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Alphabetical Index - S

This is a "green" web site. In order to conserve bandwidth, the alphabetical index of diseases and injuries is presented in a separate page for each letter of the alphabet. Click on a letter button to reach other index pages.



shin 090.5

tibia 090.5

Sac, lacrimal - see condition

Saccharomyces infection (see also Candidiasis) 112.9

Saccharopinuria 270.7

Saccular - see condition


aorta (nonsyphilitic) (see also Aneurysm, aorta) 441.9

ruptured 441.5

syphilitic 093.0

bladder 596.3

colon 569.89

intralaryngeal (congenital) (ventricular) 748.3

larynx (congenital) (ventricular) 748.3

organ or site, congenital - see Distortion

pregnant uterus, complicating delivery 654.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

rectosigmoid 569.89

sigmoid 569.89

ureter 593.89

urethra 599.2

vesical 596.3

Sachs (-Tay) disease (amaurotic familial idiocy) 330.1

Sacks-Libman disease 710.0 [424.91]

Sacralgia 724.6


fifth lumbar vertebra 756.15

incomplete (vertebra) 756.15

Sacrodynia 724.6

Sacroiliac joint - see condition

Sacroiliitis NEC 720.2

Sacrum - see condition


back 737.8

embolus, aorta 444.0

nose 738.0

congenital 754.0

due to syphilis 090.5

Sadism (sexual) 302.84

Saemisch's ulcer 370.04

Saenger's syndrome 379.46

Sago spleen 277.39

Sailors' skin 692.74


Anthony's fire (see also Erysipelas) 035

Guy's dance - see Chorea

Louis-type encephalitis 062.3

triad (see also Hernia, diaphragm) 553.3

Vitus' dance - see Chorea


correct substance properly administered 535.4

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 965.1

Salivary duct or gland - see also condition

virus disease 078.5

Salivation (excessive) (see also Ptyalism) 527.7

Salmonella (aertrycke) (choleraesuis) (enteritidis) (gallinarum) (suipestifer) (typhimurium) (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9

arthritis 003.23

carrier (suspected) of V02.3

meningitis 003.21

osteomyelitis 003.24

pneumonia 003.22

septicemia 003.1

typhosa 002.0

carrier (suspected) of V02.1

Salmonellosis 003.0

with pneumonia 003.22

Salpingitis (catarrhal) (fallopian tube) (nodular) (pseudofollicular) (purulent) (septic) (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2

ear 381.50

acute 381.51

chronic 381.52

Eustachian (tube) 381.50

acute 381.51

chronic 381.52

follicularis 614.1

gonococcal (chronic) 098.37

acute 098.17

interstitial, chronic 614.1

isthmica nodosa 614.1

old - see Salpingo-oophoritis, chronic

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670

specific (chronic) 098.37

acute 098.17

tuberculous (acute) (chronic) (see also Tuberculosis) 016.6

venereal (chronic) 098.37

acute 098.17

Salpingocele 620.4

Salpingo-oophoritis (catarrhal) (purulent) (ruptured) (septic) (suppurative) 614.2

acute 614.0


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0


abortion 639.0

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0

gonococcal 098.17

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.6

chronic 614.1

gonococcal 098.37

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.6

complicating pregnancy 646.6

affecting fetus or newborn 760.8

gonococcal (chronic) 098.37

acute 098.17

old - see Salpingo-oophoritis, chronic

puerperal 670

specific - see Salpingo-oophoritis, gonococcal

subacute (see also Salpingo-oophoritis, acute) 614.0

tuberculous (acute) (chronic) (see also Tuberculosis) 016.6

venereal - see Salpingo-oophoritis, gonococcal

Salpingo-ovaritis (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2

Salpingoperitonitis (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2


nephritis (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

syndrome (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

Salt-rheum (see also Eczema) 692.9

Salzmann's nodular dystrophy 371.46

Sampson's cyst or tumor 617.1


asthma 502

lung 502

Sander's disease (paranoia) 297.1

Sandfly fever 066.0

Sandhoff's disease 330.1

Sanfilippo's syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis III) 277.5

Sanger-Brown's ataxia 334.2

San Joaquin Valley fever 114.0

Sao Paulo fever or typhus 082.0

Saponification, mesenteric 567.89

Sapremia - see Septicemia

Sarcocele (benign)

syphilitic 095.8

congenital 090.5

Sarcoepiplocele (see also Hernia) 553.9

Sarcoepiplomphalocele (see also Hernia, umbilicus) 553.1

Sarcoid (any site) 135

with lung involvement 135 [517.8]

Boeck's 135

Darier-Roussy 135

Spiegler-Fendt 686.8

Sarcoidosis 135

cardiac 135 [425.8]

lung 135 [517.8]

Sarcoma (M8800/3) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

alveolar soft part (M9581/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

ameloblastic (M9330/3) 170.1

upper jaw (bone) 170.0

botryoid (M8910/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

botryoides (M8910/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

cerebellar (M9480/3) 191.6

circumscribed (arachnoidal) (M9471/3) 191.6

circumscribed (arachnoidal) cerebellar (M9471/3) 191.6

clear cell, of tendons and aponeuroses (M9044/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

embryonal (M8991/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

endometrial (stromal) (M8930/3) 182.0

isthmus 182.1

endothelial (M9130/3) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

bone (M9260/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

epithelioid cell (M8804/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Ewing's (M9260/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

follicular dendritic cell 202.9

germinoblastic (diffuse) (M9632/3) 202.8

follicular (M9697/3) 202.0

giant cell (M8802/3) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

bone (M9250/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

glomoid (M8710/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

granulocytic (M9930/3) 205.3

hemangioendothelial (M9130/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

hemorrhagic, multiple (M9140/3) - see Kaposi's, sarcoma

Hodgkin's (M9662/3) 201.2

immunoblastic (M9612/3) 200.8

interdigitating dendritic cell 202.9

Kaposi's (M9140/3) - see Kaposi's, sarcoma

Kupffer cell (M9124/3) 155.0

Langerhans cell 202.9

leptomeningeal (M9530/3) - see Neoplasm, meninges, malignant

lymphangioendothelial (M9170/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

lymphoblastic (M9630/3) 200.1

lymphocytic (M9620/3) 200.1

mast cell (M9740/3) 202.6

melanotic (M8720/3) - see Melanoma

meningeal (M9530/3) - see Neoplasm, meninges, malignant

meningothelial (M9530/3) - see Neoplasm, meninges, malignant

mesenchymal (M8800/3) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

mixed (M8990/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

mesothelial (M9050/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

monstrocellular (M9481/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 191.9

myeloid (M9930/3) 205.3

neurogenic (M9540/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

odontogenic (M9270/3) 170.1

upper jaw (bone) 170.0

osteoblastic (M9180/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

osteogenic (M9180/3) - see also Neoplasm, bone, malignant

juxtacortical (M9190/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

periosteal (M9190/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

periosteal (M8812/3) - see also Neoplasm, bone, malignant

osteogenic (M9190/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

plasma cell (M9731/3) 203.8

pleomorphic cell (M8802/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

reticuloendothelial (M9720/3) 202.3

reticulum cell (M9640/3) 200.0

nodular (M9642/3) 200.0

pleomorphic cell type (M9641/3) 200.0

round cell (M8803/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

small cell (M8803/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

spindle cell (M8801/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

stromal (endometrial) (M8930/3) 182.0

isthmus 182.1

synovial (M9040/3) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

biphasic type (M9043/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

epithelioid cell type (M9042/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

spindle cell type (M9041/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant


meningeal (M9539/3) - see Neoplasm, meninges, malignant

specified site NEC (M8800/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

unspecified site (M8800/6) 171.9

Sarcosinemia 270.8

Sarcosporidiosis 136.5

Satiety, early 780.94

Saturnine - see condition

Saturnism 984.9

specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Satyriasis 302.89

Sauriasis - see Ichthyosis

Sauriderma 757.39

Sauriosis - see Ichthyosis

Savill's disease (epidemic exfoliative dermatitis) 695.89

SBE (subacute bacterial endocarditis) 421.0

Scabies (any site) 133.0

Scabs 782.8

Scaglietti-Dagnini syndrome (acromegalic macrospondylitis) 253.0

Scald, scalded - see also Burn, by site

skin syndrome 695.1

Scalenus anticus (anterior) syndrome 353.0

Scales 782.8

Scalp - see condition

Scaphocephaly 756.0

Scaphoiditis, tarsal 732.5

Scapulalgia 733.90

Scapulohumeral myopathy 359.1

Scar, scarring (see also Cicatrix) 709.2

adherent 709.2

atrophic 709.2


in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

cheloid 701.4

chorioretinal 363.30

disseminated 363.35

macular 363.32

peripheral 363.34

posterior pole NEC 363.33

choroid (see also Scar, chorioretinal) 363.30

compression, pericardial 423.9

congenital 757.39

conjunctiva 372.64

cornea 371.00

xerophthalmic 264.6

due to previous cesarean delivery, complicating pregnancy or childbirth 654.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

duodenal (bulb) (cap) 537.3

hypertrophic 701.4

keloid 701.4

labia 624.4

lung (base) 518.89

macula 363.32

disseminated 363.35

peripheral 363.34

muscle 728.89

myocardium, myocardial 412

painful 709.2

papillary muscle 429.81

posterior pole NEC 363.33

macular - see Scar, macula

postnecrotic (hepatic) (liver) 571.9

psychic V15.49

retina (see also Scar, chorioretinal) 363.30

trachea 478.9

uterus 621.8

in pregnancy or childbirth NEC 654.9

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

from previous cesarean delivery 654.2

vulva 624.4

Scarabiasis 134.1

Scarlatina 034.1

anginosa 034.1

maligna 034.1

myocarditis, acute 034.1 [422.0]

old (see also Myocarditis) 429.0

otitis media 034.1 [382.02]

ulcerosa 034.1

Scarlatinella 057.8

Scarlet fever (albuminuria) (angina) (convulsions) (lesions of lid) (rash) 034.1

Schamberg's disease, dermatitis, or dermatosis (progressive pigmentary dermatosis) 709.09

Schatzki's ring (esophagus) (lower) (congenital) 750.3

acquired 530.3

Schaufenster krankheit 413.9


benign lymphogranulomatosis 135

disease (sarcoidosis) 135

syndrome (sarcoidosis) 135

Scheie's syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis IS) 277.5

Schenck's disease (sporotrichosis) 117.1

Scheuermann's disease or osteochondrosis 732.0

Scheuthauer-Marie-Sainton syndrome (cleidocranialis dysostosis) 755.59

Schilder (-Flatau) disease 341.1

Schilling-type monocytic leukemia (M9890/3) 206.9

Schimmelbusch's disease, cystic mastitis, or hyperplasia 610.1

Schirmer's syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

Schistocelia 756.79

Schistoglossia 750.13

Schistosoma infestation - see Infestation, Schistosoma

Schistosomiasis 120.9

Asiatic 120.2

bladder 120.0

chestermani 120.8

colon 120.1

cutaneous 120.3

due to

S. hematobium 120.0

S. japonicum 120.2

S. mansoni 120.1

S. mattheii 120.8

eastern 120.2

genitourinary tract 120.0

intestinal 120.1

lung 120.2

Manson's (intestinal) 120.1

Oriental 120.2

pulmonary 120.2

specified type NEC 120.8

vesical 120.0

Schizencephaly 742.4

Schizo-affective psychosis (see also Schizophrenia) 295.7

Schizodontia 520.2

Schizoid personality 301.20

introverted 301.21

schizotypal 301.22

Schizophrenia, schizophrenic (reaction) 295.9

Note66Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 295:

����������������������� 0��������� unspecified
����������������������� 1��������� subchronic
����������������������� 2��������� chronic
����������������������� 3��������� subchronic with acute exacerbation
����������������������� 4��������� chronic with acute exacerbation
����������������������� 5��������� in remission

acute (attack) NEC 295.8

episode 295.4

atypical form 295.8

borderline 295.5

catalepsy 295.2

catatonic (type) (acute) (excited) (withdrawn) 295.2

childhood (type) (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.9

chronic NEC 295.6

coenesthesiopathic 295.8

cyclic (type) 295.7

disorganized (type) 295.1

flexibilitas cerea 295.2

hebephrenic (type) (acute) 295.1

incipient 295.5

latent 295.5

paranoid (type) (acute) 295.3

paraphrenic (acute) 295.3

prepsychotic 295.5

primary (acute) 295.0

prodromal 295.5

pseudoneurotic 295.5

pseudopsychopathic 295.5

reaction 295.9

residual type (state) 295.6

restzustand 295.6

schizo-affective (type) (depressed) (excited) 295.7

schizophreniform type 295.4

simple (type) (acute) 295.0

simplex (acute) 295.0

specified type NEC 295.8

syndrome of childhood NEC (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.9

undifferentiated type 295.9

acute 295.8

chronic 295.6

Schizothymia 301.20

introverted 301.21

schizotypal 301.22

Schlafkrankheit 086.5

Schlatter's tibia (osteochondrosis) 732.4

Schlatter-Osgood disease (osteochondrosis, tibial tubercle) 732.4

Schloffer's tumor (see also Peritonitis) 567.29

Schmidt's syndrome

sphallo-pharyngo-laryngeal hemiplegia 352.6

thyroid-adrenocortical insufficiency 258.1

vagoaccessory 352.6


carcinoma (M8082/3) - see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant

tumor (M8082/3) - see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant

Schmitz (-Stutzer) dysentery 004.0

Schmorl's disease or nodes 722.30

lumbar, lumbosacral 722.32

specified region NEC 722.39

thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.31

Schneider's syndrome 047.9


carcinoma (M8121/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 160.0

papilloma (M8121/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site 212.0

Schnitzler syndrome 273.1

Schoffer's tumor (see also Peritonitis) 567.29

Scholte's syndrome (malignant carcinoid) 259.2

Scholz's disease 330.0

Scholz (-Bielschowsky-Henneberg) syndrome 330.0

Sch�nlein (-Henoch) disease (primary) (purpura) (rheumatic) 287.0

School examination V70.3

Schottm�ller's disease (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9

Schroeder's syndrome (endocrine-hypertensive) 255.3

Sch�ller-Christian disease or syndrome (chronic histiocytosis X) 277.89

Schultz's disease or syndrome (agranulocytosis) 288.09

Schultze's acroparesthesia, simple 443.89

Schwalbe-Ziehen-Oppenheimer disease 333.6

Schwannoma (M9560/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissues, benign

malignant (M9560/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Schwartz (-Jampel) syndrome 359.23

Schwartz-Bartter syndrome (inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone) 253.6

Schweninger-Buzzi disease (macular atrophy) 701.3

Sciatic - see condition

Sciatica (infectional) 724.3

due to

displacement of intervertebral disc 722.10

herniation, nucleus pulposus 722.10

wallet 724.3

Scimitar syndrome (anomalous venous drainage, right lung to inferior vena cava) 747.49

Sclera - see condition

Sclerectasia 379.11


adultorum 710.1

Buschke's 710.1

newborn 778.1


adiposum (newborn) 778.1

adultorum 710.1

edematosum (newborn) 778.1

neonatorum 778.1

newborn 778.1

Scleriasis - see Scleroderma

Scleritis 379.00

with corneal involvement 379.05

anterior (annular) (localized) 379.03

brawny 379.06

granulomatous 379.09

posterior 379.07

specified NEC 379.09

suppurative 379.09

syphilitic 095.0

tuberculous (nodular) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [379.09]

Sclerochoroiditis (see also Scleritis) 379.00

Scleroconjunctivitis (see also Scleritis) 379.00

Sclerocystic ovary (syndrome) 256.4

Sclerodactylia 701.0

Scleroderma, sclerodermia (acrosclerotic) (diffuse) (generalized) (progressive) (pulmonary) 710.1

circumscribed 701.0

linear 701.0

localized (linear) 701.0

newborn 778.1

Sclerokeratitis 379.05

meaning sclerosing keratitis 370.54

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [379.09]

Scleroma, trachea 040.1


multiple 731.0

perforans 379.04

Scleromyxedema 701.8

Scleroperikeratitis 379.05

Sclerose en plaques 340

Sclerosis, sclerotic

adrenal (gland) 255.8

Alzheimer's 331.0

with dementia - see Alzheimer's, dementia

amyotrophic (lateral) 335.20

annularis fibrosi

aortic 424.1

mitral 424.0

aorta, aortic 440.0

valve (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1

artery, arterial, arteriolar, arteriovascular - see Arteriosclerosis

ascending multiple 340

Bal�'s (concentric) 341.1

basilar - see Sclerosis, brain

bone (localized) NEC 733.99

brain (general) (lobular) 341.9

Alzheimer's - see Alzheimer's, dementia

artery, arterial 437.0

atrophic lobar 331.0

with dementia

with behavioral disturbance 331.0 [294.11]

without behavioral disturbance 331.0 [294.10]

diffuse 341.1

familial (chronic) (infantile) 330.0

infantile (chronic) (familial) 330.0

Pelizaeus-Merzbacher type 330.0

disseminated 340

hereditary 334.2

infantile (degenerative) (diffuse) 330.0

insular 340

Krabbe's 330.0

miliary 340

multiple 340

Pelizaeus-Merzbacher 330.0

progressive familial 330.0

senile 437.0

tuberous 759.5

bulbar, progressive 340

bundle of His 426.50

left 426.3

right 426.4

cardiac - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90

cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) 429.2

renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90

centrolobar, familial 330.0

cerebellar - see Sclerosis, brain

cerebral - see Sclerosis, brain

cerebrospinal 340

disseminated 340

multiple 340

cerebrovascular 437.0

choroid 363.40

diffuse 363.56

combined (spinal cord) - see also Degeneration, combined

multiple 340

concentric, Balo's 341.1

cornea 370.54

coronary (artery) - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

corpus cavernosum

female 624.8

male 607.89


aortic 424.1

mitral 424.0

diffuse NEC 341.1

disease, heart - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

disseminated 340

dorsal 340

dorsolateral (spinal cord) - see Degeneration, combined

endometrium 621.8

extrapyramidal 333.90

eye, nuclear (senile) 366.16

Friedreich's (spinal cord) 334.0

funicular (spermatic cord) 608.89

gastritis 535.4

general (vascular) - see Arteriosclerosis

gland (lymphatic) 457.8

hepatic 571.9


cerebellar 334.2

spinal 334.0

idiopathic cortical (Garre's) (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1

ilium, piriform 733.5

insular 340

pancreas 251.8

Islands of Langerhans 251.8

kidney - see Sclerosis, renal

larynx 478.79

lateral 335.24

amyotrophic 335.20

descending 335.24

primary 335.24

spinal 335.24

liver 571.9

lobar, atrophic (of brain) 331.0

with dementia

with behavioral disturbance 331.0 [294.11]

without behavioral disturbance 331.0 [294.10]

lung (see also Fibrosis, lung) 515

mastoid 383.1

mitral - see Endocarditis, mitral

M�nckeberg's (medial) (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20

multiple (brain stem) (cerebral) (generalized) (spinal cord) 340

myocardium, myocardial - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

nuclear (senile), eye 366.16

ovary 620.8

pancreas 577.8

penis 607.89

peripheral arteries (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20

plaques 340

pluriglandular 258.8

polyglandular 258.8

posterior (spinal cord) (syphilitic) 094.0

posterolateral (spinal cord) - see Degeneration, combined

prepuce 607.89

primary lateral 335.24

progressive systemic 710.1

pulmonary (see also Fibrosis, lung) 515

artery 416.0

valve (heart) (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3

renal 587


cystine storage disease 270.0

hypertension (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90

hypertensive heart disease (conditions classifiable to 402) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90

arteriolar (hyaline) (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90

hyperplastic (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90

retina (senile) (vascular) 362.17


aortic valve 395.9

mitral valve 394.9

Schilder's 341.1

senile - see Arteriosclerosis

spinal (cord) (general) (progressive) (transverse) 336.8

ascending 357.0

combined - see also Degeneration, combined

multiple 340

syphilitic 094.89

disseminated 340

dorsolateral - see Degeneration, combined

hereditary (Friedreich's) (mixed form) 334.0

lateral (amyotrophic) 335.24

multiple 340

posterior (syphilitic) 094.0

stomach 537.89

subendocardial, congenital 425.3

systemic (progressive) 710.1

with lung involvement 710.1 [517.2]

tricuspid (heart) (valve) - see Endocarditis, tricuspid

tuberous (brain) 759.5

tympanic membrane (see also Tympanosclerosis) 385.00

valve, valvular (heart) - see Endocarditis

vascular - see Arteriosclerosis

vein 459.89

Sclerotenonitis 379.07

Sclerotitis (see also Scleritis) 379.00

syphilitic 095.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [379.09]

Scoliosis (acquired) (postural) 737.30

congenital 754.2

due to or associated with

Charc�t-Marie-Tooth disease 356.1 [737.43]

mucopolysaccharidosis 277.5 [737.43]

neurofibromatosis 237.71 [737.43]


deformans 731.0 [737.43]

fibrosa cystica 252.01 [737.43]

osteoporosis (see also Osteoporosis) 733.00 [737.43]

poliomyelitis 138 [737.43]

radiation 737.33

tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [737.43]

idiopathic 737.30


progressive 737.32

resolving 737.31

paralytic 737.39

rachitic 268.1

sciatic 724.3

specified NEC 737.39

thoracogenic 737.34

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [737.43]

