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Alphabetical Index - C

This is a "green" web site. In order to conserve bandwidth, the alphabetical index of diseases and injuries is presented in a separate page for each letter of the alphabet. Click on a letter button to reach other index pages.


Cacergasia 300.9

Cachexia 799.4

cancerous - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant 799.4

cardiac - see Disease, heart

dehydration 276.51


hypernatremia 276.0

hyponatremia 276.1

due to malnutrition 799.4

exophthalmic 242.0

heart - see Disease, heart

hypophyseal 253.2

hypopituitary 253.2

lead 984.9

specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

malaria 084.9

malignantsee also Neoplasm, by site, malignant 799.4

marsh 084.9

nervous 300.5

old age 797

pachydermic - see Hypothyroidism

paludal 084.9

pituitary (postpartum) 253.2

renal (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

saturnine 984.9

specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

senile 797

Simmonds' (pituitary cachexia) 253.2

splenica 289.59

strumipriva (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9

tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9

Caf� au lait spots 709.09

Caffey's disease or syndrome (infantile cortical hyperostosis) 756.59

Caisson disease 993.3

Caked breast (puerperal, postpartum) 676.2

Cake kidney 753.3

Calabar swelling 125.2

Calcaneal spur 726.73

Calcaneoapophysitis 732.5

Calcaneonavicular bar 755.67

Calcareous - see condition

Calcicosis (occupational) 502

Calciferol (vitamin D) deficiency 268.9


osteomalacia 268.2

rickets (see also Rickets) 268.0


adrenal (capsule) (gland) 255.41

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.6

aorta 440.0

artery (annular) - see Arteriosclerosis

auricle (ear) 380.89

bladder 596.8

due to S. hematobium 120.0

brain (cortex) - see Calcification, cerebral

bronchus 519.19

bursa 727.82

cardiac (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

cartilage (postinfectional) 733.99

cerebral (cortex) 348.8

artery 437.0

cervix (uteri) 622.8

choroid plexus 349.2

conjunctiva 372.54

corpora cavernosa (penis) 607.89

cortex (brain) - see Calcification, cerebral

dental pulp (nodular) 522.2

dentinal papilla 520.4

disc, intervertebral 722.90

cervical, cervicothoracic 722.91

lumbar, lumbosacral 722.93

thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.92

fallopian tube 620.8

falx cerebri - see Calcification, cerebral

fascia 728.89

gallbladder 575.8

general 275.40

heart (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

valve - see Endocarditis

intervertebral cartilage or disc (postinfectional) 722.90

cervical, cervicothoracic 722.91

lumbar, lumbosacral 722.93

thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.92

intracranial - see Calcification, cerebral

intraspinal ligament 728.89

joint 719.80

ankle 719.87

elbow 719.82

foot 719.87

hand 719.84

hip 719.85

knee 719.86

multiple sites 719.89

pelvic region 719.85

shoulder (region) 719.81

specified site NEC 719.88

wrist 719.83

kidney 593.89

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.0

larynx (senile) 478.79

lens 366.8

ligament 728.89

intraspinal 728.89

knee (medial collateral) 717.89

lung 518.89

active 518.89

postinfectional 518.89

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

lymph gland or node (postinfectional) 289.3

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland) 017.2

mammographic 793.89

massive (paraplegic) 728.10

medial (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20

meninges (cerebral) 349.2

metastatic 275.40

M�nckeberg's - see Arteriosclerosis

muscle 728.10

heterotopic, postoperative 728.13

myocardium, myocardial (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

ovary 620.8

pancreas 577.8

penis 607.89

periarticular 728.89

pericardium (see also Pericarditis) 423.8

pineal gland 259.8

pleura 511.0

postinfectional 518.89

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0

pulp (dental) (nodular) 522.2

renal 593.89

Rider's bone 733.99

sclera 379.16

semilunar cartilage 717.89

spleen 289.59

subcutaneous 709.3

suprarenal (capsule) (gland) 255.41

tendon (sheath) 727.82

with bursitis, synovitis or tenosynovitis 727.82

trachea 519.19

ureter 593.89

uterus 621.8

vitreous 379.29

Calcified - see also Calcification

hematoma NEC 959.9

Calcinosis (generalized) (interstitial) (tumoral) (universalis) 275.49

circumscripta 709.3

cutis 709.3

intervertebralis 275.49 [722.90]

Raynaud's phenomenonsclerodactylytelangiectasis (CRST) 710.1

Calciphylaxis (see also Calcification, by site) 275.49



high (see also Hypercalcemia) 275.42

low (see also Hypocalcemia) 275.41

deposits - see also Calcification, by site

in bursa 727.82

in tendon (sheath) 727.82

with bursitis, synovitis or tenosynovitis 727.82

salts or soaps in vitreous 379.22

Calciuria 791.9

Calculi - see Calculus

Calculosis, intrahepatic - see Choledocholithiasis

Calculus, calculi, calculous 592.9

ampulla of Vater - see Choledocholithiasis

anuria (impacted) (recurrent) 592.0

appendix 543.9

bile duct (any) - see Choledocholithiasis

biliary - see Cholelithiasis

bilirubin, multiple - see Cholelithiasis

bladder (encysted) (impacted) (urinary) 594.1

diverticulum 594.0

bronchus 518.89

calyx (kidney) (renal) 592.0

congenital 753.3

cholesterol (pure) (solitary) - see Cholelithiasis

common duct (bile) - see Choledocholithiasis

conjunctiva 372.54

cystic 594.1

duct - see Cholelithiasis

dental 523.6

subgingival 523.6

supragingival 523.6

epididymis 608.89

gallbladder - see also Cholelithiasis

congenital 751.69

hepatic (duct) - see Choledocholithiasis

intestine (impaction) (obstruction) 560.39

kidney (impacted) (multiple) (pelvis) (recurrent) (staghorn) 592.0

congenital 753.3

lacrimal (passages) 375.57

liver (impacted) - see Choledocholithiasis

lung 518.89

mammographic 793.89

nephritic (impacted) (recurrent) 592.0

nose 478.19

pancreas (duct) 577.8

parotid gland 527.5

pelvis, encysted 592.0

prostate 602.0

pulmonary 518.89

renal (impacted) (recurrent) 592.0

congenital 753.3

salivary (duct) (gland) 527.5

seminal vesicle 608.89

staghorn 592.0

Stensen's duct 527.5

sublingual duct or gland 527.5

congenital 750.26

submaxillary duct, gland, or region 527.5

suburethral 594.8

tonsil 474.8

tooth, teeth 523.6

tunica vaginalis 608.89

ureter (impacted) (recurrent) 592.1

urethra (impacted) 594.2

urinary (duct) (impacted) (passage) (tract) 592.9

lower tract NEC 594.9

specified site 594.8

vagina 623.8

vesical (impacted) 594.1

Wharton's duct 527.5

Caliectasis 593.89


disease 114.0

encephalitis 062.5

Caligo cornea 371.03

Callositas, callosity (infected) 700

Callus (infected) 700

bone 726.91

excessive, following fracture - see also Late, effect (of), fracture

Calv� (-Perthes) disease (osteochondrosis, femoral capital) 732.1

Calvities (see also Alopecia) 704.00

Cameroon fever (see also Malaria) 084.6

Camptocormia 300.11

Camptodactyly (congenital) 755.59

Camurati-Engelmann disease (diaphyseal sclerosis) 756.59

Canal - see condition

Canaliculitis (lacrimal) (acute) 375.31

Actinomyces 039.8

chronic 375.41

Canavan's disease 330.0

Cancer (M8000/3)-see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Note12The term "cancer" when modified by an adjective or adjectival phrase indicating a morphological type should be coded in the same manner as "carcinoma" with that adjective or phrase. Thus, "squamous-cell cancer" should be coded in the same manner as "squamous-cell carcinoma," which appears in the list under "Carcinoma."

bile duct type (M8160/3), liver 155.1

hepatocellular (M8170/3) 155.0

Cancerous (M8000/3 - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Cancerphobia 300.29

Cancrum oris 528.1

Candidiasis, candidal 112.9

with pneumonia 112.4

balanitis 112.2

congenital 771.7

disseminated 112.5

endocarditis 112.81

esophagus 112.84

intertrigo 112.3

intestine 112.85

lung 112.4

meningitis 112.83

mouth 112.0

nails 112.3

neonatal 771.7

onychia 112.3

otitis externa 112.82

otomycosis 112.82

paronychia 112.3

perionyxis 112.3

pneumonia 112.4

pneumonitis 112.4

skin 112.3

specified site NEC 112.89

systemic 112.5

urogenital site NEC 112.2

vagina 112.1

vulva 112.1

vulvovaginitis 112.1

Candidiosis - see Candidiasis

Candiru infection or infestation 136.8

Canities (premature) 704.3

congenital 757.4

Canker (mouth) (sore) 528.2

rash 034.1

Cannabinosis 504

Canton fever 081.9



Capillariasis 127.5

Capillary - see condition

Caplan's syndrome 714.81

Caplan-Colinet syndrome 714.81

Capsule - see condition

Capsulitis (joint) 726.90

adhesive (shoulder)726.0

hip 726.5

knee 726.60

labyrinthine 387.8

thyroid 245.9

wrist 726.4


crepitus 756.0

medusae 456.8

succedaneum 767.19

Carapata disease 087.1

Carate - see Pinta

Carboxyhemoglobinemia 986

Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome (CDGS) 271.8

Carbuncle 680.9

abdominal wall 680.2

ankle 680.6

anus 680.5

arm (any part, above wrist) 680.3

auditory canal, external 680.0

axilla 680.3

back (any part) 680.2

breast 680.2

buttock 680.5

chest wall 680.2

corpus cavernosum 607.2

ear (any part) (external) 680.0

eyelid 373.13

face (any part, except eye) 680.0

finger (any) 680.4

flank 680.2

foot (any part) 680.7

forearm 680.3

genital organ (male) 608.4

gluteal (region) 680.5

groin 680.2

hand (any part) 680.4

head (any part, except face) 680.8

heel 680.7

hip 680.6

kidney (see also Abscess, kidney) 590.2

knee 680.6

labia 616.4


gland (see also Dacryoadenitis) 375.00

passages (duct) (sac) (see also Dacryocystitis) 375.30

leg, any part except foot 680.6

lower extremity, any part except foot 680.6

malignant 022.0

multiple sites 680.9

neck 680.1

nose (external) (septum) 680.0

orbit, orbital 376.01

partes posteriores 680.5

pectoral region 680.2

penis 607.2

perineum 680.2

pinna 680.0

scalp (any part) 680.8

scrotum 608.4

seminal vesicle 608.0

shoulder 680.3

skin NEC 680.9

specified site NEC 680.8

spermatic cord 608.4

temple (region) 680.0

testis 608.4

thigh 680.6

thumb 680.4

toe (any) 680.7

trunk 680.2

tunica vaginalis 608.4

umbilicus 680.2

upper arm 680.3

urethra 597.0

vas deferens 608.4

vulva 616.4

wrist 680.4

Carbunculus (see also Carbuncle) 680.9

Carcinoid (tumor) (M8240/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

and struma ovarii (M9091/1) 236.2

argentaffin (M8241/1) - see Neoplasm, by site uncertain behavior

malignant (M8241/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

benign (M9091/0) 220

composite (M8244/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

goblet cell (M8243/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

malignant (M8240/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

nonargentaffin (M8242/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

malignant (M8242/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

strumal (M9091/1) 236.2

syndrome (intestinal) (metastatic) 259.2

type bronchial adenoma (M8240/3) - see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

Carcinoidosis 259.2

Carcinoma (M8010/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Note13Except where otherwise indicated, the morphological varieties of carcinoma in the list below should be coded by site as for "Neoplasm, malignant."


apocrine metaplasia (M8573/3)

cartilaginous (and osseous) metaplasia (M8571/3)

osseous (and cartilaginous) metaplasia (M8571/3)

productive fibrosis (M8141/3)

spindle cell metaplasia (M8572/3)

squamous metaplasia (M8570/3)

acidophil (M8280/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 194.3

acidophil-basophil, mixed (M8281/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 194.3

acinar (cell) (M8550/3)

acinic cell (M8550/3)

adenocystic (M8200/3)


cystic (M8200/3)

squamous cell (M8075/3)

adenosquamous (M8560/3)

adnexal (skin) (M8390/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

adrenal cortical (M8370/3) 194.0

alveolar (M8251/3)

cell (M8250/3) - see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

anaplastic type (M8021/3)

apocrine (M8401/3)

breast - see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

unspecified site 173.9

basal cell (pigmented) (M8090/3) - see also Neoplasm, skin, malignant

fibro-epithelial type (M8093/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

morphea type (M8092/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

multicentric (M8091/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

basaloid (M8123/3)

basal-squamous cell, mixed (M8094/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

basophil (M8300/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 194.3

basophil-acidophil, mixed (M8281/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 194.3

basosquamous (M8094/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

bile duct type (M8160/3)

and hepatocellular, mixed (M8180/3) 155.0

liver 155.1

specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 155.1

branchial or branchiogenic 146.8

bronchial or bronchogenic - see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

bronchiolar (terminal) (M8250/3) - see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

bronchiolo-alveolar (M8250/3) - see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

bronchogenic (epidermoid) 162.9

C cell (M8510/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 193

ceruminous (M8420/3) 173.2

chorionic (M9100/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site

female 181

male 186.9

chromophobe (M8270/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 194.3

clear cell (mesonephroid type) (M8310/3)

cloacogenic (M8124/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 154.8

colloid (M8480/3)

cribriform (M8201/3)

cylindroid type (M8200/3)

diffuse type (M8145/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 151.9

duct (cell) (M8500/3)

with Paget's disease (M8541/3) - see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

infiltrating (M8500/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 174.9

ductal (M8500/3)

ductular, infiltrating (M8521/3)

embryonal (M9070/3)

and teratoma, mixed (M9081/3)

combined with choriocarcinoma (M9101/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

infantile type (M9071/3)

liver 155.0

polyembryonal type (M9072/3)

endometrioid (M8380/3)

eosinophil (M8280/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 194.3

epidermoid (M8070/3) - see also Carcinoma, squamous cell

and adenocarcinoma, mixed (M8560/3)

in situ, Bowen's type (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

intradermal - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

fibroepithelial type basal cell (M8093/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

follicular (M8330/3)

and papillary (mixed) (M8340/3) 193

moderately differentiated type (M8332/3) 193

pure follicle type (M8331/3) 193

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

trabecular type (M8332/3) 193

unspecified site 193

well differentiated type (M8331/3) 193

gelatinous (M8480/3)

giant cell (M8031/3)

and spindle cell (M8030/3)

granular cell (M8320/3)

granulosa cell (M8620/3) 183.0

hepatic cell (M8170/3) 155.0

hepatocellular (M8170/3) 155.0

and bile duct, mixed (M8180/3) 155.0

hepatocholangiolitic (M8180/3) 155.0

H�rthle cell (thyroid) 193

hypernephroid (M8311/3)



polyp (M8210/3)

polyposis coli (M8220/3) 153.9

pleomorphic adenoma (M8940/3)

polypoid adenoma (M8210/3)

situ (M8010/3) - see Carcinoma, in situ

tubular adenoma (M8210/3)

villous adenoma (M8261/3)

infiltrating duct (M8500/3)

with Paget's disease (M8541/3) - see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 174.9

inflammatory (M8530/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 174.9

in situ (M8010/2) - see also Neoplasm, by site, in situ

epidermoid (M8070/2) - see also Neoplasm, by site, in situ

with questionable stromal invasion (M8076/2)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.1

Bowen's type (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

intraductal (M8500/2)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

lobular (M8520/2)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

papillary (M8050/2) - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

squamous cell (M8070/2) - see also Neoplasm, by site, in situ

with questionable stromal invasion (M8076/2)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.1

transitional cell (M8120/2) - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

intestinal type (M8144/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 151.9

intraductal (noninfiltrating) (M8500/2)

papillary (M8503/2)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

intraepidermal (M8070/2) - see also Neoplasm, skin, in situ

squamous cell, Bowen's type (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

intraepithelial (M8010/2) - see also Neoplasm, by site, in situ

squamous cell (M8072/2) - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

intraosseous (M9270/3) 170.1

upper jaw (bone) 170.0

islet cell (M8150/3)

and exocrine, mixed (M8154/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 157.9

pancreas 157.4

specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 157.4

juvenile, breast (M8502/3) - see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

Kulchitsky's cell (carcinoid tumor of intestine) 259.2

large cell (M8012/3)

squamous cell, non-keratinizing type (M8072/3)

Leydig cell (testis) (M8650/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 186.9

female 183.0

male 186.9

liver cell (M8170/3) 155.0

lobular (infiltrating) (M8520/3)

noninfiltrating (M8520/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 174.9

lymphoepithelial (M8082/3)

medullary (M8510/3)


amyloid stroma (M8511/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 193

lymphoid stroma (M8512/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 174.9

mesometanephric (M9110/3)

mesonephric (M9110/3)

metastatic (M8010/6) - see Metastasis, cancer

metatypical (M8095/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

morphea type basal cell (M8092/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

mucinous (M8480/3)

mucin-producing (M8481/3)

mucin-secreting (M8481/3)

mucoepidermoid (M8430/3)

mucoid (M8480/3)

cell (M8300/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 194.3

mucous (M8480/3)

nonencapsulated sclerosing (M8350/3) 193


intracystic (M8504/2) - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

intraductal (M8500/2)

papillary (M8503/2)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

lobular (M8520/2)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

oat cell (M8042/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 162.9

odontogenic (M9270/3) 170.1

upper jaw (bone) 170.0

onocytic (M8290/3)

oxyphilic (M8290/3)

papillary (M8050/3)

and follicular (mixed) (M8340/3) 193

epidermoid (M8052/3)

intraductal (noninfiltrating) (M8503/2)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

serous (M8460/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

surface (M8461/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

unspecified site 183.0

squamous cell (M8052/3)

transitional cell (M8130/3)

papillocystic (M8450/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

parafollicular cell (M8510/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 193

pleomorphic (M8022/3)

polygonal cell (M8034/3)

prickle cell (M8070/3)

pseudoglandular, squamous cell (M8075/3)

pseudomucinous (M8470/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

pseudosarcomatous (M8033/3)

regaud type (M8082/3) - see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant

renal cell (M8312/3) 189.0

reserve cell (M8041/3)

round cell (M8041/3)

Schmincke (M8082/3) - see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant

Schneiderian (M8121/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 160.0

scirrhous (M8141/3)

sebaceous (M8410/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

secondary (M8010/6) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant, secondary

secretory, breast (M8502/3) - see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

serous (M8441/3)

papillary (M8460/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

surface, papillary (M8461/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

Sertoli cell (M8640/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 186.9

signet ring cell (M8490/3)

metastatic (M8490/6) - see Neoplasm, by site, secondary

simplex (M8231/3)

skin appendage (M8390/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

small cell (M8041/3)

fusiform cell type (M8043/3)

squamous cell, nonkeratinizing type (M8073/3)

solid (M8230/3)

with amyloid stroma (M8511/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 193

spheroidal cell (M8035/3)

spindle cell (M8032/3)

and giant cell (M8030/3)

spinous cell (M8070/3)

squamous (cell) (M8070/3)

adenoid type (M8075/3)

and adenocarcinoma, mixed (M8560/3)

intraepidermal, Bowen's type - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

keratinizing type (large cell) (M8071/3)

large cell, nonkeratinizing type (M8072/3)

microinvasive (M8076/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 180.9

nonkeratinizing type (M8072/3)

papillary (M8052/3)

pseudoglandular (M8075/3)

small cell, nonkeratinizing type (M8073/3)

spindle cell type (M8074/3)

verrucous (M8051/3)

superficial spreading (M8143/3)

sweat gland (M8400/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

theca cell (M8600/3) 183.0

thymic (M8580/3) 164.0

trabecular (M8190/3)

transitional (cell) (M8120/3)

papillary (M8130/3)

spindle cell type (M8122/3)

tubular (M8211/3)

undifferentiated type (M8020/3)

urothelial (M8120/3)

ventriculi 151.9

verrucous (epidermoid) (squamous cell) (M8051/3)

villous (M8262/3)

water-clear cell (M8322/3) 194.1

wolffian duct (M9110/3)

Carcinomaphobia 300.29


peritonei (M8010/6) 197.6

specified site NEC (M8010/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site (M8010/6) 199.0

Carcinosarcoma (M8980/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

embryonal type (M8981/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Cardia, cardial - see condition

Cardiac - see also condition

death - see Disease, heart


defibrillator, automatic implantableV45.02

in situ NECV45.00



fitting or adjustmentV53.31

in situV45.01

carotid sinus

fitting or adjustmentV53.39

in situV45.09

pacemaker - see Cardiac, device, pacemaker

tamponade 423.3

Cardialgia (see also Pain, precordial) 786.51

Cardiectasis - see Hypertrophy, cardiac

Cardiochalasia 530.81

Cardiomalacia (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

Cardiomegalia glycogenica diffusa 271.0

Cardiomegaly (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) 429.3

congenital 746.89

glycogen 271.0

hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90

idiopathic 425.4

Cardiomyoliposis (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

Cardiomyopathy (congestive) (constrictive) (familial) (infiltrative) (obstructive) (restrictive) (sporadic) 425.4

alcoholic 425.5

amyloid 277.39 [425.7]

beriberi 265.0 [425.7]

cobalt-beer 425.5

congenital 425.3

due to

amyloidosis 277.39 [425.7]

beriberi 265.0 [425.7]

cardiac glycogenosis 271.0 [425.7]

