules to pulse, creating friction that heats and cooks the food.
Microwave oven (food industry term): | An oven that cooks foods quickly using microwaves.
Middleman (food industry term): | An intermediary in the purchase and/or flow of products from producers to customers.
Miel: | [French and Italian] honey.
Migajas: | [Spanish] crumbs.
Migajon: | [Spanish] soft inside of bread.
Migas: | A mixture of bread or tortilla crumbs with scrambled eggs, chiles, onions and seasonings. Occasionally, chorizo (sausage) is added to the dish.
Migas: | [Spanish] leftovers; crumbs; a dish made of eggs scrambled with chorizo, tortilla chips, onions, tomatoes, cheese and chiles, it is normally eaten for breakfast; also called huevos con tostaditos.
Mignon, Migonette: | This is a term used to describe coarsely ground pepper used for au poivre preparations and in bouquet garni. This is also used to describe small round pieces of meat or poultry.
Milanese: | [Italian] used to describe foods that are dipped in egg and bread crumbs, sometimes parmesan cheese, and fried in butter.
Milch: | [German] milk.
Mild chiles: | New Mexico or Anaheim chiles.
Milk chocolate: | Sweetened dark chocolate (at least 10 percent chocolate liquor) with additional milk solids (at least 12 percent).
Milk Chocolate: | Popular form of eating chocolate because of its mild, mellow flavor and usually contains about 12% milk solids. Milk chocolate has a less robust flavor than sweet or semisweet chocolates.
MILK chocolate: | Sweetened chocolate with milk solids (or cream) added. It's usually eaten as is or used for candy making.
Milk chocolate: | Most popular form of eating chocolate in the United States due to its mild, mellow flavor. It has only 10% chocolate liquor and usually contains about 12% milk solids. Milk chocolate has a less robust flavor than sweet or semi-sweet chocolates.
Milk Shake: | Milk, ice cream, and a syrup or other flavorings mixed in a blender until the ice cream is soft enough to be sipped through a straw.
Milkfish: | An important food fish of the Indo:Pacific region that offers a tender, white flesh. Hawaiians use milkfish for making fish cakes and sashimi. Also called "awa."
Mille-feuilles: | Small rectangular pastries made of crisp layers of puff pastry and pastry cream. This may also include savory fillings of similar presentation. The word mille-feuille means a thousand leaves.
Millet flour: | Finely ground flour from whole millet; a starchy, low-gluten flour with a texture similar to rice flour.
Millet: | A small, round grain boiled or grounded into flour. It does not contain gluten.
Milnot: | Milnot is canned evaporated milk that can be whipped. It is only marketed in a handful of states.
Milpa: | [Spanish] cornfield.
Mince: | To cut into very fine pieces using a knife, food grinder, blender or food processor.
Mince: | To cut or chop into very small pieces.
Mince: | To cut into extremely fine pieces.
Mince: | [Great Britain] Ground beef.
Mincemeat: | A spicy, sweet combination of candied and fresh fruits, wine, spices, and beef fat. Primarily used filling for pies.
Mincemeat: | A sweet spicy mixture of candied and fresh fruits, wine, spices, and beef fat. Earlier recipes for this used beef or venison meat and beef fat. It is used primarily as a filling for pies served during the Christmas holiday season.
Minestrone: | An Italian all-vegetable soup containing an assortment of vegetables and pasta or beans or rice.
Minestrone: | A thick Italian vegetable soup with beans and pasta or rice. This may contain any number of vegetables, but for authenticity, meat is never added.
Mini-club (food industry term): | A scaled-down wholesale club, which carries about 60 percent of the SKUs offered in a larger store.
Minimum carload weight requirement (food industry term): | A minimum weight or quantity needed to qualify for a railcar shipping rate.
Minimum order requirement (food industry term): | A minimum quantity, set by a manufacturer or supplier, for a retailer or wholesaler to order at a time to qualify for a certain price or discount.
Minimum truckload weight requirement (food industry term): | A minimum weight or quantity required to qualify for a truckload shipping rate.
Mint Julep: | A popular drink from the southern U.S. containing fresh mint, bourbon, and crushed ice.