Scoliotic pelvis 738.6

with disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.0

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

Scorbutus, scorbutic 267

anemia 281.8

Scotoma (ring) 368.44

arcuate 368.43

Bjerrum 368.43

blind spot area 368.42

central 368.41

centrocecal 368.41

paracecal 368.42

paracentral 368.41

scintillating 368.12

Seidel 368.43

Scratch - see Injury, superficial, by site

Scratchy throat 784.99

Screening (for) V82.9

alcoholism V79.1

anemia, deficiency NEC V78.1

iron V78.0

anomaly, congenital V82.89

antenatal, of mother V28.9

alphafetoprotein levels, raised V28.1

based on amniocentesis V28.2

chromosomal anomalies V28.0

raised alphafetoprotein levels V28.1

fetal growth retardation using ultrasonics V28.4

isoimmunization V28.5

malformations using ultrasonics V28.3

raised alphafetoprotein levels V28.1

specified condition NEC V28.8

Streptococcus B V28.6

arterial hypertension V81.1

arthropod-borne viral disease NEC V73.5

asymptomatic bacteriuria V81.5


and spirochetal sexually transmitted diseases V74.5

conjunctivitis V74.4

disease V74.9

sexually transmitted V74.5

specified condition NEC V74.8

bacteriuria, asymptomatic V81.5

blood disorder NEC V78.9

specified type NEC V78.8

bronchitis, chronic V81.3

brucellosis V74.8

cancer - see Screening, malignant neoplasm

cardiovascular disease NEC V81.2

cataract V80.2

Chagas' disease V75.3

chemical poisoning V82.5

cholera V74.0

cholesterol level V77.91



by amniocentesis, antenatal V28.0

maternal postnatal V82.4

athletes V70.3


cardiovascular NEC V81.2

eye NEC V80.2

genitourinary NEC V81.6

neurological V80.0

respiratory NEC V81.4

skin V82.0

specified NEC V82.89


anomaly V82.89

eye V80.2

dislocation of hip V82.3

eye condition or disease V80.2

conjunctivitis, bacterial V74.4

contamination NEC (see also Poisoning) V82.5

coronary artery disease V81.0

cystic fibrosis V77.6

deficiency anemia NEC V78.1

iron V78.0

dengue fever V73.5

depression V79.0

developmental handicap V79.9

in early childhood V79.3

specified type NEC V79.8

diabetes mellitus V77.1

diphtheria V74.3

disease or disorder V82.9

bacterial V74.9

specified NEC V74.8

blood V78.9

specified type NEC V78.8

blood-forming organ V78.9

specified type NEC V78.8

cardiovascular NEC V81.2

hypertensive V81.1

ischemic V81.0

Chagas' V75.3

chlamydial V73.98

specified NEC V73.88

ear NEC V80.3

endocrine NEC V77.99

eye NEC V80.2

genitourinary NEC V81.6

heart NEC V81.2

hypertensive V81.1

ischemic V81.0

HPV (human papillomavirus) V73.81

human papillomavirus (HPV) V73.81

immunity NEC V77.99

infectious NEC V75.9

lipoid NEC V77.91

mental V79.9

specified type NEC V79.8

metabolic NEC V77.99

inborn NEC V77.7

neurological V80.0

nutritional NEC V77.99

rheumatic NEC V82.2

rickettsial V75.0

sexually transmitted V74.5

bacterial V74.5

spirochetal V74.5

sickle-cell V78.2

trait V78.2

specified type NEC V82.89

thyroid V77.0

vascular NEC V81.2

ischemic V81.0

venereal V74.5

viral V73.99

arthropod-borne NEC V73.5

specified type NEC V73.89

dislocation of hip, congenital V82.3

drugs in athletes V70.3

emphysema (chronic) V81.3

encephalitis, viral (mosquito or tick borne) V73.5

endocrine disorder NEC V77.99

eye disorder NEC V80.2

congenital V80.2


dengue V73.5

hemorrhagic V73.5

yellow V73.4

filariasis V75.6

galactosemia V77.4

genetic V82.79

disease carrier status V82.71

genitourinary condition NEC V81.6

glaucoma V80.1

gonorrhea V74.5

gout V77.5

Hansen's disease V74.2

heart disease NEC V81.2

hypertensive V81.1

ischemic V81.0

heavy metal poisoning V82.5

helminthiasis, intestinal V75.7

hematopoietic malignancy V76.89

hemoglobinopathies NEC V78.3

hemorrhagic fever V73.5

Hodgkin's disease V76.89

hormones in athletes V70.3

HPV (human papillomavirus) V73.81

human papillomavirus (HPV) V73.81

hypercholesterolemia V77.91

hyperlipdemia V77.91

hypertension V81.1

immunity disorder NEC V77.99

inborn errors of metabolism NEC V77.7


bacterial V74.9

specified type NEC V74.8

mycotic V75.4

parasitic NEC V75.8

infectious disease V75.9

specified type NEC V75.8

ingestion of radioactive substance V82.5

intestinal helminthiasis V75.7

iron deficiency anemia V78.0

ischemic heart disease V81.0

lead poisoning V82.5

leishmaniasis V75.2

leprosy V74.2

leptospirosis V74.8

leukemia V76.89

lipoid disorder NEC V77.91

lymphoma V76.89

malaria V75.1

malignant neoplasm (of) V76.9

bladder V76.3

blood V76.89

breast V76.10

mammogram NEC V76.12

for high-risk patient V76.11

specified type NEC V76.19

cervix V76.2

colon V76.51

colorectal V76.51

hematopoietic system V76.89

intestine V76.50

colon V76.51

small V76.52

lung V76.0

lymph (glands) V76.89

nervous system V76.81

oral cavity V76.42

other specified neoplasm NEC V76.89

ovary V76.46

prostate V76.44

rectum V76.41

respiratory organs V76.0

skin V76.43

specified sites NEC V76.49

testis V76.45

vagina V76.47

following hysterectomy for malignant condition V67.01

malnutrition V77.2

mammogram NEC V76.12

for high-risk patient V76.11

maternal postnatal chromosomal anomalies V82.4

measles V73.2


disorder V79.9

specified type NEC V79.8

retardation V79.2

metabolic disorder NEC V77.99

metabolic errors, inborn V77.7

mucoviscidosis V77.6

multiphasic V82.6

mycosis V75.4

mycotic infection V75.4

nephropathy V81.5

neurological condition V80.0

nutritional disorder NEC V77.99

obesity V77.8

osteoporosis V82.81

parasitic infection NEC V75.8

phenylketonuria V77.3

plague V74.8


chemical NEC V82.5

contaminated water supply V82.5

heavy metal V82.5

poliomyelitis V73.0

postnatal chromosomal anomalies, maternal V82.4

prenatal - see Screening, antenatal

pulmonary tuberculosis V74.1

radiation exposure V82.5

renal disease V81.5

respiratory condition NEC V81.4

rheumatic disorder NEC V82.2

rheumatoid arthritis V82.1

rickettsial disease V75.0

rubella V73.3

schistosomiasis V75.5

senile macular lesions of eye V80.2

sexually transmitted diseases V74.5

bacterial V74.5

spirochetal V74.5

sickle-cell anemia, disease, or trait V78.2

skin condition V82.0

sleeping sickness V75.3

smallpox V73.1

special V82.9

specified condition NEC V82.89

specified type NEC V82.89

spirochetal disease V74.9

sexually transmitted V74.5

specified type NEC V74.8

stimulants in athletes V70.3

syphilis V74.5

tetanus V74.8

thyroid disorder V77.0

trachoma V73.6

trypanosomiasis V75.3

tuberculosis, pulmonary V74.1

venereal disease V74.5

viral encephalitis

mosquito-borne V73.5

tick-borne V73.5

whooping cough V74.8

worms, intestinal V75.7

yaws V74.6

yellow fever V73.4

Scrofula (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2

Scrofulide (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0

Scrofuloderma, scrofulodermia (any site) (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0

Scrofulosis (universal) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2

Scrofulosis lichen (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0

Scrofulous - see condition

Scrotal tongue 529.5

congenital 750.13

Scrotum - see condition

Scurvy (gum) (infantile) (rickets) (scorbutic) 267

Sea-blue histiocyte syndrome 272.7

Seabright-Bantam syndrome (pseudohypoparathyroidism) 275.49

Seasickness 994.6

Seatworm 127.4


cyst (see also Cyst, sebaceous) 706.2

gland disease NEC 706.9

Sebocystomatosis 706.2

Seborrhea, seborrheic 706.3

adiposa 706.3

capitis 690.11

congestiva 695.4

corporis 706.3

dermatitis 690.10

infantile 690.12

diathesis in infants 695.89

eczema 690.18

infantile 690.12

keratosis 702.19

inflamed 702.11

nigricans 759.89

sicca 690.18

wart 702.19

inflamed 702.11

Seckel's syndrome 759.89

Seclusion pupil 364.74

Seclusiveness, child 313.22

Secondary - see also condition

neoplasm - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant, secondary

Secretan's disease or syndrome (posttraumatic edema) 782.3


antidiuretic hormone, inappropriate (syndrome) 253.6

catecholamine, by pheochromocytoma 255.6


antidiuretic, inappropriate (syndrome) 253.6


carcinoid tumor 259.2

pheochromocytoma 255.6

ectopic NEC 259.3


excessive 788.42

suppression 788.5



affecting fetus or newborn 763.4

post mortem, affecting fetus or newborn 761.6

previous, in pregnancy or childbirth 654.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

nerve, traumatic - see Injury, nerve, by site

Seeligmann's syndrome (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1

Segmentation, incomplete (congenital) - see also Fusion

bone NEC 756.9

lumbosacral (joint) 756.15

vertebra 756.15

lumbosacral 756.15

Seizure(s) 780.39

akinetic (idiopathic) (see also Epilepsy) 345.0

psychomotor 345.4

apoplexy, apoplectic (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

atonic (see also Epilepsy) 345.0

autonomic 300.11

brain or cerebral (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

convulsive (see also Convulsions) 780.39

cortical (focal) (motor) (see also Epilepsy) 345.5

due to stroke 438.89

epilepsy, epileptic (cryptogenic) (see also Epilepsy) 345.9

epileptiform, epileptoid 780.39

focal (see also Epilepsy) 345.5

febrile (simple) 780.31

with status epilepticus 345.3

atypical 780.32

complex 780.32

complicated 780.32

heart - see Disease, heart

hysterical 300.11

Jacksonian (focal) (see also Epilepsy) 345.5

motor type 345.5

sensory type 345.5

newborn 779.0

paralysis (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

recurrent 345.9

epileptic - see Epilepsy

repetitive 780.39

epileptic - see Epilepsy

salaam (see also Epilepsy) 345.6

uncinate (see also Epilepsy) 345.4

Self-mutilation 300.9

Semicoma 780.09

Semiconsciousness 780.09


vesicle - see condition

vesiculitis (see also Vesiculitis) 608.0

Seminoma (M9061/3)

anaplastic type (M9062/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 186.9

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

spermatocytic (M9063/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 186.9

unspecified site 186.9

Semliki Forest encephalitis 062.8

Senear-Usher disease or syndrome (pemphigus erythematosus) 694.4

Senecio jacobae dermatitis 692.6

Senectus 797

Senescence 797

Senile (see also condition) 797

cervix (atrophic) 622.8

degenerative atrophy, skin 701.3

endometrium (atrophic) 621.8

fallopian tube (atrophic) 620.3

heart (failure) 797

lung 492.8

ovary (atrophic) 620.3

syndrome 259.8

vagina, vaginitis (atrophic) 627.3

wart 702.0

Senility 797


acute confusional state 290.3

delirium 290.3

mental changes 290.9

psychosis NEC (see also Psychosis, senile) 290.20

premature (syndrome) 259.8


burning (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

tongue 529.6

choking 784.99

loss of (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

prickling (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

tingling (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

Sense loss (touch) (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

smell 781.1

taste 781.1

Sensibility disturbance NEC (cortical) (deep) (vibratory) (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

Sensitive dentine 521.89

Sensitiver Beziehungswahn 297.8

Sensitivity, sensitization - see also Allergy

autoerythrocyte 287.2

carotid sinus 337.0

child (excessive) 313.21

cold, autoimmune 283.0

methemoglobin 289.7

suxamethonium 289.89

tuberculin, without clinical or radiological symptoms 795.5


extinction 781.8

neglect 781.8


acromioclavicular - see Dislocation, acromioclavicular

anxiety, abnormal 309.21

apophysis, traumatic - see Fracture, by site

choroid 363.70

hemorrhagic 363.72

serous 363.71

costochondral (simple) (traumatic) - see Dislocation, costochondral


umbilical cord 779.83

epiphysis, epiphyseal

nontraumatic 732.9

upper femoral 732.2

traumatic - see Fracture, by site

fracture - see Fracture, by site

infundibulum cardiac from right ventricle by a partition 746.83

joint (current) (traumatic) - see Dislocation, by site

placenta (normally implanted) - see Placenta, separation

pubic bone, obstetrical trauma 665.6

retina, retinal (see also Detachment, retina) 361.9

layers 362.40

sensory (see also Retinoschisis) 361.10

pigment epithelium (exudative) 362.42

hemorrhagic 362.43

sternoclavicular (traumatic) - see Dislocation, sternoclavicular

symphysis pubis, obstetrical trauma 665.6

tracheal ring, incomplete (congenital) 748.3

Sepsis (generalized) 995.91


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis

acute organ dysfunction 995.92

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0

multiple organ dysfunction (MOD) 995.92

buccal 528.3

complicating labor 659.3

dental (pulpal origin) 522.4

female genital organ NEC 614.9

fetus (intrauterine) 771.81


abortion 639.0

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0

infusion, perfusion, or transfusion 999.39

Friedl�nder's 038.49

intraocular 360.00


in operation wound 998.59

skin (see also Abscess) 682.9

malleus 024

nadir 038.9

newborn (organism unspecified) NEC 771.81

oral 528.3

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth (pelvic) 670

resulting from infusion, injection, transfusion, or vaccination 999.39

severe 995.92

skin, localized (see also Abscess) 682.9

umbilical (newborn) (organism unspecified) 771.89

tetanus 771.3

urinary 599.0

meaning sepsis 995.91

meaning urinary tract infection 599.0

Septate - see also Septum

Septic - see also condition

adenoids 474.01

and tonsils 474.02

arm (with lymphangitis) 682.3

embolus - see Embolism

finger (with lymphangitis) 681.00

foot (with lymphangitis) 682.7

gallbladder (see also Cholecystitis) 575.8

hand (with lymphangitis) 682.4

joint (see also Arthritis, septic) 711.0

kidney (see also Infection, kidney) 590.9

leg (with lymphangitis) 682.6

mouth 528.3

nail 681.9

finger 681.02

toe 681.11

shock (endotoxic) 785.52

sore (see also Abscess) 682.9

throat 034.0

milk-borne 034.0

streptococcal 034.0

spleen (acute) 289.59

teeth (pulpal origin) 522.4

throat 034.0

thrombus - see Thrombosis

toe (with lymphangitis) 681.10

tonsils 474.00

and adenoids 474.02

umbilical cord (newborn) (organism unspecified) 771.89

uterus (see also Endometritis) 615.9

Septicemia, septicemic (generalized) (suppurative) 038.9


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0

Aerobacter aerogenes 038.49

anaerobic 038.3

anthrax 022.3

Bacillus coli 038.42

Bacteroides 038.3

Clostridium 038.3

complicating labor 659.3

cryptogenic 038.9

enteric gram-negative bacilli 038.40

Enterobacter aerogenes 038.49

Erysipelothrix (insidiosa) (rhusiopathiae) 027.1

Escherichia coli 038.42


abortion 639.0

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0

infusion, injection, transfusion, or vaccination 999.39

Friedl�nder's (bacillus) 038.49

gangrenous 038.9

gonococcal 098.89

gram-negative (organism) 038.40

anaerobic 038.3

Hemophilus influenzae 038.41

herpes (simplex) 054.5

herpetic 054.5

Listeria monocytogenes 027.0

meningeal - see Meningitis

meningococcal (chronic) (fulminating) 036.2

navel, newborn (organism unspecified) 771.89

newborn (organism unspecified) 771.81

plague 020.2

pneumococcal 038.2

postabortal 639.0

postoperative 998.59

Proteus vulgaris 038.49

Pseudomonas (aeruginosa) 038.43

puerperal, postpartum 670

Salmonella (aertrycke) (callinarum) (choleraesuis) (enteritidis) (suipestifer) 003.1

Serratia 038.44

Shigella (see also Dysentery, bacillary) 004.9

specified organism NEC 038.8

staphylococcal 038.10

aureus 038.11

specified organism NEC 038.19

streptococcal (anaerobic) 038.0

Streptococcus pneumoniae 038.2

suipestifer 003.1

umbilicus, newborn (organism unspecified) 771.89

viral 079.99

Yersinia enterocolitica 038.49

Septum, septate (congenital) - see also Anomaly, specified type NEC

anal 751.2

aqueduct of Sylvius 742.3

with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0

hymen 752.49

uterus (see also Double, uterus) 752.2

vagina 752.49

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.7

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1


lung (congenital) (extralobar) (intralobar) 748.5

orbit 376.10

pulmonary artery (congenital) 747.3

splenic 289.52


bone (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1

jaw 526.4

dental 525.8

jaw bone 526.4

sinus (accessory) (nasal) (see also Sinusitis) 473.9

maxillary 473.0

Sequoiosis asthma 495.8

Serology for syphilis


with signs or symptoms - see Syphilis, by site and stage

follow-up of latent syphilis - see Syphilis, latent

false positive 795.6

negative, with signs or symptoms - see Syphilis, by site and stage

positive 097.1

with signs or symptoms - see Syphilis, by site and stage

false 795.6

follow-up of latent syphilis - see Syphilis, latent

only finding - see Syphilis, latent

reactivated 097.1

Seroma -(postoperative) (non-infected) 998.13

infected 998.51

Seropurulent - see condition

Serositis, multiple 569.89

pericardial 423.2

peritoneal 568.82

pleural - see Pleurisy

Serotonin syndrome 333.99

Serous - see condition

Sertoli cell

adenoma (M8640/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site

female 220

male 222.0

carcinoma (M8640/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 186.9

syndrome (germinal aplasia) 606.0

tumor (M8640/0)

with lipid storage (M8641/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site

female 220

male 222.0

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site

female 220

male 222.0

Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor (M8631/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

unspecified site

female 220

male 222.0


allergy, allergic reaction 999.5

shock 999.4

arthritis 999.5 [713.6]

complication or reaction NEC 999.5

disease NEC 999.5


intoxication 999.5

jaundice (homologous) - see Hepatitis, viral, type B

neuritis 999.5

poisoning NEC 999.5

rash NEC 999.5

reaction NEC 999.5

sickness NEC 999.5

Sesamoiditis 733.99

Seven-day fever 061


Japan 100.89

Queensland 100.89

Sever's disease or osteochondrosis (calcaneum) 732.5

Sex chromosome mosaics 758.81

Sex reassignment surgery status (see also Tran-sexualism) 302.50


affected by maternal complication of pregnancy 761.5

healthy liveborn - see Newborn, multiple

pregnancy (complicating delivery) NEC 651.8

with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.6

following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7


anesthesia 302.72

deviation (see also Deviation, sexual) 302.9

disorder (see also Deviation, sexual) 302.9

frigidity (female) 302.72

function, disorder of (psychogenic) 302.70

specified type NEC 302.79

immaturity (female) (male) 259.0

impotence 607.84

organic origin NEC 607.84

psychogenic 302.72

precocity (constitutional) (cryptogenic) (female) (idiopathic) (male) NEC 259.1

with adrenal hyperplasia 255.2

sadism 302.84

Sexuality, pathological (see also Deviation, sexual) 302.9

S�zary's disease, reticulosis, or syndrome (M9701/3) 202.2

Shadow, lung 793.1

Shaken infant syndrome 995.55


head (tremor) 781.0

palsy or paralysis (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0

Shallowness, acetabulum 736.39

Shaver's disease or syndrome (bauxite pneumoconiosis) 503


artificial skin graft 996.55

decellularized allodermis graft 996.55

Sheath (tendon) - see condition


nail 703.8

teeth, premature, primary (deciduous) 520.6

Sheehan's disease or syndrome (postpartum pituitary necrosis) 253.2

Shelf, rectal 569.49


shock (current) (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9

lasting state 300.16

teeth 520.5

Shield kidney 753.3

Shift, mediastinal 793.2


pacemaker 427.89

sleep-work schedule (affecting sleep) 327.36


bacillus 004.0

dysentery 004.0

Shigella (dysentery) (see also Dysentery, bacillary) 004.9

carrier (suspected) of V02.3

Shigellosis (see also Dysentery, bacillary) 004.9

Shingles (see also Herpes, zoster) 053.9

eye NEC 053.29

Shin splints 844.9

Shipyard eye or disease 077.1

Shirodkar suture, in pregnancy 654.5

Shock 785.50


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.5

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.5

allergic - see Shock, anaphylactic

anaclitic 309.21

anaphylactic 995.0

chemical - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

correct medicinal substance properly administered 995.0

drug or medicinal substance

correct substance properly administered 995.0

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 977.9

specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

following sting(s) 989.5

food - see Anaphylactic shock, due to, food

immunization 999.4

serum 999.4

anaphylactoid - see Shock, anaphylactic


correct substance properly administered 995.4

overdose or wrong substance given 968.4

specified anesthetic - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

birth, fetus or newborn NEC 779.89

cardiogenic 785.51

chemical substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

circulatory 785.59


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock

ectopic pregnancy - see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.5

labor and delivery 669.1

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.5

culture 309.29

due to

drug 995.0

correct substance properly administered 995.0

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 977.9

specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

food - see Anaphylactic shock, due to, food

during labor and delivery 669.1

electric 994.8

endotoxic 785.52

due to surgical procedure 998.0


abortion 639.5

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.5

injury (immediate) (delayed) 958.4

labor and delivery 669.1

gram-negative 785.52

hematogenic 785.59


due to

disease 785.59

surgery (intraoperative) (postoperative) 998.0

trauma 958.4

hypovolemic NEC 785.59

surgical 998.0

traumatic 958.4

insulin 251.0

therapeutic misadventure 962.3

kidney 584.5

traumatic (following crushing) 958.5

lightning 994.0

lung 518.5

nervous (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9

obstetric 669.1


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.5

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.5


abortion 639.5

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.5

paralysis, paralytic (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

pleural (surgical) 998.0

due to trauma 958.4

postoperative 998.0


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.5

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.5


abortion 639.5

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.5

psychic (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9

past history (of) V15.49

psychogenic (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9

septic 785.52


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.5

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.5

due to

surgical procedure 998.0

transfusion NEC 999.8

bone marrow 996.85


abortion 639.5

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.5

surgical procedure 998.0

transfusion NEC 999.8

bone marrow 996.85

spinal - see also Injury, spinal, by site

with spinal bone injury - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

surgical 998.0

therapeutic misadventure NEC (see also Complications) 998.89

thyroxin 962.7

toxic 040.82

transfusion - see Complications, transfusion

traumatic (immediate) (delayed) 958.4

Shoemakers' chest 738.3

Short, shortening, shortness

Achilles tendon (acquired) 727.81

arm 736.89

congenital 755.20

back 737.9

bowel syndrome 579.3

breath 786.05

chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (SCAD) 277.85

common bile duct, congenital 751.69

cord (umbilical) 663.4

affecting fetus or newborn 762.6

cystic duct, congenital 751.69

esophagus (congenital) 750.4

femur (acquired) 736.81

congenital 755.34

frenulum linguae 750.0

frenum, lingual 750.0

hamstrings 727.81

hip (acquired) 736.39

congenital 755.63

leg (acquired) 736.81

congenital 755.30

metatarsus (congenital) 754.79

acquired 736.79

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Distortion

palate (congenital) 750.26

P-R interval syndrome 426.81

radius (acquired) 736.09

congenital 755.26

round ligament 629.89

sleeper 307.49

stature, constitutional (hereditary) (idiopathic) 783.43

tendon 727.81

Achilles (acquired) 727.81

congenital 754.79

congenital 756.89

thigh (acquired) 736.81

congenital 755.34

tibialis anticus 727.81

umbilical cord 663.4

affecting fetus or newborn 762.6

urethra 599.84

uvula (congenital) 750.26

vagina 623.8

Shortsightedness 367.1

Shoshin (acute fulminating beriberi) 265.0

Shoulder - see condition

Shovel-shaped incisors 520.2

Shower, thromboembolic - see Embolism

Shunt (status)

aortocoronary bypass V45.81

arterial-venous (dialysis) V45.1

arteriovenous, pulmonary (acquired) 417.0

congenital 747.3

traumatic (complication) 901.40

cerebral ventricle (communicating) in situ V45.2

coronary artery bypass V45.81

surgical, prosthetic, with complications - see Complications, shunt

vascular NEC V45.89


renal 586


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with renal failure

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.3

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.3


abortion 639.3

ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.3

following labor and delivery 669.3

Shwachman's syndrome 288.02

Shy-Drager syndrome (orthostatic hypotension with multisystem degeneration) 333.0

Sialadenitis (any gland) (chronic) (supportive) 527.2

epidemic - see Mumps

Sialadenosis, periodic 527.2

Sialaporia 527.7

Sialectasia 527.8

Sialitis 527.2

Sialoadenitis (see also Sialadenitis) 527.2

Sialoangitis 527.2

Sialodochitis (fibrinosa) 527.2

Sialodocholithiasis 527.5

Sialolithiasis 527.5

Sialorrhea (see also Ptyalism) 527.7

periodic 527.2

Sialosis 527.8

rheumatic 710.2

Siamese twin 759.4

Sicard's syndrome 352.6

Sicca syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis) 710.2

Sick 799.9

cilia syndrome 759.89

or handicapped person in family V61.49


anemia (see also Disease, sickle-cell) 282.60

disease (see also Disease, sickle-cell) 282.60


C disease (without crisis) 282.63


crisis 282.64

vaso-occlusive pain 282.64

D disease(without crisis) 282.68

with crisis 282.69

E disease(without crisis) 282.68

with crisis 282.69

thalassemia (without crisis) 282.41


crisis 282.42

vaso-occlusive pain 282.42

trait 282.5

Sicklemia (see also Disease, sickle-cell) 282.60

trait 282.5


air (travel) 994.6

airplane 994.6

alpine 993.2

altitude 993.2

Andes 993.2

aviators' 993.2

balloon 993.2

car 994.6

compressed air 993.3

decompression 993.3

green 280.9

harvest 100.89

milk 988.8

morning 643.0

motion 994.6

mountain 993.2

acute 289.0

protein (see also Complications, vaccination) 999.5

radiation NEC 990

roundabout (motion) 994.6

sea 994.6

serum NEC 999.5

sleeping (African) 086.5

by Trypanosoma 086.5

gambiense 086.3

rhodesiense 086.4

Gambian 086.3

late effect 139.8

Rhodesian 086.4

sweating 078.2

swing (motion) 994.6

train (railway) (travel) 994.6

travel (any vehicle) 994.6

Sick sinus syndrome 427.81

Sideropenia (see also Anemia, iron deficiency) 280.9

Siderosis (lung) (occupational) 503

cornea 371.15

eye (bulbi) (vitreous) 360.23

lens 360.23

Siegal-Cattan-Mamou disease (periodic) 277.31

Siemens' syndrome

ectodermal dysplasia 757.31

keratosis follicularis spinulosa (decalvans) 757.39

Sighing respiration 786.7


flexure - see condition

kidney 753.3

Sigmoiditis - see Enteritis

Silfverski�ld's syndrome 756.50

Silicosis, silicotic (complicated) (occupational) (simple) 502

fibrosis, lung (confluent) (massive) (occupational) 502

non-nodular 503

pulmonum 502

Silicotuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4

Silo fillers' disease 506.9

Silver's syndrome (congenital hemihypertrophy and short stature 759.89

Silver wire arteries, retina 362.13

Silvestroni-Bianco syndrome (thalassemia minima) 282.49

Simian crease 757.2

Simmonds' cachexia or disease (pituitary cachexia) 253.2

Simons' disease or syndrome (progressive lipodystrophy) 272.6

Simple, simplex - see condition

Sinding-Larsen disease (juvenile osteopathia patellae) 732.4

Singapore hemorrhagic fever 065.4

Singers' node or nodule 478.5


atrium 745.69

coronary artery 746.85

umbilical artery 747.5

ventricle 745.3

Singultus 786.8

epidemicus 078.89

Sinus - see also Fistula

abdominal 569.81

arrest 426.6

arrhythmia 427.89

bradycardia 427.89

chronic 427.81

branchial cleft (external) (internal) 744.41

coccygeal (infected) 685.1

with abscess 685.0

dental 522.7

dermal (congenital) 685.1

with abscess 685.0

draining - see Fistula

infected, skin NEC 686.9

marginal, rupture or bleeding 641.2

affecting fetus or newborn 762.1

pause 426.6

pericranii 742.0

pilonidal (infected) (rectum) 685.1

with abscess 685.0

preauricular 744.46

rectovaginal 619.1

sacrococcygeal (dermoid) (infected) 685.1

with abscess 685.0


infected NEC 686.9

noninfected- see Ulcer, skin

tachycardia 427.89

tarsi syndrome 726.79

testis 608.89

tract (postinfectional) - see Fistula

urachus 753.7

Sinuses, Rokitansky-Aschoff (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.8