Chagas' disease 086.0

Friedreich's ataxia 334.0 [425.8]

hypertension - see Hypertension, with, heart involvement

mucopolysaccharidosis 277.5 [425.7]

myotonia atrophica 359.21 [425.8]

progressive muscular dystrophy 359.1 [425.8]

sarcoidosis 135 [425.8]

glycogen storage 271.0 [425.7]

hypertensive - see Hypertension, with, heart involvement


nonobstructive 425.4

obstructive 425.1

congenital 746.84

idiopathic (concentric) 425.4


Chagas' disease 086.0

sarcoidosis 135 [425.8]

ischemic 414.8

metabolic NEC 277.9 [425.7]

amyloid 277.39 [425.7]

thyrotoxic (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [425.7]

thyrotoxicosis (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [425.7]

newborn 425.4

congenital 425.3

takotsubo 429.83

nutritional 269.9 [425.7]

beriberi 265.0 [425.7]

obscure of Africa 425.2

peripartum 674.5

postpartum 674.5

primary 425.4

secondary 425.9

stress induced 429.83

thyrotoxic (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [425.7]

toxic NEC 425.9

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9 [425.8]

Cardionephritis - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

Cardionephropathy - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

Cardionephrosis - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

Cardioneurosis 306.2

Cardiopathia nigra 416.0

Cardiopathy (see also Disease, heart) 429.9

hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90

idiopathic 425.4

mucopolysaccharidosis 277.5 [425.7]

Cardiopericarditis (see also Pericarditis) 423.9

Cardiophobia 300.29

Cardioptosis 746.87

Cardiorenal - see condition

Cardiorrhexis (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9

Cardiosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

Cardiosis - see Disease, heart

Cardiospasm (esophagus) (reflex) (stomach) 530.0

congenital 750.7

Cardiostenosis - see Disease, heart

Cardiosymphysis 423.1

Cardiothyrotoxicosis - see Hyperthyroidism

Cardiovascular - see condition

Carditis (acute) (bacterial) (chronic) (subacute) 429.89

Coxsackie 074.20

hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90

meningococcal 036.40

rheumatic - see Disease, heart, rheumatic

rheumatoid 714.2

Care (of)

child (routine) V20.1

convalescent following V66.9

chemotherapy V66.2

medical NEC V66.5

psychotherapy V66.3

radiotherapy V66.1

surgery V66.0

surgical NEC V66.0

treatment (for) V66.5

combined V66.6

fracture V66.4

mental disorder NEC V66.3

specified type NEC V66.5

end-of-life V66.7

family member (handicapped) (sick)

creating problem for family V61.49

provided away from home for holiday relief V60.5

unavailable, due to

absence (person rendering care) (sufferer) V60.4

inability (any reason) of person rendering care V60.4

holiday relief V60.5

hospice V66.7

lack of (at or after birth) (infant) (child) 995.52

adult 995.84

lactation of mother V24.1

palliative V66.7


immediately after delivery V24.0

routine follow-up V24.2

prenatal V22.1

first pregnancy V22.0

high-risk pregnancy V23.9

specified problem NEC V23.89

terminal V66.7

unavailable, due to

absence of person rendering care V60.4

inability (any reason) of person rendering care V60.4

well baby V20.1

Caries (bone) (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9 [730.8]

arrested 521.04

cementum 521.03

cerebrospinal (tuberculous) 015.0 [730.88]

dental (acute) (chronic) (incipient) (infected) 521.00

with pulp exposure 521.03

extending to

dentine 521.02

pulp 521.03

other specified NEC 521.09

pit and fissure 521.06


pit and fissure origin 521.06

root surface 521.08

smooth surface origin 521.07

root surface 521.08

smooth surface 521.07

dentin (acute) (chronic) 521.02

enamel (acute) (chronic) (incipient) 521.01

external meatus 380.89

hip (see also Tuberculosis) 015.1 [730.85]

initial 521.01

knee 015.2 [730.86]

labyrinth 386.8

limb NEC 015.7 [730.88]

mastoid (chronic) (process) 383.1

middle ear 385.89

nose 015.7 [730.88]

orbit 015.7 [730.88]

ossicle 385.24

petrous bone 383.20

sacrum (tuberculous) 015.0 [730.88]

spine, spinal (column) (tuberculous) 015.0 [730.88]

syphilitic 095.5

congenital 090.0 [730.8]

teeth (internal) 521.00

initial 521.01

vertebra (column) (tuberculous) 015.0 [730.88]

Carini's syndrome (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1

Carious teeth 521.00

Carneous mole 631

Carnosinemia 270.5

Carotid body or sinus syndrome 337.0

Carotidynia 337.0

Carotinemia (dietary) 278.3

Carotinosis (cutis) (skin) 278.3

Carpal tunnel syndrome 354.0

Carpenter's syndrome 759.89

Carpopedal spasm (see also Tetany) 781.7

Carpoptosis 736.05

Carrier (suspected) of

amebiasis V02.2

bacterial disease (meningococcal, staphylococcal) NEC V02.59

cholera V02.0

cystic fibrosis gene V83.81

defective gene V83.89

diphtheria V02.4

dysentery (bacillary) V02.3

amebic V02.2

Endamoeba histolytica V02.2

gastrointestinal pathogens NEC V02.3

genetic defect V83.89

gonorrhea V02.7

group B streptococcus V02.51

HAA (hepatitis Australian-antigen) V02.61

hemophilia A (asymptomatic) V83.01

symptomatic V83.02

hepatitis V02.60

Australian-antigen (HAA) V02.61

B V02.61

C V02.62

specified type NEC V02.69

serum V02.61

viral V02.60

infective organism NEC V02.9

malaria V02.9

paratyphoid V02.3

Salmonella V02.3

typhosa V02.1

serum hepatitis V02.61

Shigella V02.3

Staphylococcus NEC V02.59

Streptococcus NEC V02.52

group B V02.51

typhoid V02.1

venereal disease NEC V02.8

Carri�n's disease (Bartonellosis) 088.0

Car sickness 994.6


relapsing fever (Asiatic) 087.0

Cartilage - see condition

Caruncle (inflamed)

abscess, lacrimal (see also Dacryocystitis) 375.30

conjunctiva 372.00

acute 372.00

eyelid 373.00

labium (majus) (minus) 616.89

lacrimal 375.30

urethra (benign) 599.3

vagina (wall) 616.89

Cascade stomach 537.6

Caseation lymphatic gland (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2


bronchitis - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

meningitis 013.0

pneumonia - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

Cassidy (-Scholte) syndrome (malignant carcinoid) 259.2

Castellani's bronchitis 104.8

Castleman's tumor or lymphoma (mediastinal lymph node hyperplasia) 785.6

Castration, traumatic 878.2

complicated 878.3

Casts in urine 791.7

Cat's ear 744.29

Catalepsy 300.11

catatonic (acute) (see also Schizophrenia) 295.2

hysterical 300.11

schizophrenic (see also Schizophrenia) 295.2

Cataphasia 307.0

Cataplexy (idiopathic) see also Narcolepsy

Cataract (anterior cortical) (anterior polar) (black) (capsular) (central) (cortical) (hypermature) (immature) (incipient) (mature)366.9


and posterior axial embryonal 743.33

pyramidal 743.31

subcapsular polar

infantile, juvenile, or presenile 366.01

senile 366.13

associated with

calcinosis 275.40 [366.42]

craniofacial dysostosis 756.0 [366.44]

galactosemia 271.1 [366.44]

hypoparathyroidism 252.1 [366.42]

myotonic disorders 359.21 [366.43]

neovascularization 366.33

blue dot 743.39

cerulean 743.39

complicated NEC 366.30

congenital 743.30

capsular or subcapsular 743.31

cortical 743.32

nuclear 743.33

specified type NEC 743.39

total or subtotal 743.34

zonular 743.32

coronary (congenital) 743.39

acquired 366.12

cupuliform 366.14

diabetic 250.5 [366.41]

drug-induced 366.45

due to

chalcosis 360.24 [366.34]

chronic choroiditis (see also Choroiditis) 363.20 [366.32]

degenerative myopia 360.21 [366.34]

glaucoma (see also Glaucoma) 365.9 [366.31]

infection, intraocular NEC 366.32

inflammatory ocular disorder NEC 366.32

iridocyclitis, chronic 364.10 [366.33]

pigmentary retinal dystrophy 362.74 [366.34]

radiation 366.46

electric 366.46

glassblowers' 366.46

heat ray 366.46

heterochromic 366.33

in eye disease NEC 366.30

infantile (see also Cataract, juvenile) 366.00

intumescent 366.12

irradiational 366.46

juvenile 366.00

anterior subcapsular polar 366.01

combined forms 366.09

cortical 366.03

lamellar 366.03

nuclear 366.04

posterior subcapsular polar 366.02

specified NEC 366.09

zonular 366.03

lamellar 743.32

infantile juvenile, or presenile 366.03

morgagnian 366.18

myotonic 359.21 [366.43]

myxedema 244.9 [366.44]

nuclear 366.16

posterior, polar (capsular) 743.31

infantile, juvenile, or presenile 366.02

senile 366.14

presenile (see also Cataract, juvenile) 366.00


acquired 366.12

congenital 743.39

secondary (membrane) 366.50

obscuring vision 366.53

specified type, not obscuring vision 366.52

senile 366.10

anterior subcapsular polar 366.13

combined forms 366.19

cortical 366.15

hypermature 366.18

immature 366.12

incipient 366.12

mature 366.17

nuclear 366.16

posterior subcapsular polar 366.14

specified NEC 366.19

total or subtotal 366.17

snowflake 250.5 [366.41]

specified NEC 366.8

subtotal (senile) 366.17

congenital 743.34

sunflower 360.24 [366.34]

tetanic NEC 252.1 [366.42]

total (mature) (senile) 366.17

congenital 743.34

localized 366.21

traumatic 366.22

toxic 366.45

traumatic 366.20

partially resolved 366.23

total 366.22

zonular (perinuclear) 743.32

infantile, juvenile, or presenile 366.03

Cataracta 366.10

brunescens 366.16

cerulea 743.39

complicata 366.30

congenita 743.30

coralliformis 743.39

coronaria (congenital) 743.39

acquired 366.12

diabetic 250.5 [366.41]

floriformis 360.24 [366.34]


accreta 366.50

congenita 743.39

nigra 366.16

Catarrh, catarrhal (inflammation) (see also condition) 460

acute 460

asthma, asthmatic (see also Asthma) 493.9

Bostock's (see also Fever, hay) 477.9

bowel - see Enteritis

bronchial 490

acute 466.0

chronic 491.0

subacute 466.0

cervix, cervical (canal) (uteri) - see Cervicitis

chest (see also Bronchitis) 490

chronic 472.0

congestion 472.0

conjunctivitis 372.03

due to syphilis 095.9

congenital 090.0

enteric - see Enteritis

epidemic 487.1

Eustachian 381.50

eye (acute) (vernal) 372.03

fauces (see also Pharyngitis) 462

febrile 460

fibrinous acute 466.0

gastroenteric - see Enteritis

gastrointestinal - see Enteritis

gingivitis 523.00

hay (see also Fever, hay) 477.9

infectious 460

intestinal - see Enteritis

larynx (see also Laryngitis, chronic) 476.0

liver 070.1

with hepatic coma 070.0

lung (see also Bronchitis) 490

acute 466.0

chronic 491.0

middle ear (chronic) - see Otitis media, chronic

mouth 528.00

nasal (chronic) (see also Rhinitis) 472.0

acute 460

nasobronchial 472.2

nasopharyngeal (chronic) 472.2

acute 460

nose - see Catarrh, nasal

ophthalmia 372.03

pneumococcal, acute 466.0

pulmonary (see also Bronchitis) 490

acute 466.0

chronic 491.0

spring (eye) 372.13

suffocating (see also Asthma) 493.9

summer (hay) (see also Fever, hay) 477.9

throat 472.1

tracheitis 464.10

with obstruction 464.11

tubotympanal 381.4

acute (see also Otitis media, acute, nonsuppurative) 381.00

chronic 381.10

vasomotor (see also Fever, hay) 477.9

vesical (bladder) - see Cystitis

Catarrhus aestivus (see also Fever, hay) 477.9

Catastrophe, cerebral (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

Catatonia, catatonic (acute) 781.99


affective psychosis - see Psychosis, affective

agitation 295.2

dementia (praecox) 295.2

due to or associated with physical condition 293.89

excitation 295.2

excited type 295.2

in conditions classified elsewhere 293.89

schizophrenia 295.2

stupor 295.2

Cat-scratch - see also Injury, superficial

disease or fever 078.3

Cauda equina - see also condition

syndrome 344.60

Cauliflower ear 738.7

Caul over face 768.9

Causalgia 355.9

lower limb 355.71

upper limb 354.4


external, general effects NEC 994.9

not stated 799.9

unknown 799.9

Caustic burn - see also Burn, by site

from swallowing caustic or corrosive substance - see Burn, internal organs

Cavare's disease (familial periodic paralysis) 359.3

Cave-in, injury

crushing (severe) (see also Crush, by site) 869.1

suffocation 994.7

Cavernitis (penis) 607.2

lymph vessel - see Lymphangioma

Cavernositis 607.2

Cavernous - see condition

Cavitation of lung (see also Tuberculosis) 011.2

nontuberculous 518.89

primary, progressive 010.8


lung - see Cavitation of lung

optic papilla 743.57

pulmonary - see Cavitation of lung

teeth 521.00

vitreous (humor) 379.21

Cavovarus foot, congenital 754.59

Cavus foot (congenital) 754.71

acquired 736.73


disease (pemphigus) NEC 694.4

lupus (erythematosus) 695.4

CDGS (carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome) 271.8

Cecitis - see Appendicitis

Cecocele - see Hernia

Cecum - see condition


artery compression syndrome 447.4

disease 579.0

infantilism 579.0

Cell, cellular - see also condition

anterior chamber (eye) (positive aqueous ray) 364.04

Cellulitis (diffuse) (with lymphangitis) (see also Abscess) 682.9

abdominal wall 682.2

anaerobic (see also Gas gangrene) 040.0

ankle 682.6

anus 566

areola 611.0

arm (any part, above wrist) 682.3

auditory canal (external) 380.10

axilla 682.3

back (any part) 682.2

breast 611.0

postpartum 675.1

broad ligament (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4

acute 614.3

buttock 682.5

cervical (neck region) 682.1

cervix (uteri) (see also Cervicitis) 616.0

cheek, external 682.0

internal 528.3

chest wall 682.2

chronic NEC 682.9

colostomy 569.61

corpus cavernosum 607.2

digit 681.9

Douglas' cul-de-sac or pouch (chronic) (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4

acute 614.3

drainage site (following operation) 998.59

ear, external 380.10

enterostomy 569.61

erysipelar (see also Erysipelas) 035

esophagostomy 530.86

eyelid 373.13

face (any part, except eye) 682.0

finger (intrathecal) (periosteal) (subcutaneous) (subcuticular) 681.00

flank 682.2

foot (except toe) 682.7

forearm 682.3

gangrenous (see also Gangrene) 785.4

genital organ NEC

female - see Abscess, genital organ, female

male 608.4

glottis 478.71

gluteal (region) 682.5

gonococcal NEC 098.0

groin 682.2

hand (except finger or thumb) 682.4

head (except face) NEC 682.8

heel 682.7

hip 682.6

jaw (region) 682.0

knee 682.6

labium (majus) (minus) (see also Vulvitis) 616.10

larynx 478.71

leg, except foot 682.6

lip 528.5

mammary gland 611.0

mouth (floor) 528.3

multiple sites NEC 682.9

nasopharynx 478.21

navel 682.2

newborn NEC 771.4

neck (region) 682.1

nipple 611.0

nose 478.19

external 682.0

orbit, orbital 376.01

palate (soft) 528.3

pectoral (region) 682.2

pelvis, pelvic


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0

female (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4

acute 614.3


abortion 639.0

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0

male 567.21

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670

penis 607.2

perineal, perineum 682.2

perirectal 566

peritonsillar 475

periurethral 597.0

periuterine (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4

acute 614.3

pharynx 478.21

phlegmonous NEC 682.9

rectum 566

retromammary 611.0

retroperitoneal (see also Peritonitis) 567.38

round ligament (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4

acute 614.3

scalp (any part) 682.8

dissecting 704.8

scrotum 608.4

seminal vesicle 608.0

septic NEC 682.9

shoulder 682.3

specified sites NEC 682.8

spermatic cord 608.4

submandibular (region) (space) (triangle) 682.0

gland 527.3

submaxillary 528.3

gland 527.3

submental (pyogenic) 682.0

gland 527.3

suppurative NEC 682.9

testis 608.4

thigh 682.6

thumb (intrathecal) (periosteal) (subcutaneous) (subcuticular) 681.00

toe (intrathecal) (periosteal) (subcutaneous) (subcuticular) 681.10

tonsil 475

trunk 682.2

tuberculous (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0

tunica vaginalis 608.4

umbilical 682.2

newborn NEC 771.4

vaccinal 999.39

vagina - see Vaginitis

vas deferens 608.4

vocal cords 478.5

vulva (see also Vulvitis) 616.10

wrist 682.4

Cementoblastoma, benign (M9273/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

Cementoma (M9273/0) 213.1

gigantiform (M9276/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

Cementoperiostitis 523.40

Cephalgia, cephalagia (see also Headache) 784.0

histamine 346.2

nonorganic origin 307.81

psychogenic 307.81

tension 307.81

Cephalhematocele, cephalematocele

due to birth injury 767.19

fetus or newborn 767.19

traumatic (see also Contusion, head) 920

Cephalhematoma, cephalematoma (calcified)

due to birth injury 767.19

fetus or newborn 767.19

traumatic (see also Contusion, head) 920

Cephalic - see condition

Cephalitis - see Encephalitis

Cephalocele 742.0

Cephaloma - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Cephalomenia 625.8

Cephalopelvic - see condition

Cercomoniasis 007.3

Cerebellitis - see Encephalitis

Cerebellum (cerebellar) - see condition

Cerebral - see condition

Cerebritis - see Encephalitis

Cerebrohepatorenal syndrome 759.89

Cerebromacular degeneration 330.1

Cerebromalacia (see also Softening, brain) 434.9

Cerebrosidosis 272.7

Cerebrospasticity - see Palsy, cerebral

Cerebrospinal - see condition

Cerebrum - see condition

Ceroid storage disease 272.7

Cerumen (accumulation) (impacted) 380.4

Cervical - see also condition

auricle 744.43

high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive 795.05

intraepithelial glandular neoplasia 233.1

low risk human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive 795.09

rib 756.2

Cervicalgia 723.1

Cervicitis (acute) (chronic) (nonvenereal) (subacute) (with erosion or ectropion) 616.0


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0

ulceration 616.0

chlamydial 099.53

complicating pregnancy or puerperium 646.6

affecting fetus or newborn 760.8


abortion 639.0

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0

gonococcal (acute) 098.15

chronic or duration of 2 months or more 098.35

senile (atrophic) 616.0

syphilitic 095.8

trichomonal 131.09

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.7

Cervicoaural fistula 744.49

Cervicocolpitis (emphysematosa) (see also Cervicitis) 616.0

Cervix - see condition

Cesarean delivery, operation or section NEC 669.7

affecting fetus or newborn 763.4

post mortem, affecting fetus or newborn 761.6

previous, affecting management of pregnancy 654.2

C�stan's syndrome 344.89

C�stan-Chenais paralysis 344.89

C�stan-Raymond syndrome 433.8

Cestode infestation NEC 123.9

specified type NEC 123.8

Cestodiasis 123.9

CGF (congenital generalized fibromatosis) 759.89

Chabert's disease 022.9

Chacaleh 266.2

Chafing 709.8

Chagas' disease (see also Trypanosomiasis, American) 086.2

with heart involvement 086.0

Chagres fever 084.0

Chalasia (cardiac sphincter) 530.81

Chalazion 373.2

Chalazoderma 757.39

Chalcosis 360.24

cornea 371.15

crystalline lens 360.24 [366.34

retina 360.24

Chalicosis (occupational) (pulmonum) 502

Chancre (any genital site) (hard) (indurated) (infecting) (primary) (recurrent) 091.0

congenital 090.0

conjunctiva 091.2

Ducrey's 099.0

extragenital 091.2

eyelid 091.2

Hunterian 091.0

lip (syphilis) 091.2

mixed 099.8

nipple 091.2

Nisbet's 099.0


carate 103.0

pinta 103.0

yaws 102.0

palate, soft 091.2

phagedenic 099.0

Ricord's 091.0

Rollet's (syphilitic) 091.0

seronegative 091.0

seropositive 091.0

simple 099.0

soft 099.0

bubo 099.0

urethra 091.0

yaws 102.0

Chancriform syndrome 114.1

Chancroid 099.0

anus 099.0

penis (Ducrey's bacillus) 099.0

perineum 099.0

rectum 099.0

scrotum 099.0

urethra 099.0

vulva 099.0

Chandipura fever 066.8

Chandler's disease (osteochondritis dissecans, hip) 732.7

Change(s) (of) - see also Removal of

arteriosclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis


cardiac pacemaker V53.31

bone 733.90

diabetic 250.8 [731.8]

in disease, unknown cause 733.90

bowel habits 787.99

cardiorenal (vascular) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90

cardiovascular - see Disease, cardiovascular

circulatory 459.9

cognitive or personality change of other type, nonpsychotic 310.1

color, teeth, tooth

during formation 520.8

extrinsic 523.6

intrinsic posteruptive 521.7

contraceptive device V25.42

cornea, corneal

degenerative NEC 371.40

membrane NEC 371.30

senile 371.41

coronary (see also Ischemia, heart) 414.9


chamber angle (anterior) (iris) 364.56

ciliary body 364.57

spine or vertebra (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

dental pulp, regressive 522.2

drains V58.49


wound V58.30

nonsurgical V58.30

surgical V58.31

fixation device V54.89

external V54.89

internal V54.01

heart - see also Disease, heart

hip joint 718.95

hyperplastic larynx 478.79


nasal sinus (see also Sinusitis) 473.9

turbinate, nasal 478.0

upper respiratory tract 478.9

inflammatory - see Inflammation

joint (see also Derangement, joint) 718.90

sacroiliac 724.6

Kirschner wire V54.89

knee 717.9

macular, congenital 743.55

malignant (M----/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Note14For malignant change occurring in a neoplasm, use the appropriate M code with behavior digit/3 e.g., malignant change in uterine fibroid�M8890/3. For malignant change occurring in a nonneoplastic condition (e.g., gastric ulcer) use the M code M8000/3.