Mint: | An herb with a fresh, peppery flavor. Mint is available fresh, dried, and as an extract.
Minute steak: | A tender and juicy very thin steak cut from the top round, which can be quickly saut ed, broiled or pan-broiled.
Mirabelle: | [French] small yellow plum, used as tart filling; a liqueur made from small yellow plums.
Mirasol chiles: | Mirasol means looking at the sun; also called chile travieso, or naughty chile; the dried pods are used like dried red New Mexican chiles in corn dishes, meat dishes, sauces and stews; when fresh and green, it can be substituted for the serrano chile mochomos: cooked or roasted meat, shredded and fried crisp.
Mirepoix: | [French] a mixture of chopped onion, carrot, and celery used to flavor stocks and soups. Ham or bacon are sometimes added to a mirepoix, depending on the specific preparation.
Mirepoix: | Mixed vegetables diced very small and cooked with diced ham, often used as a garnish.
Mirin: | A sweet, rice wine used in cooking Japanese cuisine.
Mirin: | [Japanese] sweet rice vinegar. May substitute by adding a little sugar to regular rice-wine vinegar.
Mirliton (vegetable pear): | A vegetable resembling a pale green squash. Mirlitons are also referred to as vegetable pears or chayote squash. You can find them on vines growing in Louisiana back yards. Their delicate flavor generally absorbs the taste of other foods they come in contact with. They are also used as an ingredient in Caribbean as well as Latin and Southwestern American dishes.
Mis (food industry term): | Management information services.
Mise en place: | [French] mise (to put) en (in) place (place). A French term well-known to any professional cook. It means "putting in place," and refers to the many prepped ingredients that must be on hand in order to be ready for meal service.
Miso, light or dark (red): | Fermented soybean paste used as a basic ingredient in many Japanese dishes.
Miso: | Fermented soybean paste that is an indispensable Japanese flavoring ingredientIt is used in sauces, soups, marinades, dressings, dips and main dishes.
Mis-pick (food industry term): | An improperly slotted or selected item that results in the wrong item being shipped and/or billed to a retailer by a wholesaler.
Mis-redemptions (food industry term): | A cashier's mistake processing a coupon, such as credit for the wrong item, an expired coupon or over/short on the exchange amount.
Mis-stock (food industry term): | An item stocked in the wrong place or incorrectly stocked.
Mix (food industry term): | See product mix.
Mix Until Just Moistened: | To combine dry ingredients with liquid ingredients until the dry ingredients are thoroughly moistened, but the mixture is still slightly lumpy.
Mix: | To combine ingredients in any way athat affects a distribution.
Mix: | To combine ingredients with a spoon or beaters until well integrated.
Mix-and-match (food industry term): | A display of various items to offer a selection for a single price point, e.g., five for $1.
Mixed car or mixed truck (food industry term): | A shipment of a variety of products by rail or truck to a specific location that qualifies by weight as a railcar load or truckload.
Mixing: | Stirring, usually with a spoon, until the ingredients are well-combined (no individual ingredients can be seen or identified).
Mobile (food industry term): | A hanging sign that moves with air flow or is powered by electricity.
Mocha: | A coffee and chocolate mixture.
Mocha: | Flavoring of coffee or made by combining coffee and chocolate.
Mochi: | Japanese confection; a small, round rice cake which can be eaten with condiments such as kinako (roasted soy bean flour), manju (sweet red bean paste), soy sauce dip, andseaweed. Traditionally, mochi is made by pounding steamed glutinous rice in a large wooden mortar, called the usu, with a wooden mallet called the kine. Mochi-tsuki is the Japanese term for the old-style method of pounding the steamed glutinous rice used to make mochi.
Mock Duck: | Fresh, organic wheat gluten that is folded and pressed creating a meat substitute to duck in Buddhist and other vegetarian dishes. Available canned in Asian markets.
Mode of shipment (mos) (food industry term): | The means used to ship items, such as a railway or truck line.
Mode, a la: | A food which is braised; also, pies and cakes served with a garnish of ice cream.
Modem (food industry term): | Modulator/demodulator; a telephone-like device that transmits and receives data.