Sinusitis (accessory) (nasal) (hyperplastic) (nonpurulent) (purulent) (chronic) 473.9

with influenza, flu, or grippe 487.1

acute 461.9

ethmoidal 461.2

frontal 461.1

maxillary 461.0

specified type NEC 461.8

sphenoidal 461.3

allergic (see also Fever, hay) 477.9

antrum - see Sinusitis, maxillary

due to

fungus, any sinus 117.9

high altitude 993.1

ethmoidal 473.2

acute 461.2

frontal 473.1

acute 461.1

influenzal 478.19

maxillary 473.0

acute 461.0

specified site NEC 473.8

sphenoidal 473.3

acute 461.3

syphilitic, any sinus 095.8

tuberculous, any sinus (see also Tuberculosis) 012.8

Sinusitis-bronchiectasis-situs inversus (syndrome) (triad) 759.3

Sipple's syndrome (medullary thyroid carcinoma-pheochromocytoma) 258.02

Sirenomelia 759.89

Siriasis 992.0

Sirkari's disease 085.0

SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome) 995.90

due to

infectious process 995.91

with acute organ dysfunction 995.92

non-infectious process 995.93

with acute organ dysfunction 995.94

Siti 104.0

Sitophobia 300.29

Situation, psychiatric 300.9


disturbance (transient) (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9

acute 308.3

maladjustment, acute (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9

reaction (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9

acute 308.3

Situs inversus or transversus 759.3

abdominalis 759.3

thoracis 759.3

Sixth disease

due to

human herpesvirus 6 058.11

human herpesvirus 7 058.12

Sj�gren (-Gougerot) syndrome or disease (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) 710.2

with lung involvement 710.2 [517.8]

Sj�gren-Larsson syndrome (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1

Skeletal - see condition

Skene's gland - see condition

Skenitis (see also Urethritis) 597.89

gonorrheal (acute) 098.0

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2

Skerljevo 104.0

Skevas-Zerfus disease 989.5

Skin - see also condition

donor V59.1

hidebound 710.9

SLAP lesion (superior glenoid labrum) 840.7

Slate-dressers' lung 502

Slate-miners' lung 502


deprivation V69.4

disorder 780.50

with apnea - see Apnea, sleep

child 307.40

movement, unspecified 780.58

nonorganic origin 307.40

specified type NEC 307.49

disturbance 780.50

with apnea - see Apnea, sleep

nonorganic origin 307.40

specified type NEC 307.49

drunkenness 307.47

movement disorder, unspecified 780.58

paroxysmal (see also Narcolepsy) 347.00

related movement disorder, unspecified 780.58

rhythm inversion 327.39

nonorganic origin 307.45

walking 307.46

hysterical 300.13

Sleeping sickness 086.5

late effect 139.8

Sleeplessness (see also Insomnia) 780.52

menopausal 627.2

nonorganic origin 307.41

Slipped, slipping

epiphysis (postinfectional) 732.9

traumatic (old) 732.9

current - see Fracture, by site

upper femoral (nontraumatic) 732.2

intervertebral disc - see Displacement, intervertebral disc

ligature, umbilical 772.3

patella 717.89

rib 733.99

sacroiliac joint 724.6

tendon 727.9

ulnar nerve, nontraumatic 354.2

vertebra NEC (see also Spondylolisthesis) 756.12

Slocumb's syndrome 255.3

Sloughing (multiple) (skin) 686.9

abscess - see Abscess, by site

appendix 543.9

bladder 596.8

fascia 728.9

graft - see Complications, graft

phagedena (see also Gangrene) 785.4

reattached extremity (see also Complications, reattached extremity) 996.90

rectum 569.49

scrotum 608.89

tendon 727.9

transplanted organ (see also Rejection, transplant, organ, by site) 996.80

ulcer (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9


feeding newborn 779.3

fetal, growth NEC 764.9

affecting management of pregnancy 656.5


heart 427.89

urinary stream 788.62

Sluder's neuralgia or syndrome 337.0

Slurred, slurring, speech 784.5

Small, smallness

cardia reserve - see Disease, heart

for dates

fetus or newborn 764.0

with malnutrition 764.1

affecting management of pregnancy 656.5

infant, term 764.0

with malnutrition 764.1

affecting management of pregnancy 656.5

introitus, vagina 623.3

kidney, unknown cause 589.9

bilateral 589.1

unilateral 589.0

ovary 620.8


with disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

placenta - see Placenta, insufficiency

uterus 621.8

white kidney 582.9

Small-for-dates (see also Light-for-dates) 764.0

affecting management of pregnancy 656.5

Smallpox 050.9

contact V01.3

exposure to V01.3

hemorrhagic (pustular) 050.0

malignant 050.0

modified 050.2


complications - see Complications, vaccination

prophylactic (against) V04.1

Smith's fracture (separation) (closed) 813.41

open 813.51

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (cerebrohepatorenal syndrome) 759.89

Smith-Magenis syndrome 758.33

Smith-Strang disease (oasthouse urine) 270.2


bronchitis 491.0

cough 491.0

syndrome (see also Abuse, drugs, nondependent) 305.1

throat 472.1

tongue 528.6

Smoking complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium 649.0

Smothering spells 786.09

Snaggle teeth, tooth 524.39


finger 727.05

hip 719.65

jaw 524.69

temporomandibular joint sounds on opening or closing 524.64

knee 717.9

thumb 727.05

Sneddon-Wilkinson disease or syndrome (subcorneal pustular dermatosis) 694.1

Sneezing 784.99

intractable 478.19


cocaine (see also Dependence) 304.2

either (see also Dependence) 304.6

glue (airplane) (see also Dependence) 304.6

Snoring 786.09

Snow blindness 370.24

Snuffles (nonsyphilitic) 460

syphilitic (infant) 090.0

Social migrant V60.0

Sodoku 026.0

Soemmering's ring 366.51

Soft - see also condition

enlarged prostate 600.00


other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.01


obstruction 600.01

retention 600.01

nails 703.8


bone 268.2

brain (necrotic) (progressive) 434.9

arteriosclerotic 437.0

congenital 742.4

embolic (see also Embolism, brain) 434.1

hemorrhagic (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431

occlusive 434.9

thrombotic (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

cartilage 733.92

cerebellar - see Softening, brain

cerebral - see Softening, brain

cerebrospinal - see Softening, brain

myocardial, heart (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

nails 703.8

spinal cord 336.8

stomach 537.89

Solar fever 061


heart 306.2

patches 423.1



bone 733.21

kidney 593.2

kidney (congenital) 753.0

tubercle, brain (see also Tuberculosis, brain) 013.2

ulcer, bladder 596.8

Somatization reaction, somatic reaction (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9

disorder 300.81

Somatoform disorder300.82


severe 300.81


Somnambulism 307.46

hysterical 300.13

Somnolence 780.09

nonorganic origin 307.43

periodic 349.89

Sonne dysentery 004.3

Soor 112.0


Delhi 085.1

desert (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9

eye 379.99

Lahore 085.1

mouth 528.9

canker 528.2

due to dentures 528.9

muscle 729.1

naga (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9

oriental 085.1

pressure (see also Decubitus) 707.00

with gangrene (see also Decubitus) 707.00 [785.4]

skin NEC 709.9

soft 099.0

throat 462

with influenza, flu, or grippe 487.1

acute 462

chronic 472.1

clergyman's 784.49

Coxsackie (virus) 074.0

diphtheritic 032.0

epidemic 034.0

gangrenous 462

herpetic 054.79

influenzal 487.1

malignant 462

purulent 462

putrid 462

septic 034.0

streptococcal (ulcerative) 034.0

ulcerated 462

viral NEC 462

Coxsackie 074.0

tropical (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9

veldt (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9

Sotos' syndrome (cerebral gigantism) 253.0


friction, pleural 786.7

succussion, chest 786.7

temporomandibular joint

on opening or closing 524.64

South African cardiomyopathy syndrome 425.2

South American

blastomycosis 116.1

trypanosomiasis - see Trypanosomiasis

Southeast Asian hemorrhagic fever 065.4

Spacing, teeth, abnormal 524.30

excessive 524.32

Spade-like hand (congenital) 754.89

Spading nail 703.8

congenital 757.5

Spanemia 285.9

Spanish collar 605

Sparganosis 123.5

Spasm, spastic, spasticity (see also condition) 781.0

accommodation 367.53

ampulla of Vater (see also Disease, gallbladder) 576.8

anus, ani (sphincter) (reflex) 564.6

psychogenic 306.4

artery NEC 443.9

basilar 435.0

carotid 435.8

cerebral 435.9

specified artery NEC 435.8

retinal (see also Occlusion, retinal, artery) 362.30

vertebral 435.1


Bell's 351.0

bladder (sphincter, external or internal) 596.8

bowel 564.9

psychogenic 306.4

bronchus, bronchiole 519.11

cardia 530.0

cardiac - see Angina

carpopedal (see also Tetany) 781.7

cecum 564.9

psychogenic 306.4

cerebral (arteries) (vascular) 435.9

specified artery NEC 435.8

cerebrovascular 435.9

cervix, complicating delivery 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

ciliary body (of accommodation) 367.53

colon 564.1

psychogenic 306.4

common duct (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8

compulsive 307.22

conjugate 378.82

convergence 378.84

coronary (artery) - see Angina

diaphragm (reflex) 786.8

psychogenic 306.1

duodenum, duodenal (bulb) 564.89

esophagus (diffuse) 530.5

psychogenic 306.4

facial 351.8

fallopian tube 620.8

gait 781.2

gastrointestinal (tract) 536.8

psychogenic 306.4

glottis 478.75

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

reflex through recurrent laryngeal nerve 478.75

habit 307.20

chronic 307.22

transient (of childhood) 307.21

heart - see Angina

hourglass - see Contraction, hourglass

hysterical 300.11

infantile (see also Epilepsy) 345.6

internal oblique, eye 378.51

intestinal 564.9

psychogenic 306.4

larynx, laryngeal 478.75

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

levator palpebrae superioris 333.81

lightning (see also Epilepsy) 345.6

mobile 781.0

muscle 728.85

back 724.8

psychogenic 306.0

nerve, trigeminal 350.1

nervous 306.0

nodding 307.3

infantile (see also Epilepsy) 345.6

occupational 300.89

oculogyric 378.87

ophthalmic artery 362.30

orbicularis 781.0

perineal 625.8

peroneo-extensor (see also Flat, foot) 734

pharynx (reflex) 478.29

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

pregnant uterus, complicating delivery 661.4

psychogenic 306.0

pylorus 537.81

adult hypertrophic 537.0

congenital or infantile 750.5

psychogenic 306.4

rectum (sphincter) 564.6

psychogenic 306.4

retinal artery NEC (see also Occlusion, retina, artery) 362.30

sacroiliac 724.6

salaam (infantile) (see also Epilepsy) 345.6

saltatory 781.0

sigmoid 564.9

psychogenic 306.4

sphincter of Oddi (see also Disease, gallbladder) 576.5

stomach 536.8

neurotic 306.4

throat 478.29

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

tic 307.20

chronic 307.22

transient (of childhood) 307.21

tongue 529.8

torsion 333.6

trigeminal nerve 350.1

postherpetic 053.12

ureter 593.89

urethra (sphincter) 599.84

uterus 625.8

complicating labor 661.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.7

vagina 625.1

psychogenic 306.51

vascular NEC 443.9

vasomotor NEC 443.9

vein NEC 459.89

vesical (sphincter, external or internal) 596.8

viscera 789.0

Spasmodic - see condition

Spasmophilia (see also Tetany) 781.7

Spasmus nutans 307.3

Spastic - see also Spasm

child 343.9

Spasticity - see also Spasm

cerebral, child 343.9

Speakers' throat 784.49

Specific, specified - see condition


defect, disorder, disturbance, impediment NEC 784.5

psychogenic 307.9

therapy V57.3

Spells 780.39

breath-holding 786.9

Spencer's disease (epidemic vomiting) 078.82

Spens' syndrome (syncope with heart block) 426.9

Spermatic cord - see condition

Spermatocele 608.1

congenital 752.89

Spermatocystitis 608.4

Spermatocytoma (M9063/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 186.9

Spermatorrhea 608.89

Sperm counts

fertility testing V26.21

following sterilization reversal V26.22

postvasectomy V25.8

Sphacelus (see also Gangrene) 785.4

Sphenoidal - see condition

Sphenoiditis (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, sphenoidal) 473.3

Sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia 337.0

Sphericity, increased, lens 743.36

Spherocytosis (congenital) (familial) (hereditary) 282.0

hemoglobin disease 282.7

sickle-cell (disease) 282.60

Spherophakia 743.36

Sphincter - see condition

Sphincteritis, sphincter of Oddi (see also Cholecystitis) 576.8

Sphingolipidosis 272.7

Sphingolipodystrophy 272.7

Sphingomyelinosis 272.7

Spicule tooth 520.2


finger 755.59

nevus 448.1

vascular 448.1

Spiegler-Fendt sarcoid 686.8

Spielmeyer-Stock disease 330.1

Spielmeyer-Vogt disease 330.1

Spina bifida (aperta) 741.9

Note67Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 741:

����������������������� 0��������� unspecified region
����������������������� 1��������� cervical region
����������������������� 2��������� dorsal [thoracic] region
����������������������� 3��������� lumbar region

with hydrocephalus 741.0

fetal (suspected), affecting management of pregnancy 655.0

occulta 756.17

Spindle, Krukenberg's 371.13

Spine, spinal - see condition

Spiradenoma (eccrine) (M8403/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Spirillosis NEC (see also Fever, relapsing) 087.9

Spirillum minus 026.0

Spirillum obermeieri infection 087.0

Spirochetal - see condition

Spirochetosis 104.9

arthritic, arthritica 104.9 [711.8]

bronchopulmonary 104.8

icterohemorrhagica 100.0

lung 104.8

Spitting blood (see also Hemoptysis) 786.3

Splanchnomegaly 569.89

Splanchnoptosis 569.89

Spleen, splenic - see also condition

agenesis 759.0

flexure syndrome 569.89

neutropenia syndrome 289.53

sequestration syndrome 289.52

Splenectasis (see also Splenomegaly) 789.2

Splenitis (interstitial) (malignant) (nonspecific) 289.59

malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.7

Splenocele 289.59

Splenomegalia - see Splenomegaly

Splenomegalic - see condition

Splenomegaly 789.2

Bengal 789.2

cirrhotic 289.51

congenital 759.0

congestive, chronic 289.51

cryptogenic 789.2

Egyptian 120.1

Gaucher's (cerebroside lipidosis) 272.7

idiopathic 789.2

malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6

neutropenic 289.53

Niemann-Pick (lipid histiocytosis) 272.7

siderotic 289.51

syphilitic 095.8

congenital 090.0

tropical (Bengal) (idiopathic) 789.2

Splenopathy 289.50

Splenopneumonia - see Pneumonia

Splenoptosis 289.59

Splinter - see Injury, superficial, by site

Split, splitting

heart sounds 427.89

lip, congenital (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10

nails 703.8

urinary stream 788.61

Spoiled child reaction (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1

Spondylarthritis (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

Spondylarthrosis (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

Spondylitis 720.9

ankylopoietica 720.0

ankylosing (chronic) 720.0

atrophic 720.9

ligamentous 720.9

chronic (traumatic) (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

deformans (chronic) (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

gonococcal 098.53

gouty 274.0

hypertrophic (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

infectious NEC 720.9

juvenile (adolescent) 720.0

Kummell's 721.7

Marie-Str�mpell (ankylosing) 720.0

muscularis 720.9

ossificans ligamentosa 721.6

osteoarthritica (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

posttraumatic 721.7

proliferative 720.0

rheumatoid 720.0

rhizomelica 720.0

sacroiliac NEC 720.2

senescent (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

senile (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

static (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

traumatic (chronic) (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [720.81]

typhosa 002.0 [720.81]

Spondyloarthrosis (see also Spondylosis) 721.90

Spondylolisthesis (congenital) (lumbosacral) 756.12

with disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.3

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

acquired 738.4

degenerative 738.4

traumatic 738.4

acute (lumbar) - see Fracture, vertebra, lumbar

site other than lumbosacral - see Fracture, vertebra, by site

Spondylolysis (congenital) 756.11

acquired 738.4

cervical 756.19

lumbosacral region 756.11

with disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.3

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1


inflammatory 720.9

specified type NEC 720.89

traumatic 721.7

Spondylose rhizomelique 720.0

Spondylosis 721.90


disproportion 653.3

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

myelopathy NEC 721.91

cervical, cervicodorsal 721.0

with myelopathy 721.1

inflammatory 720.9

lumbar, lumbosacral 721.3

with myelopathy 721.42

sacral 721.3

with myelopathy 721.42

thoracic 721.2

with myelopathy 721.41

traumatic 721.7


divers' disease 989.5

inadvertently left in operation wound 998.4

kidney (medullary) 753.17

Spongioblastoma (M9422/3)

multiforme (M9440/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 191.9

polare (M9423/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 191.9

primitive polar (M9443/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 191.9

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 191.9

Spongiocytoma (M9400/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 191.9

Spongioneuroblastoma (M9504/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Spontaneous - see also condition

fracture - see Fracture, pathologic

Spoon nail 703.8

congenital 757.5

Sporadic - see condition

Sporotrichosis (bones) (cutaneous) (disseminated) (epidermal) (lymphatic) (lymphocutaneous) (mucous membranes) (pulmonary) (skeletal) (visceral) 117.1

Sporotrichum schenckii infection 117.1

Spots, spotting

atrophic (skin) 701.3

Bit�t's (in the young child) 264.1

caf� au lait 709.09

cayenne pepper 448.1

complicating pregnancy 649.5

cotton wool (retina) 362.83

de Morgan's (senile angiomas) 448.1

F�chs' black (myopic) 360.21


irregular 626.6

regular 626.5

interpalpebral 372.53

Koplik's 055.9

liver 709.09

Mongolian (pigmented) 757.33

of pregnancy 641.9

purpuric 782.7

ruby 448.1

Spotted fever - see Fever, spotted

Sprain, strain (joint) (ligament) (muscle) (tendon) 848.9

abdominal wall (muscle) 848.8

Achilles tendon 845.09

acromioclavicular 840.0

ankle 845.00

and foot 845.00

anterior longitudinal, cervical 847.0

arm 840.9

upper 840.9

and shoulder 840.9

astragalus 845.00

atlanto-axial 847.0

atlanto-occipital 847.0

atlas 847.0

axis 847.0

back (see also Sprain, spine) 847.9

breast bone 848.40

broad ligaments - see Injury, internal, broad ligament

calcaneofibular 845.02

carpal 842.01

carpometacarpal 842.11


costal, without mention of injury to sternum 848.3

involving sternum 848.42

ear 848.8

knee 844.9

with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2

semilunar (knee) 844.8

with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2

septal, nose 848.0

thyroid region 848.2

xiphoid 848.49

cervical, cervicodorsal, cervicothoracic 847.0

chondrocostal, without mention of injury to sternum 848.3

involving sternum 848.42

chondrosternal 848.42

chronic (joint) - see Derangement, joint

clavicle 840.9

coccyx 847.4

collar bone 840.9

collateral, knee (medial) (tibial) 844.1

lateral (fibular) 844.0

recurrent or old 717.89

lateral 717.81

medial 717.82

coracoacromial 840.8

coracoclavicular 840.1

coracohumeral 840.2

coracoid (process) 840.9

coronary, knee 844.8

costal cartilage, without mention of injury to sternum 848.3

involving sternum 848.42

cricoarytenoid articulation 848.2

cricothyroid articulation 848.2


knee 844.2

old 717.89

anterior 717.83

posterior 717.84


ankle 845.01

shoulder 840.8

dorsal (spine) 847.1

ear cartilage 848.8

elbow 841.9

and forearm 841.9

specified site NEC 841.8

femur (proximal end) 843.9

distal end 844.9

fibula (proximal end) 844.9

distal end 845.00

fibulocalcaneal 845.02

finger(s) 842.10

foot 845.10

and ankle 845.00

forearm 841.9

and elbow 841.9

specified site NEC 841.8

glenoid (shoulder) - (see also SLAP lesion) 840.8

hand 842.10

hip 843.9

and thigh 843.9

humerus (proximal end) 840.9

distal end 841.9

iliofemoral 843.0

infraspinatus 840.3


acetabulum 843.9

pubic junction 848.5

sacral junction 846.1


collateral, ankle 845.01

semilunar cartilage 844.8

with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2

old 717.5


finger 842.13

toe 845.13

ischiocapsular 843.1

jaw (cartilage) (meniscus) 848.1

old 524.69

knee 844.9

and leg 844.9

old 717.5


lateral 717.81

medial 717.82


anterior 717.83

posterior 717.84

late effect - see Late, effects (of), sprain

lateral collateral, knee 844.0

old 717.81

leg 844.9

and knee 844.9

ligamentum teres femoris 843.8

low back 846.9

lumbar (spine) 847.2

lumbosacral 846.0

chronic or old 724.6

mandible 848.1

old 524.69

maxilla 848.1

medial collateral, knee 844.1

old 717.82


jaw 848.1

old 524.69

knee 844.8

with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2

old 717.5

mandible 848.1

old 524.69

specified site NEC 848.8

metacarpal 842.10

distal 842.12

proximal 842.11

metacarpophalangeal 842.12

metatarsal 845.10

metatarsophalangeal 845.12

midcarpal 842.19

midtarsal 845.19

multiple sites, except fingers alone or toes alone 848.8

neck 847.0

nose (septal cartilage) 848.0

occiput from atlas 847.0

old - see Derangement, joint

orbicular, hip 843.8

patella(r) 844.8

old 717.89

pelvis 848.5


finger 842.10

toe 845.10

radiocarpal 842.02

radiohumeral 841.2

radioulnar 841.9

distal 842.09

radius, radial (proximal end) 841.9

and ulna 841.9

distal 842.09

collateral 841.0

distal end 842.00

recurrent - see Sprain, by site

rib (cage), without mention of injury to sternum 848.3

involving sternum 848.42

rotator cuff (capsule) 840.4

round ligament - see also Injury, internal, round ligament

femur 843.8

sacral (spine) 847.3

sacrococcygeal 847.3

sacroiliac (region) 846.9

chronic or old 724.6

ligament 846.1

specified site NEC 846.8

sacrospinatus 846.2

sacrospinous 846.2

sacrotuberous 846.3

scaphoid bone, ankle 845.00

scapula(r) 840.9

semilunar cartilage (knee) 844.8

with current tear (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2

old 717.5

septal cartilage (nose) 848.0

shoulder 840.9

and arm, upper 840.9

blade 840.9

specified site NEC 848.8

spine 847.9

cervical 847.0

coccyx 847.4

dorsal 847.1

lumbar 847.2

lumbosacral 846.0

chronic or old 724.6

sacral 847.3

sacroiliac (see also Sprain, sacroiliac) 846.9

chronic or old 724.6

thoracic 847.1

sternoclavicular 848.41

sternum 848.40

subglenoid - (see also SLAP lesion) 840.8

subscapularis 840.5

supraspinatus 840.6


jaw 848.1

old 524.69

mandibular 848.1

old 524.69

pubis 848.5

talofibular 845.09

tarsal 845.10

tarsometatarsal 845.11

temporomandibular 848.1

old 524.69


ligamentum femoris 843.8

major or minor 840.8

thigh (proximal end) 843.9

and hip 843.9

distal end 844.9

thoracic (spine) 847.1

thorax 848.8

thumb 842.10

thyroid cartilage or region 848.2

tibia (proximal end) 844.9

distal end 845.00


distal 845.03

superior 844.3

toe(s) 845.10

trachea 848.8

trapezoid 840.8

ulna, ulnar (proximal end) 841.9

collateral 841.1

distal end 842.00

ulnohumeral 841.3

vertebrae (see also Sprain, spine) 847.9

cervical, cervicodorsal, cervicothoracic 847.0

wrist (cuneiform) (scaphoid) (semilunar) 842.00

xiphoid cartilage 848.49

Sprengel's deformity (congenital) 755.52

Spring fever 309.23

Sprue 579.1

celiac 579.0

idiopathic 579.0

meaning thrush 112.0

nontropical 579.0

tropical 579.1

Spur - see also Exostosis

bone 726.91

calcaneal 726.73

calcaneal 726.73

iliac crest 726.5

nose (septum) 478.19

bone 726.91

septal 478.19

Spuria placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Spurway's syndrome (brittle bones and blue sclera) 756.51