mental (status) NEC 780.97

due to or associated with physical condition - see Syndrome, brain

myocardium, myocardial - see Degeneration, myocardial

of life (see also Menopause) 627.2

pacemaker battery (cardiac) V53.31

peripheral nerve 355.9

personality (nonpsychotic) NEC 310.1

plaster cast V54.89

refractive, transient 367.81

regressive, dental pulp 522.2

retina 362.9

myopic (degenerative) (malignant) 360.21

vascular appearance 362.13

sacroiliac joint 724.6

scleral 379.19

degenerative 379.16

senile (see also Senility) 797

sensory (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

skin texture 782.8

spinal cord 336.9

splint, external V54.89

subdermal implantable contraceptive V25.5

suture V58.32

traction device V54.89

trophic 355.9

arm NEC 354.9

leg NEC 355.8

lower extremity NEC 355.8

upper extremity NEC 354.9

vascular 459.9

vasomotor 443.9

voice 784.49

psychogenic 306.1

wound packing V58.30

nonsurgical V58.30

surgical V58.31

Changing sleep-work schedule, affecting sleep 327.36

Changuinola fever 066.0

Chapping skin 709.8


depressive 301.12


arthropathy 094.0 [713.5]

cirrhosis - see Cirrhosis, biliary

disease 094.0

spinal cord 094.0

fever (biliary) (hepatic) (intermittent) - see Choledocholithiasis

joint (disease) 094.0 [713.5]

diabetic 250.6 [713.5]

syringomyelic 336.0 [713.5]

syndrome (intermittent claudication) 443.9

due to atherosclerosis 440.21

Charc�t-Marie-Tooth disease, paralysis, or syndrome 356.1

CHARGE association (syndrome) 759.89

Charleyhorse (quadriceps) 843.8

muscle, except quadriceps - see Sprain, by site

Charlouis' disease (see also Yaws) 102.9

Chauffeur's fracture - see Fracture, ulna, lower end

Cheadle (-M�ller) (-Barlow) disease or syndrome (infantile scurvy) 267

Checking (of)

contraceptive device (intrauterine) V25.42


fixation V54.89

external V54.89

internal V54.09

traction V54.89

Kirschner wire V54.89

plaster cast V54.89

splint, external V54.89


following treatment - see Examination

health V70.0

infant (not sick) V20.2

newborn, routine

initial V20.2

subsequent V20.2

pregnancy (normal) V22.1

first V22.0

high-risk pregnancy V23.9

specified problem NEC V23.89

Ch�diak-Higashi (-Steinbrinck) anomaly, disease, or syndrome (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules) 288.2

Cheek - see also condition

biting 528.9

Cheese itch 133.8

Cheese washers' lung 495.8

Cheilitis 528.5

actinic (due to sun) 692.72

chronic NEC 692.74

due to radiation, except from sun 692.82

due to radiation, except from sun 692.82

acute 528.5

angular 528.5

catarrhal 528.5

chronic 528.5

exfoliative 528.5

gangrenous 528.5

glandularis apostematosa 528.5

granulomatosa 351.8

infectional 528.5

membranous 528.5

Miescher's 351.8

suppurative 528.5

ulcerative 528.5

vesicular 528.5

Cheilodynia 528.5

Cheilopalatoschisis (see also Cleft, palate, with cleft lip) 749.20

Cheilophagia 528.9

Cheiloschisis (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10

Cheilosis 528.5

with pellagra 265.2

angular 528.5

due to

dietary deficiency 266.0

vitamin deficiency 266.0

Cheiromegaly 729.89

Cheiropompholyx 705.81

Cheloid (see also Keloid) 701.4

Chemical burn - see also Burn, by site

from swallowing chemical - see Burn, internal organs

Chemodectoma (M8693/1) - see Paraganglioma, nonchromaffin

Chemoprophylaxis NEC V07.39

Chemosis, conjunctiva 372.73


convalescence V66.2

encounter (for) V58.11

maintenance V58.11

prophylactic NEC V07.39

fluoride V07.31

Cherubism 526.89

Chest - see condition

Cheyne-Stokes respiration (periodic) 786.04


disease or syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis) 453.0


type I 348.4

type II (see also Spina bifida)741.0

type III 742.0

type IV 742.2

network 746.89

Chiari-Frommel syndrome 676.6

Chicago disease (North American blastomycosis) 116.0

Chickenpox (see also Varicella) 052.9

exposure to V01.71

vaccination and inoculation (prophylactic) V05.4

Chiclero ulcer 085.4

Chiggers 133.8

Chignon 111.2

fetus or newborn (from vacuum extraction) 767.19

Chigoe disease 134.1

Chikungunya fever 066.3

Chilaiditi's syndrome (subphrenic displacement, colon) 751.4

Chilblains 991.5

lupus 991.5


behavior causing concern V61.20

Childbed fever 670

Childbirth - see also Delivery

puerperal complications - see Puerperal

Childhood, period of rapid growth V21.0

Chill(s) 780.99

with fever 780.6

congestive 780.99

in malarial regions 084.6

septic - see Septicemia

urethral 599.84

Chilomastigiasis 007.8

Chin - see condition

Chinese dysentery 004.9

Chiropractic dislocation (see also Lesion, nonallopathic, by site) 739.9

Chitral fever 066.0

Chlamydia, chlamydial - see condition

Chloasma 709.09

cachecticorum 709.09

eyelid 374.52

congenital 757.33

hyperthyroid 242.0

gravidarum 646.8

idiopathic 709.09

skin 709.09

symptomatic 709.09

Chloroma (M9930/3) 205.3

Chlorosis 280.9

Egyptian (see also Ancylostomiasis) 126.9

miners' (see also Ancylostomiasis) 126.9

Chlorotic anemia 280.9

Chocolate cyst (ovary) 617.1


disk or disc - see Papilledema

on food, phlegm, or vomitus NEC (see also Asphyxia, food) 933.1

phlegm 933.1

while vomiting NEC (see also Asphyxia, food) 933.1

Chokes (resulting from bends) 993.3

Choking sensation 784.99

Cholangiectasis (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.8

Cholangiocarcinoma (M8160/3)

and hepatocellular carcinoma, combined (M8180/3) 155.0

liver 155.1

specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 155.1

Cholangiohepatitis 575.8

due to fluke infestation 121.1

Cholangiohepatoma (M8180/3) 155.0

Cholangiolitis (acute) (chronic) (extrahepatic) (gangrenous) 576.1

intrahepatic 575.8

paratyphoidal (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9

typhoidal 002.0

Cholangioma (M8160/0) 211.5

malignant - see Cholangiocarcinoma

Cholangitis (acute) (ascending) (catarrhal) (chronic) (infective) (malignant) (primary) (recurrent) (sclerosing) (secondary) (stenosing) (suppurative) 576.1

chronic nonsuppurative destructive 571.6

nonsuppurative destructive (chronic) 571.6

Cholecystdocholithiasis - see Choledocholithiasis

Cholecystitis 575.10


calculus, stones in

bile duct (common) (hepatic)-see Choledocholithiasis

gallbladder - see Cholelithiasis

acute 575.0

acute and chronic 575.12


emphysematous (acute) (see also Cholecystitis, acute) 575.0

gangrenous (see also Cholecystitis, acute) 575.0

paratyphoidal, current (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9

suppurative (see also Cholecystitis, acute) 575.0

typhoidal 002.0

Choledochitis (suppurative) 576.1

Choledocholith - see Choledocholithiasis

Choledocholithiasis 574.5

Note15Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 574:

����������������������� 0��������� without mention of obstruction
����������������������� 1��������� with obstruction



acute 574.3

chronic 574.4

cholelithiasis 574.9


cholecystitis 574.7


and chronic 574.8

chronic 574.7

Cholelithiasis (impacted) (multiple) 574.2

Note16Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 574:

����������������������� 0��������� without mention of obstruction
����������������������� 1��������� with obstruction



acute 574.0

chronic 574.1

choledocholithiasis 574.9


cholecystitis 574.7


and chronic 574.8

chronic cholecystitis 574.7

Cholemia (see also Jaundice) 782.4

familial 277.4

Gilbert's (familial nonhemolytic) 277.4

Cholemic gallstone - see Cholelithiasis

Choleperitoneum, choleperitonitis (see also Disease, gallbladder) 567.81

Cholera (algid) (Asiatic) (asphyctic) (epidemic) (gravis) (Indian) (malignant) (morbus) (pestilential) (spasmodic) 001.9

antimonial 985.4

carrier (suspected) of V02.0

classical 001.0

contact V01.0

due to


cholerae (Inaba, Ogawa, Hikojima serotypes) 001.0

El Tor 001.1

El Tor 001.1

exposure to V01.0

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V03.0

Cholerine (see also Cholera) 001.9

Cholestasis 576.8

due to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) 573.8

Cholesteatoma (ear) 385.30

attic (primary) 385.31

diffuse 385.35

external ear (canal) 380.21

marginal (middle ear) 385.32

with involvement of mastoid cavity 385.33

secondary (with middle ear involvement) 385.33

mastoid cavity 385.30

middle ear (secondary) 385.32

with involvement of mastoid cavity 385.33

postmastoidectomy cavity (recurrent) 383.32

primary 385.31

recurrent, postmastoidectomy cavity 383.32

secondary (middle ear) 385.32

with involvement of mastoid cavity 385.33

Cholesteatosis (middle ear) (see also Cholesteatoma) 385.30

diffuse 385.35

Cholesteremia 272.0


granuloma, middle ear 385.82

in vitreous 379.22



retina 362.82

vitreous 379.22

elevated (high) 272.0

with elevated (high) triglycerides 272.2

imbibition of gallbladder (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.6

Cholesterolemia 272.0

essential 272.0

familial 272.0

hereditary 272.0

Cholesterosis, cholesterolosis (gallbladder) 575.6


cholecystitis - see Cholecystitis

cholelithiasis - see Cholelithiasis

middle ear (see also Cholesteatoma) 385.30

Cholocolic fistula (see also Fistula, gallbladder) 575.5

Choluria 791.4

Chondritis (purulent) 733.99

auricle 380.03

costal 733.6

Tietze's 733.6

patella, posttraumatic 717.7

pinna 380.03

posttraumatica patellae 717.7

tuberculous (active) (see also Tuberculosis) 015.9

intervertebral 015.0 [730.88]

Chondroangiopathia calcarea seu punctate 756.59

Chondroblastoma (M9230/0) - see also Neoplasm, bone, benign

malignant (M9230/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

Chondrocalcinosis (articular) (crystal deposition) (dihydrate) (see also Arthritis, due to, crystals) 275.49 [712.3]

due to

calcium pyrophosphate 275.49 [712.2]

dicalcium phosphate crystals 275.49 [712.1]

pyrophosphate crystals 275.49 [712.2]

Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis 380.00

Chondrodysplasia 756.4

angiomatose 756.4

calcificans congenita 756.59

epiphysialis punctata 756.59

hereditary deforming 756.4

rhizomelic punctata 277.86

Chondrodystrophia (fetalis) 756.4

calcarea 756.4

calcificans congenita 756.59

fetalis hypoplastica 756.59

hypoplastica calcinosa 756.59

punctata 756.59

tarda 277.5

Chondrodystrophy (familial) (hypoplastic) 756.4

myotonic (congenital) 359.23

Chondroectodermal dysplasia 756.55

Chondrolysis 733.99

Chondroma (M9220/0) - see also Neoplasm cartilage, benign

juxtacortical (M9221/0) - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

periosteal (M9221/0) - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Chondromalacia 733.92

epiglottis (congenital) 748.3

generalized 733.92

knee 717.7

larynx (congenital) 748.3

localized, except patella 733.92

patella, patellae 717.7

systemic 733.92

tibial plateau 733.92

trachea (congenital) 748.3

Chondromatosis (M9220/1) - see Neoplasm, cartilage, uncertain behavior

Chondromyxosarcoma (M9220/3) - see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

Chondro-osteodysplasia (Morquio-Brailsford type) 277.5

Chondro-osteodystrophy 277.5

Chondro-osteoma (M9210/0) - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Chondropathia tuberosa 733.6

Chondrosarcoma (M9220/3) - see also Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

juxtacortical (M9221/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

mesenchymal (M9240/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Chordae tendineae rupture (chronic) 429.5

Chordee (nonvenereal) 607.89

congenital 752.63

gonococcal 098.2

Chorditis (fibrinous) (nodosa) (tuberosa) 478.5

Chordoma (M9370/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Chorea (gravis) (minor) (spasmodic) 333.5


heart involvement - see Chorea with rheumatic heart disease

rheumatic heart disease (chronic, inactive, or quiescent) (conditions classifiable to 393-398) - see- rheumatic heart condition involved,

active or acute (conditions classifiable to 391) 392.0

acute - see Chorea, Sydenham's

apoplectic (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

chronic 333.4

electric 049.8

gravidarum - see Eclampsia, pregnancy

habit 307.22

hereditary 333.4

Huntington's 333.4

posthemiplegic 344.89

pregnancy - see Eclampsia, pregnancy

progressive 333.4

chronic 333.4

hereditary 333.4

rheumatic (chronic) 392.9

with heart disease or involvement - see Chorea, with rheumatic heart disease

senile 333.5

Sydenham's 392.9

with heart involvement - see Chorea, with rheumatic heart disease

nonrheumatic 333.5

variabilis 307.23

Choreoathetosis (paroxysmal) 333.5

Chorioadenoma (destruens) (M9100/1) 236.1

Chorioamnionitis 658.4

affecting fetus or newborn 762.7

Chorioangioma (M9120/0) 219.8

Choriocarcinoma (M9100/3)

combined with

embryonal carcinoma (M9101/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

teratoma (M9101/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site

female 181

male 186.9

Chorioencephalitis, lymphocytic (acute) (serous) 049.0

Chorioepithelioma (M9100/3) - see Choriocarcinoma

Choriomeningitis (acute) (benign) (lymphocytic) (serous) 049.0

Chorionepithelioma (M9100/3) - see Choriocarcinoma

Chorionitis (see also Scleroderma) 710.1

Chorioretinitis 363.20

disseminated 363.10

generalized 363.13


neurosyphilis 094.83

secondary syphilis 091.51

peripheral 363.12

posterior pole 363.11

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [363.13]

due to

histoplasmosis (see also Histoplasmosis) 115.92

toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.2

congenital (active) 771.2

focal 363.00

juxtapapillary 363.01

peripheral 363.04

posterior pole NEC 363.03

juxtapapillaris, juxtapapillary 363.01

progressive myopia (degeneration) 360.21

syphilitic (secondary) 091.51

congenital (early) 090.0 [363.13]

late 090.5 [363.13]

late 095.8 [363.13]

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [363.13]

Choristoma - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

Choroid - see condition

Choroideremia, choroidermia (initial stage) (late stage) (partial or total atrophy) 363.55

Choroiditis (see also Chorioretinitis) 363.20

leprous 030.9 [363.13]

senile guttate 363.41

sympathetic 360.11

syphilitic (secondary) 091.51

congenital (early) 090.0 [363.13]

late 090.5 [363.13]

late 095.8 [363.13]

Tay's 363.41

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [363.13]

Choroidopathy NEC 363.9

degenerative (see also Degeneration, choroid) 363.40

hereditary (see also Dystrophy, choroid) 363.50

specified type NEC 363.8

Choroidoretinitis - see Chorioretinitis

Choroidosis, central serous 362.41

Choroidretinopathy, serous 362.41

Christian's syndrome (chronic histiocytosis X) 277.89

Christian-Weber disease (nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis) 729.30

Christmas disease 286.1

Chromaffinoma (M8700/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

malignant (M8700/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Chromatopsia 368.59

Chromhidrosis, chromidrosis 705.89

Chromoblastomycosis 117.2

Chromomycosis 117.2

Chromophytosis 111.0

Chromotrichomycosis 111.8

Chronic - see condition

Churg-Strauss syndrome 446.4

Chyle cyst, mesentery 457.8

Chylocele (nonfilarial) 457.8

filarial (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9

tunica vaginalis (nonfilarial) 608.84

filarial (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9

Chylomicronemia (fasting) (with hyperprebetalipoproteinemia) 272.3

Chylopericardium (acute) 420.90

Chylothorax (nonfilarial) 457.8

filarial (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9


ascites 457.8

cyst of peritoneum 457.8

hydrocele 603.9

hydrothorax (nonfilarial) 457.8

filarial (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9

Chyluria 791.1

bilharziasis 120.0

due to

Brugia (malayi) 125.1

Wuchereria (bancrofti) 125.0

malayi 125.1

filarial (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9

filariasis (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9

nonfilarial 791.1

Cicatricial (deformity) - see Cicatrix

Cicatrix (adherent) (contracted) (painful) (vicious) 709.2

adenoid 474.8

alveolar process 525.8

anus 569.49

auricle 380.89

bile duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8

bladder 596.8

bone 733.99

brain 348.8

cervix (postoperative) (postpartal) 622.3

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6

causing obstructed labor 660.2

chorioretinal 363.30

disseminated 363.35

macular 363.32

peripheral 363.34

posterior pole NEC 363.33

choroid - see Cicatrix, chorioretinal

common duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8

congenital 757.39

conjunctiva 372.64

cornea 371.00

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [371.05]

duodenum (bulb) 537.3

esophagus 530.3

eyelid 374.46


ectropion - see Ectropion

entropion - see Entropion

hypopharynx 478.29

knee, semilunar cartilage 717.5


canaliculi 375.53


acquired 375.56

neonatal 375.55

punctum 375.52

sac 375.54

larynx 478.79

limbus (cystoid) 372.64

lung 518.89

macular 363.32

disseminated 363.35

peripheral 363.34

middle ear 385.89

mouth 528.9

muscle 728.89

nasolacrimal duct

acquired 375.56

neonatal 375.55

nasopharynx 478.29

palate (soft) 528.9

penis 607.89

prostate 602.8

rectum 569.49

retina 363.30

disseminated 363.35

macular 363.32

peripheral 363.34

posterior pole NEC 363.33

semilunar cartilage - see Derangement, meniscus

seminal vesicle 608.89

skin 709.2

infected 686.8

postinfectional 709.2

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0

specified site NEC 709.2

throat 478.29

tongue 529.8

tonsil (and adenoid) 474.8

trachea 478.9

tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9

ureter 593.89

urethra 599.84

uterus 621.8

vagina 623.4

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.7

causing obstructed labor 660.2

vocal cord 478.5

wrist, constricting (annular) 709.2

CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy) 357.81

CIN I [cervical intraepithelial neoplasia I] 622.11

CIN II [cervical intraepithelial neoplasia II] 622.12

CIN III [cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III] 233.1


correct substance properly administered 386.9

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 961.4

Circine herpes 110.5

Circle of Willis - see condition

Circular - see also condition

hymen 752.49

Circulating anticoagulants 286.5

following childbirth 666.3

postpartum 666.3


collateral (venous), any site 459.89

defective 459.9

congenital 747.9

lower extremity 459.89

embryonic 747.9

failure 799.89

fetus or newborn 779.89

peripheral 785.59

fetal, persistent 747.83

heart, incomplete 747.9

Circulatory system - see condition

Circulus senilis 371.41


in absence of medical indication V50.2

ritual V50.2

routine V50.2

Circumscribed - see condition

Circumvallata placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Cirrhosis, cirrhotic 571.5

with alcoholism 571.2

alcoholic (liver) 571.2

atrophic (of liver) - see Cirrhosis, portal

Baumgarten-Cruveilhier 571.5

biliary (cholangiolitic) (cholangitic) (cholestatic) (extrahepatic) (hypertrophic) (intrahepatic) (nonobstructive) (obstructive) (pericholangiolitic) (posthepatic) (primary) (secondary) (xanthomatous) 571.6

due to

clonorchiasis 121.1

flukes 121.3

brain 331.9

capsular - see Cirrhosis, portal

cardiac 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

central (liver) - see Cirrhosis, liver

Charc�t's 571.6

cholangiolitic - see Cirrhosis, biliary

cholangitic - see Cirrhosis, biliary

cholestatic - see Cirrhosis, biliary

clitoris (hypertrophic) 624.2

coarsely nodular 571.5

congestive (liver) - see Cirrhosis, cardiac

Cruveilhier-Baumgarten 571.5

cryptogenic (of liver) 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

dietary (see also Cirrhosis, portal) 571.5

due to

bronzed diabetes 275.0

congestive hepatomegaly - see Cirrhosis, cardiac

cystic fibrosis 277.00

hemochromatosis 275.0

hepatolenticular degeneration 275.1

passive congestion (chronic) - see Cirrhosis, cardiac

Wilson's disease 275.1

xanthomatosis 272.2

extrahepatic (obstructive) - see Cirrhosis, biliary

fatty 571.8

alcoholic 571.0

florid 571.2

Glisson's - see Cirrhosis, portal

Hanot's (hypertrophic) - see Cirrhosis, biliary

hepatic - see Cirrhosis, liver

hepatolienal - see Cirrhosis, liver

hobnail - see Cirrhosis, portal

hypertrophic - see also Cirrhosis, liver

biliary - see Cirrhosis, biliary

Hanot's - see Cirrhosis, biliary

infectious NEC - see Cirrhosis, portal

insular - see Cirrhosis, portal

intrahepatic (obstructive) (primary) (secondary) - see Cirrhosis, biliary

juvenile (see also Cirrhosis, portal) 571.5

kidney (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587

Laennec's (of liver) 571.2

nonalcoholic 571.5

liver (chronic) (hepatolienal) (hypertrophic) (nodular) (splenomegalic) (unilobar) 571.5