Modified atmosphere packaging (map) (food industry term): | A packaging technique that uses a gas-flushing process to reduce oxygen and maximize a product's shelf life.
Mojo de ajo: | [Spanish] soaked in garlic.
Mojo: | Cuban seasoning mix made of garlic, olive oil, and sour oranges It is used as a dip, marinade, or sauce for vegetables and meats.
Mojo: | [Mexican] A spicy, rich sauce consisting of nuts, seeds, spices, chocolate, and peppers.
Molasses: | A thick, sweet, brownish-black liquid that is a by-product of sugar-refining; used in breads, cookies and pastries for its distinctive, slightly bitter flavor and dark color.
Molasses: | This is a syrup resulting from the crystallization of raw sugar from the sap. Additional processing results in darker and stronger tasting molasses called black strap.
Molcajete Y Tejolete: | The Mexican term for mortar (molcajete) and pestle (tejolete); sometimes made from volcanic rock.
Molcajete: | [Spanish] mortar made from volcanic stone used for grinding chiles.
Mold: | To shape food, usually by pouring the liquefied food into a mold. When the liquid is cooled it will retain the shape of the mold.
Molding, shelf (food industry term): | A grooved strip on a facing of a gondola shelf used to attach price tags and shelf-talkers. Also called shelf channel.
Mole negro: | [Spanish] the best known of Oaxaca's famous "seven moles."
Mole: | A Mexican specialty, mole is a dark, reddish-brown sauce, often served with chicken or turkey. Mole is made from a variety of ingredients, including ground seeds, chile peppers, onion, garlic, and chocolate.
Mole: | [Spanish] taken from the Nahuatl word "Molli," meaning concoction; an assortment of thick sauces used in Mexican cooking made of chiles. These sauces are made with one or many chiles, and flavored with cumin, coriander, cinnamon, nuts, seeds, and chocolate. one of the most common ingredients of mole sauce is chocolate; one of the oldest known sauces. Their flavor is rich, smoky, and very complex. Some recipes are made with fresh herbs and have a green color. Chicken, turkey, and pork are then simmered in this sauce.
Molinillo: | [Spanish] a wooden whisk used to whip hot chocolate; the handle is rolled between the palms of the hands, whipping the mixture until it is frothy.
Mollejas: | [Spanish] sweetbreads.
Molletes: | [Spanish] yeast rolls flavored with anise; toasted open-faced sandwich filled with refried beans and cheese.
Molokhia (Melokiyah, Moloheia, etc.): | Traditional dish in Egypt and Sudan -- some people believe it originated among Egyptians during the time of the Pharaohs. Others believe that it was first prepared by ancient Jews. Molokhia is a mucilaginous, nutritious soup made from a type of greens, known as molokhia or Jew's mallow (also called Nalta jute, Tussa jute, Corchorus olitorius), which is found throughout Egypt, the Levant, and similar climes elsewhere. Dried or frozen molokhia greens may be obtained from Middle Eastern or Asian grocery stores worldwide.
Mom and pop store (food industry term): | A family-owned food store operated by a husband and wife and/or other family members.
Monaco, la: | Served with a green pea and caper sauce.
Money gram (food industry term): | A person-to-person electronic transfer of money
Monkfish: | This large low:fat, firm:textured salt:water fish has a mild, sweet flavor similar to lobster. Sometimes referred to as "poor man's lobster." Also called "Angler," "Lotte," "Belly:Fish," "frogfish," "Sea Devil," and "Goosefish."
Monkfish: | A saltwater fish of which only the tail meat is eaten.
Monkfish: | Known as the poor man's lobster, because of its extremely firm, meaty texture. Highly versatile. Remove any membrane that remains on the fillet before cooking.
Monosodium Glutamate, MSG: | A white, crystalline salt found in wheat, beets, and soy bean products. It is used extensively in Chinese cookery, and thought to help accentuate the flavors of certain foods. Many people suffer serious allergic reactions to this so widespread use has been reduced to the commercial food processing industry.
Monosodium Glutamate: | A sodium salt found in wheat, beets, and soy bean products. It is used extensively in Chinese cooking, and thought to help accentuate the flavors of certain foods. However some people have shown an allergic reaction.