Sputum, abnormal (amount) (color) (excessive) (odor) (purulent) 786.4

bloody 786.3

Squamous - see also condition

cell metaplasia

bladder 596.8

cervix - see condition

epithelium in

cervical canal (congenital) 752.49

uterine mucosa (congenital) 752.3


bladder 596.8

cervix - see condition

Squashed nose 738.0

congenital 754.0

Squeeze, divers' 993.3

Squint (see also Strabismus) 378.9

accommodative (see also Esotropia) 378.00

concomitant (see also Heterotropia) 378.30

Stab - see also Wound, open, by site

internal organs - see Injury, internal, by site, with open wound

Staggering gait 781.2

hysterical 300.11

Staghorn calculus 592.0


ear 744.29

pigment line (cornea) 371.11

Stahli's pigment lines (cornea) 371.11

Stain, staining

meconium 779.84

port wine 757.32

tooth, teeth (hard tissues) 521.7

due to

accretions 523.6

deposits (betel) (black) (green) (materia alba) (orange) (tobacco) 523.6

metals (copper) (silver) 521.7

nicotine 523.6

pulpal bleeding 521.7

tobacco 523.6

Stammering 307.0


atrial 426.6

auricular 426.6

cardiac (see also Arrest, cardiac) 427.5

sinoatrial 426.6

sinus 426.6

ventricular (see also Arrest, cardiac) 427.5

Stannosis 503

Stanton's disease (melioidosis) 025

Staphylitis (acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (gangrenous) (membranous) (suppurative) (ulcerative) 528.3

Staphylococcemia 038.10

aureus 038.11

specified organism NEC 038.19

Staphylococcus, staphylococcal - see condition

Staphyloderma (skin) 686.00

Staphyloma 379.11

anterior, localized 379.14

ciliary 379.11

cornea 371.73

equatorial 379.13

posterior 379.12

posticum 379.12

ring 379.15

sclera NEC 379.11

Starch eating 307.52

Stargardt's disease 362.75

Starvation (inanition) (due to lack of food) 994.2

edema 262

voluntary NEC 307.1


bile (duct) (see also Disease, biliary) 576.8

bronchus (see also Bronchitis) 490

cardiac (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

cecum 564.89

colon 564.89

dermatitis (see also Varix, with stasis dermatitis) 454.1

duodenal 536.8

eczema (see also Varix, with stasis dermatitis) 454.1

edema (see also Hypertension, venous) 459.30

foot 991.4

gastric 536.3

ileocecal coil 564.89

ileum 564.89

intestinal 564.89

jejunum 564.89

kidney 586

liver 571.9

cirrhotic - see Cirrhosis, liver

lymphatic 457.8

pneumonia 514

portal 571.9

pulmonary 514

rectal 564.89

renal 586

tubular 584.5

stomach 536.3


with varicose veins 454.0

without varicose veins 459.81

urine NEC (see also Retention, urine) 788.20

venous 459.81


affective and paranoid, mixed, organic psychotic 294.8

agitated 307.9

acute reaction to stress 308.2

anxiety (neurotic) (see also Anxiety) 300.00

specified type NEC 300.09

apprehension (see also Anxiety) 300.00

specified type NEC 300.09

climacteric, female 627.2

following induced menopause 627.4


epileptic (see also Epilepsy) 345.9

paroxysmal (idiopathic) (see also Epilepsy) 345.9

compulsive (mixed) (with obsession) 300.3

confusional 298.9

acute 293.0


arteriosclerotic dementia 290.41

presenile brain disease 290.11

senility 290.3

alcoholic 291.0

drug-induced 292.81

epileptic 293.0

postoperative 293.9

reactive (emotional stress) (psychological trauma) 298.2

subacute 293.1

constitutional psychopathic 301.9

convulsive (see also Convulsions) 780.39

depressive NEC 311

induced by drug 292.84

neurotic 300.4

dissociative 300.15

hallucinatory 780.1

induced by drug 292.12

hypercoagulable (primary) 289.81

secondary 289.82

hyperdynamic beta-adrenergic circulatory 429.82

locked-in 344.81

menopausal 627.2

artificial 627.4

following induced menopause 627.4

neurotic NEC 300.9

with depersonalization episode 300.6

obsessional 300.3

oneiroid (see also Schizophrenia) 295.4

panic 300.01

paranoid 297.9

alcohol-induced 291.5

arteriosclerotic 290.42

climacteric 297.2

drug-induced 292.11


presenile brain disease 290.12

senile brain disease 290.20

involutional 297.2

menopausal 297.2

senile 290.20

simple 297.0

postleukotomy 310.0

pregnant (see also Pregnancy) V22.2

psychogenic, twilight 298.2

psychotic, organic (see also Psychosis, organic) 294.9

mixed paranoid and affective 294.8

senile or presenile NEC 290.9

transient NEC 293.9


anxiety 293.84

delusions 293.81

depression 293.83

hallucinations 293.82

residual schizophrenic (see also Schizophrenia) 295.6

tension (see also Anxiety) 300.9

transient organic psychotic 293.9

anxiety type 293.84

depressive type 293.83

hallucinatory type 293.83

paranoid type 293.81

specified type NEC 293.89


epileptic 293.0

psychogenic 298.2

vegetative (persistent) 780.03

Status (post)


epileptic (see also Epilepsy) 345.2

of organ, acquired (postsurgical) - see Absence, by site, acquired

anastomosis of intestine (for bypass) V45.3

anginosus 413.9

angioplasty, percutaneous transluminal coronary V45.82

ankle prosthesis V43.66

aortocoronary bypass or shunt V45.81

arthrodesis V45.4

artificially induced condition NEC V45.89

artificial opening (of) V44.9

gastrointestinal tract NEC V44.4

specified site NEC V44.8

urinary tract NEC V44.6

vagina V44.7

aspirator V46.0

asthmaticus (see also Asthma) 493.9

awaiting organ transplant V49.83

bariatric surgery V45.86

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium 649.2

bed confinement V49.84

breast implant removal V45.83


device (in situ) V45.00

carotid sinus V45.09

fitting or adjustment V53.39

defibrillator, automatic implantable V45.02

pacemaker V45.01

fitting or adjustment V53.31

carotid sinus stimulator V45.09

cataract extraction V45.61

chemotherapy V66.2

current V58.69

circumcision, female 629.20

clitorectomy (female genital mutilation type I) 629.21

with excision of labia minora (female genital mutilation type II 629.22

colostomy V44.3

contraceptive device V45.59

intrauterine V45.51

subdermal V45.52

convulsivus idiopathicus (see also Epilepsy) 345.3

coronary artery bypass or shunt V45.81


female genital 629.20

specified NEC 629.29

type I 629.21

type II 629.22

type III 629.23

type IV 629.29

cystostomy V44.50

appendico-vesicostomy V44.52

cutaneous-vesicostomy V44.51

specifed type NEC V44.59

defibrillator, automatic implantable cardiac V45.02

dental crowns V45.84

dental fillings V45.84

dental restoration V45.84

dental sealant V49.82

dialysis (hemo) (peritoneal) V45.1

donor V59.9

drug therapy or regimen V67.59

high-risk medication NEC V67.51

elbow prosthesis V43.62

enterostomy V44.4

epileptic, epilepticus (absence) (grand mal) (see also Epilepsy) 345.3

focal motor 345.7

partial 345.7

petit mal 345.2

psychomotor 345.7

temporal lobe 345.7

estrogen receptor

negative [ER-] V86.1

positive [ER+] V86.0

eye (adnexa) surgery V45.69

female genital

cutting 629.20

specified NEC 629.29

type I 629.21

type II 629.22

type III 629.23

type IV 629.29

mutilation 629.20

type I 629.21

type II 629.22

type III 629.23

type IV 629.29

filtering bleb (eye) (postglaucoma) V45.69

with rupture or complication 997.99

postcataract extraction (complication) 997.99

finger joint prosthesis V43.69


banding V45.86

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium 649.2

bypass for obesity V45.86

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium 649.2

gastrostomy V44.1

grand mal 345.3

heart valve prosthesis V43.3

hemodialysis V45.1

hip prosthesis (joint) (partial) (total) V43.64

ileostomy V44.2

infibulation (female genital mutilation type III) 629.23

insulin pump V45.85

intestinal bypass V45.3

intrauterine contraceptive device V45.51

jejunostomy V44.4

knee joint prosthesis V43.65

lacunaris 437.8

lacunosis 437.8

low birth weight V21.30

less than 500 grams V21.31

500-999 grams V21.32

1000-1499 grams V21.33

1500-1999 grams V21.34

2000-2500 grams V21.35

lymphaticus 254.8

malignant neoplasm, ablated or excised - see History, malignant neoplasm

marmoratus 333.79

mutilation, female 629.20

type I 629.21

type II 629.22

type III 629.23

type IV 629.29

nephrostomy V44.6

neuropacemaker NEC V45.89

brain V45.89

carotid sinus V45.09

neurologic NEC V45.89

obesity surgery V45.86

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium 649.2

organ replacement

by artificial or mechanical device or prosthesis of

artery V43.4

artificial skin V43.83

bladder V43.5

blood vessel V43.4

breast V43.82

eye globe V43.0


assist device V43.21

fully implantable artificial heart V43.22

valve V43.3

intestine V43.89

joint V43.60

ankle V43.66

elbow V43.62

finger V43.69

hip (partial) (total) V43.64

knee V43.65

shoulder V43.61

specified NEC V43.69

wrist V43.63

kidney V43.89

larynx V43.81

lens V43.1

limb(s) V43.7

liver V43.89

lung V43.89

organ NEC V43.89

pancreas V43.89

skin (artificial) V43.83

tissue NEC V43.89

vein V43.4

by organ transplant (heterologous) (homologous) - see Status, transplant


brain V45.89

cardiac V45.01

carotid sinus V45.09

neurologic NEC V45.89

specified site NEC V45.89

percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty V45.82

peritoneal dialysis V45.1

petit mal 345.2

postcommotio cerebri 310.2

postmenopausal (age related) (natural) V49.81

postoperative NEC V45.89

postpartum NEC V24.2

care immediately following delivery V24.0

routine follow-up V24.2

postsurgical NEC V45.89

renal dialysis V45.1

respirator [ventilator]V46.11



mechanical failure V46.14

power failure V46.12

for weaning V46.13

reversed jejunal transposition (for bypass) V45.3

sex reassignment surgery (see also Tran-sexualism) 302.50

shoulder prosthesis V43.61


aortocoronary bypass V45.81

arteriovenous (for dialysis) V45.1

cerebrospinal fluid V45.2

vascular NEC V45.89

aortocoronary (bypass) V45.81

ventricular (communicating) (for drainage) V45.2


tubal ligation V26.51

vasectomy V26.52

subdermal contraceptive device V45.52

thymicolymphaticus 254.8

thymicus 254.8

thymolymphaticus 254.8

tooth extraction 525.10

tracheostomy V44.0


blood vessel V42.89

bone V42.4

marrow V42.81

cornea V42.5

heart V42.1

valve V42.2

intestine V42.84

kidney V42.0

liver V42.7

lung V42.6

organ V42.9

specified site NEC V42.89

pancreas V42.83

peripheral stem cells V42.82

skin V42.3

stem cells, peripheral V42.82

tissue V42.9

specified type NEC V42.89

vessel, blood V42.89

tubal ligation V26.51

ureterostomy V44.6

urethrostomy V44.6

vagina, artificial V44.7

vascular shunt NEC V45.89

aortocoronary (bypass) V45.81

vasectomy V26.52

ventilator [respirator] V46.11



mechanical failure V46.14

power failure V46.12

for weaning V46.13

wrist prosthesis V43.63

Stave fracture - see Fracture, metacarpus, metacarpal bone(s)


subclavian artery 435.2

vertebral artery 435.1

Stealing, solitary, child problem (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1

Steam burn - see Burn, by site

Steatocystoma multiplex 706.2

Steatoma (infected) 706.2

eyelid (cystic) 374.84

infected 373.13

Steatorrhea (chronic) 579.8

with lacteal obstruction 579.2

idiopathic 579.0

adult 579.0

infantile 579.0

pancreatic 579.4

primary 579.0

secondary 579.8

specified cause NEC 579.8

tropical 579.1

Steatosis 272.8

heart (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

kidney 593.89

liver 571.8

Steele-Richardson (-Olszewski) Syndrome 333.0

Stein's syndrome (polycystic ovary) 256.4

Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovary) 256.4

Steinbrocker's syndrome (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

Steinert's disease 359.21

STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction) (see also - Infarct, myocardium, ST elevation) 410.9

Stenocardia (see also Angina) 413.9

Stenocephaly 756.0

Stenosis (cicatricial) - see also Stricture

ampulla of Vater 576.2

with calculus, cholelithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis

anus, anal (canal) (sphincter) 569.2

congenital 751.2

aorta (ascending) 747.22

arch 747.10

arteriosclerotic 440.0

calcified 440.0

aortic (valve) 424.1


mitral (valve)

insufficiency or incompetence 396.2

stenosis or obstruction 396.0

atypical 396.0

congenital 746.3

rheumatic 395.0


insufficiency, incompetency or regurgitation 395.2

with mitral (valve) disease 396.8

mitral (valve)

disease (stenosis) 396.0

insufficiency or incompetence 396.2

stenosis or obstruction 396.0

specified cause, except rheumatic 424.1

syphilitic 093.22

aqueduct of Sylvius (congenital) 742.3

with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0

acquired 331.4

artery NEC (see also Arteriosclerosis) 447.1

basilar - see Narrowing, artery, basilar

carotid (common) (internal) - see Narrowing, artery, carotid

celiac 447.4

cerebral 437.0

due to

embolism (see also Embolism, brain) 434.1

thrombus (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

extremities 440.20

precerebral - see Narrowing, artery, precerebral

pulmonary (congenital) 747.3

acquired 417.8

renal 440.1

vertebral - see Narrowing, artery, vertebral

bile duct or biliary passage (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2

congenital 751.61

bladder neck (acquired) 596.0

congenital 753.6

brain 348.8

bronchus 519.19

syphilitic 095.8

cardia (stomach) 537.89

congenital 750.7

cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) 429.2

carotid artery - see Narrowing, artery, carotid

cervix, cervical (canal) 622.4

congenital 752.49

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

colon (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

congenital 751.2

colostomy 569.62

common bile duct (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2

congenital 751.61

coronary (artery) - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

cystic duct (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2

congenital 751.61

due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classifiable to 996.0-996.5 - see Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC

duodenum 537.3

congenital 751.1

ejaculatory duct NEC 608.89

endocervical os - see Stenosis, cervix

enterostomy 569.62

esophagostomy 530.87

esophagus 530.3

congenital 750.3

syphilitic 095.8

congenital 090.5

external ear canal 380.50

secondary to

inflammation 380.53

surgery 380.52

trauma 380.51

gallbladder (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2

glottis 478.74

heart valve (acquired) - see also Endocarditis

congenital NEC 746.89

aortic 746.3

mitral 746.5

pulmonary 746.02

tricuspid 746.1

hepatic duct (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2

hymen 623.3

hypertrophic subaortic (idiopathic) 425.1

infundibulum cardiac 746.83

intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

congenital (small) 751.1

large 751.2


canaliculi 375.53

duct 375.56

congenital 743.65

punctum 375.52

congenital 743.65

sac 375.54

congenital 743.65

lacrimonasal duct 375.56

congenital 743.65

neonatal 375.55

larynx 478.74

congenital 748.3

syphilitic 095.8

congenital 090.5

mitral (valve) (chronic) (inactive) 394.0


aortic (valve)

disease (insufficiency) 396.1

insufficiency or incompetence 396.1

stenosis or obstruction 396.0

incompetency, insufficiency or regurgitation 394.2

with aortic valve disease 396.8

active or acute 391.1

with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0

congenital 746.5

specified cause, except rheumatic 424.0

syphilitic 093.21

myocardium, myocardial (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

hypertrophic subaortic (idiopathic) 425.1

nares (anterior) (posterior) 478.19

congenital 748.0

nasal duct 375.56

congenital 743.65

nasolacrimal duct 375.56

congenital 743.65

neonatal 375.55

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Atresia

papilla of Vater 576.2

with calculus, cholelithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis

pulmonary (artery) (congenital) 747.3

with ventricular septal defect, dextraposition of aorta and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2

acquired 417.8

infundibular 746.83

in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2

subvalvular 746.83

valve (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3

congenital 746.02

vein 747.49

acquired 417.8

vessel NEC 417.8

pulmonic (congenital) 746.02

infundibular 746.83

subvalvular 746.83

pylorus (hypertrophic) 537.0

adult 537.0

congenital 750.5

infantile 750.5

rectum (sphincter) (see also Stricture, rectum) 569.2

renal artery 440.1

salivary duct (any) 527.8

sphincter of Oddi (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2

spinal 724.00

cervical 723.0

lumbar, lumbosacral 724.02

nerve (root) NEC 724.9

specified region NEC 724.09

thoracic, thoracolumbar 724.01

stomach, hourglass 537.6

subaortic 746.81

hypertrophic (idiopathic) 425.1

supra (valvular)-aortic 747.22

trachea 519.19

congenital 748.3

syphilitic 095.8

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 012.8

tracheostomy 519.02

tricuspid (valve) (see also Endocarditis, tricuspid) 397.0

congenital 746.1

nonrheumatic 424.2

tubal 628.2

ureter (see also Stricture, ureter) 593.3

congenital 753.29

urethra (see also Stricture, urethra) 598.9

vagina 623.2

congenital 752.49

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.7

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

valve (cardiac) (heart) (see also Endocarditis) 424.90

congenital NEC 746.89

aortic 746.3

mitral 746.5

pulmonary 746.02

tricuspid 746.1

urethra 753.6

valvular (see also Endocarditis) 424.90

congenital NEC 746.89

urethra 753.6

vascular graft or shunt 996.1

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, extremities

embolism 996.74

occlusion NEC 996.74

thrombus 996.74

vena cava (inferior) (superior) 459.2

congenital 747.49

ventricular shunt 996.2

vulva 624.8

Stercolith (see also Fecalith) 560.39

appendix 543.9

Stercoraceous, stercoral ulcer 569.82

anus or rectum 569.41

Stereopsis, defective

with fusion 368.33

without fusion 368.32

Stereotypies NEC 307.3


female - see Infertility, female

male (see also Infertility, male) 606.9

Sterilization, admission for V25.2


tubal ligation V26.51

vasectomy V26.52

Sternalgia (see also Angina) 413.9

Sternopagus 759.4

Sternum bifidum 756.3

Sternutation 784.99


effects (adverse) (iatrogenic)


correct substance properly administered 255.0

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0


correct substance properly administered 251.8

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0

due to

correct substance properly administered 255.8

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0


correct substance properly administered 780.6

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0


correct substance properly administered 255.41

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0

responder 365.03

Stevens-Johnson disease or syndrome (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.1

Stewart-Morel syndrome (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3

Sticker's disease (erythema infectiosum) 057.0

Stickler syndrome 759.89

Sticky eye 372.03

Stieda's disease (calcification, knee joint) 726.62


back 724.8

neck (see also Torticollis) 723.5

Stiff-baby 759.89

Stiff-man syndrome 333.91

Stiffness, joint NEC 719.50

ankle 719.57

back 724.8

elbow 719.52

finger 719.54

hip 719.55

knee 719.56

multiple sites 719.59

sacroiliac 724.6

shoulder 719.51

specified site NEC 719.58

spine 724.9

surgical fusion V45.4

wrist 719.53

Stigmata, congenital syphilis 090.5

Still's disease or syndrome 714.30

Still-Felty syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis with splenomegaly and leukopenia) 714.1

Stillbirth, stillborn NEC 779.9

Stiller's disease (asthenia) 780.79

Stilling-T�rk-Duane syndrome (ocular retraction syndrome) 378.71

Stimulation, ovary 256.1

Sting (animal) (bee) (fish) (insect) (jellyfish) (Portuguese man-o-war) (wasp) (venomous) 989.5

anaphylactic shock or reaction 989.5

plant 692.6

Stippled epiphyses 756.59


abscess 998.59

burst (in external operation wound) 998.32

internal 998.31

in back 724.5

Stojano's (subcostal) syndrome 098.86

Stokes' disease (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0

Stokes-Adams syndrome (syncope with heart block) 426.9

Stokvis' (-Talma) disease (enterogenous cyanosis) 289.7

Stomach - see condition

Stoma malfunction

colostomy 569.62

cystostomy 997.5

enterostomy 569.62

esophagostomy 530.87

gastrostomy 536.42

ileostomy 569.62

nephrostomy 997.5

tracheostomy 519.02

ureterostomy 997.5

Stomatitis 528.00

angular 528.5

due to dietary or vitamin deficiency 266.0

aphthous 528.2

candidal 112.0

catarrhal 528.00

denture 528.9

diphtheritic (membranous) 032.0

due to

dietary deficiency 266.0

thrush 112.0

vitamin deficiency 266.0

epidemic 078.4

epizootic 078.4

follicular 528.00

gangrenous 528.1

herpetic 054.2

herpetiformis 528.2

malignant 528.00

membranous acute 528.00

monilial 112.0

mycotic 112.0

necrotic 528.1

ulcerative 101

necrotizing ulcerative 101

parasitic 112.0

septic 528.00

specified NEC 528.09

spirochetal 101

suppurative (acute) 528.00

ulcerative 528.00

necrotizing 101

ulceromembranous 101

vesicular 528.00

with exanthem 074.3

Vincent's 101

Stomatocytosis 282.8

Stomatomycosis 112.0

Stomatorrhagia 528.9

Stone(s) - see also Calculus

bladder 594.1

diverticulum 594.0

cystine 270.0

heart syndrome (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1

kidney 592.0

prostate 602.0

pulp (dental) 522.2

renal 592.0

salivary duct or gland (any) 527.5

ureter 592.1

urethra (impacted) 594.2

urinary (duct) (impacted) (passage) 592.9

bladder 594.1

diverticulum 594.0

lower tract NEC 594.9

specified site 594.8

xanthine 277.2

Stonecutters' lung 502

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4


asthma, disease, or lung 502

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4

phthisis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4


bowel (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

heart (see also Arrest, cardiac) 427.5

intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

urine NEC (see also Retention, urine) 788.20

Storm, thyroid (apathetic) (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9