with alcoholism 571.2

alcoholic 571.2

congenital (due to failure of obliteration of umbilical vein) 777.8

cryptogenic 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

fatty 571.8

alcoholic 571.0

macronodular 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

micronodular 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

nodular, diffuse 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

pigmentary 275.0

portal 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

postnecrotic 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

syphilitic 095.3

lung (chronic) (see also Fibrosis, lung) 515

macronodular (of liver) 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

malarial 084.9

metabolic NEC 571.5

micronodular (of liver) 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

monolobular - see Cirrhosis, portal

multilobular - see Cirrhosis, portal

nephritis (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587

nodular - see Cirrhosis, liver

nutritional (fatty) 571.5

obstructive (biliary) (extrahepatic) (intrahepatic) - see Cirrhosis, biliary

ovarian 620.8

paludal 084.9

pancreas (duct) 577.8

pericholangiolitic - see Cirrhosis, biliary

periportal - see Cirrhosis, portal

pigment, pigmentary (of liver) 275.0

portal (of liver) 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

posthepatitic (see also Cirrhosis, postnecrotic) 571.5

postnecrotic (of liver) 571.5

alcoholic 571.2

primary (intrahepatic) - see Cirrhosis, biliary

pulmonary (see also Fibrosis, lung) 515

renal (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587

septal (see also Cirrhosis, postnecrotic) 571.5

spleen 289.51

splenomegalic (of liver) - see Cirrhosis, liver

stasis (liver) - see Cirrhosis, liver

stomach 535.4

Todd's (see also Cirrhosis, biliary) 571.6

toxic (nodular) - see Cirrhosis, postnecrotic

trabecular - see Cirrhosis, postnecrotic

unilobar - see Cirrhosis, liver

vascular (of liver) - see Cirrhosis, liver

xanthomatous (biliary) (see also Cirrhosis, biliary) 571.6

due to xanthomatosis (familial) (metabolic) (primary) 272.2

Cistern, subarachnoid 793.0

Citrullinemia 270.6

Citrullinuria 270.6

Ciuffini-Pancoast tumor (M8010/3) (carcinoma, pulmonary apex) 162.3

Civatte's disease or poikiloderma 709.09

Clam diggers' itch 120.3

Clap - see Gonorrhea

Clark's paralysis 343.9

Clarke-Hadfield syndrome (pancreatic infantilism) 577.8

Clastothrix 704.2

Claude's syndrome 352.6

Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

Claudication, intermittent 443.9

cerebral (artery) (see also Ischemia, cerebral, transient) 435.9

due to atherosclerosis 440.21

spinal cord (arteriosclerotic) 435.1

syphilitic 094.89

spinalis 435.1

venous (axillary) 453.8

Claudicatio venosa intermittens 453.8

Claustrophobia 300.29

Clavus (infected) 700

Clawfoot (congenital) 754.71

acquired 736.74

Clawhand (acquired) 736.06

congenital 755.59

Clawtoe (congenital) 754.71

acquired 735.5

Clay eating 307.52

Clay shovelers' fracture - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical

Cleansing of artificial opening (see also Attention to artificial opening) V55.9

Cleft (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure

alveolar process 525.8

branchial (persistent) 744.41

cyst 744.42

clitoris 752.49

cricoid cartilage, posterior 748.3

facial (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10

lip 749.10

with cleft palate 749.20

bilateral (lip and palate) 749.24

with unilateral lip or palate 749.25

complete 749.23

incomplete 749.24

unilateral (lip and palate) 749.22

with bilateral lip or palate 749.25

complete 749.21

incomplete 749.22

bilateral 749.14

with cleft palate, unilateral 749.25

complete 749.13

incomplete 749.14

unilateral 749.12

with cleft palate, bilateral 749.25

complete 749.11

incomplete 749.12

nose 748.1

palate 749.00

with cleft lip 749.20

bilateral (lip and palate) 749.24

with unilateral lip or palate 749.25

complete 749.23

incomplete 749.24

unilateral (lip and palate) 749.22

with bilateral lip or palate 749.25

complete 749.21

incomplete 749.22

bilateral 749.04

with cleft lip, unilateral 749.25

complete 749.03

incomplete 749.04

unilateral 749.02

with cleft lip, bilateral 749.25

complete 749.01

incomplete 749.02

penis 752.69

posterior, cricoid cartilage 748.3

scrotum 752.89

sternum (congenital) 756.3

thyroid cartilage (congenital) 748.3

tongue 750.13

uvula 749.02

with cleft lip (see also Cleft, lip, with cleft palate) 749.20

water 366.12

Cleft hand (congenital) 755.58

Cleidocranial dysostosis 755.59

Cleidotomy, fetal 763.89

Cleptomania 312.32

Cl�rambault's syndrome 297.8

erotomania 302.89

Clergyman's sore throat 784.49

Click, clicking

systolic syndrome 785.2

Clifford's syndrome (postmaturity) 766.22

Climacteric (see also Menopause) 627.2

arthritis NEC (see also Arthritis, climacteric) 716.3

depression (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2

disease 627.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

female (symptoms) 627.2

male (symptoms) (syndrome) 608.89

melancholia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

paranoid state 297.2

paraphrenia 297.2

polyarthritis NEC 716.39

male 608.89

symptoms (female) 627.2

Clinical research investigation (control) (participant) V70.7

Clinodactyly 755.59

Clitoris - see condition

Cloaca, persistent 751.5

Clonorchiasis 121.1

Clonorchiosis 121.1

Clonorchis infection, liver 121.1

Clonus 781.0

Closed bite 524.20

Closed surgical procedure converted to open procedure

arthroscopic V64.43

laparoscopic V64.41

thoracoscopic V64.42


artificial opening (see also Attention to artificial opening) V55.9

congenital, nose 748.0

cranial sutures, premature 756.0

defective or imperfect NEC - see Imperfect, closure

fistula, delayed - see Fistula

fontanelle, delayed 756.0

foramen ovale, imperfect 745.5

hymen 623.3

interauricular septum, defective 745.5

interventricular septum, defective 745.4

lacrimal duct 375.56

congenital 743.65

neonatal 375.55

nose (congenital) 748.0

acquired 738.0

vagina 623.2

valve - see Endocarditis

vulva 624.8

Clot (blood)

artery (obstruction) (occlusion) (see also Embolism) 444.9

atrial appendage 429.89

bladder 596.7

brain (extradural or intradural) (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

circulation 444.9

heart (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9

without myocardial infarction 429.89

vein (see also Thrombosis) 453.9

Clotting defect NEC (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9

Clouded state 780.09

epileptic (see also Epilepsy) 345.9

paroxysmal (idiopathic) (see also Epilepsy) 345.9


corneal graft 996.51


antrum, antra 473.0

dialysis effluent 792.5

Clouston's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia 757.31

Clubbing of fingers 781.5

Clubfinger 736.29

acquired 736.29

congenital 754.89

Clubfoot (congenital) 754.70

acquired 736.71

equinovarus 754.51

paralytic 736.71

Club hand (congenital) 754.89

acquired 736.07

Clubnail (acquired) 703.8

congenital 757.5

Clump kidney 753.3

Clumsiness 781.3

syndrome 315.4

Cluttering 307.0

Clutton's joints 090.5

Coagulation, intravascular (diffuse) (disseminated) (see also Fibrinolysis) 286.6

newborn 776.2

Coagulopathy (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.9

consumption 286.6

intravascular (disseminated) NEC 286.6

newborn 776.2


calcaneoscaphoid 755.67

calcaneus 755.67

tarsal 755.67

Coal miners'

elbow 727.2

lung 500

Coal workers' lung or pneumoconiosis 500


aorta (postductal) (preductal) 747.10

pulmonary artery 747.3

Coated tongue 529.3

Coats' disease 362.12

Cocainism (see also Dependence) 304.2

Coccidioidal granuloma 114.3

Coccidioidomycosis 114.9

with pneumonia 114.0

cutaneous (primary) 114.1

disseminated 114.3

extrapulmonary (primary) 114.1

lung 114.5

acute 114.0

chronic 114.4

primary 114.0

meninges 114.2

primary (pulmonary) 114.0

acute 114.0

prostate 114.3

pulmonary 114.5

acute 114.0

chronic 114.4

primary 114.0

specified site NEC 114.3

Coccidioidosis 114.9

lung 114.5

acute 114.0

chronic 114.4

primary 114.0

meninges 114.2

Coccidiosis (colitis) (diarrhea) (dysentery) 007.2

Cocciuria 791.9

Coccus in urine 791.9

Coccydynia 724.79

Coccygodynia 724.79

Coccyx - see condition


diarrhea 579.1

anguilluliasis 127.2

ulcer 085.1

Cock's peculiar tumor 706.2

Cockayne's disease or syndrome (microcephaly and dwarfism) 759.89

Cockayne-Weber syndrome (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39

Cocked-up toe 735.2

Codman's tumor (benign chondroblastoma) (M9230/0) - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Coenurosis 123.8

Coffee workers' lung 495.8

Cogan's syndrome 370.52

congenital oculomotor apraxia 379.51

nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis 370.52

Coiling, umbilical cord - see Complications, umbilical cord

Coitus, painful (female) 625.0

male 608.89

psychogenic 302.76

Cold 460

with influenza, flu, or grippe 487.1

abscess - see also Tuberculosis, abscess

articular - see Tuberculosis, joint


disease (chronic) or syndrome 283.0

hemoglobinuria 283.0

paroxysmal (cold) (nocturnal) 283.2

allergic (see also Fever, hay) 477.9

bronchus or chest - see Bronchitis

with grippe or influenza 487.1

common (head) 460

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V04.7

deep 464.10

effects of 991.9

specified effect NEC 991.8

excessive 991.9

specified effect NEC 991.8

exhaustion from 991.8

exposure to 991.9

specified effect NEC 991.8

grippy 487.1

head 460

injury syndrome (newborn) 778.2

intolerance 780.99

on lung - see Bronchitis

rose 477.0

sensitivity, autoimmune 283.0

virus 460

Coldsore (see also Herpes, simplex) 054.9

Colibacillosis 041.4

generalized 038.42

Colibacilluria 791.9

Colic (recurrent) 789.0

abdomen 789.0

psychogenic 307.89

appendicular 543.9

appendix 543.9

bile duct - see Choledocholithiasis

biliary - see Cholelithiasis

bilious - see Cholelithiasis

common duct - see Choledocholithiasis

Devonshire NEC 984.9

specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

flatulent 787.3

gallbladder or gallstone - see Cholelithiasis

gastric 536.8

hepatic (duct) - see Choledocholithiasis

hysterical 300.11

infantile 789.0

intestinal 789.0

kidney 788.0

lead NEC 984.9

specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

liver (duct) - see Choledocholithiasis

mucous 564.9

psychogenic 316 [564.9]

nephritic 788.0

Painter's NEC 984.9

pancreas 577.8

psychogenic 306.4

renal 788.0

saturnine NEC 984.9

specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

spasmodic 789.0

ureter 788.0

urethral 599.84

due to calculus 594.2

uterus 625.8

menstrual 625.3

vermicular 543.9

virus 460

worm NEC 128.9

Colicystitis (see also Cystitis) 595.9

Colitis (acute) (catarrhal) (croupous) (cystica superficialis) (exudative) (hemorrhagic) (noninfectious) (phlegmonous) (presumed noninfectious) 558.9

adaptive 564.9

allergic 558.3

amebic (see also Amebiasis) 006.9

nondysenteric 006.2

anthrax 022.2

bacillary (see also Infection, Shigella) 004.9

balantidial 007.0

chronic 558.9

ulcerative (see also Colitis, ulcerative) 556.9

coccidial 007.2

dietetic 558.9

due to radiation 558.1

functional 558.9

gangrenous 009.0

giardial 007.1

granulomatous 555.1

gravis (see also Colitis, ulcerative) 556.9

infectious (see also Enteritis, due to, specific organism) 009.0

presumed 009.1

ischemic 557.9

acute 557.0

chronic 557.1

due to mesenteric artery insufficiency 557.1

membranous 564.9

psychogenic 316 [564.9]

mucous 564.9

psychogenic 316 [564.9]

necrotic 009.0

polyposa (see also Colitis, ulcerative) 556.9

protozoal NEC 007.9

pseudomembranous 008.45

pseudomucinous 564.9

regional 555.1

segmental 555.1

septic (see also Enteritis, due to, specific organism) 009.0

spastic 564.9

psychogenic 316 [564.9]

Staphylococcus 008.41

food 005.0

thromboulcerative 557.0

toxic 558.2

transmural 555.1

trichomonal 007.3

tuberculous (ulcerative) 014.8

ulcerative (chronic) (idiopathic) (nonspecific) 556.9

entero- 556.0

fulminant 557.0

ileo- 556.1

left-sided 556.5

procto- 556.2

proctosigmoid 556.3

psychogenic 316 [556]

specified NEC 556.8

universal 556.6

Collagen disease NEC 710.9

nonvascular 710.9

vascular (allergic) (see also Angiitis, hypersensitivity) 446.20

Collagenosis (see also Collagen disease) 710.9

cardiovascular 425.4

mediastinal 519.3

Collapse 780.2

adrenal 255.8

cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90

cardiorespiratory 785.51

fetus or newborn 779.85

cardiovascular (see also Disease, heart) 785.51

fetus or newborn 779.85

circulatory (peripheral) 785.59


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.5

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.5

during or after labor and delivery 669.1

fetus or newborn 779.85


abortion 639.5

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.5

during or after labor and delivery 669.1

fetus or newborn 779.89

external ear canal 380.50

secondary to

inflammation 380.53

surgery 380.52

trauma 380.51

general 780.2

heart - see Disease, heart

heat 992.1

hysterical 300.11

labyrinth, membranous (congenital) 744.05

lung (massive) (see also Atelectasis) 518.0

pressure, during labor 668.0

myocardial - see Disease, heart

nervous (see also Disorder, mental, nonpsychotic) 300.9

neurocirculatory 306.2

nose 738.0

postoperative (cardiovascular) 998.0

pulmonary (see also Atelectasis) 518.0

fetus or newborn 770.5

partial 770.5

primary 770.4

thorax 512.8

iatrogenic 512.1

postoperative 512.1

trachea 519.19

valvular - see Endocarditis

vascular (peripheral) 785.59


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.5

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.5

cerebral (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

during or after labor and delivery 669.1

fetus or newborn 779.89


abortion 639.5

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.5

vasomotor 785.59

vertebra 733.13

Collateral - see also condition

circulation (venous) 459.89

dilation, veins 459.89

Colles' fracture (closed) (reversed) (separation) 813.41

open 813.51

Collet's syndrome 352.6

Collet-Sicard syndrome 352.6

Colliculitis urethralis (see also Urethritis) 597.89


asthma 500

lung 500

phthisis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4

Collodion baby (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1

Colloid milium 709.3

Coloboma NEC 743.49

choroid 743.59

fundus 743.52

iris 743.46

lens 743.36

lids 743.62

optic disc (congenital) 743.57

acquired 377.23

retina 743.56

sclera 743.47

Coloenteritis - see Enteritis

Colon - see condition

Coloptosis 569.89


amblyopia NEC 368.59

acquired 368.55

blindness NEC (congenital) 368.59

acquired 368.55


attention to V55.3

fitting or adjustment V55.3

malfunctioning 569.62

status V44.3

Colpitis (see also Vaginitis) 616.10

Colpocele 618.6

Colpocystitis (see also Vaginitis) 616.10

Colporrhexis 665.4

Colpospasm 625.1

Column, spinal, vertebral - see condition

Coma 780.01

apoplectic (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

diabetic (with ketoacidosis) 250.3

hyperosmolar 250.2

eclamptic (see also Eclampsia) 780.39

epileptic 345.3

hepatic 572.2

hyperglycemic 250.2

hyperosmolar (diabetic) (nonketotic) 250.2

hypoglycemic 251.0

diabetic 250.3

insulin 250.3

hyperosmolar 250.2

nondiabetic 251.0

organic hyperinsulinism 251.0

Kussmaul's (diabetic) 250.3

liver 572.2

newborn 779.2

prediabetic 250.2

uremic - see Uremia

Combat fatigue (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9

Combined - see condition

Comedo 706.1

Comedocarcinoma (M8501/3) - see also Neoplasm, breast, malignant

noninfiltrating (M8501/2)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, in situ

unspecified site 233.0

Comedomastitis 610.4

Comedones 706.1

lanugo 757.4

Comma bacillus, carrier (suspected) of V02.3

Comminuted fracture - see Fracture, by site


aortopulmonary trunk 745.0

atrioventricular canal (defect) 745.69

atrium 745.69

cold (head) 460

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V04.7

truncus (arteriosus) 745.0

ventricle 745.3

Commotio (current)

cerebri (see also Concussion, brain) 850.9

with skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site

retinae 921.3

spinalis - see Injury, spinal, by site

Commotion (current)

brain (without skull fracture) (see also Concussion, brain) 850.9

with skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site

spinal cord - see Injury, spinal, by site


abnormal - see also Fistula


base of aorta and pulmonary artery 745.0

left ventricle and right atrium 745.4

pericardial sac and pleural sac 748.8

pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein 747.3

congenital, between uterus and

anterior abdominal wall 752.3

bladder 752.3

intestine 752.3

rectum 752.3

left ventricular-right atrial 745.4

pulmonary artery-pulmonary vein 747.3

Compartment syndrome - see Syndrome, compartment


broken - see Failure, heart

failure - see Failure, heart

neurosis, psychoneurosis 300.11

Complaint - see also Disease

bowel, functional 564.9

psychogenic 306.4

intestine, functional 564.9

psychogenic 306.4

kidney (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

liver 573.9

miners' 500

Complete - see condition


cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90

castration 300.9

Costen's 524.60

ego-dystonic homosexuality 302.0

Eisenmenger's (ventricular septal defect) 745.4

homosexual, ego-dystonic 302.0

hypersexual 302.89

inferiority 301.9

jumped process

spine - see Dislocation, vertebra

primary, tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 010.0

Taussig-Bing (transposition, aorta and overriding pulmonary artery) 745.11


abortion NEC - see categories 634-639

accidental puncture or laceration during a procedure 998.2

amputation stump (late) (surgical) 997.60

traumatic - see Amputation, traumatic

anastomosis (and bypass) - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

hemorrhage NEC 998.11

intestinal (internal) NEC 997.4

involving urinary tract 997.5

mechanical - see Complications, mechanical, graft

urinary tract (involving intestinal tract) 997.5

anesthesia, anesthetic NEC (see also Anesthesia, complication) 995.22

in labor and delivery 668.9

affecting fetus or newborn 763.5

cardiac 668.1

central nervous system 668.2

pulmonary 668.0

specified type NEC 668.8

aortocoronary (bypass) graft 996.03

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary


occlusion NEC996.72


arthroplasty (see also Complications, prosthetic joint) 996.49

artificial opening

cecostomy 569.60

colostomy 569.60

cystostomy 997.5

enterostomy 569.60

esophagostomy 530.87

infection 530.86

mechanical 530.87

gastrostomy 536.40

ileostomy 569.60

jejunostomy 569.60

nephrostomy 997.5

tracheostomy 519.00

ureterostomy 997.5

urethrostomy 997.5

bariatric surgery 997.4

bile duct implant (prosthetic) NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

mechanical 996.59

bleeding (intraoperative) (postoperative) 998.11

blood vessel graft 996.1

aortocoronary 996.03

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

embolism 996.72

occlusion NEC 996.72

thrombus 996.72

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, extremities

embolism 996.74

occlusion NEC 996.74

thrombus 996.74

bone growth stimulator NEC 996.78

infection or inflammation 996.67

bone marrow transplant 996.85

breast implant (prosthetic) NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

mechanical 996.54

bypass - see also Complications, anastomosis

aortocoronary 996.03

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

embolism 996.72

occlusion NEC 996.72

thrombus 996.72

carotid artery 996.1

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

embolism 996.74

occlusion NEC 996.74

thrombus 996.74

cardiac (see also Disease, heart) 429.9

device, implant, or graft NEC 996.72

infection or inflammation 996.61

long-term effect 429.4

mechanical (see also Complications, mechanical, by type) 996.00

valve prosthesis 996.71

infection or inflammation 996.61

postoperative NEC 997.1

long-term effect 429.4

cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90

carotid artery bypass graft 996.1

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

embolism 996.74

occlusion NEC 996.74

thrombus 996.74

cataract fragments in eye998.82

catheter device NEC - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

mechanical - see Complications, mechanical, catheter

cecostomy 569.60

cesarean section wound 674.3

chemotherapy (antineoplastic) 995.29

chin implant (prosthetic) NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

mechanical 996.59

colostomy (enterostomy) 569.60

specified type NEC 569.69

contraceptive device, intrauterine NEC 996.76

infection 996.65

inflammation 996.65

mechanical 996.32

cord (umbilical) - see Complications, umbilical cord


due to

contact lens 371.82

coronary (artery) bypass (graft) NEC 996.03

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary


infection or inflammation 996.61

mechanical 996.03

occlusion NEC996.72

specified type NEC 996.72

thrombus 996.72

cystostomy 997.5

delivery 669.9

procedure (instrumental) (manual) (surgical) 669.4

specified type NEC 669.8

dialysis (hemodialysis) (peritoneal) (renal) NEC 999.9

catheter NEC - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

infection or inflammation 996.62

peritoneal 996.68

mechanical 996.1

peritoneal 996.56

drug NEC 995.29

due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC 996.70

with infection or inflammation - see Complications, infection or inflammation, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