Monounsaturated Fat: | Monounsaturated fats have been shown to reduce LDLs, but have relatively no effect on HDLs, except for olive oil, which can increase the beneficial HDLs. Other sources of monounsaturated fat can be obtained from canola oil, peanut oil, avocados, almonds, cashews and peanuts.
Mont Blanc: | A classic French dessert made with sweetened chestnut puree. The puree is passed through a ricer and formed into a fluffy mound on a platter. The dessert is then topped with whipped cream.
Mont blanc: | A rich dessert of chestnut puree and whipped cream.
Monter au beurre: | To whisk cold butter into a hot liquid to give the liquid a silky consistency and depth of flavor.
Monterey Jack Cheese: | Deriving its name from the California city where it originated, this cheese is very versatile. Usually available unaged, it is mild and has an ivory color.
Monterey jack: | Mild, buttery-flavor cheese usually sold in blocks; melts easily; also made with jalape os.
Montmorency: | A sauce made with cherries; also, a garnish made with artichoke hearts.
Moochim: | A Korean:style dried fish with soy sauce.
Moose: | A large member of the deer family with enormous palmate antlers. Moose meat is called "venison." Antelope, caribou, elk, deer, and reindeer meat is also classified as venison, the most popular large animal game meat in the U.S.
Mora chiles: | A dried chile; a more subtle variety of smoked jalapeno than chipotles, they have a long mesquite flavor with tones of dried fruit; moras grandes are a larger version of the same type of chile, while smaller ones are often labeled "moritas." Use chipotles as a substitute for any of these chiles.
Morcilla: | [Spanish] pork mixed with pig's blood and spices and steamed within the animal's stomach.
Morel mushroom: | This is a wild mushroom with a honeycomb cap and hollow stem. These are very dirty mushrooms and must be cleaned carefully. Morels possess a wonderful earthy flavor, making them good candidates for soups, sauces, and fillings. Morels are most readily available dried.
Morel: | A variety of wild mushroom, the morel is cone-shaped and has a nutty, earthy flavor.
Morello cherries: | Pie cherries.
Mornay Sauce: | A basic bechamel sauce to which cheese has been added. It is sometimes varied with the addition of eggs or stock.
Mornay Sauce: | A sauce similar to bechamel sauce but with Gruyere cheese, sometimes enriched with egg yolks. It is used mainly for fish and vegetable preparations.
Mortadella: | A smoked sausage from Bologna, Italy, the city that brought us "bologna" sausage. Made from finely ground beef, pork, cubes of pork fat, and seasonings.
Mortadella: | Large, lightly smoked sausages made of pork, beef, or veal. These are specialties of Bologna, which is where the US version of this sausage gets its name. Mortadella is a very smooth, pink sausage with a subtle creamy texture. They are studded with cubes of pork fat and peppercorns.
Mortar and Pestle: | A bowl and blunt tool for pounding seasonings into a paste or powder. Often made of marble. The traditional method of making basil pesto is to place all ingredients into the mortar and blend.
Mos (food industry term): | See mode of shipment.
Mostaccioli: | Literally means "Small Mustaches". This tubular pasta goes well with sauce, used in salads, baked in casseroles, or made into stir fry dishes.
Mostarda di Cremona: | [Spanish] These are fruits cooked and marinated in a spicy, mustard flavored syrup. It is a classic accompaniment to bollito misto. These fruits are also used in sauces for veal, and assorted stuffed pasta fillings.
Mostaza: | [Spanish] mustard.
Mother Sauces: | A French concept that classifies all sauces into five foundation sauces called "mother" or "grand sauces." From these five sauces, all sauces can be made. They are: 1. Demiglace or brown; 2. Veloute or blond; 3. Bechamel or white; 4. Hollandaise or butter; 5. Tomato or red.
Motor room (food industry term): | A room that houses mechanical and electrical motors that power a store. Also known as the compressor room.
Mouler: | [French] To grind soft food into a puree or dry food into a powder.
Moules: | [French] mussels.
Mountain oysters: | Roasted calf testes eaten as a between-meal snack.