Strabismus (alternating) (congenital) (nonparalytic) 378.9

concomitant (see also Heterotropia) 378.30

convergent (see also Esotropia) 378.00

divergent (see also Exotropia) 378.10

convergent (see also Esotropia) 378.00

divergent (see also Exotropia) 378.10

due to adhesions, scars - see Strabismus, mechanical

in neuromuscular disorder NEC 378.73

intermittent 378.20

vertical 378.31

latent 378.40

convergent (esophoria) 378.41

divergent (exophoria) 378.42

vertical 378.43

mechanical 378.60

due to

Brown's tendon sheath syndrome 378.61

specified musculofascial disorder NEC 378.62

paralytic 378.50

third or oculomotor nerve (partial) 378.51

total 378.52

fourth or trochlear nerve 378.53

sixth or abducens nerve 378.54

specified type NEC 378.73

vertical (hypertropia) 378.31

Strain - see also Sprain, by site

eye NEC 368.13

heart - see Disease, heart

meaning gonorrhea - see Gonorrhea

on urination 788.65

physical NEC V62.89

postural 729.9

psychological NEC V62.89


conjunctiva 372.62

vitreous humor 379.25

Strangulation, strangulated 994.7

appendix 543.9

asphyxiation or suffocation by 994.7

bladder neck 596.0

bowel - see Strangulation, intestine

colon - see Strangulation, intestine

cord (umbilical) - see Compression, umbilical cord

due to birth injury 767.8

food or foreign body (see also Asphyxia, food) 933.1

hemorrhoids 455.8

external 455.5

internal 455.2

hernia - see also Hernia, by site with obstruction

gangrenous - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

intestine (large) (small) 560.2

with hernia - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction

gangrenous - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

congenital (small) 751.1

large 751.2

mesentery 560.2

mucus (see also Asphyxia, mucus) 933.1

newborn 770.18

omentum 560.2

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Atresia

ovary 620.8

due to hernia 620.4

penis 607.89

foreign body 939.3

rupture (see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction) 552.9

gangrenous (see also Hernia, by site, with gangrene) 551.9

stomach, due to hernia (see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction 552.9

with gangrene (see also Hernia, by site, with gangrene) 551.9

umbilical cord - see Compression, umbilical cord

vesicourethral orifice 596.0

Strangury 788.1


gallbladder (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.6

mark 757.32

tongue (red) (white) 529.3

Straw itch 133.8

Streak, ovarian 752.0

Strephosymbolia 315.01

secondary to organic lesion 784.69

Streptobacillary fever 026.1

Streptobacillus moniliformis 026.1

Streptococcemia 038.0

Streptococcicosis - see Infection, streptococcal

Streptococcus, streptococcal - see condition

Streptoderma 686.00

Streptomycosis - see Actinomycosis

Streptothricosis - see Actinomycosis

Streptothrix - see Actinomycosis

Streptotrichosis - see Actinomycosis

Stress 308.9

fracture - see Fracture, stress

polycythemia 289.0

reaction (gross) (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9

Stretching, nerve - see Injury, nerve, by site

Striae (albicantes) (atrophicae) (cutis distensae) (distensae) 701.3

Striations of nails 703.8

Stricture (see also Stenosis) 799.89

ampulla of Vater 576.2

with calculus, cholelithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis

anus (sphincter) 569.2

congenital 751.2

infantile 751.2

aorta (ascending) 747.22

arch 747.10

arteriosclerotic 440.0

calcified 440.0

aortic (valve) (see also Stenosis, aortic) 424.1

congenital 746.3

aqueduct of Sylvius (congenital) 742.3

with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0

acquired 331.4

artery 447.1

basilar - see Narrowing, artery, basilar

carotid (common) (internal) - see Narrowing, artery, carotid

celiac 447.4

cerebral 437.0

congenital 747.81

due to

embolism (see also Embolism, brain) 434.1

thrombus (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

congenital (peripheral) 747.60

cerebral 747.81

coronary 746.85

gastrointestinal 747.61

lower limb 747.64

renal 747.62

retinal 743.58

specified NEC 747.69

spinal 747.82

umbilical 747.5

upper limb 747.63

coronary - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

congenital 746.85

precerebral - see Narrowing, artery, precerebral NEC

pulmonary (congenital) 747.3

acquired 417.8

renal 440.1

vertebral - see Narrowing, artery, vertebral

auditory canal (congenital) (external) 744.02

acquired (see also Stricture, ear canal, acquired) 380.50

bile duct or passage (any) (postoperative) (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2

congenital 751.61

bladder 596.8

congenital 753.6

neck 596.0

congenital 753.6

bowel (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

brain 348.8

bronchus 519.19

syphilitic 095.8

cardia (stomach) 537.89

congenital 750.7

cardiac - see also Disease, heart orifice (stomach) 537.89

cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) 429.2

carotid artery - see Narrowing, artery, carotid

cecum (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

cervix, cervical (canal) 622.4

congenital 752.49

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

colon (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

congenital 751.2

colostomy 569.62

common bile duct (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2

congenital 751.61

coronary (artery) - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary

congenital 746.85

cystic duct (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2

congenital 751.61

cystostomy 997.5

digestive organs NEC, congenital 751.8

duodenum 537.3

congenital 751.1

ear canal (external) (congenital) 744.02

acquired 380.50

secondary to

inflammation 380.53

surgery 380.52

trauma 380.51

ejaculatory duct 608.85

enterostomy 569.62

esophagostomy 530.87

esophagus (corrosive) (peptic) 530.3

congenital 750.3

syphilitic 095.8

congenital 090.5

Eustachian tube (see also Obstruction, Eustachian tube) 381.60

congenital 744.24

fallopian tube 628.2

gonococcal (chronic) 098.37

cute 098.17

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.6

gallbladder (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2

congenital 751.69

glottis 478.74

heart - see also Disease, heart

congenital NEC 746.89

valve - see also Endocarditis

congenital NEC 746.89

aortic 746.3

mitral 746.5

pulmonary 746.02

tricuspid 746.1

hepatic duct (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2

hourglass, of stomach 537.6

hymen 623.3

hypopharynx 478.29

intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

congenital (small) 751.1

large 751.2

ischemic 557.1


canaliculi 375.53

congenital 743.65

punctum 375.52

congenital 743.65

sac 375.54

congenital 743.65

lacrimonasal duct 375.56

congenital 743.65

neonatal 375.55

larynx 478.79

congenital 748.3

syphilitic 095.8

congenital 090.5

lung 518.89


ear (congenital) 744.02

acquired (see also Stricture, ear canal, acquired) 380.50

osseous (congenital) (ear) 744.03

acquired (see also Stricture, ear canal, acquired) 380.50

urinarius (see also Stricture, urethra) 598.9

congenital 753.6

mitral (valve) (see also Stenosis, mitral) 394.0

congenital 746.5

specified cause, except rheumatic 424.0

myocardium, myocardial (see also Degeneration, myocardial 429.1

hypertrophic subaortic (idiopathic) 425.1

nares (anterior) (posterior) 478.19

congenital 748.0

nasal duct 375.56

congenital 743.65

neonatal 375.55

nasolacrimal duct 375.56

congenital 743.65

neonatal 375.55

nasopharynx 478.29

syphilitic 095.8

nephrostomy 997.5

nose 478.19

congenital 748.0

nostril (anterior) (posterior) 478.19

congenital 748.0

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Atresia

osseous meatus (congenital) (ear) 744.03

acquired (see also Stricture, ear canal, acquired) 380.50

os uteri (see also Stricture, cervix) 622.4

oviduct - see Stricture, fallopian tube

pelviureteric junction 593.3

pharynx (dilation) 478.29

prostate 602.8

pulmonary, pulmonic

artery (congenital) 747.3

acquired 417.8

noncongenital 417.8

infundibulum (congenital) 746.83

valve (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3

congenital 746.02

vein (congenital) 747.49

acquired 417.8

vessel NEC 417.8

punctum lacrimale 375.52

congenital 743.65

pylorus (hypertrophic) 537.0

adult 537.0

congenital 750.5

infantile 750.5

rectosigmoid 569.89

rectum (sphincter) 569.2

congenital 751.2

due to

chemical burn 947.3

irradiation 569.2

lymphogranuloma venereum 099.1

gonococcal 098.7

inflammatory 099.1

syphilitic 095.8

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8

renal artery 440.1

salivary duct or gland (any) 527.8

sigmoid (flexure) (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9

spermatic cord 608.85

stoma (following) (of)

colostomy 569.62

cystostomy 997.5

enterostomy 569.62

esophagostomy 530.87

gastrostomy 536.42

ileostomy 569.62

nephrostomy 997.5

tracheostomy 519.02

ureterostomy 997.5

stomach 537.89

congenital 750.7

hourglass 537.6

subaortic 746.81

hypertrophic (acquired) (idiopathic) 425.1

subglottic 478.74

syphilitic NEC 095.8

tendon (sheath) 727.81

trachea 519.19

congenital 748.3

syphilitic 095.8

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 012.8

tracheostomy 519.02

tricuspid (valve) (see also Endocarditis, tricuspid) 397.0

congenital 746.1

nonrheumatic 424.2

tunica vaginalis 608.85

ureter (postoperative) 593.3

congenital 753.29

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.2

ureteropelvic junction 593.3

congenital 753.21

ureterovesical orifice 593.3


urethra (anterior) (meatal) (organic) (posterior) (spasmodic) 598.9

associated with schistosomiasis (see also Schistosomiasis) 120.9 [598.01]

congenital (valvular) 753.6

due to

infection 598.00

syphilis 095.8 [598.01]

trauma 598.1

gonococcal 098.2 [598.01]

gonorrheal 098.2 [598.01]

infective 598.00

late effect of injury 598.1

postcatheterization 598.2

postobstetric 598.1

postoperative 598.2

specified cause NEC 598.8

syphilitic 095.8 [598.01]

traumatic 598.1

valvular, congenital 753.6

urinary meatus (see also Stricture, urethra) 598.9

congenital 753.6

uterus, uterine 621.5

os (external) (internal) - see Stricture, cervix

vagina (outlet) 623.2

congenital 752.49

valve (cardiac) (heart) (see also Endocarditis) 424.90

congenital (cardiac) (heart) NEC 746.89

aortic 746.3

mitral 746.5

pulmonary 746.02

tricuspid 746.1

urethra 753.6

valvular (see also Endocarditis) 424.90

vascular graft or shunt 996.1

atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, extremities

embolism 996.74

occlusion NEC 996.74

thrombus 996.74

vas deferens 608.85

congenital 752.89

vein 459.2

vena cava (inferior) (superior) NEC 459.2

congenital 747.49

ventricular shunt 996.2

vesicourethral orifice 596.0

congenital 753.6

vulva (acquired) 624.8

Stridor 786.1

congenital (larynx) 748.3

Stridulous - see condition

Strippling of nails 703.8

Stroke 434.91

apoplectic (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

brain - see Infarct, brain

embolic 434.11

epileptic - see Epilepsy

healed or old V12.54

heart - see Disease, heart

heat 992.0

hemorrhagic - see Hemorrhage, brain

iatrogenic 997.02

in evolution 434.91

ischemic 434.91

late effect - see Late effect(s)) (of) cerebrovascular disease

lightning 994.0

paralytic - see Infarct, brain

postoperative 997.02

progressive 435.9

thrombotic 434.01

Stromatosis, endometrial (M8931/1) 236.0

Strong pulse 785.9

Strongyloides stercoralis infestation 127.2

Strongyloidiasis 127.2

Strongyloidosis 127.2

Strongylus (gibsoni) infestation 127.7

Strophulus (newborn) 779.89

pruriginosus 698.2

Struck by lighting 994.0

Struma (see also Goiter) 240.9

fibrosa 245.3

Hashimoto (struma lymphomatosa) 245.2

lymphomatosa 245.2

nodosa (simplex) 241.9

endemic 241.9

multinodular 241.1

sporadic 241.9

toxic or with hyperthyroidism 242.3

multinodular 242.2

uninodular 242.1

toxicosa 242.3

multinodular 242.2

uninodular 242.1

uninodular 241.0

ovarii (M9090/0) 220

and carcinoid (M9091/1) 236.2

malignant (M9090/3) 183.0

Riedel's (ligneous thyroiditis) 245.3

scrofulous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2

abscess 017.2

adenitis 017.2

lymphangitis 017.2

ulcer 017.2

Strumipriva cachexia (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9

Str�mpell-Marie disease or spine (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0

Str�mpell-Westphal pseudosclerosis (hepatolenticular degeneration) 275.1

Stuart's disease (congenital factor X deficiency) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3

Stuart-Prower factor deficiency (congenital factor X deficiency) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3

Students' elbow 727.2

Stuffy nose 478.19

Stump - see also Amputation

cervix, cervical (healed) 622.8

Stupor 780.09

catatonic (see also Schizophrenia) 295.2

circular (see also Psychosis, manic-depressive, circular) 296.7

manic 296.89

manic-depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.89

mental (anergic) (delusional) 298.9

psychogenic 298.8

reaction to exceptional stress (transient) 308.2

traumatic NEC - see also Injury, intracranial

with spinal (cord)

lesion - see Injury, spinal, by site

shock - see Injury, spinal by site

Sturge (-Weber) (-Dimitri) disease or syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

Sturge-Kalischer-Weber syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

Stuttering 307.0

Sty, stye 373.11

external 373.11

internal 373.12

meibomian 373.12

Subacidity, gastric 536.8

psychogenic 306.4

Subacute - see condition

Subarachnoid - see condition

Subclavian steal syndrome 435.2

Subcortical - see condition

Subcostal syndrome 098.86

nerve compression 354.8

Subcutaneous, subcuticular - see condition

Subdelirium 293.1

Subdural - see condition

Subendocardium - see condition

Subependymoma (M9383/1) 237.5

Suberosis 495.3

Subglossitis - see Glossitis

Subhemophilia 286.0

Subinvolution (uterus) 621.1

breast (postlactational) (postpartum) 611.8

chronic 621.1

puerperal, postpartum 674.8

Sublingual - see condition

Sublinguitis 527.2

Subluxation - see also Dislocation, by site

congenital NEC - see also Malposition, congenital

hip (unilateral) 754.32

with dislocation of other hip 754.35

bilateral 754.33


lower limb 755.69

shoulder 755.59

upper limb 755.59

lower limb (joint) 755.69

shoulder (joint) 755.59

upper limb (joint) 755.59

lens 379.32

anterior 379.33

posterior 379.34

rotary, cervical region of spine - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical

Submaxillary - see condition

Submersion (fatal) (nonfatal) 994.1

Submissiveness (undue), in child 313.0

Submucous - see condition

Subnormal, subnormality

accommodation (see also Disorder, accommodation) 367.9

mental (see also Retardation, mental) 319

mild 317

moderate 318.0

profound 318.2

severe 318.1

temperature (accidental) 991.6

not associated with low environmental temperature 780.99

Subphrenic - see condition

Subscapular nerve - see condition

Subseptus uterus 752.3

Subsiding appendicitis 542

Substernal thyroid (see also Goiter) 240.9

congenital 759.2

Substitution disorder 300.11

Subtentorial - see condition


fever 084.0

malaria (fever) 084.0

Subthyroidism (acquired) (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9

congenital 243

Succenturiata placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Succussion sounds, chest 786.7

Sucking thumb, child 307.9

Sudamen 705.1

Sudamina 705.1

Sudanese kala-azar 085.0


death, cause unknown (less than 24 hours) 798.1

cardiac (SCD)

family history of V17.41

personal history of, successfully resuscitated V12.53

during childbirth 669.9

infant 798.0

puerperal, postpartum 674.9

hearing loss NEC 388.2

heart failure (see also Failure, heart) 428.9

infant death syndrome 798.0

Sudeck's atrophy, disease, or syndrome 733.7

SUDS (Sudden unexplained death) 798.2

Suffocation (see also Asphyxia) 799.01


bed clothes 994.7

bunny bag 994.7

cave-in 994.7

constriction 994.7

drowning 994.1


food or foreign body (see also Asphyxia, food or foreign body) 933.1

oil or gasoline (see also Asphyxia, food or foreign body) 933.1

overlying 994.7

plastic bag 994.7

pressure 994.7

strangulation 994.7

during birth 768.1

mechanical 994.7



high 790.29

low 251.2

in urine 791.5

Suicide, suicidal (attempted)

by poisoning - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

ideation V62.84

risk 300.9

tendencies 300.9

trauma NEC (see also nature and site of injury) 959.9

Suipestifer infection (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9

Sulfatidosis 330.0

Sulfhemoglobinemia, sulphemoglobinemia (acquired) (congenital) 289.7

Sumatran mite fever 081.2

Summer - see condition

Sunburn 692.71

dermatitis 692.71

due to

other ultraviolet radiation 692.82

tanning bed 692.82

first degree 692.71

second degree 692.76

third degree 692.77


acetabulum 718.85

fontanels 756.0

Sunstroke 992.0

Superfecundation 651.9

with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.6

following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7

Superfetation 651.9

with fetal loss and retention of one or more fetus(es) 651.6

following (elective) fetal reduction 651.7

Superinvolution uterus 621.8

Supernumerary (congenital)

aortic cusps 746.89

auditory ossicles 744.04

bone 756.9

breast 757.6

carpal bones 755.56

cusps, heart valve NEC 746.89

mitral 746.5

pulmonary 746.09

digit(s) 755.00

finger 755.01

toe 755.02

ear (lobule) 744.1

fallopian tube 752.19

finger 755.01

hymen 752.49

kidney 753.3

lacrimal glands 743.64

lacrimonasal duct 743.65

lobule (ear) 744.1

mitral cusps 746.5

muscle 756.82

nipples 757.6

organ or site NEC - see Accessory

ossicles, auditory 744.04

ovary 752.0

oviduct 752.19

pulmonic cusps 746.09

rib 756.3

cervical or first 756.2

syndrome 756.2

roots (of teeth) 520.2

spinal vertebra 756.19

spleen 759.0

tarsal bones 755.67

teeth 520.1

causing crowding 524.31

testis 752.89

thumb 755.01

toe 755.02

uterus 752.2

vagina 752.49

vertebra 756.19

Supervision (of)

contraceptive method previously prescribed V25.40

intrauterine device V25.42

oral contraceptive (pill) V25.41

specified type NEC V25.49

subdermal implantable contraceptive V25.43

dietary (for) V65.3

allergy (food) V65.3

colitis V65.3

diabetes mellitus V65.3

food allergy intolerance V65.3

gastritis V65.3

hypercholesterolemia V65.3

hypoglycemia V65.3

intolerance (food) V65.3

obesity V65.3

specified NEC V65.3

lactation V24.1

pregnancy - see Pregnancy, supervision of

Supplemental teeth 520.1

causing crowding 524.31


binocular vision 368.31

lactation 676.5

menstruation 626.8

ovarian secretion 256.39

renal 586

urinary secretion 788.5

urine 788.5

Suppuration, suppurative - see also condition

accessory sinus (chronic) (see also Sinusitis) 473.9

adrenal gland 255.8

antrum (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) 473.0

bladder (see also Cystitis) 595.89

bowel 569.89

brain 324.0

late effect 326

breast 611.0

puerperal, postpartum 675.1

dental periosteum 526.5

diffuse (skin) 686.00

ear (middle) (see also Otitis media) 382.4

external (see also Otitis, externa) 380.10

internal 386.33

ethmoidal (sinus) (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, ethmoidal) 473.2

fallopian tube (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2

frontal (sinus) (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, frontal) 473.1

gallbladder (see also Cholecystitis, acute) 575.0

gum 523.30

hernial sac - see Hernia, by site

intestine 569.89

joint (see also Arthritis, suppurative) 711.0

labyrinthine 386.33

lung 513.0

mammary gland 611.0

puerperal, postpartum 675.1

maxilla, maxillary 526.4

sinus (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) 473.0

muscle 728.0

nasal sinus (chronic) (see also Sinusitis) 473.9

pancreas 577.0

parotid gland 527.2

pelvis, pelvic

female (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4

acute 614.3

male (see also Peritonitis) 567.21

pericranial (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.2

salivary duct or gland (any) 527.2

sinus (nasal) (see also Sinusitis) 473.9

sphenoidal (sinus) (chronic) (see also Sinusitis, sphenoidal) 473.3

thymus (gland) 254.1

thyroid (gland) 245.0

tonsil 474.8

uterus (see also Endometritis) 615.9

vagina 616.10

wound - see also Wound, open, by site, complicated

dislocation - see Dislocation, by site, compound

fracture - see Fracture, by site, open

scratch or other superficial injury - see Injury, superficial, by site

Supraeruption, teeth 524.34

Supraglottitis 464.50

with obstruction 464.51

Suprapubic drainage 596.8

Suprarenal (gland) - see condition

Suprascapular nerve - see condition

Suprasellar - see condition

Supraspinatus syndrome 726.10

Surfer knots 919.8

infected 919.9


cosmetic NEC V50.1

following healed injury or operation V51

hair transplant V50.0

elective V50.9

breast augmentation or reduction V50.1

circumcision, ritual or routine (in absence of medical indication) V50.2

cosmetic NEC V50.1

ear piercing V50.3

face-lift V50.1

following healed injury or operation V51

hair transplant V50.0

not done because of

contraindication V64.1

patient's decision V64.2

specified reason NEC V64.3


breast augmentation or reduction V50.1

cosmetic V50.1

face-lift V50.1

following healed injury or operation V51

repair of scarred tissue (following healed injury or operation) V51

specified type NEC V50.8

previous, in pregnancy or childbirth

cervix 654.6

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

pelvic soft tissues NEC 654.9

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

perineum or vulva 654.8

uterus NEC 654.9

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

from previous cesarean delivery 654.2

vagina 654.7


abortion - see Abortion, legal

emphysema 998.81

kidney (see also Pyelitis) 590.80

operation NEC 799.9

procedures, complication or misadventure - see Complications, surgical procedure

shock 998.0




MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia) V84.81


multiple endocrine [MEN] V84.81


malignant, of

breast V84.01

endometrium V84.04

other V84.09

ovary V84.02

prostate V84.03

specified disease NEC V84.89

Suspected condition, ruled out (see also Observation, suspected) V71.9

specified condition NEC V71.89

Suspended uterus, in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

Sutton's disease 709.09

Sutton and Gull's disease (arteriolar nephrosclerosis) (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90


burst (in external operation wound) 998.32

internal 998.31

inadvertently left in operation wound 998.4

removal V58.32

Shirodkar, in pregnancy (with or without cervical incompetence) 654.5

Swab inadvertently left in operation wound 998.4

Swallowed, swallowing

difficulty (see also Dysphagia) 787.20

foreign body NEC (see also Foreign body) 938

Swamp fever 100.89

Swan neck hand (intrinsic) 736.09

Sweat(s), sweating

disease or sickness 078.2

excessive (see also Hyperhidrosis) 780.8

fetid 705.89

fever 078.2

gland disease 705.9

specified type NEC 705.89

miliary 078.2

night 780.8

Sweeley-Klionsky disease (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) 272.7

Sweet's syndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) 695.89

Swelling 782.3

abdominal (not referable to specific organ) 789.3

adrenal gland, cloudy 255.8

ankle 719.07

anus 787.99

arm 729.81

breast 611.72

Calabar 125.2

cervical gland 785.6

cheek 784.2

chest 786.6

ear 388.8

epigastric 789.3

extremity (lower) (upper) 729.81

eye 379.92

female genital organ 625.8

finger 729.81

foot 729.81

glands 785.6

gum 784.2

hand 729.81

head 784.2

inflammatory - see Inflammation

joint (see also Effusion, joint) 719.0

tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, joint

kidney, cloudy 593.89

leg 729.81

limb 729.81

liver 573.8

lung 786.6

lymph nodes 785.6

mediastinal 786.6

mouth 784.2

muscle (limb) 729.81

neck 784.2

nose or sinus 784.2

palate 784.2

pelvis 789.3

penis 607.83

perineum 625.8

rectum 787.99

scrotum 608.86

skin 782.2

splenic (see also Splenomegaly) 789.2

substernal 786.6

superficial, localized (skin) 782.2

testicle 608.86

throat 784.2

toe 729.81

tongue 784.2

tubular (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

umbilicus 789.3

uterus 625.8

vagina 625.8

vulva 625.8

wandering, due to Gnathostoma (spinigerum) 128.1

white - see Tuberculosis, arthritis

Swift's disease 985.0


ear (acute) 380.12

itch 120.3

Swimming in the head 780.4

Swollen - see also Swelling

glands 785.6

Swyer-James syndrome (unilateral hyperlucent lung) 492.8

Swyer's syndrome (XY pure gonadal dysgenesis) 752.7

Sycosis 704.8

barbae (not parasitic) 704.8

contagiosa 110.0

lupoid 704.8

mycotic 110.0

parasitic 110.0

vulgaris 704.8

Sydenham's chorea - see Chorea, Sydenham's

Sylvatic yellow fever 060.0

Sylvest's disease (epidemic pleurodynia) 074.1

Symblepharon 372.63

congenital 743.62

Symonds' syndrome 348.2

Sympathetic - see condition

Sympatheticotonia (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

Sympathicoblastoma (M9500/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 194.0

Sympathicogonioma (M9500/3) - see Sympathicoblastoma

Sympathoblastoma (M9500/3) - see Sympathicoblastoma

Sympathogonioma (M9500/3) - see Sympathicoblastoma

Symphalangy (see also Syndactylism) 755.10

Symptoms, specified (general) NEC 780.99

abdomen NEC 789.9

bone NEC 733.90

breast NEC 611.79

cardiac NEC 785.9

cardiovascular NEC 785.9

chest NEC 786.9

development NEC 783.9

digestive system NEC 787.99

eye NEC 379.99

gastrointestinal tract NEC 787.99

genital organs NEC

female 625.9

male 608.9

head and neck NEC 784.99

heart NEC 785.9

joint NEC 719.60

ankle 719.67

elbow 719.62

foot 719.67

hand 719.64

hip 719.65

knee 719.66

multiple sites 719.69

pelvic region 719.65

shoulder (region) 719.61

specified site NEC 719.68

wrist 719.63

larynx NEC 784.99

limbs NEC 729.89

lymphatic system NEC 785.9

menopausal 627.2

metabolism NEC 783.9

mouth NEC 528.9

muscle NEC 728.9

musculoskeletal NEC 781.99

limbs NEC 729.89

nervous system NEC 781.99

neurotic NEC 300.9

nutrition, metabolism, and development NEC 783.9

pelvis NEC 789.9

female 625.9

peritoneum NEC 789.9

respiratory system NEC 786.9

skin and integument NEC 782.9

subcutaneous tissue NEC 782.9

throat NEC 784.99

tonsil NEC 784.99

urinary system NEC 788.9

vascular NEC 785.9

Sympus 759.89

Synarthrosis 719.80

ankle 719.87

elbow 719.82

foot 719.87

hand 719.84

hip 719.85

knee 719.86

multiple sites 719.89

pelvic region 719.85

shoulder (region) 719.81

specified site NEC 719.88

wrist 719.83

Syncephalus 759.4

Synchondrosis 756.9

abnormal (congenital) 756.9

ischiopubic (van Neck's) 732.1

Synchysis (senile) (vitreous humor) 379.21

scintillans 379.22

Syncope (near) (pre-) 780.2

anginosa 413.9

bradycardia 427.89

cardiac 780.2

carotid sinus 337.0

complicating delivery 669.2

due to lumbar puncture 349.0

fatal 798.1

heart 780.2

heat 992.1

laryngeal 786.2

tussive 786.2

vasoconstriction 780.2

vasodepressor 780.2

vasomotor 780.2

vasovagal 780.2

Syncytial infarct - see Placenta, abnormal

Syndactylism, syndactyly (multiple sites) 755.10

fingers (without fusion of bone) 755.11

with fusion of bone 755.12

toes (without fusion of bone) 755.13

with fusion of bone 755.14

Syndrome - see also Disease

5q minus 238.74


acute 789.0

migraine 346.2

muscle deficiency 756.79

Abercrombie's (amyloid degeneration) 277.39

abnormal innervation 374.43


alcohol 291.81

drug 292.0

Abt-Letterer-Siwe (acute histiocytosis X) (M9722/3) 202.5

Achard-Thiers (adrenogenital) 255.2

acid pulmonary aspiration 997.3

obstetric (Mendelson's) 668.0

acquired immune deficiency 042

acquired immunodeficiency 042

acrocephalosyndactylism 755.55

acute abdominal 789.0

acute chest 517.3

acute coronary 411.1

Adair-Dighton (brittle bones and blue sclera, deafness) 756.51

Adams-Stokes (-Morgagni) (syncope with heart block) 426.9

Addisonian 255.41

Adie (-Holmes) (pupil) 379.46

adiposogenital 253.8


hemorrhage 036.3

meningococcic 036.3

adrenocortical 255.3

adrenogenital (acquired) (congenital) 255.2

feminizing 255.2

iatrogenic 760.79

virilism (acquired) (congenital) 255.2

affective organic NEC 293.89

drug-induced 292.84

afferent loop NEC 537.89

African macroglobulinemia 273.3

Ahumada-Del Castillo (nonpuerperal galactorrhea and amenorrhea) 253.1

air blast concussion - see Injury, internal, by site

Alagille 759.89

Albright (-Martin) (pseudohypoparathyroidism) 275.49

Albright-McCune-Sternberg (osteitis fibrosa disseminata) 756.59

alcohol withdrawal 291.81

Alder's (leukocyte granulation anomaly) 288.2

Aldrich (-Wiskott) (eczema-thrombocytopenia) 279.12

Alibert-Bazin (mycosis fungoides) (M9700/3) 202.1

Alice in Wonderland 293.89

Allen-Masters 620.6

Alligator baby (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1

Alport's (hereditary hematuria-nephropathy-deafness) 759.89

Alvarez (transient cerebral ischemia) 435.9

alveolar capillary block 516.3

Alzheimer's 331.0

with dementia - see Alzheimer's, dementia

amnestic (confabulatory) 294.0

alcohol-induced persisting 291.1

drug-induced 292.83

posttraumatic 294.0

amotivational 292.89

amyostatic 275.1

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 335.20

androgen insensitivity 259.5

Angelman 759.89

angina (see also Angina) 413.9

ankyloglossia superior 750.0


chest wall 786.52

compartment (tibial) 958.8

spinal artery 433.8

compression 721.1

tibial (compartment) 958.8

antibody deficiency 279.00

agammaglobulinemic 279.00

congenital 279.04

hypogammaglobulinemic 279.00

anticardiolipin antibody 795.79

antimongolism 758.39

antiphospholipid antibody 795.79

Anton (-Babinski) (hemiasomatognosia) 307.9

anxiety (see also Anxiety) 300.00

organic 293.84


arch 446.7

bifurcation (occlusion) 444.0

ring 747.21

Apert's (acrocephalosyndactyly) 755.55

Apert-Gallais (adrenogenital) 255.2

aphasia-apraxia-alexia 784.69

apical ballooning 429.83

"approximate answers" 300.16

arcuate ligament (-celiac axis) 447.4

arcus aortae 446.7

arc welders' 370.24

argentaffin, argintaffinoma 259.2

Argonz-Del Castillo (nonpuerperal galactorrhea and amenorrhea) 253.1

Argyll Robertson's (syphilitic) 094.89

nonsyphilitic 379.45

arm-shoulder (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

Armenian 277.31

Arnold-Chiari (see also Spina bifida) 741.0

type I 348.4

type II 741.0

type III 742.0

type IV 742.2

Arrillaga-Ayerza (pulmonary artery sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension) 416.0

arteriomesenteric duodenum occlusion 537.89

arteriovenous steal 996.73

arteritis, young female (obliterative brachiocephalic) 446.7

aseptic meningitis - see Meningitis, aseptic

Asherman's 621.5

Asperger's 299.8

asphyctic (see also Anxiety) 300.00

aspiration, of newborn (massive) 770.18

meconium 770.12

ataxia-telangiectasia 334.8

Audry's (acropachyderma) 757.39

auriculotemporal 350.8

autosomal - see also Abnormal, autosomes NEC

deletion 758.39

5p 758.31

22q11.2 758.32

Avellis' 344.89

Axenfeld's 743.44

Ayerza (-Arrillaga) (pulmonary artery sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension) 416.0