arterial NEC 996.74

coronary NEC 996.03

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary


occlusion NEC 996.72

specified type NEC 996.72

thrombus 996.72

renal dialysis 996.73

arteriovenous fistula or shunt NEC 996.74

bone growth stimulator 996.78

breast NEC 996.79

cardiac NEC 996.72

defibrillator 996.72

pacemaker 996.72

valve prosthesis 996.71

catheter NEC 996.79

spinal 996.75

urinary, indwelling 996.76

vascular NEC 996.74

renal dialysis 996.73

ventricular shunt 996.75

coronary (artery) bypass (graft) NEC 996.03

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary


occlusion NEC 996.72

thrombus 996.72


brain 996.75

heart 996.72

esophagostomy 530.87

gastrointestinal NEC 996.79

genitourinary NEC 996.76

heart valve prosthesis NEC 996.71

infusion pump 996.74

insulin pump 996.57


joint prosthesis 996.77

orthopedic NEC 996.78

specified type NEC 996.79

intrauterine contraceptive device NEC 996.76

joint prosthesis, internal NEC 996.77

mechanical - see Complications, mechanical

nervous system NEC 996.75

ocular lens NEC 996.79

orbital NEC 996.79

orthopedic NEC 996.78

joint, internal 996.77

renal dialysis 996.73

specified type NEC 996.79

urinary catheter, indwelling 996.76

vascular NEC 996.74

ventricular shunt 996.75

during dialysis NEC 999.9

ectopic or molar pregnancy NEC 639.9

electroshock therapy NEC 999.9

enterostomy 569.60

specified type NEC 569.69

esophagostomy 530.87

infection 530.86

mechanical 530.87

external (fixation) device with internal component(s) NEC 996.78

infection or inflammation 996.67

mechanical 996.49

extracorporeal circulation NEC 999.9

eye implant (prosthetic) NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69


ocular lens 996.53

orbital globe 996.59

gastrointestinal, postoperative NEC (see also Complications, surgical procedures) 997.4

gastrostomy 536.40

specified type NEC 536.49

genitourinary device, implant or graft NEC 996.76

infection or inflammation 996.65

urinary catheter, indwelling 996.64

mechanical (see also Complications,

mechanical, by type) 996.30

specified NEC 996.39

graft (bypass) (patch) - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

bone marrow 996.85

corneal NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

rejection or reaction 996.51

mechanical - see Complications, mechanical, graft

organ (immune or nonimmune cause) (partial) (total) 996.80

bone marrow 996.85

heart 996.83

intestines 996.87

kidney 996.81

liver 996.82

lung 996.84

pancreas 996.86

specified NEC 996.89

skin NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

rejection 996.52

artificial 996.55

decellularized allodermis 996.55

heart - see also Disease, heart transplant (immune or nonimmune cause) 996.83

hematoma (intraoperative) (postoperative) 998.12

hemorrhage (intraoperative) (postoperative) 998.11

hyperalimentation therapy NEC 999.9

immunization (procedure) - see Complications, vaccination

implant - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

dental placement, hemorrhagic 525.71

mechanical, - see Complications, mechanical, implant

infection and inflammation

due to (presence of) any device, implant or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC 996.60

arterial NEC 996.62

coronary 996.61

renal dialysis 996.62

arteriovenous fistula or shunt 996.62

artificial heart 996.61

bone growth stimulator 996.67

breast 996.69

cardiac 996.61

catheter NEC 996.69

central venous 999.31

Hickman 999.31

peripherally inserted central (PICC) 999.31

peritoneal 996.68

spinal 996.63

triple lumen 999.31

urinary, indwelling 996.64

vascular (arterial) (dialysis) (peripheral venous) NEC 996.62

ventricular shunt 996.63

central venous catheter 999.31

coronary artery bypass 996.61


brain 996.63

heart 996.61

gastrointestinal NEC 996.69

genitourinary NEC 996.65

indwelling urinary catheter 996.64

heart assist device 996.61

heart valve 996.61

Hickman catheter 999.31

infusion pump 996.62

insulin pump 996.69

intrauterine contraceptive device 996.65

joint prosthesis, internal 996.66

ocular lens 996.69

orbital (implant) 996.69

orthopedic NEC 996.67

joint, internal 996.66

peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) 999.31

specified type NEC 996.69

triple lumen catheter 999.31

urinary catheter, indwelling 996.64

ventricular shunt 996.63

infusion (procedure) 999.9

blood - see Complications, transfusion

infection NEC 999.39

sepsis NEC 999.39

inhalation therapy NEC 999.9

injection (procedure) 999.9

drug reaction (see also Reaction, drug) 995.27

infection NEC 999.39

sepsis NEC 999.39

serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) - see Complications, vaccination

vaccine (any) - see Complications, vaccination

inoculation (any) - see Complications, vaccination

insulin pump 996.57

internal device (catheter) (electronic) (fixation) (prosthetic) - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

mechanical - see Complications, mechanical

intestinal transplant (immune or nonimmune cause) 996.87

intraoperative bleeding or hemorrhage 998.11

intrauterine contraceptive device (see also Complications, contraceptive device) 996.76

with fetal damage affecting management of pregnancy 655.8

infection or inflammation 996.65

jejunostomy 569.60

kidney transplant (immune or nonimmune cause) 996.81

labor 669.9

specified condition NEC 669.8

liver transplant (immune or nonimmune cause) 996.82

lumbar puncture 349.0


anastomosis - see Complications, mechanical, graft

artificial heart 996.09

bypass - see Complications, mechanical, graft

catheter NEC 996.59

cardiac 996.09

cystostomy 996.39

dialysis (hemodialysis) 996.1

peritoneal 996.56

during a procedure 998.2

urethral, indwelling 996.31

colostomy 569.62

device NEC 996.59

balloon (counterpulsation), intra-aortic 996.1

cardiac 996.00

automatic implantable defibrillator 996.04

long-term effect 429.4

specified NEC 996.09

contraceptive, intrauterine 996.32

counterpulsation, intra-aortic 996.1

fixation, external, with internal components 996.49

fixation, internal (nail, rod, plate) 996.40

genitourinary 996.30

specified NEC 996.39

insulin pump 996.57

nervous system 996.2

orthopedic, internal 996.40

prosthetic joint (see also Complications, mechanical, device, orthopedic, prosthetic, joint) 996.47

prosthetic NEC 996.59

joint (see also Complications, prosthetic joint) 996.47

articular bearing surface wear 996.46

aseptic loosening 996.41

breakage 996.43

dislocation 996.42

failure 996.43

fracture 996.43

around prosthetic 996.44

peri-prosthetic 996.44

instability 996.42

loosening 996.41

peri-prosthetic osteolysis 996.45

subluxation 996.42

wear 996.46

umbrella, vena cava 996.1

vascular 996.1

dorsal column stimulator 996.2

electrode NEC 996.59

brain 996.2

cardiac 996.01

spinal column 996.2

enterostomy 569.62

esophagostomy 530.87

fistula, arteriovenous, surgically created 996.1

gastrostomy 536.42

graft NEC 996.52

aortic (bifurcation) 996.1

aortocoronary bypass 996.03

blood vessel NEC 996.1

bone 996.49

cardiac 996.00

carotid artery bypass 996.1

cartilage 996.49

corneal 996.51

coronary bypass 996.03

decellularized allodermis 996.55

genitourinary 996.30

specified NEC 996.39

muscle 996.49

nervous system 996.2

organ (immune or nonimmune cause) 996.80

heart 996.83

intestines 996.87

kidney 996.81

liver 996.82

lung 996.84

pancreas 996.86

specified NEC 996.89

orthopedic, internal 996.49

peripheral nerve 996.2

prosthetic NEC 996.59

skin 996.52

artificial 996.55

specified NEC 996.59

tendon 996.49

tissue NEC 996.52

tooth 996.59

ureter, without mention of resection 996.39

vascular 996.1

heart valve prosthesis 996.02

long-term effect 429.4

implant NEC 996.59

cardiac 996.00

automatic implantable defibrillator 996.04

long-term effect 429.4

specified NEC 996.09

electrode NEC 996.59

brain 996.2

cardiac 996.01

spinal column 996.2

genitourinary 996.30

nervous system 996.2

orthopedic, internal 996.49

prosthetic NEC 996.59


bile duct 996.59

breast 996.54

chin 996.59


ocular lens 996.53

orbital globe 996.59

vascular 996.1

insulin pump 996.57

nonabsorbable surgical material 996.59

pacemaker NEC 996.59

brain 996.2

cardiac 996.01

nerve (phrenic) 996.2

patch - see Complications, mechanical, graft

prosthesis NEC 996.59

bile duct 996.59

breast 996.54

chin 996.59

ocular lens 996.53

reconstruction, vas deferens 996.39

reimplant NEC 996.59

extremity (see also Complications, reattached, extremity) 996.90

organ (see also Complications, transplant, organ, by site) 996.80

repair - see Complications, mechanical, graft

respirator [ventilator] V46.14

shunt NEC 996.59

arteriovenous, surgically created 996.1

ventricular (communicating) 996.2

stent NEC 996.59

tracheostomy 519.02

vas deferens reconstruction 996.39

ventilator [respirator] V46.14

medical care NEC 999.9

cardiac NEC 997.1

gastrointestinal NEC 997.4

nervous system NEC 997.00

peripheral vascular NEC 997.2

respiratory NEC 997.3

urinary NEC 997.5


mesenteric artery 997.71

other vessels 997.79

peripheral vessels 997.2

renal artery 997.72

nephrostomy 997.5

nervous system

device, implant, or graft NEC 349.1

mechanical 996.2

postoperative NEC 997.00

obstetric 669.9

procedure (instrumental) (manual) (surgical) 669.4

specified NEC 669.8

surgical wound 674.3

ocular lens implant NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

mechanical 996.53

organ transplant - see Complications, transplant, organ, by site

orthopedic device, implant, or graft

internal (fixation) (nail) (plate) (rod) NEC 996.78

infection or inflammation 996.67

joint prosthesis 996.77

infection or inflammation 996.66

mechanical 996.40

pacemaker (cardiac) 996.72

infection or inflammation 996.61

mechanical 996.01

pancreas transplant (immune or nonimmune cause) 996.86

perfusion NEC 999.9

perineal repair (obstetrical) 674.3

disruption 674.2

pessary (uterus) (vagina) - see Complications, contraceptive device

phototherapy 990

postcystoscopic 997.5

postmastoidectomy NEC 383.30

postoperative - see Complications, surgical procedures

pregnancy NEC 646.9

affecting fetus or newborn 761.9

prosthetic device, internal - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

mechanical NEC (see also Complications, mechanical) 996.59

puerperium NEC (see also Puerperal) 674.9

puncture, spinal 349.0

pyelogram 997.5

radiation 990

radiotherapy 990


body part, except extremity 996.99

extremity (infection) (rejection) 996.90

arm(s) 996.94

digit(s) (hand) 996.93

foot 996.95

finger(s) 996.93

foot 996.95

forearm 996.91

hand 996.92

leg 996.96

lower NEC 996.96

toe(s) 996.95

upper NEC 996.94

reimplant NEC - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

bone marrow 996.85

extremity (see also Complications, reattached, extremity) 996.90

due to infection 996.90

mechanical - see Complications, mechanical, reimplant

organ (immune or nonimmune cause) (partial) (total) (see also Complications, transplant, organ, by site) 996.80

renal allograft 996.81

renal dialysis - see Complications, dialysis

respirator [ventilator], mechanical V46.14

respiratory 519.9

device, implant or graft NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

mechanical 996.59

distress syndrome, adult, following trauma or surgery 518.5

insufficiency, acute, postoperative 518.5

postoperative NEC 997.3

therapy NEC 999.9

sedation during labor and delivery 668.9

affecting fetus or newborn 763.5

cardiac 668.1

central nervous system 668.2

pulmonary 668.0

specified type NEC 668.8

seroma (intraoperative) (postoperative) (noninfected) 998.13

infected 998.51

shunt - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

mechanical - see Complications, mechanical, shunt

specified body system NEC

device, implant, or graft - see Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

postoperative NEC 997.99

spinal puncture or tap 349.0

stoma, external

gastrointestinal tract

colostomy 569.60

enterostomy 569.60

esophagostomy 530.87

infection 530.86

mechanical 530.87

gastrostomy 536.40

urinary tract 997.5

stomach banding 997.4

stomach stapling 997.4

surgical procedures 998.9

accidental puncture or laceration 998.2

amputation stump (late) 997.60

anastomosis - see Complications, anastomosis

burst stitches or sutures (external) 998.32

internal 998.31

cardiac 997.1

long-term effect following cardiac surgery 429.4

catheter device - see Complications, catheter device

cataract fragments in eye 998.82

cecostomy malfunction 569.62

colostomy malfunction 569.62

cystostomy malfunction 997.5

dehiscence (of incision) (external) 998.32

internal 998.31

dialysis NEC (see also Complications, dialysis) 999.9


anastomosis (internal) - see Complications, mechanical, graft

internal suture (line) 998.31

wound (external) 998.32

internal 998.31

dumping syndrome (postgastrectomy) 564.2

elephantiasis or lymphedema 997.99

postmastectomy 457.0

emphysema (surgical) 998.81

enterostomy malfunction 569.62

esophagostomy malfunction 530.87

evisceration 998.32

fistula (persistent postoperative) 998.6

foreign body inadvertently left in wound (sponge) (suture) (swab) 998.4

from nonabsorbable surgical material (Dacron) (mesh) (permanent suture) (reinforcing) (Teflon) - see Complications due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

gastrointestinal NEC 997.4

gastrostomy malfunction 536.42

hematoma 998.12


ileostomy malfunction 569.62

internal prosthetic device NEC (see also Complications, internal device) 996.70

hemolytic anemia 283.19

infection or inflammation 996.60

malfunction - see Complications, mechanical

mechanical complication - see Complications, mechanical

thrombus 996.70

jejunostomy malfunction 569.62

nervous system NEC 997.00

obstruction, internal anastomosis - see Complications, mechanical, graft

other body system NEC 997.99

peripheral vascular NEC 997.2

postcardiotomy syndrome 429.4

postcholecystectomy syndrome 576.0

postcommissurotomy syndrome 429.4

postgastrectomy dumping syndrome 564.2

postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome 457.0

postmastoidectomy 383.30

cholesteatoma, recurrent 383.32

cyst, mucosal 383.31

granulation 383.33

inflammation, chronic 383.33

postvagotomy syndrome 564.2

postvalvulotomy syndrome 429.4

reattached extremity (infection) (rejection) (see also Complications, reattached, extremity) 996.90

respiratory NEC 997.3

seroma 998.13

shock (endotoxic) (hypovolemic) (septic) 998.0

shunt, prosthetic (thrombus) - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

hemolytic anemia 283.19

specified complication NEC 998.89

stitch abscess 998.59

transplant - see Complications, graft

ureterostomy malfunction 997.5

urethrostomy malfunction 997.5

urinary NEC 997.5


mesenteric artery 997.71

other vessels 997.79

peripheral vessels 997.2

renal artery 997.72

wound infection 998.59

therapeutic misadventure NEC 999.9

surgical treatment 998.9

tracheostomy 519.00

transfusion (blood) (lymphocytes) (plasma) NEC 999.8

acute lung injury (TRALI) 518.7

atrophy, liver, yellow, subacute (within 8 months of administration) - see Hepatitis, viral

bone marrow 996.85


air 999.1

thrombus 999.2

hemolysis NEC 999.8

bone marrow 996.85

hepatitis (serum) (type B) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral

incompatibility reaction (ABO) (blood group) 999.6

Rh (factor) 999.7

infection 999.39

jaundice (serum) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral

sepsis 999.39

shock or reaction NEC 999.8

bone marrow 996.85

subacute yellow atrophy of liver (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral

thromboembolism 999.2

transplant NEC - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

bone marrow 996.85

organ (immune or nonimmune cause) (partial) (total) 996.80

bone marrow 996.85

heart 996.83

intestines 996.87

kidney 996.81

liver 996.82

lung 996.84

pancreas 996.86

specified NEC 996.89

trauma NEC (early) 958.8

ultrasound therapy NEC 999.9

umbilical cord

affecting fetus or newborn 762.6

complicating delivery 663.9

affecting fetus or newborn 762.6

specified type NEC 663.8

urethral catheter NEC 996.76

infection or inflammation 996.64

mechanical 996.31

urinary, postoperative NEC 997.5

vaccination 999.9

anaphylaxis NEC 999.4

cellulitis 999.39

encephalitis or encephalomyelitis 323.51

hepatitis (serum) (type B) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral

infection (general) (local) NEC 999.39

jaundice (serum) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral

meningitis 997.09 [321.8]

myelitis 323.52

protein sickness 999.5

reaction (allergic) 999.5

Herxheimer's 995.0

serum 999.5

sepsis 999.39

serum intoxication, sickness, rash, or other serum reaction NEC 999.5

shock (allergic) (anaphylactic) 999.4

subacute yellow atrophy of liver (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral

vaccinia (generalized) 999.0

localized 999.39


device, implant, or graft NEC 996.74

infection or inflammation 996.62

mechanical NEC 996.1

cardiac (see also Complications, mechanical, by type) 996.00

following infusion, perfusion, or transfusion 999.2

postoperative NEC 997.2

mesenteric artery 997.71

other vessels 997.79

peripheral vessels 997.2

renal artery 997.72

ventilation therapy NEC 999.9

ventilator [respirator], mechanical V46.14

Compound presentation, complicating delivery 652.8

causing obstructed labor 660.0

Compressed air disease 993.3


with injury - see specific injury

arm NEC 354.9

artery 447.1

celiac, syndrome 447.4

brachial plexus 353.0

brain (stem) 348.4

due to

contusion, brain - see Contusion, brain

injury NEC - see also Hemorrhage, brain, traumatic

birth - see Birth, injury, brain

laceration, brain - see Laceration, brain

osteopathic 739.0

bronchus 519.19

by cicatrix - see Cicatrix

cardiac 423.9

cauda equina 344.60

with neurogenic bladder 344.61

celiac (artery) (axis) 447.4

cerebral - see Compression, brain

cervical plexus 353.2

cord (umbilical) - see Compression, umbilical cord

cranial nerve 352.9

second 377.49

third (partial) 378.51

total 378.52

fourth 378.53

fifth 350.8

sixth 378.54

seventh 351.8

divers' squeeze 993.3

duodenum (external) (see also Obstruction, duodenum) 537.3

during birth 767.9

esophagus 530.3

congenital, external 750.3

Eustachian tube 381.63

facies (congenital) 754.0

fracture - see Fracture, by site

heart - see Disease, heart

intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

with hernia - see Hernia, by site, with obstruction

laryngeal nerve, recurrent 478.79

leg NEC 355.8

lower extremity NEC 355.8

lumbosacral plexus 353.1

lung 518.89

lymphatic vessel 457.1

medulla - see Compression, brain

nerve NEC - see also Disorder, nerve

arm NEC 354.9

autonomic nervous system (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

axillary 353.0

cranial NEC 352.9

due to displacement of intervertebral disc 722.2

with myelopathy 722.70

cervical 722.0

with myelopathy 722.71

lumbar, lumbosacral 722.10

with myelopathy 722.73

thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.11

with myelopathy 722.72

iliohypogastric 355.79

ilioinguinal 355.79

leg NEC 355.8

lower extremity NEC 355.8

median (in carpal tunnel) 354.0

obturator 355.79

optic 377.49

plantar 355.6

posterior tibial (in tarsal tunnel) 355.5

root (by scar tissue) NEC 724.9

cervical NEC 723.4

lumbar NEC 724.4

lumbosacral 724.4

thoracic 724.4

saphenous 355.79

sciatic (acute) 355.0

sympathetic 337.9

traumatic - see Injury, nerve

ulnar 354.2

upper extremity NEC 354.9

peripheral - see Compression, nerve

spinal (cord) (old or nontraumatic) 336.9

by displacement of intervertebral disc - see Displacement, intervertebral disc


root NEC 724.9

postoperative 722.80

cervical region 722.81

lumbar region 722.83

thoracic region 722.82

traumatic - see Injury, nerve, spinal

traumatic - see Injury, nerve, spinal

spondylogenic 721.91

cervical 721.1

lumbar, lumbosacral 721.42

thoracic 721.41

traumatic - see also Injury, spinal, by site

with fracture, vertebra - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

spondylogenic - see Compression, spinal cord, spondylogenic

subcostal nerve (syndrome) 354.8

sympathetic nerve NEC 337.9

syndrome 958.5

thorax 512.8

iatrogenic 512.1

postoperative 512.1

trachea 519.19

congenital 748.3

ulnar nerve (by scar tissue) 354.2

umbilical cord

affecting fetus or newborn 762.5

cord prolapsed 762.4

complicating delivery 663.2

cord around neck 663.1

cord prolapsed 663.0

upper extremity NEC 354.9

ureter 593.3

urethra - see Stricture, urethra

vein 459.2

vena cava (inferior) (superior) 459.2

vertebral NEC - see Compression, spinal (cord)