Moussaka: | A layered dish of eggplant and lamb with tomatoes and onions in a white sauce.
Moussaka: | [Greek] A layered dish of eggplant and lamb with tomatoes and onions. This is all bound with bechamel sauce and cooked au gratin.
Mousse: | A sweet or savory dish, mousse is usually made with egg whites or whipped cream to give the light, airy texture. In French, the word means "froth" or "foam."
Mousse: | Sweet or savory dishes made of ingredients which are blended and folded together. These mixtures may be hot or cold, and generally contain whipped egg whites to lighten them. Cream is also used to lighten these dishes, though when used in large quantities, these preparations are called mousselines.
Mousseline: | As described above, these are fine purees or forcemeats that have been lightened with whipped cream. The term is also used to describe a hollandaise sauce which has unsweetened whipped cream folded into it.
Mousseron mushroom: | A wild mushroom with an off-white to beige color. The flavor is full-bodied and the texture is fleshy like bolets.
Moutarde: | [French] mustard.
Mouton: | [French] mutton.
Movement (food industry term): | A tracking of a product's sales by units or cases for a certain time.
Movement allowance (food industry term): | A case allowance given to a wholesaler for turning products through the warehouse within a specific timeframe.
Mozzarella Cheese: | Mozzarella is known as a mild cheese with an elastic texture. It is fairly soft, requires little ripening time, and has excellent melting qualities.
Mozzarella: | A mild white-yellow cheese which melts easily.
MSG: | This natural amino acid is found in seaweed, vegetables, cereal gluten and the residue of sugar beets, and is used as a flavor enhancer.
Muenster Cheese; Munster Cheese: | A semi-ripe Alsatian cheese made with whole cow's milk, flavored with caraway and cumin. It may cure up to three months before consumption.
Muesli: | The German term for mixture, muesli may contain raw or toasted grains (wheat, oats, barley, etc.) nuts, bran, dried fruits, wheat germ, sugar and dried milk solids. Muesli is often eaten like cold cereal with milk, or with yogurt or fruit juice.
Muesli: | [Swiss] Dish of raw rolled oats, coarsely grated apple, nuts and dried fruit served with cream or whole milk.
Muffin pans: | Muffin pans come in many sizes and shapes, even "muffin tops." The standard muffin pan called for in many recipes has 6 or 12 cups that measure 2½ inches across the top. For best results, always line with paper liners or grease just the bottoms and lower thirds of the muffin cups. Mini-muffin tins, also called "tea muffins," are popular in 12-cup and 24-cup pan sizes. Also, see Insulated, Nonstick, and Baking pans glossary listings.
Muffin: | A drop batter baked in individual pans and served as a quick bread.
Mulato chile: | A dried chile; in Mexican cooking it refers to the chile mulato, a dark black-brown dried chile famous for its use in Mole Poblano; tastes of licorice, chocolate and dried fruit; used in many dark moles; if unavailable, use anchos or pasillas.
Mull: | To flavor a beverage, such as cider or wine, by heating it with spices or other flavorings.
Mullet: | This term is used to describe several families of important food fish. In general, they are saltwater fish with a moderate to high fat content and flesh that is tender, white, and firm textured. They have a sweet, nut:like flavor.
Mulligatawny: | A curried chicken soup adapted by the British from India. Originally the soup was enriched with coconut milk and embellished with almonds and apples. Newer versions make a lighter broth and flavor this with curry and coconut.
Multideck (food industry term): | A display case/fixture with shelves placed vertically, one above the other.
Multipack (food industry term): | A multi-item pack of products with the same UPC.
Multiple pricing (food industry term): | A pricing policy based on the theory that pricing of two or more units for a single price (e.g., 3/$.99) encourages multiple purchases.
Multiple-unit sales (food industry term): | Selling in lots of more than one.
Multipoint private network (food industry term): | A networking system that links the computer systems of a number of stores on a single leased line. Also called multidrop private network. See frame relay network.
Mung beans, dried: | A versatile tiny (about one-eighth inch in diameter), dried bean is common throughout Asia. The bean or pea is also the source of bean sprouts, also used to make bean-thread noodles.