Baader's (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.1

Baastrup's 721.5

Babinski (-Vaquez) (cardiovascular syphilis) 093.89

Babinski-Fr�hlich (adiposogenital dystrophy) 253.8

Babinski-Nageotte 344.89

Bagratuni's (temporal arteritis) 446.5

Bakwin-Krida (craniometaphyseal dysplasia) 756.89

Balint's (psychic paralysis of visual disorientation) 368.16

Ballantyne (-Runge) (postmaturity) 766.22

ballooning posterior leaflet 424.0

Banti's - see Cirrhosis, liver

Bard-Pic's (carcinoma, head of pancreas) 157.0

Bardet-Biedl (obesity, polydactyly, and mental retardation) 759.89

Barlow's (mitral valve prolapse) 424.0

Barlow (-M�ller) (infantile scurvy) 267

Baron Munchausen's 301.51

Barr�-Guillain 357.0

Barr�-Li�ou (posterior cervical sympathetic) 723.2

Barrett's (chronic peptic ulcer of esophagus) 530.85

B�rsony-P�lgar (corkscrew esophagus) 530.5

B�rsony-Teschendorf (corkscrew esophagus) 530.5

Barth 759.89

Bartter's (secondary hyperaldosteronism with juxtaglomerular hyperplasia) 255.13

Basedow's (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0

basilar artery 435.0

basofrontal 377.04

Bassen-Kornzweig (abetalipoproteinemia) 272.5

Batten-Steinert 359.21


adult 995.81

baby or child 995.54

spouse 995.81

Baumgarten-Cruveilhier (cirrhosis of liver) 571.5

Beals 759.82

Bearn-Kunkel (-Slater) (lupoid hepatitis) 571.49

Beau's (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

Bechterew-Str�mpell-Marie (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0

Beck's (anterior spinal artery occlusion) 433.8

Beckwith (-Wiedemann) 759.89

Beh�et's 136.1

Bekhterev-Str�mpell-Marie (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0

Benedikt's 344.89

B�quez C�sar (-Steinbrinck-Ch�diak-Higashi) (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules) 288.2

Bernard-Horner (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

Bernard-Sergent (acute adrenocortical insufficiency) 255.41

Bernhardt-Roth 355.1

Bernheim's (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

Bertolotti's (sacralization of fifth lumbar vertebra) 756.15

Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann (sarcoidosis) 135

Bianchi's (aphasia-apraxia-alexia syndrome) 784.69

Biedl-Bardet (obesity, polydactyly, and mental retardation) 759.89

Biemond's (obesity, polydactyly, and mental retardation) 759.89

big spleen 289.4

bilateral polycystic ovarian 256.4

Bing-Horton's 346.2

Bi�rck (-Thorson) (malignant carcinoid) 259.2

Blackfan-Diamond (congenital hypoplastic anemia) 284.01

black lung 500

black widow spider bite 989.5

bladder neck (see also Incontinence, urine) 788.30

blast (concussion) - see Blast, injury

blind loop (postoperative) 579.2

Block-Siemens (incontinentia pigmenti) 757.33

Bloch-Sulzberger (incontinentia pigmenti) 757.33

Bloom (-Machacek) (-Torre) 757.39

Blount-Barber (tibia vara) 732.4


bloater 491.20


acute bronchitis 491.22

exacerbation (acute) 491.21

diaper 270.0

drum 381.02

sclera 756.51

toe 445.02

Boder-Sedgwick (ataxia-telangiectasia) 334.8

Boerhaave's (spontaneous esophageal rupture) 530.4

Bonnevie-Ullrich 758.6

Bonnier's 386.19

Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann 759.89

Bouillaud's (rheumatic heart disease) 391.9

Bourneville (-Pringle) (tuberous sclerosis) 759.5

Bouveret (-Hoffmann) (paroxysmal tachycardia) 427.2

brachial plexus 353.0

Brachman-de Lange (Amsterdam dwarf, mental retardation, and brachycephaly) 759.89

bradycardia-tachycardia 427.81

Brailsford-Morquio (dystrophy) (mucopolysaccharidosis IV) 277.5

brain (acute) (chronic) (nonpsychotic) (organic) (with behavioral reaction) (with neurotic reaction) 310.9


presenile brain disease (see also Dementia, presenile) 290.10

psychosis, psychotic reaction (see also Psychosis, organic) 294.9

chronic alcoholic 291.2

congenital (see also Retardation, mental) 319

postcontusional 310.2


nonpsychotic 310.2

psychotic 293.9

acute 293.0

chronic (see also Psychosis, organic) 294.8

subacute 293.1

psycho-organic (see also Syndrome, psycho-organic) 310.9

psychotic (see also Psychosis, organic) 294.9

senile (see also Dementia, senile) 290.0

branchial arch 744.41

Brandt's (acrodermatitis enteropathica) 686.8

Brennemann's 289.2

Briquet's 300.81

Brissaud-Meige (infantile myxedema) 244.9

broad ligament laceration 620.6

Brock's (atelectasis due to enlarged lymph nodes) 518.0

broken heart 429.83

Brown's tendon sheath 378.61

Brown-S�quard 344.89

brown spot 756.59

Brugada 746.89

Brugsch's (acropachyderma) 757.39

bubbly lung 770.7

Buchem's (hyperostosis corticalis) 733.3

Budd-Chiari (hepatic vein thrombosis) 453.0

B�dinger-Ludloff-L�wen 717.89

bulbar 335.22

lateral (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

Bullis fever 082.8

bundle of Kent (anomalous atrioventricular excitation) 426.7

B�rger-Grutz (essential familial hyperlipemia) 272.3

Burke's (pancreatic insufficiency and chronic neutropenia) 577.8

Burnett's (milk-alkali) 275.42

Burnier's (hypophyseal dwarfism) 253.3

burning feet 266.2

Bywaters' 958.5

Caffey's (infantile cortical hyperostosis) 756.59

Calv�-Legg-Perthes (osteochrondrosis, femoral capital) 732.1

Caplan (-Colinet) syndrome 714.81

capsular thrombosis (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein (CDGS) 271.8

carcinogenic thrombophlebitis 453.1

carcinoid 259.2

cardiac asthma (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1

cardiacos negros 416.0

cardiopulmonary obesity 278.8

cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90

cardiorespiratory distress (idiopathic), newborn 769

cardiovascular renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90

cardiovasorenal 272.7

Carini's (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1


artery (internal) 435.8

body or sinus 337.0

carpal tunnel 354.0

Carpenter's 759.89

Cassidy (-Scholte) (malignant carcinoid) 259.2

cat-cry 758.31

cauda equina 344.60

causalgia 355.9

lower limb 355.71

upper limb 354.4

cavernous sinus 437.6

celiac 579.0

artery compression 447.4

axis 447.4

central pain 338.0

cerebellomedullary malformation (see also Spina bifida) 741.0

cerebral gigantism 253.0

cerebrohepatorenal 759.89

cervical (root) (spine) NEC 723.8

disc 722.71

posterior, sympathetic 723.2

rib 353.0

sympathetic paralysis 337.0

traumatic (acute) NEC 847.0

cervicobrachial (diffuse) 723.3

cervicocranial 723.2

cervicodorsal outlet 353.2

C�stan's 344.89

C�stan (-Raymond) 433.8

C�stan-Chenais 344.89

chancriform 114.1

Charc�t's (intermittent claudication) 443.9

angina cruris 443.9

due to atherosclerosis 440.21

Charc�t-Marie-Tooth 356.1

Charc�t-Weiss-Baker 337.0

CHARGE association 759.89

Cheadle (-M�ller) (-Barlow) (infantile scurvy) 267

Ch�diak-Higashi (-Steinbrinck) (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules) 288.2

chest wall 786.52

Chiari's (hepatic vein thrombosis) 453.0

Chiari-Frommel 676.6

chiasmatic 368.41

Chilaiditi's (subphrenic displacement, colon) 751.4

chondroectodermal dysplasia 756.55

chorea-athetosis-agitans 275.1

Christian's (chronic histiocytosis X) 277.89

chromosome 4 short arm deletion 758.39

chronic pain 338.4

Churg-Strauss 446.4

Clarke-Hadfield (pancreatic infantilism) 577.8

Claude's 352.6

Claude Bernard-Horner (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9


automatism 348.8

erotomania 297.8

Clifford's (postmaturity) 766.22

climacteric 627.2

Clouston's (hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia) 757.31

clumsiness 315.4

Cockayne's (microencephaly and dwarfism) 759.89

Cockayne-Weber (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39

Coffin-Lowry 759.89

Cogan's (nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis) 370.52

cold injury (newborn) 778.2

Collet (-Sicard) 352.6

combined immunity deficiency 279.2

compartment(al) (anterior) (deep) (posterior) 958.8


abdomen 729.73

arm 729.71

buttock 729.72

fingers 729.71

foot 729.72

forearm 729.71

hand 729.71

hip 729.72

leg 729.72

lower extremity 729.72

shoulder 729.71

specified site NEC 729.79

thigh 729.72

toes 729.72

upper extremity 729.71

wrist 729.71

traumatic 958.90

abdomen 958.93

arm 958.91

buttock 958.92

fingers 958.91

foot 958.92

forearm 958.91

hand 958.91

hip 958.92

leg 958.92

lower extremity 958.92

shoulder 958.91

specified site NEC 958.99

thigh 958.92

tibial 958.92

toes 958.92

upper extremity 958.91

wrist 958.91

compression 958.5

cauda equina 344.60

with neurogenic bladder 344.61

concussion 310.2


affecting more than one system 759.7

specified type NEC 759.89

congenital central alveolar hypoventilation 327.25

facial diplegia 352.6

muscular hypertrophy-cerebral 759.89

congestion-fibrosis (pelvic) 625.5

conjunctivourethrosynovial 099.3

Conn (-Louis) (primary aldosteronism) 255.12

Conradi (-H�nermann) (chondrodysplasia calcificans congenita) 756.59

conus medullaris 336.8

Cooke-Apert-Gallais (adrenogenital) 255.2

Cornelia de Lange's (Amsterdam dwarf, mental retardation, and brachycephaly) 759.8

coronary insufficiency or intermediate 411.1

cor pulmonale 416.9

corticosexual 255.2

Costen's (complex) 524.60

costochondral junction 733.6

costoclavicular 353.0

costovertebral 253.0

Cotard's (paranoia) 297.1

Cowden 759.6

craniovertebral 723.2

Creutzfeldt-Jakob (new variant) 046.1

with dementia

with behavioral disturbance 046.1 [294.11]

without behavioral disturbance 046.1 [294.10]

crib death 798.0

cricopharyngeal 787.20

cri-du-chat 758.31

Crigler-Najjar (congenital hyperbilirubinemia) 277.4

crocodile tears 351.8

Cronkhite-Canada 211.3

croup 464.4

CRST (cutaneous systemic sclerosis) 710.1

crush 958.5

crushed lung (see also Injury, internal, lung) 861.20

Cruveilhier-Baumgarten (cirrhosis of liver) 571.5

cubital tunnel 354.2

Cuiffini-Pancoast (M8010/3) (carcinoma, pulmonary apex) 162.3

Curschmann (-Batten) (-Steinert) 359.21

Cushing's (iatrogenic) (idiopathic) (pituitary basophilism) (pituitary-dependent) 255.0

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0

Cyriax's (slipping rib) 733.99

cystic duct stump 576.0

Da Costa's (neurocirculatory asthenia) 306.2

Dameshek's (erythroblastic anemia) 282.49

Dana-Putnam (subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) 281.0 [336.2]

Danbolt (-Closs) (acrodermatitis enteropathica) 686.8

Dandy-Walker (atresia, foramen of Magendie) 742.3

with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0

Danlos' 756.83

Davies-Colley (slipping rib) 733.99

dead fetus 641.3

defeminization 255.2

defibrination (see also Fibrinolysis) 286.6

Degos' 447.8

Deiters' nucleus 386.19

D�j�rine-Roussy 338.0

D�j�rine-Thomas 333.0

de Lange's (Amsterdam dwarf, mental retardation, and brachycephaly) (Cornelia) 759.89

Del Castillo's (germinal aplasia) 606.0

deletion chromosomes 758.39


induced by drug 292.11

dementia-aphonia, of childhood (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.1

demyelinating NEC 341.9

denial visual hallucination 307.9

depersonalization 300.6

Dercum's (adiposis dolorosa) 272.8

de Toni-Fanconi (-Debre) (cystinosis) 270.0

diabetes-dwarfism-obesity (juvenile) 258.1

diabetes mellitus-hypertension-nephrosis 250.4 [581.81]

diabetes mellitus in newborn infant 775.1

diabetes-nephrosis 250.4 [581.81]

diabetic amyotrophy 250.6 [353.1]

Diamond-Blackfan (congenital hypoplastic anemia) 284.01

Diamond-Gardener (autoerythrocyte sensitization) 287.2

DIC (diffuse or disseminated intravascular coagulopathy) (see also Fibrinolysis) 286.6

diencephalohypophyseal NEC 253.8

diffuse cervicobrachial 723.3

diffuse obstructive pulmonary 496

DiGeorge's (thymic hypoplasia) 279.11

Dighton's 756.51

Di Guglielmo's (erythremic myelosis) (M9841/3) 207.0

disequilibrium 276.9

disseminated platelet thrombosis 446.6

Ditthomska 307.81

Doan-Wiseman (primary splenic neutropenia) 289.53

D�hle body-panmyelopathic 288.2

Donohue's (leprechaunism) 259.8

dorsolateral medullary (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

double athetosis 333.71

double whammy 360.81

Down's (mongolism) 758.0

Dresbach's (elliptocytosis) 282.1

Dressler's (postmyocardial infarction) 411.0

hemoglobinuria 283.2

postcardiotomy 429.4

drug withdrawal, infant, of dependent mother 779.5

dry skin 701.1

eye 375.15

DSAP (disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis) 692.75

Duane's (retraction) 378.71

Duane-Stilling-T�rk (ocular retraction syndrome) 378.71

Dubin-Johnson (constitutional hyperbilirubinemia) 277.4

Dubin-Sprinz (constitutional hyperbilirubinemia) 277.4

Duchenne's 335.22

due to abnormality

autosomal NEC (see also Abnormal, autosomes NEC) 758.5

13 758.1

18 758.2

21 or 22 758.0

D1 758.1

E3 758.2

G 758.0

chromosomal 758.89

sex 758.81

dumping 564.2

nonsurgical 536.8

Duplay's 726.2

Dupr�'s (meningism) 781.6

Dyke-Young (acquired macrocytic hemolytic anemia) 283.9

dyspraxia 315.4

dystocia, dystrophia 654.9

Eagle-Barret 756.71

Eales' 362.18

Eaton-Lambert (see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant) 199.1 [358.1]

Ebstein's (downward displacement, tricuspid valve into right ventricle) 746.2

ectopic ACTH secretion 255.0

eczema-thrombocytopenia 279.12

Eddowes' (brittle bones and blue sclera) 756.51

Edwards' 758.2

efferent loop 537.89

effort (aviators') (psychogenic) 306.2

Ehlers-Danlos 756.83

Eisenmenger's (ventricular septal defect) 745.4

Ekbom's (restless legs) 333.94

Ekman's (brittle bones and blue sclera) 756.51

electric feet 266.2

Elephant man 237.71

Ellison-Zollinger (gastric hypersecretion with pancreatic islet cell tumor) 251.5

Ellis-van Creveld (chondroectodermal dysplasia) 756.55

embryonic fixation 270.2

empty sella (turcica) 253.8

endocrine-hypertensive 255.3

Engel-von Recklinghausen (osteitis fibrosa cystica) 252.01

enteroarticular 099.3

entrapment - see Neuropathy, entrapment

eosinophilia myalgia 710.5

epidemic vomiting 078.82

Epstein's - see Nephrosis

Erb (-Oppenheim)-Goldflam 358.00

Erdheim's (acromegalic macrospondylitis) 253.0

Erlacher-Blount (tibia vara) 732.4

erythrocyte fragmentation 283.19

euthyroid sick 790.94

Evans' (thrombocytopenic purpura) 287.32

excess cortisol, iatrogenic 255.0

exhaustion 300.5

extrapyramidal 333.90

eyelid-malar-mandible 756.0

eye retraction 378.71

Faber's (achlorhydric anemia) 280.9

Fabry (-Anderson) (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) 272.7

facet 724.8

Fallot's 745.2

falx (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431

familial eczema-thrombocytopenia 279.12

Fanconi's (anemia) (congenital pancytopenia) 284.09

Fanconi (-de Toni) (-Debr�) (cystinosis) 270.0

Farber (-Uzman) (disseminated lipogranulomatosis) 272.8

fatigue NEC 300.5

chronic 780.71

faulty bowel habit (idiopathic megacolon) 564.7

FDH (focal dermal hypoplasia) 757.39

fecal reservoir 560.39

Feil-Klippel (brevicollis) 756.16

Felty's (rheumatoid arthritis with splenomegaly and leukopenia) 714.1

fertile eunuch 257.2

fetal alcohol 760.71

late effect 760.71

fibrillation-flutter 427.32

fibrositis (periarticular) 729.0

Fiedler's (acute isolated myocarditis) 422.91

Fiessinger-Leroy (-Reiter) 099.3

Fiessinger-Rendu (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.1

first arch 756.0

Fisher's 357.0

fish odor 270.8

Fitz's (acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis) 577.0

Fitz-Hugh and Curtis 098.86

due to

Chlamydia trachomatis 099.56

Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcal peritonitis) 098.86

Flajani (-Basedow) (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0


infant 781.99

iris 364.81

valve (mitral) 424.0

flush 259.2

Foix-Alajouanine 336.1

Fong's (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia) 756.89

foramen magnum 348.4

Forbes-Albright (nonpuerperal amenorrhea and lactation associated with pituitary tumor) 253.1

Foster-Kennedy 377.04

Foville's (peduncular) 344.89

fragile X 759.83

Franceschetti's (mandibulofacial dysostosis) 756.0

Fraser's 759.89

Freeman-Sheldon 759.89

Frey's (auriculotemporal) 705.22

Friderichsen-Waterhouse 036.3

Friedrich-Erb-Arnold (acropachyderma) 757.39

Fr�hlich's (adiposogenital dystrophy) 253.8

Froin's 336.8

Frommel-Chiari 676.6

frontal lobe 310.0

Fukuhara 277.87

Fuller Albright's (osteitis fibrosa disseminata) 756.59


bowel 564.9

prepubertal castrate 752.89

Gaisb�ck's (polycythemia hypertonica) 289.0

ganglion (basal, brain) 333.90

geniculi 351.1

Ganser's, hysterical 300.16

Gardner-Diamond (autoerythrocyte sensitization) 287.2

gastroesophageal junction 530.0

gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhage 530.7

gastrojejunal loop obstruction 537.89

Gayet-Wernicke's (superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis) 265.1

Gee-Herter-Heubner (nontropical sprue) 579.0

G�lineau's (see also Narcolepsy) 347.00

genito-anorectal 099.1

Gerhardt's (vocal cord paralysis) 478.30

Gerstmann's (finger agnosia) 784.69

Gianotti Crosti 057.8

due to known virus- see Infection, virus

due to unknown virus 057.8

Gilbert's 277.4

Gilford (-Hutchinson) (progeria) 259.8

Gilles de la Tourette's 307.23

Gillespie's (dysplasia oculodentodigitalis) 759.89

Gl�nard's (enteroptosis) 569.89

Glinski-Simmonds (pituitary cachexia) 253.2

glucuronyl transferase 277.4

glue ear 381.20

Goldberg (-Maxwell) (-Morris) (testicular feminization) 259.5

Goldenhar's (oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia) 756.0

Goldflam-Erb 358.00

Goltz-Gorlin (dermal hypoplasia) 757.39

Goodpasture's (pneumorenal) 446.21

Good's 279.06

Gopalan's (burning feet) 266.2

Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss 759.89

Gougerot (-Houwer)-Sj�gren (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) 710.2

Gougerot-Blum (pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis) 709.1

Gougerot-Carteaud (confluent reticulate papillomatosis) 701.8

Gouley's (constrictive pericarditis) 423.2

Gowers' (vasovagal attack) 780.2

Gowers-Paton-Kennedy 377.04

Gradenigo's 383.02

Gray or grey (chloramphenicol) (newborn) 779.4

Greig's (hypertelorism) 756.0

Gubler-Millard 344.89

Gu�rin-Stern (arthrogryposis multiplex congenita) 754.89

Guillain-Barr� (-Strohl) 357.0

Gunn's (jaw-winking syndrome) 742.8

G�nther's (congenital erythropoietic porphyria) 277.1

gustatory sweating 350.8

H3O 759.81

Hadfield-Clarke (pancreatic infantilism) 577.8

Haglund-L�wen-Fr�nd 717.89

hair tourniquet - see also Injury, superficial, by site

finger 915.8

infected 915.9

penis 911.8

infected 911.9

toe 917.8

infected 917.9

hairless women 257.8

Hallermann-Strieff 756.0

Hallervorden-Spatz 333.0

Hamman's (spontaneous mediastinal emphysema) 518.1

Hamman-Rich (diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis) 516.3

Hand-Sch�ller-Christian (chronic histiocytosis X) 277.89

hand-foot 693.0

Hanot-Chauffard (-Troisier) (bronze diabetes) 275.0

Harada's 363.22

Hare's (M8010/3) (carcinoma, pulmonary apex) 162.3

Harkavy's 446.0

harlequin color change 779.89

Harris' (organic hyperinsulinism) 251.1

Hart's (pellagra-cerebellar ataxia-renal aminoaciduria) 270.0

Hayem-Faber (achlorhydric anemia) 280.9

Hayem-Widal (acquired hemolytic jaundice) 283.9

Heberden's (angina pectoris) 413.9

Hedinger's (malignant carcinoid) 259.2

Hegglin's 288.2

Heller's (infantile psychosis) (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.1