Compulsion, compulsive

eating 307.51

neurosis (obsessive) 300.3

personality 301.4

states (mixed) 300.3

swearing 300.3

in Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome 307.23

tics and spasms 307.22

water drinking NEC (syndrome) 307.9

Concato's disease (pericardial polyserositis) 423.2

peritoneal 568.82

pleural - see Pleurisy

Concavity, chest wall 738.3


hemorrhage NEC 459.0

penis 752.65

Concentric fading 368.12

Concern (normal) about sick person in family V61.49

Concrescence (teeth) 520.2

Concretio cordis 423.1

rheumatic 393

Concretion - see also Calculus

appendicular 543.9

canaliculus 375.57

clitoris 624.8

conjunctiva 372.54

eyelid 374.56

intestine (impaction) (obstruction) 560.39

lacrimal (passages) 375.57

prepuce (male) 605

female (clitoris) 624.8

salivary gland (any) 527.5

seminal vesicle 608.89

stomach 537.89

tonsil 474.8

Concussion (current) 850.9


loss of consciousness 850.5

brief (less than one hour)

30 minutes or less 850.11

31-59 minutes 850.12

moderate (1-24 hours) 850.2

prolonged (more than 24 hours) (with complete recovery) (with return to pre-existing conscious level) 850.3

without return to pre-existing conscious level 850.4

mental confusion or disorientation (without loss of consciousness) 850.0

with loss of consciousness - see Concussion, with, loss of consciousness

without loss of consciousness 850.0

blast (air) (hydraulic) (immersion) (underwater) 869.0

with open wound into cavity 869.1

abdomen or thorax - see Injury, internal, by site

brain - see Concussion, brain

ear (acoustic nerve trauma) 951.5

with perforation, tympanic membrane - see Wound, open, ear drum

thorax - see Injury, internal, intrathoracic organs NEC

brain or cerebral (without skull fracture) 850.9


loss of consciousness 850.5

brief (less than one hour)

30 minutes or less 850.11

31-59 minutes 850.12

moderate (1-24 hours) 850.2

prolonged (more than 24 hours) (with complete recovery) (with return to pre-existing conscious level) 850.3

without return to pre-existing conscious level 850.4

mental confusion or disorientation (without loss of consciousness) 850.0

with loss of consciousness - see Concussion, brain, with, loss of consciousness

skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site

without loss of consciousness 850.0

cauda equina 952.4

cerebral - see Concussion, brain

conus medullaris (spine) 952.4

hydraulic - see Concussion, blast

internal organs - see Injury, internal, by site

labyrinth - see Injury, intracranial

ocular 921.3

osseous labyrinth - see Injury, intracranial

spinal (cord) - see also Injury, spinal, by site

due to


back - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

neck - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical, with spinal cord injury

fracture, fracture dislocation, or compression fracture of spine or vertebra - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

syndrome 310.2

underwater blast - see Concussion, blast

Condition - see also Disease

psychiatric 298.9

respiratory NEC 519.9

acute or subacute NEC 519.9

due to

external agent 508.9

specified type NEC 508.8

fumes or vapors (chemical) (inhalation) 506.3

radiation 508.0

chronic NEC 519.9

due to

external agent 508.9

specified type NEC 508.8

fumes or vapors (chemical) (inhalation) 506.4

radiation 508.1

due to

external agent 508.9

specified type NEC 508.8

fumes or vapors (chemical) inhalation 506.9

Conduct disturbance (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.9

adjustment reaction 309.3

hyperkinetic 314.2

Condyloma NEC 078.10

acuminatum 078.11

gonorrheal 098.0

latum 091.3

syphilitic 091.3

congenital 090.0

venereal, syphilitic 091.3

Confinement - see Delivery

Conflagration - see also Burn, by site

asphyxia (by inhalation of smoke, gases, fumes, or vapors) 987.9

specified agent - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals


family V61.9

specified circumstance NEC V61.8

interpersonal NEC V62.81

marital V61.10

involving divorce or estrangement V61.0

parent-child V61.20

partner V61.10

Confluent - see condition

Confusion, confused (mental) (state) (see also State, confusional) 298.9

acute 293.0

epileptic 293.0

postoperative 293.9

psychogenic 298.2

reactive (from emotional stress, psychological trauma) 298.2

subacute 293.1

Confusional arousals 327.41

Congelation 991.9

Congenital - see also condition

aortic septum 747.29

generalized fibromatosis (CGF) 759.89

intrinsic factor deficiency 281.0

malformation - see Anomaly

Congestion, congestive

asphyxia, newborn 768.9

bladder 596.8

bowel 569.89

brain (see also Disease, cerebrovascular NEC) 437.8

malarial 084.9

breast 611.79

bronchi 519.19

bronchial tube 519.19

catarrhal 472.0

cerebral - see Congestion, brain

cerebrospinal - see Congestion, brain

chest 786.9

chill 780.99

malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6

circulatory NEC 459.9

conjunctiva 372.71

due to disturbance of circulation 459.9

duodenum 537.3

enteritis - see Enteritis

eye 372.71

fibrosis syndrome (pelvic) 625.5

gastroenteritis - see Enteritis

general 799.89

glottis 476.0

heart (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

hepatic 573.0

hypostatic (lung) 514

intestine 569.89

intracranial - see Congestion, brain

kidney 593.89

labyrinth 386.50

larynx 476.0

liver 573.0

lung 786.9

active or acute (see also Pneumonia) 486

congenital 770.0

chronic 514

hypostatic 514

idiopathic, acute 518.5

passive 514

malaria, malarial (brain) (fever) (see also Malaria) 084.6

medulla - see Congestion, brain

nasal 478.19

nose 478.19

orbit, orbital 376.33

inflammatory (chronic) 376.10

acute 376.00

ovary 620.8

pancreas 577.8

pelvic, female 625.5

pleural 511.0

prostate (active) 602.1

pulmonary - see Congestion, lung

renal 593.89

retina 362.89

seminal vesicle 608.89

spinal cord 336.1

spleen 289.51

chronic 289.51

stomach 537.89

trachea 464.11

urethra 599.84

uterus 625.5

with subinvolution 621.1

viscera 799.89

Congestive - see Congestion


cervix 622.6

cornea 371.60

teeth 520.2

Conjoined twins 759.4

causing disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.7

Conjugal maladjustment V61.10

involving divorce or estrangement V61.0

Conjunctiva - see condition

Conjunctivitis (exposure) (infectious) (nondiphtheritic) (pneumococcal) (pustular) (staphylococcal) (streptococcal) NEC 372.30

actinic 370.24

acute 372.00

atopic 372.05

contagious 372.03

follicular 372.02

hemorrhagic (viral) 077.4

adenoviral (acute) 077.3

allergic (chronic) 372.14

with hay fever 372.05

anaphylactic 372.05

angular 372.03

Apollo (viral) 077.4

atopic 372.05

blennorrhagic (neonatorum) 098.40

catarrhal 372.03

chemical 372.01

allergic 372.05

meaning corrosion - SeeBurn, conjunctiva

chlamydial 077.98

due to

Chlamydia trachomatis - see Trachoma

paratrachoma 077.0

chronic 372.10

allergic 372.14

follicular 372.12

simple 372.11

specified type NEC 372.14

vernal 372.13

diphtheritic 032.81

due to

dust 372.05

enterovirus type 70 077.4

erythema multiforme 695.1 [372.33]

filariasis (see also Filariasis) 125.9 [372.15]


disease NEC 372.33

leishmaniasis 085.5 [372.15]

Reiter's disease 099.3 [372.33]

syphilis 095.8 [372.10]

toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.1

congenital (active) 771.2

trachoma - see Trachoma

dust 372.05

eczematous 370.31

epidemic 077.1

hemorrhagic 077.4

follicular (acute) 372.02

adenoviral (acute) 077.3

chronic 372.12

glare 370.24

gonococcal (neonatorum) 098.40

granular (trachomatous) 076.1

late effect 139.1

hemorrhagic (acute) (epidemic) 077.4

herpetic (simplex) 054.43

zoster 053.21

inclusion 077.0

infantile 771.6

influenzal 372.03

Koch-Weeks 372.03

light 372.05

medicamentosa 372.05

membranous 372.04

meningococcic 036.89

Morax-Axenfeld 372.02

mucopurulent NEC 372.03

neonatal 771.6

gonococcal 098.40

Newcastle's 077.8

nodosa 360.14

of Beal 077.3

parasitic 372.15

filariasis (see also Filariasis) 125.9 [372.15]

mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 085.5 [372.15]

Parinaud's 372.02

petrificans 372.39

phlyctenular 370.31

pseudomembranous 372.04

diphtheritic 032.81

purulent 372.03

Reiter's 099.3 [372.33]

rosacea 695.3 [372.31]

serous 372.01

viral 077.99

simple chronic 372.11

specified NEC 372.39

sunlamp 372.04

swimming pool 077.0

trachomatous (follicular) 076.1

acute 076.0

late effect 139.1

traumatic NEC 372.39

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [370.31]

tularemic 021.3

tularensis 021.3

vernal 372.13

limbar 372.13 [370.32]

viral 077.99

acute hemorrhagic 077.4

specified NEC 077.8

Conjunctoblepharitis - see Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivochalasis 372.81

Conn (-Louis) syndrome (primary aldosteronism) 255.12

Connective tissue - see condition

Conradi (-H�nermann) syndrome or disease (chondrodysplasia calcificans congenita) 756.59

Consanguinity V19.7

Consecutive - see condition

Consolidated lung (base) - see Pneumonia, lobar

Constipation 564.00

atonic 564.09

drug induced

correct substance properly administered 564.09

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 977.9

specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

neurogenic 564.09

other specified NEC 564.09

outlet dysfunction 564.02

psychogenic 306.4

simple 564.00

slow transit 564.01

spastic 564.09

Constitutional - see also condition

arterial hypotension (see also Hypotension) 458.9

obesity 278.00

morbid 278.01

psychopathic state 301.9

short stature in childhood 783.43

state, developmental V21.9

specified development NEC V21.8

substandard 301.6

Constitutionally substandard 301.6


anomalous, meningeal bands or folds 742.8

aortic arch (congenital) 747.10

asphyxiation or suffocation by 994.7

bronchus 519.19

canal, ear (see also Stricture, ear canal, acquired) 380.50

duodenum 537.3

gallbladder (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2

congenital 751.69

intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

larynx 478.74

congenital 748.3

meningeal bands or folds, anomalous 742.8

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Atresia

prepuce (congenital) 605

pylorus 537.0

adult hypertrophic 537.0

congenital or infantile 750.5

newborn 750.5

ring (uterus) 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

spastic - see also Spasm

ureter 593.3

urethra - see Stricture, urethra

stomach 537.89

ureter 593.3

urethra - see Stricture, urethra

visual field (functional) (peripheral) 368.45

Constrictive - see condition

Consultation V65.9

medical - see also Counseling, medical

specified reason NEC V65.8

without complaint or sickness V65.9

feared complaint unfounded V65.5

specified reason NEC V65.8

Consumption - see Tuberculosis



AIDS virus V01.79

anthrax V01.81

cholera V01.0

communicable disease V01.9

specified type NEC V01.89

viral NEC V01.79

Escherichia coli (E. coli) V01.83

German measles V01.4

gonorrhea V01.6

HIV V01.79

human immunodeficiency virus V01.79

meningococcus V01.84

parasitic disease NEC V01.89

poliomyelitis V01.2

rabies V01.5

rubella V01.4

SARS-associated coronavirus V01.82

smallpox V01.3

syphilis V01.6

tuberculosis V01.1

varicella V01.71

venereal disease V01.6

viral disease NEC V01.79

dermatitis - see Dermatitis

Contamination, food (see also Poisoning, food) 005.9

Contraception, contraceptive

advice NEC V25.09

family planning V25.09

fitting of diaphragm V25.02

prescribing or use of

oral contraceptive agent V25.01

specified agent NEC V25.02

counseling NEC V25.09

emergency V25.03

family planning V25.09

fitting of diaphragm V25.02

prescribing or use of

oral contraceptive agent V25.01

emergency V25.03

postcoital V25.03

specified agent NEC V25.02

device (in situ) V45.59

causing menorrhagia 996.76

checking V25.42

complications 996.32

insertion V25.1

intrauterine V45.51

reinsertion V25.42

removal V25.42

subdermal V45.52

fitting of diaphragm V25.02


intrauterine contraceptive device V25.1

subdermal implantable V25.5

maintenance V25.40

examination V25.40

intrauterine device V25.42

oral contraceptive V25.41

specified method NEC V25.49

subdermal implantable V25.43

intrauterine device V25.42

oral contraceptive V25.41

specified method NEC V25.49

subdermal implantable V25.43

management NEC V25.49


oral contraceptive agent V25.01

emergency V25.03

postcoital V25.03

repeat V25.41

specified agent NEC V25.02

repeat V25.49

sterilization V25.2

surveillance V25.40

intrauterine device V25.42

oral contraceptive agent V25.41

specified method NEC V25.49

subdermal implantable V25.43

Contraction, contracture, contracted

Achilles tendon (see also Short, tendon, Achilles) 727.81

anus 564.89

axilla 729.9

bile duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8

bladder 596.8

neck or sphincter 596.0

bowel (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

Braxton Hicks 644.1

bronchus 519.19

burn (old) - see Cicatrix

cecum (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

cervix (see also Stricture, cervix) 622.4

congenital 752.49

cicatricial - see Cicatrix

colon (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

conjunctiva trachomatous, active 076.1

late effect 139.1

Dupuytren's 728.6

eyelid 374.41

eye socket (after enucleation) 372.64

face 729.9

fascia (lata) (postural) 728.89

Dupuytren's 728.6

palmar 728.6

plantar 728.71

finger NEC 736.29

congenital 755.59

joint (see also Contraction, joint) 718.44

flaccid, paralytic

joint (see also Contraction, joint) 718.4

muscle 728.85

ocular 378.50

gallbladder (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2

hamstring 728.89

tendon 727.81

heart valve - see Endocarditis

Hicks' 644.1

hip (see also Contraction, joint) 718.4


bladder 596.8

congenital 753.8

gallbladder (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2

congenital 751.69

stomach 536.8

congenital 750.7

psychogenic 306.4

uterus 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

hysterical 300.11

infantile (see also Epilepsy) 345.6

internal os (see also Stricture, cervix) 622.4

intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

joint (abduction) (acquired) (adduction) (flexion) (rotation) 718.40

ankle 718.47

congenital NEC 755.8

generalized or multiple 754.89

lower limb joints 754.89

hip (see also Subluxation, congenital, hip) 754.32

lower limb (including pelvic girdle) not involving hip 754.89

upper limb (including shoulder girdle) 755.59

elbow 718.42

foot 718.47

hand 718.44

hip 718.45

hysterical 300.11

knee 718.46

multiple sites 718.49

pelvic region 718.45

shoulder (region) 718.41

specified site NEC 718.48

wrist 718.43

kidney (granular) (secondary) (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587

congenital 753.3

hydronephritic 591

pyelonephritic (see also Pyelitis, chronic) 590.00

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.0

ligament 728.89

congenital 756.89

liver - see Cirrhosis, liver

muscle (postinfectional) (postural) NEC 728.85

congenital 756.89

sternocleidomastoid 754.1

extraocular 378.60

eye (extrinsic) (see also Strabismus) 378.9

paralytic (see also Strabismus, paralytic) 378.50

flaccid 728.85

hysterical 300.11

ischemic (Volkmann's) 958.6

paralytic 728.85

posttraumatic 958.6

psychogenic 306.0

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

myotonic 728.85

neck (see also Torticollis) 723.5

congenital 754.1

psychogenic 306.0

ocular muscle (see also Strabismus) 378.9

paralytic (see also Strabismus, paralytic) 378.50

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Atresia

outlet (pelvis) - see Contraction, pelvis

palmar fascia 728.6


joint (see also Contraction, joint) 718.4

muscle 728.85

ocular (see also Strabismus, paralytic) 378.50

pelvis (acquired) (general) 738.6

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

complicating delivery 653.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

generally contracted 653.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

inlet 653.2

causing obstructed labor 660.1

midpelvic 653.8

causing obstructed labor 660.1

midplane 653.8

causing obstructed labor 660.1

outlet 653.3

causing obstructed labor 660.1

plantar fascia 728.71


atrial 427.61

auricular 427.61

auriculoventricular 427.61

heart (junctional) (nodal) 427.60

supraventricular 427.61

ventricular 427.69

prostate 602.8

pylorus (see also Pylorospasm) 537.81

rectosigmoid (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

rectum, rectal (sphincter) 564.89

psychogenic 306.4

ring (Bandl's) 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

scar - see Cicatrix

sigmoid (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

socket, eye 372.64

spine (see also Curvature, spine) 737.9

stomach 536.8

hourglass 536.8

congenital 750.7

psychogenic 306.4

psychogenic 306.4

tendon (sheath) (see also Short, tendon) 727.81

toe 735.8

ureterovesical orifice (postinfectional) 593.3

urethra 599.84

uterus 621.8

abnormal 661.9

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

clonic, hourglass or tetanic 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

dyscoordinate 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

hourglass 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

hypotonic NEC 661.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

incoordinate 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

inefficient or poor 661.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

irregular 661.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

tetanic 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

vagina (outlet) 623.2

vesical 596.8

neck or urethral orifice 596.0

visual field, generalized 368.45

Volkmann's (ischemic) 958.6

Contusion (skin surface intact) 924.9


crush injury - see Crush

dislocation - see Dislocation, by site

fracture - see Fracture, by site

internal injury - see also Injury, internal, by site

heart - see Contusion, cardiac

kidney - see Contusion, kidney

liver - see Contusion, liver

lung - see Contusion, lung

spleen - see Contusion, spleen

intracranial injury - see Injury, intracranial

nerve injury - see Injury, nerve

open wound - see Wound, open, by site

abdomen, abdominal (muscle) (wall) 922.2

organ(s) NEC 868.00

adnexa, eye NEC 921.9

ankle 924.21

with other parts of foot 924.20

arm 923.9

lower (with elbow) 923.10

upper 923.03

with shoulder or axillary region 923.09

auditory canal (external) (meatus) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

auricle, ear (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face except eye) 920

axilla 923.02

with shoulder or upper arm 923.09

back 922.31

bone NEC 924.9

brain (cerebral) (membrane) (with hemorrhage) 851.8

Note17Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 851-854:

����������� 0��������� unspecified state of consciousness
����������� 1��������� with no loss of consciousness
����������� 2��������� with brief [less than one hour] loss of consciousness
����������� 3��������� with moderate [1-24 hours] loss of consciousness
����������� 4��������� with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness
����������������������� and return to pre-existing conscious level
����������� 5��������� with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness,
����������������������� without return to pre-existing conscious level

Use fifth-digit 5 to designate when a patient is unconscious and dies before regaining consciousness, regardless of the duration of the loss of consciousness

����������� 6��������� with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration
����������� 9��������� with concussion, unspecified