Mung Beans: | Small green beans used in both Indian and Chinese cooking. They do not require presoaking and cooked mung beans have a tender texture and slightly sweet flavor. The sprouts are also used in salads.
Muscadine Grape: | A thick-skinned purple grape with a musky flavor, muscadine grapes are found in the Southeastern United States. The grapes are eaten as is, and often used to make jelly and wine.
Muscoli: | [Italian] mussels.
Muscovado sugar: | See Barbados Sugar.
Mushroom: | Any of many species of cultivated or wild fleshy fungus, usually consisting of a stem, a cap (which may have gills) and mycelium; available fresh or dried and eaten raw, reconstituted or cooked.
MUSHROOMS: | Chanterelle: Meaty and fleshy texture; nutty flavor with a hint of apricot. Best sauteed with poulty or fish.
Chinese: Find in Oriental markets. Soak in water before cooking. Trim the stems and save for making soup.
Crimini: Firm, dense consistency; earthy flavor. Best used stuffed with herbs and nuts.
Dried European: Cepe, boletus, or porcini. Keep in a tightly sealed jar in your refrigerator. Will keep about 1 year.
Enoki: Crisp texture, like bean sprouts; clean and fruity flavor. Best used raw in salads and sandwiches.
Morel: Wild mushroom with a honeycomb cap and hollow stem. These are very dirty mushrooms and must be cleaned carefully. Morels possess a wonderful earthy flavor, making them good candidates for soups, sauces, and fillings. Morels are most readily available dried.
Oyster: Tender caps, chewy stems; slight peppery bite. Mix into cream sauces.
Porcini: Rich and velvety texture; woodsy flavor which is stronger when dried. Simmer in soups and sauces.
Portobello: Thick-fleshed with sanity caps; rich and hearty flavor. Best used for grilling, burger-style.
Shiitake: Spongy caps, tough stems; complex and smoky flavor. Best used in polenta or risotto.
Wood ear: Crunch and chewy texture; subtle and mild flavor. Best used in spicy soups and stir-fries.
Music roots: | sweet potatoes; so called because of the gaseous effect.
Muskellunge: | A freshwater pike that averages between 10 and 30 pounds. Some specimens, however have reached 60 pounds and up to six feet in length. Muskellunge offers a lean, firm, low:fat flesh.
Muskmelon: | One of the two broad classes of melon. Muskmelons have been grown for thousands of years by many cultures. The two main skin textures are netted (such as cantaloupe), and smooth (crenshaw or honeydew).
Muskrat: | Also known as a "marsh rabbit" and "musquash," this animal is a large, aquatic, North American rodent with a red, gamey flesh. Muskrat has a lot of bones, but it makes a good stew.
Mussel: | A bivalve mollusk with worldwide distribution. There are salt and freshwater varieties. The thin shell means there is more meat compared to the same weight of clams or oysters. The yellow meat has a sweet and delicate flavor.
Mussel: | A bivalve mollusk with an extremely thin, oblong shell that can range from dark blue to bright green to yellowish-brown. The creamy-tan meat has a slightly sweet flavor. Mussels can be cooked in a variety of ways including steaming, frying, baking or used as an ingredient in dishes such as paella.
Mussels: | Much less expensive than clams. Look for clean, not muddy, mussels. When steaming mussels, add a bit of saffron for additional great flavor.
Must: | a sweet, viscous liquid that is red-yellow in color. It comes from fresh grape must, known as "stafilopat." In other parts of Greece it is known as "petmezi."
Mustard Greens: | Leaves of the mustard plant, mustard greens are a very popular vegetable in the South. The leaves have a pungent mustard flavor, and may be found fresh, frozen, or canned. Mustard greens must be washed thoroughly, then may be steamed, sauteed, or simmered. They're usually cooked with seasonings and ham, pork, or bacon.
Mustard: | A spice with a pungent flavor, available as seeds or ground, or a condiment prepared with it.
Mutton: | The flesh of sheep over one year old.
Muttonfish: | A marine fish of the eelpout family found mainly in the Pacific. The flesh is sweet and white and contains very few bones. Also called "ocean pout."
Muy sabrosa comida: | [Spanish] very delicious food.