H.E.L.L.P 642.5

hemolytic-uremic (adult) (child) 283.11

hemophagocytic 288.4

infection-associated 288.4

Hench-Rosenberg (palindromic arthritis) (see also Rheumatism, palindromic) 719.3

Henoch-Sch�nlein (allergic purpura) 287.0

hepatic flexure 569.89

hepatorenal 572.4

due to a procedure 997.4

following delivery 674.8

hepatourologic 572.4

Herrick's (hemoglobin S disease) 282.61

Herter (-Gee) (nontropical sprue) 579.0

Heubner-Herter (nontropical sprue) 579.0

Heyd's (hepatorenal) 572.4

HHHO 759.81

high grade myelodysplastic 238.73

with 5q deletion 238.73

Hilger's 337.0

histiocytic 288.4

Hoffa (-Kastert) (liposynovitis prepatellaris) 272.8

Hoffmann's 244.9 [359.5]

Hoffmann-Bouveret (paroxysmal tachycardia) 427.2

Hoffmann-Werdnig 335.0

Holl�nder-Simons (progressive lipodystrophy) 272.6

Holmes' (visual disorientation) 368.16

Holmes-Adie 379.46

Hoppe-Goldflam 358.00

Horner's (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

traumatic - see Injury, nerve, cervical sympathetic

hospital addiction 301.51

Hunt's (herpetic geniculate ganglionitis) 053.11

dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica 334.2

Hunter (-Hurler) (mucopolysaccharidosis II) 277.5

hunterian glossitis 529.4

Hurler (-Hunter) (mucopolysaccharidosis II) 277.5

Hutchinson's incisors or teeth 090.5

Hutchinson-Boeck (sarcoidosis) 135

Hutchinson-Gilford (progeria) 259.8


correct substance properly administered 695.4

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 972.6

hydraulic concussion (abdomen) (see also Injury, internal, abdomen) 868.00

hyperabduction 447.8

hyperactive bowel 564.9

hyperaldosteronism with hypokalemic alkalosis (Bartter's) 255.13

hypercalcemic 275.42

hypercoagulation NEC 289.89

hypereosinophilic (idiopathic) 288.3

hyperkalemic 276.7

hyperkinetic - see also Hyperkinesia heart 429.82

hyperlipemia-hemolytic anemia-icterus 571.1

hypermobility 728.5

hypernatremia 276.0

hyperosmolarity 276.0

hyperperfusion 997.01

hypersomnia-bulimia 349.89

hypersplenic 289.4

hypersympathetic (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

hypertransfusion, newborn 776.4

hyperventilation, psychogenic 306.1

hyperviscosity (of serum) NEC 273.3

polycythemic 289.0

sclerothymic 282.8

hypoglycemic (familial) (neonatal) 251.2

functional 251.1

hypokalemic 276.8

hypophyseal 253.8

hypophyseothalamic 253.8

hypopituitarism 253.2

hypoplastic left heart 746.7

hypopotassemia 276.8

hyposmolality 276.1

hypotension, maternal 669.2

hypothenar hammer 443.89

hypotonia-hypomentia-hypogonadism-obesity 759.81

ICF (intravascular coagulation-fibrinolysis) (see also Fibrinolysis) 286.6

idiopathic cardiorespiratory distress, newborn 769

idiopathic nephrotic (infantile) 581.9

iliotibial band 728.89

Imerslund (-Gr�sbeck) (anemia due to familial selective vitamin B12 malabsorption) 281.1

immobility (paraplegic) 728.3

immunity deficiency, combined 279.2

impending coronary 411.1


shoulder 726.2

vertebral bodies 724.4

inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 253.6


mandibulofacial 756.0


death, sudden (SIDS) 798.0

Hercules 255.2

of diabetic mother 775.0

shaken 995.55

infantilism 253.3

inferior vena cava 459.2

influenza-like 487.1

inspissated bile, newborn 774.4

insufficient sleep 307.44

intermediate coronary (artery) 411.1

internal carotid artery (see also Occlusion, artery, carotid) 433.1

interspinous ligament 724.8


carcinoid 259.2

gas 787.3

knot 560.2

intraoperative floppy iris (IFIS) 364.81


coagulation-fibrinolysis (ICF) (see also Fibrinolysis) 286.6

coagulopathy (see also Fibrinolysis) 286.6

inverted Marfan's 759.89

IRDS (idiopathic respiratory distress, newborn) 769


bowel 564.1

heart 306.2

weakness 300.5

ischemic bowel (transient) 557.9

chronic 557.1

due to mesenteric artery insufficiency 557.1

Itsenko-Cushing (pituitary basophilism) 255.0

IVC (intravascular coagulopathy) (see also Fibrinolysis) 286.6

Ivemark's (asplenia with congenital heart disease) 759.0

Jaccoud's 714.4

Jackson's 344.89

Jadassohn-Lewandowski (pachyonchia congenita) 757.5

Jaffe-Lichtenstein (-Uehlinger) 252.01

Jahnke's (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

Jakob-Creutzfeldt (new variant) 046.1

with dementia

with behavioral disturbance 046.1 [294.11]

without behavioral disturbance 046.1 [294.10]

Jaksch's (pseudoleukemia infantum) 285.8

Jaksch-Hayem (-Luzet) (pseudoleukemia infantum) 285.8

jaw-winking 742.8

jejunal 564.2

Jervell-Lange-Nielsen 426.82

jet lag 327.35

Jeune's (asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy of newborn) 756.4

Job's (chronic granulomatous disease) 288.1

Jordan's 288.2

Joseph-Diamond-Blackfan (congenital hypoplastic anemia) 284.01

Joubert 759.89

jugular foramen 352.6

Kabuki 759.89

Kahler's (multiple myeloma) (M9730/3) 203.0

Kalischer's (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

Kallmann's (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with anosmia) 253.4

Kanner's (autism) (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.0

Kartagener's (sinusitis, bronchiectasis, situs inversus) 759.3

Kasabach-Merritt (capillary hemangioma associated with thrombocytopenic purpura) 287.39

Kast's (dyschondroplasia with hemangiomas) 756.4

Kaznelson's (congenital hypoplastic anemia) 284.01

Kearns-Sayre 277.87

Kelly's (sideropenic dysphagia) 280.8

Kimmelstiel-Wilson (intercapillary glomerulosclerosis) 250.4 [581.81]

Klauder's (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.1

Klein-Waardenburg (ptosis-epicanthus) 270.2

Kleine-Levin 327.13

Klinefelter's 758.7

Klippel-Feil (brevicollis) 756.16

Klippel-Trenaunay 759.89

Klumpke (-D�j�rine) (injury to brachial plexus at birth) 767.6

Kl�ver-Bucy (-Terzian) 310.0

K�hler-Pelligrini-Stieda (calcification, knee joint) 726.62

K�nig's 564.89

Korsakoff's (nonalcoholic) 294.0

alcoholic 291.1

Korsakoff (-Wernicke) (nonalcoholic) 294.0

alcoholic 291.1

Kostmann's (infantile genetic agranulocytosis) 288.01


congenital muscle hypoplasia 756.89

cutaneocerebral angioma 759.6

Kunkel (lupoid hepatitis) 571.49

labyrinthine 386.50

laceration, broad ligament 620.6

Langdon Down (mongolism) 758.0

Larsen's (flattened facies and multiple congenital dislocations) 755.8


cutaneous nerve of thigh 355.1

medullary (see also Disease, cerebrovascular acute) 436

Launois' (pituitary gigantism) 253.0

Launois-Cl�ret (adiposogenital dystrophy) 253.8

Laurence-Moon (-Bardet)-Biedl (obesity, polydactyly, and mental retardation) 759.89

Lawford's (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6


leukocyte 288.09

posture 728.3

Lederer-Brill (acquired infectious hemolytic anemia) 283.19

Legg-Calv�-Perthes (osteochondrosis capital femoral) 732.1

Lemiere 451.89

Lennox-Gastaut syndrome 345.0

with tonic seizures 345.1

Lennox's (see also Epilepsy) 345.0

lenticular 275.1

L�opold-L�vi's (paroxysmal thyroid instability) 242.9

Lepore hemoglobin 282.49

L�ri-Weill 756.59

Leriche's (aortic bifurcation occlusion) 444.0

Lermoyez's (see also Disease, M�ni�re's) 386.00

Lesch-Nyhan (hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphroibosyltransferase deficiency) 277.2

Lev's (acquired complete heart block) 426.0

Levi's (pituitary dwarfism) 253.3

L�vy-Roussy 334.3

Lichtheim's (subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) 281.0 [336.2]

Li-Fraumeni V84.01

Lightwood's (renal tubular acidosis) 588.89

Lignac (-de Toni) (-Fanconi) (-Debr�) (cystinosis) 270.0

Likoff's (angina in menopausal women) 413.9

liver-kidney 572.4

Lloyd's 258.1

lobotomy 310.0

L�ffler's (eosinophilic pneumonitis) 518.3

L�fgren's (sarcoidosis) 135

long arm 18 or 21 deletion 758.39

Looser (-Debray)-Milkman (osteomalacia with pseudofractures) 268.2

Lorain-Levi (pituitary dwarfism) 253.3

Louis-Bar (ataxia-telangiectasia) 334.8


atmospheric pressure 993.2

back 724.2

psychogenic 306.0

output (cardiac) (see also Failure, heart) 428.9

Lowe's (oculocerebrorenal dystrophy) 270.8

Lowe-Terrey-MacLachlan (oculocerebrorenal dystrophy) 270.8

lower radicular, newborn 767.4

Lown (-Ganong)-Levine (short P-R internal, normal QRS complex, and supraventricular tachycardia) 426.81

Lucey-Driscoll (jaundice due to delayed conjugation) 774.30

Luetscher's (dehydration) 276.51

lumbar vertebral 724.4

Lutembacher's (atrial septal defect with mitral stenosis) 745.5

Lyell's (toxic epidermal necrolysis) 695.1

due to drug

correct substance properly administered 695.1

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 977.9

specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

MacLeod's 492.8

macrogenitosomia praecox 259.8

macroglobulinemia 273.3

macrophage activation288.4

Maffucci's (dyschondroplasia with hemangiomas) 756.4

Magenblase 306.4

magnesium-deficiency 781.7

malabsorption 579.9

postsurgical 579.3

spinal fluid 331.3

Mal de Debarquement 780.4

malignant carcinoid 259.2

Mallory-Weiss 530.7

mandibulofacial dysostosis 756.0

manic-depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80

Mankowsky's (familial dysplastic osteopathy) 731.2

maple syrup (urine) 270.3

Marable's (celiac artery compression) 447.4

Marchesani (-Weill) (brachymorphism and ectopia lentis) 759.89

Marchiafava-Bignami 341.8

Marchiafava-Micheli (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria) 283.2

Marcus Gunn's (jaw-winking syndrome) 742.8

Marfan's (arachnodactyly) 759.82

meaning congenital syphilis 090.49

with luxation of lens 090.49 [379.32]

Marie's (acromegaly) 253.0

primary or idiopathic (acropachyderma) 757.39

secondary (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) 731.2

Markus-Adie 379.46

Maroteaux-Lamy (mucopolysaccharidosis VI) 277.5

Martin's 715.27

Martin-Albright (pseudohypoparathyroidism) 275.49

Martorell-Fabr� (pulseless disease) 446.7

massive aspiration of newborn 770.18

Masters-Allen 620.6

mastocytosis 757.33

maternal hypotension 669.2

maternal obesity 646.1

May (-Hegglin) 288.2

McArdle (-Schmid) (-Pearson) (glycogenosis V) 271.0

McCune-Albright (osteitis fibrosa disseminata) 756.59

McQuarrie's (idiopathic familial hypoglycemia) 251.2


aspiration 770.12

plug (newborn) NEC 777.1

median arcuate ligament 447.4

mediastinal fibrosis 519.3

Meekeren-Ehlers-Danlos 756.83

Meige (blepharospasm-oromandibular dystonia) 333.82

-Milroy (chronic hereditary edema) 757.0

MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes ) 277.87

Melkersson (-Rosenthal) 351.8

MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia)

type I 258.01

type IIA 258.02

type IIB 258.03

Mende's (ptosis-epicanthus) 270.2

Mendelson's (resulting from a procedure) 997.3

during labor 668.0

obstetric 668.0

M�n�trier's (hypertrophic gastritis) 535.2

M�ni�re's (see also Disease, M�ni�re's) 386.00

meningo-eruptive 047.1

Menkes' 759.89

glutamic acid 759.89

maple syrup (urine) disease 270.3

menopause 627.2

postartificial 627.4

menstruation 625.4

MERRF (myoclonus with epilepsy and with ragged red fibers) 277.87


artery, superior 557.1

vascular insufficiency (with gangrene) 557.1

metabolic 277.7

metastatic carcinoid 259.2

Meyenburg-Altherr-Uehlinger 733.99

Meyer-Schwickerath and Weyers (dysplasia oculodentodigitalis) 759.89

Micheli-Rietti (thalassemia minor) 282.49

Michotte's 721.5

micrognathia-glossoptosis 756.0

microphthalmos (congenital) 759.89

midbrain 348.8


lobe (lung) (right) 518.0

radicular 353.0


familial acanthosis nigricans 701.2

granulomatosis disciformis 709.3

Mieten's 759.89

migraine 346.0

Mikity-Wilson (pulmonary dysmaturity) 770.7

Mikulicz's (dryness of mouth, absent or decreased lacrimation) 527.1

milk alkali (milk drinkers') 275.42

Milkman (-Looser) (osteomalacia with pseudofractures) 268.2

Millard-Gubler 344.89

Miller-Dieker 758.33

Miller Fisher's 357.0

Milles' (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

Minkowski-Chauffard (see also Spherocytosis) 282.0

Mirizzi's (hepatic duct stenosis) 576.2

with calculus, cholelithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis

mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy (MNGIE) 277.87


click (-murmur) 785.2

valve prolapse 424.0

MNGIE (mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy) 277.87


congenital oculofacial paralysis 352.6

ophthalmoplegic migraine 346.8

Mohr's (types I and II) 759.89

monofixation 378.34

Moore's (see also Epilepsy) 345.5

Morel-Moore (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3

Morel-Morgagni (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3

Morgagni (-Stewart-Morel) (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3

Morgagni-Adams-Stokes (syncope with heart block) 426.9

Morquio (-Brailsford) (-Ullrich) (mucopolysaccharidosis IV) 277.5

Morris (testicular feminization) 259.5

Morton's (foot) (metatarsalgia) (metatarsal neuralgia) (neuralgia) (neuroma) (toe) 355.6

Moschcowitz (-Singer-Symmers) (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) 446.6

Mounier-Kuhn 748.3


acute exacerbation 494.1

bronchiectasis 494.0

with (acute) exacerbation 494.1

acquired 519.19

with bronchiectasis 494.0

with (acute) exacerbation 494.1

Mucha-Haberman (acute parapsoriasis varioliformis) 696.2

mucocutaneous lymph node (acute) (febrile) (infantile) (MCLS) 446.1


deficiency 260

endocrine neoplasia (MEN)

type I 258.01

type IIA 258.02

type IIB 258.03

operations 301.51

Munchausen's 301.51

Munchmeyer's (exostosis luxurians) 728.11

Murchison-Sanderson - see Disease, Hodgkin's

myasthenic - see Myasthenia, syndrome

myelodysplastic 238.75

with 5q deletion 238.74

high grade with 5q deletion 238.73

myeloproliferative (chronic) (M9960/1) 238.79

myofascial pain NEC 729.1

Naffziger's 353.0

Nager-de Reynier (dysostosis mandibularis) 756.0

nail-patella (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia) 756.89

NARP (neuropathy, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa) 277.87

Neb�court's 253.3

Neill Dingwall (microencephaly and dwarfism) 759.89

nephrotic (see also Nephrosis) 581.9

diabetic 250.4 [581.81]

Netherton's (ichthyosiform erythroderma) 757.1

neurocutaneous 759.6

neuroleptic malignant 333.92

Nezelof's (pure alymphocytosis) 279.13

Niemann-Pick (lipid histiocytosis) 272.7

Nonne-Milroy-Meige (chronic hereditary edema) 757.0

nonsense 300.16

Noonan's 759.89


ophthalmoplegia-cerebellar ataxia 378.52

vasomotor acroparesthesia 443.89

nucleus ambiguous-hypoglossal 352.6

OAV (oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia) 756.0

obsessional 300.3

oculocutaneous 364.24

oculomotor 378.81

oculourethroarticular 099.3

Ogilvie's (sympathicotonic colon obstruction) 560.89

ophthalmoplegia-cerebellar ataxia 378.52

Oppenheim-Urbach (necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum) 250.8 [709.3]

oral-facial-digital 759.89


affective NEC 293.83

drug-induced 292.84

anxiety 293.84

delusional 293.81

alcohol-induced 291.5

drug-induced 292.11

due to or associated with

arteriosclerosis 290.42

presenile brain disease 290.12

senility 290.20

depressive 293.83

drug-induced 292.84

due to or associated with

arteriosclerosis 290.43

presenile brain disease 290.13

senile brain disease 290.21

hallucinosis 293.82

drug-induced 292.84

organic affective 293.83

induced by drug 292.84

organic personality 310.1

induced by drug 292.89

Ormond's 593.4

ordigitofacial 759.89

orthostatic hypotensive-dysautonomic-dyskinetic 333.0

Osler-Weber-Rendu (familial hemmorrhagic telangiectasia) 448.0

osteodermopathic hyperostosis 757.39

osteoporosis-osteomalacia 268.2

�sterreicher-Turner (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia) 756.89

Ostrum-Furst 756.59

otolith 386.19

otopalatodigital 759.89

outlet (thoracic) 353.0

ovarian remnant 620.8

Owren's (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3

OX 758.6

pacemaker 429.4

Paget-Schroetter (intermittent venous claudication) 453.8

pain - see also Pain

central 338.0

chronic 338.4

myelopathic 338.0

thalamic (hyperesthetic) 338.0


apicocostal vertebral (M8010/3) 162.3

arc 726.19

bruising 287.2

feet 266.2

Pancoast's (carcinoma, pulmonary apex) (M8010/3) 162.3

panhypopituitary (postpartum) 253.2

papillary muscle 429.81

with myocardial infarction 410.8

Papillon-L�age and Psaume (orodigitofacial dysostosis) 759.89

parabiotic (transfusion)

donor (twin) 772.0

recipient (twin) 776.4

paralysis agitans 332.0

paralytic 344.9

specified type NEC 344.89

paraneoplastic- see condition

Parinaud's (paralysis of conjugate upward gaze) 378.81

oculoglandular 372.02

Parkes Weber and Dimitri (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

Parkinson's (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0

parkinsonian (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0

Parry's (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0

Parry-Romberg 349.89

Parsonage-Aldren-Turner 353.5

Parsonage-Turner 353.5

Patau's (trisomy D1) 758.1

patella clunk719.66

patellofemoral 719.46

Paterson (-Brown) (-Kelly) (sideropenic dysphagia) 280.8

Payr's (splenic flexure syndrome) 569.89

pectoral girdle 447.8

pectoralis minor 447.8

Pelger-Hu�t (hereditary hyposegmentation) 288.2

pellagra-cerebellar ataxia-renal aminoaciduria 270.0

Pellegrini-Stieda 726.62

pellagroid 265.2

Pellizzi's (pineal) 259.8

pelvic congestion (-fibrosis) 625.5

Pendred's (familial goiter with deaf-mutism) 243

Penfield's (see also Epilepsy) 345.5

Penta X 758.81

peptic ulcer - see Ulcer, peptic 533.9

perabduction 447.8

periodic 277.31

periurethral fibrosis 593.4

persistent fetal circulation 747.83

Petges-Cl�jat (poikilodermatomyositis) 710.3

Peutz-Jeghers 759.6

Pfeiffer (acrocephalosyndactyly) 755.55

phantom limb 353.6

pharyngeal pouch 279.11

Pick's (pericardial pseudocirrhosis of liver) 423.2

heart 423.2

liver 423.2

Pick-Herxheimer (diffuse idiopathic cutaneous atrophy) 701.8

Pickwickian (cardiopulmonary obesity) 278.8

PIE (pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia 518.3

Pierre Marie-Bamberger (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) 731.2

Pierre Mauriac's (diabetes-dwarfism-obesity) 258.1

Pierre Robin 756.0

pigment dispersion, iris 364.53

pineal 259.8

pink puffer 492.8

pituitary 253.0


dysfunction 762.2

insufficiency 762.2

transfusion 762.3

plantar fascia 728.71

plica knee 727.83

Plummer-Vinson (sideropenic dysphagia) 280.8

pluricarential of infancy 260

plurideficiency of infancy 260

pluriglandular (compensatory) 258.8

polycarential of infancy 260

polyglandular 258.8

polysplenia 759.0

pontine 433.8


artery entrapment 447.8

web 756.89

postartificial menopause 627.4

postcardiac injury

postcardiotomy 429.4

postmyocardial infarction 411.0

postcardiotomy 429.4

postcholecystectomy 576.0

postcommissurotomy 429.4

postconcussional 310.2

postcontusional 310.2

postencephalitic 310.8


cervical sympathetic 723.2

fossa compression 348.4

inferior cerebellar artery (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

reversible encephalopathy (PRES) 348.39

postgastrectomy (dumping) 564.2

post-gastric surgery 564.2

posthepatitis 780.79

posttherpetic (neuralgia) (zoster) 053.19

geniculate ganglion 053.11

ophthalmica 053.19

postimmunization - see Complications, vaccination

postinfarction 411.0

postinfluenza (asthenia) 780.79

postirradiation 990

postlaminectomy 722.80

cervical, cervicothoracic 722.81

lumbar, lumbosacral 722.83

thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.82

postleukotomy 310.0

postlobotomy 310.0

postmastectomy lymphedema 457.0

postmature (of newborn) 766.22

postmyocardial infarction 411.0

postoperative NEC 998.9

blind loop 579.2

postpartum panhypopituitary 253.2

postperfusion NEC 999.8

bone marrow 996.85

postpericardiotomy 429.4

postphlebitic (asymptomatic) 459.10


complications NEC 459.19

inflammation 459.12

and ulcer 459.13

stasis dermatitis 459.12

with ulcer 459.13

ulcer 459.11

with inflammation 459.13

postpolio (myelitis) 138

postvagotomy 564.2

postvalvulotomy 429.4

postviral (asthenia) NEC 780.79

Potain's (gastrectasis with dyspepsia) 536.1

potassium intoxication 276.7

Potter's 753.0

Prader (-Labhart)-Willi (-Fanconi) 759.81

preinfarction 411.1

preleukemic 238.75

premature senility 259.8

premenstrual 625.4

premenstrual tension 625.4

pre ulcer 536.9

Prinzmetal-Massumi (anterior chest wall syndrome) 786.52

Profichet's 729.9

progeria 259.8

progressive pallidal degeneration 333.0

prolonged gestation 766.22

Proteus (dermal hypoplasia) 757.39

prune belly 756.71

prurigo-asthma 691.8

pseudocarpal tunnel (sublimis) 354.0

pseudohermaphroditism-virilism-hirsutism 255.2

pseudoparalytica 358.00

pseudo-Turner's 759.89

psycho-organic 293.9

acute 293.0

anxiety type 293.84

depressive type 293.83

hallucinatory type 293.82

nonpsychotic severity 310.1

specified focal (partial) NEC 310.8

paranoid type 293.81

specified type NEC 293.89

subacute 293.1

pterygolymphangiectasia 758.6

ptosis-epicanthus 270.2


arteriosclerosis 416.0

hypoperfusion (idiopathic) 769

renal (hemorrhagic) 446.21

pulseless 446.7

Putnam-Dana (subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) 281.0 [336.2]

pyloroduodenal 537.89

pyramidopallidonigral 332.0

pyriformis 355.0

QT interval prolongation 426.82

radicular NEC 729.2

lower limbs 724.4

upper limbs 723.4

newborn 767.4

Raeder-Harbitz (pulseless disease) 446.7

Ramsay Hunt's

dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica 334.2

herpetic geniculate ganglionitis 053.11

rapid time-zone change 327.35

Raymond (-C�stan) 433.8

Raynaud's (paroxysmal digital cyanosis) 443.0

RDS (respiratory distress syndrome, newborn) 769

Refsum's (heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis) 356.3

Reichmann's (gastrosuccorrhea) 536.8

Reifenstein's (hereditary familial hypogonadism, male) 259.5

Reilly's (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic 337.9

Reiter's 099.3

renal glomerulohyalinosis-diabetic 250.4 [581.81]

Rendu-Osler-Weber (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) 448.0

renofacial (congenital biliary fibroangiomatosis) 753.0

R�non-Delille 253.8

respiratory distress (idiopathic) (newborn) 769

adult (following shock, surgery, or trauma) 518.5

specified NEC 518.82

type II 770.6

restless legs (RLS) 333.94

retinoblastoma (familial) 190.5

retraction (Duane's) 378.71

retroperitoneal fibrosis 593.4

retroviral seroconversion (acute) V08

Rett's 330.8

Reye's 331.81

Reye-Sheehan (postpartum pituitary necrosis) 253.2

Riddoch's (visual disorientation) 368.16

Ridley's (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1

Rieger's (mesodermal dysgenesis, anterior ocular segment) 743.44

Rietti-Greppi-Micheli (thalassemia minor) 282.49

right ventricular obstruction - see Failure heart

Riley-Day (familial dysautonomia) 742.8

Robin's 756.0

Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (congenital absence, vagina) 752.49