open intracranial wound 851.9

skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site

cerebellum 851.4

with open intracranial wound 851.5

cortex 851.0

with open intracranial wound 851.1

occipital lobe 851.4

with open intracranial wound 851.5

stem 851.4

with open intracranial wound 851.5

breast 922.0

brow (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

buttock 922.32

canthus 921.1

cardiac 861.01

with open wound into thorax 861.11

cauda equina (spine) 952.4

cerebellum - see Contusion, brain, cerebellum

cerebral - see Contusion, brain

cheek(s) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

chest (wall) 922.1

chin (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

clitoris 922.4

conjunctiva 921.1

conus medullaris (spine) 952.4

cornea 921.3

corpus cavernosum 922.4

cortex (brain) (cerebral) - see Contusion, brain, cortex

costal region 922.1

ear (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face except eye) 920

elbow 923.11

with forearm 923.10

epididymis 922.4

epigastric region 922.2

eye NEC 921.9

eyeball 921.3

eyelid(s) (and periocular area) 921.1

face (and neck, or scalp, any part, except eye) 920

femoral triangle 922.2

fetus or newborn 772.6

finger(s) (nail) (subungual) 923.3

flank 922.2

foot (with ankle) (excluding toe(s)) 924.20

forearm (and elbow) 923.10

forehead (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

genital organs, external 922.4

globe (eye) 921.3

groin 922.2

gum(s) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

hand(s) (except fingers alone) 923.20

head (any part, except eye) (and face) (and neck) 920

heart - see Contusion, cardiac

heel 924.20

hip 924.01

with thigh 924.00

iliac region 922.2

inguinal region 922.2

internal organs (abdomen, chest, or pelvis) NEC - see Injury, internal, by site

interscapular region922.33

iris (eye) 921.3

kidney 866.01

with open wound into cavity 866.11

knee 924.11

with lower leg 924.10

labium (majus) (minus) 922.4

lacrimal apparatus, gland, or sac 921.1

larynx (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

late effect - see Late, effects (of), contusion

leg 924.5

lower (with knee) 924.10

lens 921.3

lingual (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

lip(s) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

liver 864.01


laceration - see Laceration, liver

open wound into cavity 864.11

lower extremity 924.5

multiple sites 924.4

lumbar region 922.31

lung 861.21

with open wound into thorax 861.31

malar region (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

mandibular joint (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

mastoid region (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

membrane, brain - see Contusion, brain

midthoracic region 922.1

mouth (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

multiple sites (not classifiable to same three-digit category) 924.8

lower limb 924.4

trunk 922.8

upper limb 923.8

muscle NEC 924.9

myocardium - see Contusion, cardiac

nasal (septum) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

neck (and scalp, or face, any part, except eye) 920

nerve - see Injury, nerve, by site

nose (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

occipital region (scalp) (and neck or face, except eye) 920

lobe - see Contusion, brain, occipital lobe

orbit (region) (tissues) 921.2

palate (soft) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

parietal region (scalp) (and neck, or face, except eye) 920

lobe - see Contusion, brain

penis 922.4

pericardium - see Contusion, cardiac

perineum 922.4

periocular area 921.1

pharynx (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

popliteal space (see also Contusion, knee) 924.11

prepuce 922.4

pubic region 922.4

pudenda 922.4

pulmonary - see Contusion, lung

quadriceps femoralis 924.00

rib cage 922.1

sacral region 922.32

salivary ducts or glands (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

scalp (and neck, or face any part, except eye) 920

scapular region 923.01

with shoulder or upper arm 923.09

sclera (eye) 921.3

scrotum 922.4

shoulder 923.00

with upper arm or axillar regions 923.09

skin NEC 924.9

skull 920

spermatic cord 922.4

spinal cord - see also Injury, spinal, by site

cauda equina 952.4

conus medullaris 952.4

spleen 865.01

with open wound into cavity 865.11

sternal region 922.1

stomach - see Injury, internal, stomach

subconjunctival 921.1

subcutaneous NEC 924.9

submaxillary region (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

submental region (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

subperiosteal NEC 924.9

supraclavicular fossa (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

supraorbital (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

temple (region) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

testis 922.4

thigh (and hip) 924.00

thorax 922.1

organ - see Injury, internal, intrathoracic

throat (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

thumb(s) (nail) (subungual) 923.3

toe(s) (nail) (subungual) 924.3

tongue (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

trunk 922.9

multiple sites 922.8

specified site - see Contusion, by site

tunica vaginalis 922.4

tympanum (membrane) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

upper extremity 923.9

multiple sites 923.8

uvula (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

vagina 922.4

vocal cord(s) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920

vulva 922.4

wrist 923.21

with hand(s), except finger(s) alone 923.20

Conus (any type) (congenital) 743.57

acquired 371.60

medullaris syndrome 336.8

Convalescence (following) V66.9

chemotherapy V66.2

medical NEC V66.5

psychotherapy V66.3

radiotherapy V66.1

surgery NEC V66.0

treatment (for) NEC V66.5

combined V66.6

fracture V66.4

mental disorder NEC V66.3

specified disorder NEC V66.5


hysteria, hysterical, any type 300.11

closed surgical procedure to open procedure

arthroscopic V64.43

laparoscopic V64.41

thoracoscopic V64.42

neurosis, any 300.11

reaction, any 300.11

Converter, tuberculosis (test reaction) 795.5

Convulsions (idiopathic) 780.39

apoplectiform (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

brain 780.39

cerebral 780.39

cerebrospinal 780.39

due to trauma NEC - see Injury, intracranial

eclamptic (see also Eclampsia) 780.39

epileptic (see also Epilepsy) 345.9

epileptiform (see also Seizure, epileptiform) 780.39

epileptoid (see also Seizure, epileptiform) 780.39



correct substance properly administered 780.39

overdose or wrong substance given 968.2

other specified type - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

febrile (simple) 780.31

complex 780.32

generalized 780.39

hysterical 300.11

infantile 780.39

epilepsy - see Epilepsy

internal 780.39

jacksonian (see also Epilepsy) 345.5

myoclonic 333.2

newborn 779.0

paretic 094.1

pregnancy (nephritic) (uremic) - see Eclampsia, pregnancy

psychomotor (see also Epilepsy) 345.4

puerperal, postpartum - see Eclampsia, pregnancy

recurrent 780.39

epileptic - see Epilepsy

reflex 781.0

repetitive 780.39

epileptic - see Epilepsy

salaam (see also Epilepsy) 345.6

scarlatinal 034.1

spasmodic 780.39

tetanus, tetanic (see also Tetanus) 037

thymic 254.8

uncinate 780.39

uremic 586

Convulsive - see also Convulsions

disorder or state 780.39

epileptic - see Epilepsy

equivalent, abdominal (see also Epilepsy) 345.5

Cooke-Apert-Gallais syndrome (adrenogenital) 255.2

Cooley's anemia (erythroblastic) 282.49

Coolie itch 126.9


disease 610.1

hernia - see Hernia, Cooper's

Coordination disturbance 781.3

Copper wire arteries, retina 362.13

Copra itch 133.8

Coprolith 560.39

Coprophilia 302.89

Coproporphyria, hereditary 277.1

Coprostasis 560.39

with hernia - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction

gangrenous - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene


biloculare 745.7

bovinum - see Hypertrophy, cardiac

bovis - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac

pulmonale (chronic) 416.9

acute 415.0

triatriatum, triatrium 746.82

triloculare 745.8

biatriatum 745.3

biventriculare 745.69

Corbus' disease 607.1

Cord - see also condition

around neck (tightly) (with compression)

affecting fetus or newborn 762.5

complicating delivery 663.1

without compression 663.3

affecting fetus or newborn 762.6

bladder NEC 344.61

tabetic 094.0


affecting fetus or newborn 762.4

complicating delivery 663.0

Cord's angiopathy (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [362.18]

Cordis ectopia 746.87

Corditis (spermatic) 608.4

Corectopia 743.46

Cori type glycogen storage disease - see Disease, glycogen storage

Cork-handlers' disease or lung 495.3

Corkscrew esophagus 530.5

Corlett's pyosis (impetigo) 684

Corn (infected) 700

Cornea - see also condition

donor V59.5

guttata (dystrophy) 371.57

plana 743.41

Cornelia de Lange's syndrome (Amsterdam dwarf, mental retardation, and brachycephaly) 759.89

Cornual gestation or pregnancy - see Pregnancy, cornual

Cornu cutaneum 702.8

Coronary (artery) - see also condition

arising from aorta or pulmonary trunk 746.85

Corpora - see also condition

amylacea (prostate) 602.8

cavernosa - see condition

Corpulence (see also Obesity)

Corpus - see condition

Corrigan's disease - see Insufficiency, aortic

Corrosive burn - see Burn, by site

Corsican fever (see also Malaria) 084.6

Cortical - see also condition

blindness 377.75

necrosis, kidney(bilateral) 583.6

Corticoadrenal - see condition

Corticosexual syndrome 255.2

Coryza (acute) 460

with grippe or influenza 487.1

syphilitic 095.8

congenital (chronic) 090.0

Costen's syndrome or complex 524.60

Costiveness (see also Constipation) 564.00

Costochondritis 733.6

Cotard's syndrome (paranoia) 297.1

Cot death 798.0

Cotungo's disease 724.3

Cough 786.2

with hemorrhage (see also Hemoptysis) 786.3

affected 786.2

bronchial 786.2

with grippe or influenza 487.1

chronic 786.2

epidemic 786.2

functional 306.1

hemorrhagic 786.3

hysterical 300.11

laryngeal, spasmodic 786.2

nervous 786.2

psychogenic 306.1

smokers' 491.0

tea tasters' 112.89

Counseling NEC V65.40

without complaint or sickness V65.49

abuse victim NEC V62.89

child V61.21



child abuse, maltreatment, or neglect V61.21

contraceptive NEC V25.09

device (intrauterine) V25.02

maintenance V25.40

intrauterine contraceptive device V25.42

oral contraceptive (pill) V25.41

specified type NEC V25.49

subdermal implantable V25.43

management NEC V25.9

oral contraceptive (pill) V25.01

emergency V25.03

postcoital V25.03

prescription NEC V25.02

oral contraceptive (pill) V25.01

emergency V25.03

postcoital V25.03

repeat prescription V25.41

repeat prescription V25.40

subdermal implantable V25.43

surveillance NEC V25.40

dietary V65.3

exercise V65.41

expectant mother, pediatric pre-birth visitV65.11

explanation of

investigation finding NEC V65.49

medication NEC V65.49

family planning V25.09


procreative V26.41

to avoid pregnancy V25.04

for nonattending third party V65.19

genetic V26.33

gonorrhea V65.45

health (advice) (education) (instruction) NEC V65.49

HIV V65.44

human immunodeficiency virus V65.44

injury prevention V65.43

insulin pump training V65.46

marital V61.10

medical (for) V65.9

boarding school resident V60.6

condition not demonstrated V65.5

feared complaint and no disease found V65.5

institutional resident V60.6

on behalf of another V65.19

person living alone V60.3

natural family planning

procreative V26.41

to avoid pregnancy V25.04

parent-child conflict V61.20

specified problem NEC V61.29

partner abuse

perpetrator V61.12


pediatric pre-birth visit for expectant mother V65.11

perpetrator of

child abuse V62.83


partner abuse V61.12

spouse abuse V61.12

procreative V65.49

sex NEC V65.49

transmitted disease NEC V65.45

HIV V65.44

specified reason NEC V65.49

spousal abuse

perpetrator V61.12


substance use and abuse V65.42

syphilis V65.45

victim (of)

abuse NEC V62.89

child abuse V61.21

partner abuseV61.11

spousal abuseV61.11

Coupled rhythm 427.89

Couvelaire uterus (complicating delivery) - see Placenta, separation

Cowper's gland - see condition

Cowperitis (see also Urethritis) 597.89

gonorrheal (acute) 098.0

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2

Cowpox (abortive) 051.0

due to vaccination 999.0

eyelid 051.0 [373.5]

postvaccination 999.0 [373.5]


plana 732.1

valga (acquired) 736.31

congenital 755.61

late effect of rickets 268.1

vara (acquired) 736.32

congenital 755.62

late effect of rickets 268.1

Coxae malum senilis 715.25

Coxalgia (nontuberculous) 719.45

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.1 [730.85]

Coxalgic pelvis 736.30

Coxitis 716.65

Coxsackie (infection) (virus) 079.2

central nervous system NEC 048

endocarditis 074.22

enteritis 008.67

meningitis (aseptic) 047.0

myocarditis 074.23

pericarditis 074.21

pharyngitis 074.0

pleurodynia 074.1

specific disease NEC 074.8

Crabs, meaning pubic lice 132.2

Crack baby 760.75


nipple 611.2

puerperal, postpartum 676.1

tooth 521.81

Cradle cap 690.11

Craft neurosis 300.89

Craigiasis 007.8

Cramp(s) 729.82

abdominal 789.0

bathing 994.1

colic 789.0

psychogenic 306.4

due to immersion 994.1

extremity (lower) (upper) NEC 729.82

fireman 992.2

heat 992.2

hysterical 300.11

immersion 994.1

intestinal 789.0

psychogenic 306.4

linotypist's 300.89

organic 333.84

muscle (extremity) (general) 729.82

due to immersion 994.1

hysterical 300.11

occupational (hand) 300.89

organic 333.84

psychogenic 307.89

salt depletion 276.1

sleep related leg 327.52

stoker 992.2

stomach 789.0

telegraphers' 300.89

organic 333.84

typists' 300.89

organic 333.84

uterus 625.8

menstrual 625.3

writers' 333.84

organic 333.84

psychogenic 300.89

Cranial - see condition

Cranioclasis, fetal 763.89

Craniocleidodysostosis 755.59

Craniofenestria (skull) 756.0

Craniolacunia (skull) 756.0

Craniopagus 759.4

Craniopathy, metabolic 733.3

Craniopharyngeal - see condition

Craniopharyngioma (M9350/1) 237.0

Craniorachischisis (totalis) 740.1

Cranioschisis 756.0

Craniostenosis 756.0

Craniosynostosis 756.0

Craniotabes (cause unknown) 733.3

rachitic 268.1

syphilitic 090.5

Craniotomy, fetal 763.89

Cranium - see condition

Craw-craw 125.3

CRBSI (catheter-related bloodstream infection ) 999.31

Creaking joint 719.60

ankle 719.67

elbow 719.62

foot 719.67

hand 719.64

hip 719.65

knee 719.66

multiple sites 719.69

pelvic region 719.65

shoulder (region) 719.61

specified site NEC 719.68

wrist 719.63


eruption 126.9

palsy 335.21

paralysis 335.21

Crenated tongue 529.8

Creotoxism 005.9


caput 756.0

joint 719.60

ankle 719.67

elbow 719.62

foot 719.67

hand 719.64

hip 719.65

knee 719.66

multiple sites 719.69

pelvic region 719.65

shoulder (region) 719.61

specified site NEC 719.68

wrist 719.63

Crescent or conus choroid, congenital 743.57

Cretin, cretinism (athyrotic) (congenital) (endemic) (metabolic) (nongoitrous) (sporadic) 243

goitrous (sporadic) 246.1

pelvis (dwarf type) (male type) 243

with disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

pituitary 253.3

Cretinoid degeneration 243

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (syndrome) (new variant) 046.1

with dementia

with behavioral disturbance 046.1 [294.11]

without behavioral disturbance 046.1 [294.10]

Crib death 798.0

Cribriform hymen 752.49

Cri-du-chat syndrome 758.31

Crigler-Najjar disease or syndrome (congenital hyperbilirubinemia) 277.4

Crimean hemorrhagic fever 065.0

Criminalism 301.7


abdomen 789.0

addisonian (acute adrenocortical insufficiency) 255.41

adrenal (cortical) 255.41

asthmatic - see Asthma

brain, cerebral (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

celiac 579.0

Dietl's 593.4

emotional NEC 309.29

acute reaction to stress 308.0

adjustment reaction 309.9

specific to childhood or adolescence 313.9

gastric (tabetic) 094.0

glaucomatocyclitic 364.22

heart (see also Failure, heart) 428.9

hypertensive - see Hypertension


correct substance properly administered 458.29

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 961.1

oculogyric 378.87

psychogenic 306.7

Pel's 094.0

psychosexual identity 302.6

rectum 094.0

renal 593.81

sickle cell 282.62

stomach (tabetic) 094.0

tabetic 094.0

thyroid (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9

thyrotoxic (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9

vascular - see Disease, cerebrovascular, acute

Crocq's disease (acrocyanosis) 443.89

Crohn's disease (see also Enteritis, regional) 555.9

Cronkhite-Canada syndrome 211.3

Crooked septum, nasal 470


birth (of fetus) complicating delivery 652.3

with successful version 652.1

causing obstructed labor 660.0

bite, anterior or posterior 524.27

eye (see also Esotropia) 378.00

Crossed ectopia of kidney 753.3

Crossfoot 754.50

Croup, croupous (acute) (angina) (catarrhal) (infective) (inflammatory) (laryngeal) (membranous) (nondiphtheritic) (pseudomembranous) 464.4

asthmatic (see also Asthma) 493.9

bronchial 466.0

diphtheritic (membranous) 032.3

false 478.75

spasmodic 478.75

diphtheritic 032.3

stridulous 478.75

diphtheritic 032.3

Crouzon's disease (craniofacial dysostosis) 756.0

Crowding, teeth 524.31

CRST syndrome (cutaneous systemic sclerosis) 710.1

Cruchet's disease (encephalitis lethargica) 049.8

Cruelty in children (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.9

Crural ulcer (see also Ulcer, lower extremity) 707.10

Crush, crushed, crushing (injury) 929.9

abdomen 926.19

internal - see Injury, internal, abdomen

ankle 928.21

with other parts of foot 928.20

arm 927.9

lower (and elbow) 927.10

upper 927.03

with shoulder or axillary region 927.09

axilla 927.02

with shoulder or upper arm 927.09

back 926.11

breast 926.19

buttock 926.12

cheek 925.1

chest - see Injury, internal, chest

ear 925.1

elbow 927.11

with forearm 927.10

face 925.1

finger(s) 927.3

with hand(s) 927.20

and wrist(s) 927.21

flank 926.19

foot, excluding toe(s) alone (with ankle) 928.20

forearm (and elbow) 927.10

genitalia, external (female) (male) 926.0

internal - see Injury, internal, genital organ NEC

hand, except finger(s) alone (and wrist) 927.20

head - see Fracture, skull, by site

heel 928.20

hip 928.01

with thigh 928.00

internal organ (abdomen, chest, or pelvis) - see Injury, internal, by site

knee 928.11

with leg, lower 928.10

labium (majus) (minus) 926.0

larynx 925.2

late effect - see Late, effects (of), crushing

leg 928.9

lower 928.10

and knee 928.11

upper 928.00


lower 928.9

multiple sites 928.8

upper 927.9

multiple sites 927.8

multiple sites NEC 929.0

neck 925.2

nerve - see Injury, nerve, by site

nose 802.0

open 802.1

penis 926.0

pharynx 925.2

scalp 925.1

scapular region 927.01

with shoulder or upper arm 927.09

scrotum 926.0

shoulder 927.00

with upper arm or axillary region 927.09

skull or cranium - see Fracture, skull, by site

spinal cord - see Injury, spinal, by site

syndrome (complication of trauma) 958.5

testis 926.0

thigh (with hip) 928.00

throat 925.2

thumb(s) (and fingers) 927.3

toe(s) 928.3

with foot 928.20

and ankle 928.21

tonsil 925.2

trunk 926.9

chest - see Injury, internal, intrathoracic organs NEC

internal organ - see Injury, internal, by site

multiple sites 926.8

specified site NEC 926.19

vulva 926.0

wrist 927.21

with hand(s), except fingers alone 927.20

Crusta lactea 690.11

Crusts 782.8

Crutch paralysis 953.4

Cruveilhier's disease 335.21

Cruveilhier-Baumgarten cirrhosis, disease, or syndrome 571.5

Cruz-Chagas disease (see also Trypanosomiasis) 086.2


constant, continuous

adolescent 780.95

adult 780.95

baby 780.92

child 780.95

infant 780.92

newborn 780.92


adolescent 780.95

adult 780.95

baby 780.92

child 780.95

infant 780.92

newborn 780.92

Cryoglobulinemia (mixed) 273.2

Crypt (anal) (rectal) 569.49

Cryptitis (anal) (rectal) 569.49

Cryptococcosis (European) (pulmonary) (systemic) 117.5

Cryptococcus 117.5

epidermicus 117.5

neoformans, infection by 117.5

Cryptopapillitis (anus) 569.49

Cryptophthalmos (eyelid) 743.06

Cryptorchid, cryptorchism, cryptorchidism 752.51

Cryptosporidiosis 007.4

Cryptotia 744.29


calcium pyrophosphate (see also Arthritis) 275.49 [712.2]

dicalcium phosphate (see also Arthritis) 275.49 [712.1]

gouty 274.0

pyrophosphate NEC (see also Arthritis) 275.49 [712.2]

uric acid 274.0

Crystalluria 791.9

Csillag's disease (lichen sclerosus et atrophicus) 701.0

Cuban itch 050.1


valgus (acquired) 736.01

congenital 755.59

late effect of rickets 268.1

varus (acquired) 736.02

congenital 755.59

late effect of rickets 268.1

Cultural deprivation V62.4

Cupping of optic disc 377.14

Curling's ulcer - see Ulcer, duodenum

Curling esophagus 530.5

Curschmann (-Batten) (-Steinert) disease or syndrome 359.21


organ or site, congenital NEC - see Distortion

penis (lateral) 752.69

Pott's (spinal) (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [737.43]

radius, idiopathic, progressive (congenital) 755.54

spine (acquired) (angular) (idiopathic) (incorrect) (postural) 737.9

congenital 754.2

due to or associated with

Charc�t-Marie-Tooth disease 356.1 [737.40]

mucopolysaccharidosis 277.5 [737.40]

neurofibromatosis 237.71 [737.40]


deformans 731.0 [737.40]

fibrosa cystica 252.01 [737.40]

osteoporosis (see also Osteoporosis) 733.00 [737.40]

poliomyelitis (see also Poliomyelitis) 138 [737.40]

tuberculosis (Pott's curvature) (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [737.43]

kyphoscoliotic (see also Kyphoscoliosis) 737.30

kyphotic (see also Kyphosis) 737.10

late effect of rickets 268.1 [737.40]

Pott's 015.0 [737.40]

scoliotic (see also Scoliosis) 737.30

specified NEC 737.8

tuberculous 015.0 [737.40]


basophilism, disease, or syndrome (iatrogenic) (idiopathic) (pituitary basophilism) (pituitary dependent) 255.0

ulcer - see Ulcer, peptic

Cushingoid due to steroid therapy

correct substance properly administered 255.0

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0

Cut (external) - see Wound, open, by site

Cutaneous - see also condition

hemorrhage 782.7

horn (cheek) (eyelid) (mouth) 702.8

larva migrans 126.9

Cutis - see also condition

hyperelastic 756.83

acquired 701.8

laxa 756.83

senilis 701.8

marmorata 782.61

osteosis 709.3

pendula 756.83

acquired 701.8

rhomboidalis nuchae 701.8

verticis gyrata 757.39

acquired 701.8

Cyanopathy, newborn 770.83

Cyanosis 782.5

autotoxic 289.7

common atrioventricular canal 745.69

congenital 770.83

conjunctiva 372.71

due to

endocardial cushion defect 745.60

nonclosure, foramen botalli 745.5

patent foramen botalli 745.5

persistent foramen ovale 745.5

enterogenous 289.7

fetus or newborn 770.83

ostium primum defect 745.61

paroxysmal digital 443.0

retina, retinal 362.10


anovulatory 628.0

menstrual, irregular 626.4

Cyclencephaly 759.89

Cyclical vomiting 536.2

psychogenic 306.4

Cyclitic membrane 364.74

Cyclitis (see also Iridocyclitis) 364.3

acute 364.00

primary 364.01

recurrent 364.02

chronic 364.10


sarcoidosis 135 [364.11]

tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [364.11]

Fuchs' heterochromic 364.21

granulomatous 364.10

lens induced 364.23

nongranulomatous 364.00

posterior 363.21

primary 364.01

recurrent 364.02

secondary (noninfectious) 364.04

infectious 364.03

subacute 364.00

primary 364.01

recurrent 364.02

Cyclokeratitis - see Keratitis

Cyclophoria 378.44

Cyclopia, cyclops 759.89

Cycloplegia 367.51

Cyclospasm 367.53

Cyclosporiasis 007.5

Cyclothymia 301.13

Cyclothymic personality 301.13

Cyclotropia 378.33

Cyesis - see Pregnancy

Cylindroma (M8200/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

eccrine dermal (M8200/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

skin (M8200/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Cylindruria 791.7

Cyllosoma 759.89


diphtheritic 032.3

tonsillaris 475

Cynorexia 783.6

Cyphosis - see Kyphosis

Cyprus fever (see also Brucellosis) 023.9

Cyriax's syndrome (slipping rib) 733.99

Cyst (mucus) (retention) (serous) (simple)

Note18In general, cysts are not neoplastic and are classified to the appropriate category for disease of the specified anatomical site. This generalization does not apply to certain types of cysts which are neoplastic in nature, for example, dermoid, nor does it apply to cysts of certain structures, for example, branchial cleft, which are classified as developmental anomalies.

The following listing includes some of the most frequently reported sites of cysts as well as qualifiers which indicate the type of cyst. The latter qualifiers usually are not repeated under the anatomical sites. Since the code assignment for a given site may vary depending upon the type of cyst, the coder should refer to the listings under the specified type of cyst before consideration is given to the site.

accessory, fallopian tube 752.11

adenoid (infected) 474.8

adrenal gland 255.8

congenital 759.1

air, lung 518.89

allantoic 753.7

alveolar process (jaw bone) 526.2

amnion, amniotic 658.8

anterior chamber (eye) 364.60

exudative 364.62

implantation (surgical) (traumatic) 364.61

parasitic 360.13

anterior nasopalatine 526.1

antrum 478.19

anus 569.49

apical (periodontal) (tooth) 522.8

appendix 543.9

arachnoid, brain 348.0

arytenoid 478.79

auricle 706.2

Baker's (knee) 727.51

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.2

Bartholin's gland or duct 616.2

bile duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8

bladder (multiple) (trigone) 596.8

Blessig's 362.62

blood, endocardial (see also Endocarditis) 424.90

blue dome 610.0

bone (local) 733.20

aneurysmal 733.22

jaw 526.2

developmental (odontogenic) 526.0

fissural 526.1

latent 526.89

solitary 733.21

unicameral 733.21

brain 348.0

congenital 742.4

hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.9

third ventricle (colloid) 742.4

branchial (cleft) 744.42

branchiogenic 744.42

breast (benign) (blue dome) (pedunculated) (solitary) (traumatic) 610.0

involution 610.4

sebaceous 610.8

broad ligament (benign) 620.8

embryonic 752.11

bronchogenic (mediastinal) (sequestration) 518.89

congenital 748.4

buccal 528.4

bulbourethral gland (Cowper's) 599.89

bursa, bursal 727.49

pharyngeal 478.26

calcifying odontogenic (M9301/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

canal of Nuck (acquired) (serous) 629.1

congenital 752.41

canthus 372.75

carcinomatous (M8010/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

cartilage (joint) - see Derangement, joint

cauda equina 336.8

cavum septi pellucidi NEC 348.0

celomic (pericardium) 746.89

cerebellopontine (angle) - see Cyst, brain

cerebellum - see Cyst, brain

cerebral - see Cyst, brain

cervical lateral 744.42

cervix 622.8

embryonal 752.41

nabothian (gland) 616.0

chamber, anterior (eye) 364.60

exudative 364.62

implantation (surgical) (traumatic) 364.61

parasitic 360.13

chiasmal, optic NEC (see also Lesion, chiasmal) 377.54

chocolate (ovary) 617.1

choledochal (congenital) 751.69

acquired 576.8

choledochus 751.69

chorion 658.8

choroid plexus 348.0

chyle, mesentery 457.8

ciliary body 364.60

exudative 364.64

implantation 364.61

primary 364.63

clitoris 624.8

coccyx (see also Cyst, bone) 733.20


third ventricle (brain) 742.4

thyroid gland - see Goiter

colon 569.89

common (bile) duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8

congenital NEC 759.89

adrenal glands 759.1

epiglottis 748.3

esophagus 750.4

fallopian tube 752.11

kidney 753.10

multiple 753.19

single 753.11

larynx 748.3

liver 751.62

lung 748.4

mediastinum 748.8

ovary 752.0

oviduct 752.11

pancreas 751.7

periurethral (tissue) 753.8

prepuce NEC 752.69

penis 752.69

sublingual 750.26

submaxillary gland 750.26

thymus (gland) 759.2

tongue 750.19

ureterovesical orifice 753.4

vulva 752.41

conjunctiva 372.75

cornea 371.23

corpora quadrigemina 348.0


albicans (ovary) 620.2

luteum (ruptured) 620.1

Cowper's gland (benign) (infected) 599.89

cranial meninges 348.0

craniobuccal pouch 253.8

craniopharyngeal pouch 253.8

cystic duct (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.8

Cysticercus (any site) 123.1

Dandy-Walker 742.3

with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0

dental 522.8

developmental 526.0

eruption 526.0

lateral periodontal 526.0

primordial (keratocyst) 526.0

root 522.8

dentigerous 526.0

mandible 526.0

maxilla 526.0

dermoid (M9084/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

with malignant transformation (M9084/3) 183.0


external area or site (skin) NEC 709.8

iris 364.61

skin 709.8

vagina 623.8

vulva 624.8

mouth 528.4

oral soft tissue 528.4

sacrococcygeal 685.1

with abscess 685.0

developmental of ovary, ovarian 752.0

dura (cerebral) 348.0

spinal 349.2

ear (external) 706.2

echinococcal (see also Echinococcus) 122.9


cervix uteri 752.41

genitalia, female external 752.41

uterus 752.3

vagina 752.41

endometrial 621.8

ectopic 617.9

endometrium (uterus) 621.8

ectopic - see Endometriosis

enteric 751.5

enterogenous 751.5

epidermal (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2

epidermoid (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2

mouth 528.4

not of skin - see Cyst, by site

oral soft tissue 528.4

epididymis 608.89

epiglottis 478.79

epiphysis cerebri 259.8

epithelial (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2

epoophoron 752.11

eruption 526.0

esophagus 530.89

ethmoid sinus 478.19

eye (retention) 379.8

congenital 743.03

posterior segment, congenital 743.54

eyebrow 706.2

eyelid (sebaceous) 374.84

infected 373.13

sweat glands or ducts 374.84

falciform ligament (inflammatory) 573.8

fallopian tube 620.8

female genital organs NEC 629.89

fimbrial (congenital) 752.11

fissural (oral region) 526.1

follicle (atretic) (graafian) (ovarian) 620.0

nabothian (gland) 616.0

follicular (atretic) (ovarian) 620.0

dentigerous 526.0

frontal sinus 478.19

gallbladder or duct 575.8

ganglion 727.43

Gartner's duct 752.41

gas, of mesentery 568.89

gingiva 523.8

gland of moll 374.84

globulomaxillary 526.1

graafian follicle 620.0

granulosal lutein 620.2

hemangiomatous (M9121/0) (see also Hemangioma) 228.00

hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.9

fallopian tube (Morgagni) 752.11

liver NEC 122.8

lung NEC 122.9

Morgagni 752.89

fallopian tube 752.11

specified site NEC 122.9

hymen 623.8

embryonal 752.41

hypopharynx 478.26

hypophysis, hypophyseal (duct) (recurrent) 253.8

cerebri 253.8

implantation (dermoid)

anterior chamber (eye) 364.61

external area or site (skin) NEC 709.8

iris 364.61

vagina 623.8

vulva 624.8

incisor, incisive canal 526.1

inclusion (epidermal) (epithelial) (epidermoid) (mucous) (squamous) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2

not of skin - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

intestine (large) (small) 569.89

intracranial - see Cyst, brain

intraligamentous 728.89

knee 717.89

intrasellar 253.8

iris (idiopathic) 364.60

exudative 364.62

implantation (surgical) (traumatic) 364.61

miotic pupillary 364.55

parasitic 360.13

Iwanoff's 362.62

jaw (bone) (aneurysmal) (extravasation) (hemorrhagic) (traumatic) 526.2

developmental (odontogenic) 526.0

fissural 526.1

keratin 706.2

kidney (congenital) 753.10

acquired 593.2

calyceal (see also Hydronephrosis) 591

multiple 753.19

pyelogenic (see also Hydronephrosis) 591

simple 593.2

single 753.11

solitary (not congenital) 593.2

labium (majus) (minus) 624.8

sebaceous 624.8


apparatus 375.43

gland or sac 375.12

larynx 478.79

lens 379.39

congenital 743.39

lip (gland) 528.5

liver 573.8

congenital 751.62

hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.8

granulosis 122.0

multilocularis 122.5

lung 518.89

congenital 748.4

giant bullous 492.0

lutein 620.1

lymphangiomatous (M9173/0) 228.1


mouth 528.4

oral soft tissue 528.4

macula 362.54

malignant (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

mammary gland (sweat gland) (see also Cyst, breast) 610.0

mandible 526.2

dentigerous 526.0

radicular 522.8

maxilla 526.2

dentigerous 526.0

radicular 522.8


anterior maxillary 526.1

palatal 526.1

mediastinum (congenital) 748.8

meibomian (gland) (retention) 373.2

infected 373.12

membrane, brain 348.0

meninges (cerebral) 348.0

spinal 349.2

meniscus knee 717.5

mesentery, mesenteric (gas) 568.89

chyle 457.8

gas 568.89

mesonephric duct 752.89


peritoneum 568.89

pleura (peritoneal) 568.89

milk 611.5

miotic pupillary (iris) 364.55

Morgagni (hydatid) 752.89

fallopian tube 752.11

mouth 528.4

mullerian duct 752.89

multilocular (ovary) (M8000/1) 239.5

myometrium 621.8

nabothian (follicle) (ruptured) 616.0

nasal sinus 478.19

nasoalveolar 528.4

nasolabial 528.4

nasopalatine (duct) 526.1

anterior 526.1

nasopharynx 478.26

neoplastic (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature

benign (M8000/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

uterus 621.8

nervous system - see Cyst, brain

neuroenteric 742.59

neuroepithelial ventricle 348.0

nipple 610.0

nose 478.19

skin of 706.2

odontogenic, developmental 526.0

omentum (lesser) 568.89

congenital 751.8

oral soft tissue (dermoid) (epidermoid) (lymphoepithelial) 528.4

ora serrata 361.19

orbit 376.81

ovary, ovarian (twisted) 620.2

adherent 620.2

chocolate 617.1


albicans 620.2

luteum 620.1

dermoid (M9084/0) 220

developmental 752.0

due to failure of involution NEC 620.2

endometrial 617.1

follicular (atretic) (graafian) (hemorrhagic) 620.0

hemorrhagic 620.2

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

multilocular (M8000/1) 239.5

pseudomucinous (M8470/0) 220

retention 620.2

serous 620.2

theca lutein 620.2

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.6

unspecified 620.2

oviduct 620.8

palatal papilla (jaw) 526.1

palate 526.1

fissural 526.1

median (fissural) 526.1

palatine, of papilla 526.1

pancreas, pancreatic 577.2

congenital 751.7

false 577.2

hemorrhagic 577.2

true 577.2

paranephric 593.2

para ovarian 752.11

paraphysis, cerebri 742.4

parasitic NEC 136.9

parathyroid (gland) 252.8

paratubal (fallopian) 620.8

paraurethral duct 599.89

paroophoron 752.11

parotid gland 527.6

mucous extravasation or retention 527.6

parovarian 752.11

pars planus 364.60

exudative 364.64

primary 364.63

pelvis, female

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

penis (sebaceous) 607.89

periapical 522.8

pericardial (congenital) 746.89

acquired (secondary) 423.8

pericoronal 526.0

perineural (Tarlov's) 355.9

periodontal 522.8

lateral 526.0

peripancreatic 577.2

peripelvic (lymphatic) 593.2

peritoneum 568.89

chylous 457.8

pharynx (wall) 478.26

pilonidal (infected) (rectum) 685.1

with abscess 685.0

malignant (M9084/3) 173.5

pituitary (duct) (gland) 253.8

placenta (amniotic) - see Placenta, abnormal

pleura 519.8

popliteal 727.51

porencephalic 742.4

acquired 348.0

postanal (infected) 685.1

with abscess 685.0

posterior segment of eye, congenital 743.54

postmastoidectomy cavity 383.31

preauricular 744.47

prepuce 607.89

congenital 752.69

primordial (jaw) 526.0

prostate 600.3

pseudomucinous (ovary) (M8470/0) 220

pudenda (sweat glands) 624.8

pupillary, miotic 364.55

sebaceous 624.8

radicular (residual) 522.8

radiculodental 522.8

ranular 527.6

Rathke's pouch 253.8

rectum (epithelium) (mucous) 569.49

renal - see Cyst, kidney

residual (radicular) 522.8

retention (ovary) 620.2

retina 361.19

macular 362.54

parasitic 360.13

primary 361.13

secondary 361.14

retroperitoneal 568.89

sacrococcygeal (dermoid) 685.1

with abscess 685.0

salivary gland or duct 527.6

mucous extravasation or retention 527.6

Sampson's 617.1

sclera 379.19

scrotum (sebaceous) 706.2

sweat glands 706.2

sebaceous (duct) (gland) 706.2

breast 610.8

eyelid 374.84

genital organ NEC

female 629.89

male 608.89

scrotum 706.2

semilunar cartilage (knee) (multiple) 717.5

seminal vesicle 608.89

serous (ovary) 620.2

sinus (antral) (ethmoidal) (frontal) (maxillary) (nasal) (sphenoidal) 478.19

Skene's gland 599.89

skin (epidermal) (epidermoid, inclusion) (epithelial) (inclusion) (retention) (sebaceous) 706.2

breast 610.8

eyelid 374.84

genital organ NEC

female 629.89

male 608.89

neoplastic 216.3

scrotum 706.2

sweat gland or duct 705.89


bone 733.21

kidney 593.2

spermatic cord 608.89

sphenoid sinus 478.19

spinal meninges 349.2

spine (see also Cyst, bone) 733.20

spleen NEC 289.59

congenital 759.0

hydatid (see also Echinococcus) 122.9

spring water (pericardium) 746.89

subarachnoid 348.0

intrasellar 793.0

subdural (cerebral) 348.0

spinal cord 349.2

sublingual gland 527.6

mucous extravasation or retention 527.6

submaxillary gland 527.6

mucous extravasation or retention 527.6

suburethral 599.89

suprarenal gland 255.8

suprasellar - see Cyst, brain

sweat gland or duct 705.89

sympathetic nervous system 337.9

synovial 727.40

popliteal space 727.51

Tarlov's 355.9

tarsal 373.2

tendon (sheath) 727.42

testis 608.89

theca-lutein (ovary) 620.2

Thornwaldt's, Tornwaldt's 478.26

thymus (gland) 254.8

thyroglossal (duct) (infected) (persistent) 759.2

thyroid (gland) 246.2

adenomatous - see Goiter, nodular

colloid (see also Goiter) 240.9

thyrolingual duct (infected) (persistent) 759.2

tongue (mucous) 529.8

tonsil 474.8

tooth (dental root) 522.8

tubo-ovarian 620.8

inflammatory 614.1

tunica vaginalis 608.89

turbinate (nose) (see also Cyst, bone) 733.20

Tyson's gland (benign) (infected) 607.89

umbilicus 759.89

urachus 753.7

ureter 593.89

ureterovesical orifice 593.89

congenital 753.4

urethra 599.84

urethral gland (Cowper's) 599.89


ligament 620.8

embryonic 752.11

tube 620.8

uterus (body) (corpus) (recurrent) 621.8

embryonal 752.3

utricle (ear) 386.8

prostatic 599.89

utriculus masculinus 599.89

vagina, vaginal (squamous cell) (wall) 623.8

embryonal 752.41

implantation 623.8

inclusion 623.8

vallecula, vallecular 478.79

ventricle, neuroepithelial 348.0

verumontanum 599.89

vesical (orifice) 596.8

vitreous humor 379.29

vulva (sweat glands) 624.8

congenital 752.41

implantation 624.8

inclusion 624.8

sebaceous gland 624.8

vulvovaginal gland 624.8

wolffian 752.89

Cystadenocarcinoma (M8440/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

bile duct type (M8161/3) 155.1

endometrioid (M8380/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

mucinous (M8470/3)

papillary (M8471/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

papillary (M8450/3)

mucinous (M8471/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

pseudomucinous (M8471/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

serous (M8460/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified 183.0

pseudomucinous (M8470/3)

papillary (M8471/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

serous (M8441/3)

papillary (M8460/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 183.0

Cystadenofibroma (M9013/0)

clear cell (M8313/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

endometrioid (M8381/0) 220

borderline malignancy (M8381/1) 236.2

malignant (M8381/3) 183.0

mucinous (M9015/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

serous (M9014/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

Cystadenoma (M8440/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

bile duct (M8161/0) 211.5

endometrioid (M8380/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

borderline malignancy (M8380/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

malignant (M8440/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

mucinous (M8470/0)

borderline malignancy (M8470/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

papillary (M8471/0)

borderline malignancy (M8471/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

papillary (M8450/0)

borderline malignancy (M8450/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

lymphomatosum (M8561/0) 210.2

mucinous (M8471/0)

borderline malignancy (M8471/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

pseudomucinous (M8471/0)

borderline malignancy (M8471/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

serous (M8460/0)

borderline malignancy (M8460/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

pseudomucinous (M8470/0)

borderline malignancy (M8470/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

papillary (M8471/0)

borderline malignancy (M8471/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

serous (M8441/0)

borderline malignancy (M8441/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

papillary (M8460/0)

borderline malignancy (M8460/1)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior

unspecified site 236.2

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

thyroid 226

Cystathioninemia 270.4

Cystathioninuria 270.4

Cystic - see also condition

breast, chronic 610.1

corpora lutea 620.1

degeneration, congenital

brain 742.4

kidney (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10


breast, chronic 610.1

kidney, congenital 753.10

medullary 753.16

multiple 753.19

polycystic - see Polycystic, kidney

single 753.11

specified NEC 753.19

liver, congenital 751.62

lung 518.89

congenital 748.4

pancreas, congenital 751.7

semilunar cartilage 717.5

duct - see condition

eyeball, congenital 743.03

fibrosis (pancreas) 277.00



gastrointestinal 277.03

pulmonary 277.02

specified NEC 277.09

meconium ileus 277.01

pulmonary exacerbation 277.02

hygroma (M9173/0) 228.1

kidney, congenital 753.10

medullary 753.16

multiple 753.19

polycystic - see Polycystic, kidney

single 753.11

specified NEC 753.19

liver, congenital 751.62

lung 518.89

congenital 748.4

mass - see Cyst

mastitis, chronic 610.1

ovary 620.2

pancreas, congenital 751.7

Cysticerciasis 123.1

Cysticercosis (mammary) (subretinal) 123.1

Cysticercus 123.1

cellulosae infestation 123.1

Cystinosis (malignant) 270.0

Cystinuria 270.0

Cystitis (bacillary) (colli) (diffuse) (exudative) (hemorrhagic) (purulent) (recurrent) (septic) (suppurative) (ulcerative) 595.9


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with urinary tract infection

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.8

fibrosis 595.1

leukoplakia 595.1

malakoplakia 595.1

metaplasia 595.1

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.8

actinomycotic 039.8 [595.4]

acute 595.0

of trigone 595.3

allergic 595.89

amebic 006.8 [595.4]

bilharzial 120.9 [595.4]

blennorrhagic (acute) 098.11

chronic or duration of 2 months or more 098.31

bullous 595.89

calculous 594.1

chlamydial 099.53

chronic 595.2

interstitial 595.1

of trigone 595.3

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 646.6

affecting fetus or newborn 760.1

cystic(a) 595.81

diphtheritic 032.84


glanulosus 122.3 [595.4]

multilocularis 122.6 [595.4]

emphysematous 595.89

encysted 595.81

follicular 595.3


abortion 639.8

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.8

gangrenous 595.89

glandularis 595.89

gonococcal (acute) 098.11

chronic or duration of 2 months or more 098.31

incrusted 595.89

interstitial 595.1

irradiation 595.82

irritation 595.89

malignant 595.89

monilial 112.2

of trigone 595.3

panmural 595.1

polyposa 595.89

prostatic 601.3

radiation 595.82

Reiter's (abacterial) 099.3

specified NEC 595.89

subacute 595.2

submucous 595.1

syphilitic 095.8

trichomoniasis 131.09

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.1

ulcerative 595.1


female (without uterine prolapse) 618.01

with uterine prolapse 618.4

complete 618.3

incomplete 618.2

lateral 618.02

midline 618.01

paravaginal 618.02

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

male 596.8


cicatrix limbus 372.64

degeneration macula 362.53

Cystolithiasis 594.1

Cystoma (M8440/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign

endometrial, ovary 617.1

mucinous (M8470/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

serous (M8441/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 220

simple (ovary) 620.2

Cystoplegia 596.53

Cystoptosis 596.8

Cystopyelitis (see also Pyelitis) 590.80

Cystorrhagia 596.8

Cystosarcoma phyllodes (M9020/1) 238.3

benign (M9020/0) 217

malignant (M9020/3) - see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

Cystostomy status V44.50

with complication 997.5

appendico-vesicostomy V44.52

cutaneous-vesicostomy V44.51

specifed type NEC V44.59

Cystourethritis (see also Urethritis) 597.89

Cystourethrocele (see also Cystocele)

female (without uterine prolapse) 618.09

with uterine prolapse 618.4

complete 618.3

incomplete 618.2

male 596.8

Cytomegalic inclusion disease 078.5

congenital 771.1

Cytomycosis, reticuloendothelial (see also Histoplasmosis, American) 115.00

Cytopenia 289.9



multilineage dysplasia (RCMD) 238.72

. . and ringed sideroblasts (RCMD-RS) 238.72





The ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee

Characteristics of the ICD-9-CM

The Disease Classification

Alphabetical Index of Diseases

Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Index To External Causes of Injury (E Code)

Classification of Procedures

Index to Procedures

Appendix A:
Morphology of Neoplasms

Appendix C:
Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Services List Number and their ICD-9-CM Equivalents

Appendix D:
Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency

Appendix E:
List of Three-Digit Categories

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