Romano-Ward (prolonged QT interval syndrome) 426.82

Romberg's 349.89

Rosen-Castleman-Liebow (pulmonary proteinosis) 516.0

rotator cuff, shoulder 726.10

Roth's 355.1

Rothmund's (congenital poikiloderma) 757.33

Rotor's (idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia) 277.4

Roussy-L�vy 334.3

Roy (-Jutras) (acropachyderma) 757.39

rubella (congenital) 771.0

Rubinstein-Taybi's (brachydactylia, short stature, and mental retardation) 759.89

Rud's (mental deficiency, epilepsy, and infantilism) 759.89

Ruiter-Pompen (-Wyers) (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) 272.7

Runge's (postmaturity) 766.22

Russell (-Silver) (congenital hemihypertrophy and short stature) 759.89

Rytand-Lipsitch (complete atrioventricular block) 426.0

sacralization-scoliosis-sciatica 756.15

sacroiliac 724.6

Saenger's 379.46


depletion (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

due to heat NEC 992.8

causing heat exhaustion or prostration 992.4

low (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

salt-losing (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

Sanfilippo's (mucopolysaccharidosis III) 277.5

Scaglietti-Dagnini (acromegalic macrospondylitis) 253.0

scalded skin 695.1

scalenus anticus (anterior) 353.0

scapulocostal 354.8

scapuloperoneal 359.1

scapulovertebral 723.4

Schaumann's (sarcoidosis) 135

Scheie's (mucopolysaccharidosis IS) 277.5

Scheuthauer-Marie-Sainton (cleidocranialis dysostosis) 755.59

Schirmer's (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

schizophrenic, of childhood NEC (see also Psychosis, childhood) 299.9


sphallo-pharyngo-laryngeal hemiplegia 352.6

thyroid-adrenocortical insufficiency 258.1

vagoaccessory 352.6

Schneider's 047.9

Schnitzler 273.1

Scholte's (malignant carcinoid) 259.2

Scholz (-Bielschowsky-Henneberg) 330.0

Schroeder's (endocrine-hypertensive) 255.3

Sch�ller-Christian (chronic histiocytosis X) 277.89

Schultz's (agranulocytosis) 288.09

Schwachman's - see Syndrome, Shwachman's

Schwartz (-Jampel) 359.23

Schwartz-Bartter (inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone) 253.6

Scimitar (anomalous venous drainage, right lung to inferior vena cava) 747.49

sclerocystic ovary 256.4

sea-blue histiocyte 272.7

Seabright-Bantam (pseudohypoparathyroidism) 275.49

Seckel's 759.89

Secretan's (posttraumatic edema) 782.3

secretoinhibitor (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) 710.2

Seeligmann's (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1

Senear-Usher (pemphigus erythematosus) 694.4

senilism 259.8

seroconversion, retroviral (acute) V08

serotonin 333.99

serous meningitis 348.2

Sertoli cell (germinal aplasia) 606.0

sex chromosome mosaic 758.81

S�zary's (reticulosis) (M9701/3) 202.2

shaken infant 995.55

Shaver's (bauxite pneumoconiosis) 503

Sheehan's (postpartum pituitary necrosis) 253.2

shock (traumatic) 958.4

kidney 584.5

following crush injury 958.5

lung 518.5

neurogenic 308.9

psychic 308.9


bowel 579.3

P-R interval 426.81

shoulder-arm (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

shoulder-girdle 723.4

shoulder-hand (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

Shwachman's 288.02

Shy-Drager (orthostatic hypotension with multisystem degeneration) 333.0

Sicard's 352.6

sicca (keratoconjunctivitis) 710.2


cell 276.1

cilia 759.89

sinus 427.81

sideropenic 280.8


ectodermal dysplasia 757.31

keratosis follicularis spinulosa (decalvans) 757.39

Silfverski�ld's (osteochondrodystrophy, extremities) 756.50

Silver's (congenital hemihypertrophy and short stature) 759.89

Silvestroni-Bianco (thalassemia minima) 282.49

Simons' (progressive lipodystrophy) 272.6

sinus tarsi 726.79

sinusitis-bronchiectasis-situs inversus 759.3

Sipple's (medullary thyroid carcinoma-pheochromocytoma) 258.02

Sj�gren (-Gougerot) (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) 710.2

with lung involvement 710.2 [517.8]

Sj�gren-Larsson (ichthyosis congenita) 757.1

Slocumb's 255.3

Sluder's 337.0

Smith-Lemli-Opitz (cerebrohepatorenal syndrome) 759.89

Smith-Magenis 758.33

smokers' 305.1

Sneddon-Wilkinson (subcorneal pustular dermatosis) 694.1

Sotos' (cerebral gigantism) 253.0

South African cardiomyopathy 425.2


upward movement, eye(s) 378.82

winking 307.20

Spens' (syncope with heart block) 426.9

spherophakia-brachymorphia 759.89

spinal cord injury - see also Injury, spinal, by site

with fracture, vertebra - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

cervical - see Injury, spinal, cervical

fluid malabsorption (acquired) 331.3


agenesis 759.0

flexure 569.89

neutropenia 289.53

sequestration 289.52

Spurway's (brittle bones and blue sclera) 756.51

staphylococcal scalded skin 695.1

Stein's (polycystic ovary) 256.4

Stein-Leventhal (polycystic ovary) 256.4

Steinbrocker's (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9

Stevens-Johnson (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.1

Stewart-Morel (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3

Stickler 759.89

stiff-baby 759.89

stiff-man 333.91

Still's (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) 714.30

Still-Felty (rheumatoid arthritis with splenomegaly and leukopenia) 714.1

Stilling-T�rk-Duane (ocular retraction syndrome) 378.71

Stojano's (subcostal) 098.86

Stokes (-Adams) (syncope with heart block) 426.9

Stokvis-Talma (enterogenous cyanosis) 289.7

stone heart (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1

straight-back 756.19

stroke (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

little 435.9

Sturge-Kalischer-Weber (encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis) 759.6

Sturge-Weber (-Dimitri) (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

subclavian-carotid obstruction (chronic) 446.7

subclavian steal 435.2

subcoracoid-pectoralis minor 447.8

subcostal 098.86

nerve compression 354.8

subperiosteal hematoma 267

subphrenic interposition 751.4

sudden infant death (SIDS) 798.0

Sudeck's 733.7

Sudeck-Leriche 733.7


cerebellar artery (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

mesenteric artery 557.1

pulmonary sulcus (tumor) (M8010/3) 162.3

vena cava 459.2

suprarenal cortical 255.3

supraspinatus 726.10

swallowed blood 777.3

sweat retention 705.1

Sweet's (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) 695.89

Swyer-James (unilateral hyperlucent lung) 492.8

Swyer's (XY pure gonadal dysgenesis) 752.7

Symonds' 348.2


cervical paralysis 337.0

pelvic 625.5

syndactylic oxycephaly 755.55

syphilitic-cardiovascular 093.89


fibrosclerosing 710.8

inflammatory response (SIRS) 995.90

due to

infectious process 995.91

with acute organ dysfunction 995.92

non-infectious process 995.93

with acute organ dysfunction 995.94

systolic click (-murmur) 785.2

Tabagism 305.1

tachycardia-bradycardia 427.81

Takayasu (-Onishi) (pulseless disease) 446.7

Takotsubo 429.83

Tapia's 352.6

tarsal tunnel 355.5

Taussig-Bing (transposition, aorta and overriding pulmonary artery) 745.11

Taybi's (otopalatodigital) 759.89

Taylor's 625.5

teething 520.7

tegmental 344.89

telangiectasis-pigmentation-cataract 757.33

temporal 383.02

lobectomy behavior 310.0

temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction [TMJ] NEC 524.60

specified NEC 524.69

Terry's 362.21

testicular feminization 259.5

testis, nonvirilizing 257.8

tethered (spinal) cord 742.59

thalamic 338.0

Thibierge-Weissenbach (cutaneous systemic sclerosis) 710.1

Thiele 724.6

thoracic outlet (compression) 353.0

thoracogenous rheumatic (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) 731.2

Thorn's (see also Disease, renal) 593.9

Thorson-Bi�rck (malignant carcinoid) 259.2

thrombopenia-hemangioma 287.39

thyroid-adrenocortical insufficiency 258.1

Tietze's 733.6

time-zone (rapid) 327.35

Tobias' (carcinoma, pulmonary apex) (M8010/3) 162.3

toilet seat 926.0

Tolosa-Hunt 378.55

Toni-Fanconi (cystinosis) 270.0

Touraine's (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia) 756.89

Touraine-Solente-Gol� (acropachyderma) 757.39


oil 710.5

shock 040.82


fetal-maternal 772.0


donor (infant) 772.0

recipient (infant) 776.4

transient left ventricular apical ballooning 429.83

Treacher Collins' (incomplete mandibulofacial dysostosis) 756.0

trigeminal plate 259.8

triplex X female 758.81

trisomy NEC 758.5

13 or D1 758.1

16-18 or E 758.2

18 or E3 758.2

20 758.5

21 or G (mongolism) 758.0

22 or G (mongolism) 758.0

G 758.0

Troisier-Hanot-Chauffard (bronze diabetes) 275.0

tropical wet feet 991.4

Trousseau's (thrombophlebitis migrans visceral cancer) 453.1

T�rk's (ocular retraction syndrome) 378.71

Turner's 758.6

Turner-Varny 758.6

twin-to-twin transfusion 762.3

recipient twin 776.4

Uehlinger's (acropachyderma) 757.39

Ullrich (-Bonnevie) (-Turner) 758.6

Ullrich-Feichtiger 759.89

underwater blast injury (abdominal) (see also Injury, internal, abdomen) 868.00

universal joint, cervix 620.6

Unverricht (-Lundborg) 333.2

Unverricht-Wagner (dermatomyositis) 710.3

upward gaze 378.81

Urbach-Oppenheim (necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum) 250.8 [709.3]

Urbach-Wiethe (lipoid proteinosis) 272.8

uremia, chronic 585.9

urethral 597.81

urethro-oculoarticular 099.3

urethro-oculosynovial 099.3

urohepatic 572.4

uveocutaneous 364.24

uveomeningeal, uveomeningitis 363.22

vagohypoglossal 352.6

vagovagal 780.2

van Buchem's (hyperostosis corticalis) 733.3

van der Hoeve's (brittle bones and blue sclera, deafness) 756.51

van der Hoeve-Halbertsma-Waardenburg (ptosis-epicanthus) 270.2

van der Hoeve-Waarderburg-Gualdi (ptosis-epicanthus) 270.2

vanishing twin 651.33

van Neck-Odelberg (juvenile osteochondrosis) 732.1

vascular splanchnic 557.0

vasomotor 443.9

vasovagal 780.2

VATER 759.89

Velo-cardio-facial 758.32

vena cava (inferior) (superior) (obstruction) 459.2

Verbiest's (claudicatio intermittens spinalis) 435.1

Vernet's 352.6


artery 435.1

compression 721.1

lumbar 724.4

steal 435.1

vertebrogenic (pain) 724.5

vertiginous NEC 386.9

video display tube 723.8

Villaret's 352.6

Vinson-Plummer (sideropenic dysphagia) 280.8

virilizing adrenocortical hyperplasia, congenital 255.2

virus, viral 079.99

visceral larval migrans 128.0

visual disorientation 368.16

vitamin B6 deficiency 266.1

vitreous touch 997.99

Vogt's (corpus striatum) 333.71

Vogt-Koyanagi 364.24

Volkmann's 958.6

von Bechterew-Stumpell (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0

von Graefe's 378.72

von Hippel-Lindau (angiomatosis retinocerebellosa) 759.6

von Schroetter's (intermittent venous claudication) 453.8

von Willebrand (-J�rgens) (angiohemophilia) 286.4

Waardenburg-Klein (ptosis epicanthus) 270.2

Wagner (-Unverricht) (dermatomyositis) 710.3

Waldenstr�m's (macroglobulinemia) 273.3

Waldenstr�m-Kjellberg (sideropenic dysphagia) 280.8

Wallenberg's (posterior inferior cerebellar artery) (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

Waterhouse (-Friderichsen) 036.3

water retention 276.6

Weber's 344.89

Weber-Christian (nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis) 729.30

Weber-Cockayne (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39

Weber-Dimitri (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

Weber-Gubler 344.89

Weber-Leyden 344.89

Weber-Osler (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) 448.0

Wegener's (necrotizing respiratory granulomatosis) 446.4

Weill-Marchesani (brachymorphism and ectopia lentis) 759.89

Weingarten's (tropical eosinophilia) 518.3

Weiss-Baker (carotid sinus syncope) 337.0

Weissenbach-Thibierge (cutaneous systemic sclerosis) 710.1

Werdnig-Hoffmann 335.0

Werlhof-Wichmann (see also Purpura, thrombocytopenic) 287.39

Wermer's (polyendocrine adenomatosis) 258.01

Werner's (progeria adultorum) 259.8

Wernicke's (nonalcoholic) (superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis) 265.1

Wernicke-Korsakoff (nonalcoholic) 294.0

alcoholic 291.1

Westphal-Str�mpell (hepatolenticular degeneration) 275.1


brain (alcoholic) 303.9

feet (maceration) (tropical) 991.4


adult 518.5

newborn 770.6

whiplash 847.0

Whipple's (intestinal lipodystrophy) 040.2

"whistling face" (craniocarpotarsal dystrophy) 759.89

Widal (-Abrami) (acquired hemolytic jaundice) 283.9

Wilkie's 557.1

Wilkinson-Sneddon (subcorneal pustular dermatosis) 694.1

Willan-Plumbe (psoriasis) 696.1

Willebrand (-J�rgens) (angiohemophilia) 286.4

Willi-Prader (hypogenital dystrophy with diabetic tendency) 759.81

Wilson's (hepatolenticular degeneration) 275.1

Wilson-Mikity 770.7

Wiskott-Aldrich (eczema-thrombocytopenia) 279.12


alcohol 291.81

drug 292.0

infant of dependent mother 779.5

Woakes' (ethmoiditis) 471.1

Wolff-Parkinson-White (anomalous atrioventricular excitation) 426.7

Wright's (hyperabduction) 447.8


cardiac 413.9

dysmetabolic 277.7

xiphoidalgia 733.99

XO 758.6

XXX 758.81

XXXXY 758.81

XXY 758.7

yellow vernix (placental dysfunction) 762.2

Zahorsky's 074.0

Zellweger 277.86

Zieve's (jaundice, hyperlipemia and hemolytic anemia) 571.1

Zollinger-Ellison (gastric hypersecretion with pancreatic islet cell tumor) 251.5

Zuelzer-Ogden (nutritional megaloblastic anemia) 281.2

Synechia (iris) (pupil) 364.70

anterior 364.72

peripheral 364.73

intrauterine (traumatic) 621.5

posterior 364.71

vulvae, congenital 752.49

Synesthesia (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0

Synodontia 520.2

Synophthalmus 759.89

Synorchidism 752.89

Synorchism 752.89

Synostosis (congenital) 756.59

astragaloscaphoid 755.67

radioulnar 755.53

talonavicular (bar) 755.67

tarsal 755.67

Synovial - see condition

Synovioma (M9040/3) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

benign (M9040/0) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

Synoviosarcoma (M9040/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Synovitis 727.00

chronic crepitant, wrist 727.2

due to crystals - see Arthritis, due to crystals

gonococcal 098.51

gouty 274.0

syphilitic 095.7

congenital 090.0

traumatic, current - see Sprain, by site

tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, synovitis

villonodular 719.20

ankle 719.27

elbow 719.22

foot 719.27

hand 719.24

hip 719.25

knee 719.26

multiple sites 719.29

pelvic region 719.25

shoulder (region) 719.21

specified site NEC 719.28

wrist 719.23

Syphilide 091.3

congenital 090.0

newborn 090.0

tubercular 095.8

congenital 090.0

Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired) 097.9

with lung involvement 095.1

abdomen (late) 095.2

acoustic nerve 094.86

adenopathy (secondary) 091.4

adrenal (gland) 095.8

with cortical hypofunction 095.8

age under 2 years NEC (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9

acquired 097.9

alopecia (secondary) 091.82

anemia 095.8

aneurysm (artery) (ruptured) 093.89

aorta 093.0

central nervous system 094.89

congenital 090.5

anus 095.8

primary 091.1

secondary 091.3

aorta, aortic (arch) (abdominal) (insufficiency) (pulmonary) (regurgitation) (stenosis) (thoracic) 093.89

aneurysm 093.0

arachnoid (adhesive) 094.2

artery 093.89

cerebral 094.89

spinal 094.89

arthropathy (neurogenic) (tabetic) 094.0 [713.5]

asymptomatic - see Syphilis, latent

ataxia, locomotor (progressive) 094.0

atrophoderma maculatum 091.3

auricular fibrillation 093.89

Bell's palsy 094.89

bladder 095.8

bone 095.5

secondary 091.61

brain 094.89

breast 095.8

bronchus 095.8

bubo 091.0

bulbar palsy 094.89

bursa (late) 095.7

cardiac decompensation 093.89

cardiovascular (early) (late) (primary) (secondary) (tertiary) 093.9

specified type and site NEC 093.89

causing death under 2 years of age (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9

stated to be acquired NEC 097.9

central nervous system (any site) (early) (late) (latent) (primary) (recurrent) (relapse) (secondary) (tertiary) 094.9


ataxia 094.0

paralysis, general 094.1

juvenile 090.40

paresis (general) 094.1

juvenile 090.40

tabes (dorsalis) 094.0

juvenile 090.40

taboparesis 094.1

juvenile 090.40

aneurysm (ruptured) 094.87

congenital 090.40

juvenile 090.40

remission in (sustained) 094.9

serology doubtful, negative, or positive 094.9

specified nature or site NEC 094.89

vascular 094.89

cerebral 094.89

meningovascular 094.2

nerves 094.89

sclerosis 094.89

thrombosis 094.89

cerebrospinal 094.89

tabetic 094.0

cerebrovascular 094.89

cervix 095.8

chancre (multiple) 091.0

extragenital 091.2

Rollet's 091.2

Charc�t's joint 094.0 [713.5]

choked disc 094.89 [377.00]

chorioretinitis 091.51

congenital 090.0 [363.13]

late 094.83

choroiditis 091.51

congenital 090.0 [363.13]

late 094.83

prenatal 090.0 [363.13]

choroidoretinitis (secondary) 091.51

congenital 090.0 [363.13]

late 094.83

ciliary body (secondary) 091.52

late 095.8 [364.11]

colon (late) 095.8

combined sclerosis 094.89

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 647.0

affecting fetus or newborn 760.2

condyloma (latum) 091.3

congenital 090.9


encephalitis 090.41

paresis (general) 090.40

tabes (dorsalis) 090.40

taborparesis 090.40

chorioretinitis, choroiditis 090.0 [363.13]

early or less than 2 years after birth NEC 090.2

with manifestations 090.0

latent (without manifestations) 090.1

negative spinal fluid test 090.1

serology, positive 090.1

symptomatic 090.0

interstitial keratitis 090.3

juvenile neurosyphilis 090.40

late or 2 years or more after birth NEC 090.7

chorioretinitis, choroiditis 090.5 [363.13]

interstitial keratitis 090.3

juvenile neurosyphilis NEC 090.40

latent (without manifestations) 090.6

negative spinal fluid test 090.6

serology, positive 090.6

symptomatic or with manifestations NEC 090.5

interstitial keratitis 090.3

conjugal 097.9

tabes 094.0

conjunctiva 095.8 [372.10]

contact V01.6

cord, bladder 094.0

cornea, late 095.8 [370.59]

coronary (artery) 093.89

sclerosis 093.89

coryza 095.8

congenital 090.0

cranial nerve 094.89

cutaneous - see Syphilis, skin

dacryocystitis 095.8

degeneration, spinal cord 094.89

d'embl�e 095.8

dementia 094.1

paralytica 094.1

juvenilis 090.40

destruction of bone 095.5

dilatation, aorta 093.0

due to blood transfusion 097.9

dura mater 094.89

ear 095.8

inner 095.8

nerve (eighth) 094.86

neurorecurrence 094.86

early NEC 091.0

cardiovascular 093.9

central nervous system 094.9

paresis 094.1

tabes 094.0

latent (without manifestations) (less than 2 years after infection) 092.9

negative spinal fluid test 092.9

serological relapse following treatment 092.0

serology positive 092.9

paresis 094.1

relapse (treated, untreated) 091.7

skin 091.3

symptomatic NEC 091.89

extragenital chancre 091.2

primary, except extragenital chancre 091.0

secondary (see also Syphilis, secondary) 091.3

relapse (treated, untreated) 091.7

tabes 094.0

ulcer 091.3

eighth nerve 094.86

endemic, nonveneral 104.0

endocarditis 093.20

aortic 093.22

mitral 093.21

pulmonary 093.24

tricuspid 093.23

epididymis (late) 095.8

epiglottis 095.8

epiphysitis congenital) 090.0

esophagus 095.8

Eustachian tube 095.8

exposure to V01.6

eye 095.8 [363.13]

neuromuscular mechanism 094.85

eyelid 095.8 [373.5]

with gumma 095.8 [373.5]

ptosis 094.89

fallopian tube 095.8

fracture 095.5

gallbladder (late) 095.8

gastric 095.8

crisis 094.0

polyposis 095.8

general 097.9

paralysis 094.1

juvenile 090.40

genital (primary) 091.0

glaucoma 095.8

gumma (late) NEC 095.9

cardiovascular system 093.9

central nervous system 094.9

congenital 090.5

heart or artery 093.89

heart 093.89

block 093.89

decompensation 093.89

disease 093.89

failure 093.89

valve (see also Syphilis, endocarditis) 093.20

hemianesthesia 094.89

hemianopsia 095.8

hemiparesis 094.89

hemiplegia 094.89

hepatic artery 093.89

hepatitis 095.3

hepatomegaly 095.3

congenital 090.0

hereditaria tarda (see also Syphilis, congenital, late) 090.7

hereditary (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9

interstitial keratitis 090.3

Hutchinson's teeth 090.5

hyalitis 095.8

inactive - see Syphilis, latent

infantum NEC (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9

inherited - see Syphilis, congenital

internal ear 095.8

intestine (late) 095.8

iris, iritis (secondary) 091.52

late 095.8 [364.11]

joint (late) 095.8

keratitis (congenital) (early) (interstitial) (late) (parenchymatous) (punctata profunda) 090.3

kidney 095.4

lacrimal apparatus 095.8

laryngeal paralysis 095.8

larynx 095.8

late 097.0

cardiovascular 093.9

central nervous system 094.9

latent or 2 years or more after infection (without manifestation) 096

negative spinal fluid test 096

serology positive 096

paresis 094.1

specified site NEC 095.8

symptomatic or with symptoms 095.9

tabes 094.0

latent 097.1

central nervous system 094.9

date of infection unspecified 097.1

early or less than 2 years after infection 092.9

late or 2 years or more after infection 096



follow-up of latent syphilis 097.1

central nervous system 094.9

date of infection unspecified 097.1

early or less than 2 years after infection 092.9

late or 2 years or more after infection 096

positive, only finding 097.1

date of infection unspecified 097.1

early or less than 2 years after infection 097.1

late or 2 years or more after infection 097.1

lens 095.8

leukoderma 091.3

late 095.8

lienis 095.8

lip 091.3

chancre 091.2

late 095.8

primary 091.2

Lissauer's paralysis 094.1

liver 095.3

secondary 091.62

locomotor ataxia 094.0

lung 095.1

lymphadenitis (secondary) 091.4

lymph gland (early) (secondary) 091.4

late 095.8

macular atrophy of skin 091.3

striated 095.8

maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.2

manifest syphilis in newborn - see Syphilis, congenital

mediastinum (late) 095.8

meninges (adhesive) (basilar) (brain) (spinal cord) 094.2

meningitis 094.2

acute 091.81

congenital 090.42

meningoencephalitis 094.2

meningovascular 094.2

congenital 090.49

mesarteritis 093.89

brain 094.89

spine 094.89

middle ear 095.8

mitral stenosis 093.21

monoplegia 094.89

mouth (secondary) 091.3

late 095.8

mucocutaneous 091.3

late 095.8


membrane 091.3

late 095.8

patches 091.3

congenital 090.0

mulberry molars 090.5

muscle 095.6

myocardium 093.82

myositis 095.6

nasal sinus 095.8

neonatorum NEC (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9

nerve palsy (any cranial nerve) 094.89

nervous system, central 094.9

neuritis 095.8

acoustic nerve 094.86

neurorecidive of retina 094.83

neuroretinitis 094.85

newborn (see also Syphilis, congenital) 090.9

nodular superficial 095.8

nonvenereal, endemic 104.0

nose 095.8

saddle back deformity 090.5

septum 095.8

perforated 095.8

occlusive arterial disease 093.89

ophthalmic 095.8 [363.13]

ophthalmoplegia 094.89

optic nerve (atrophy) (neuritis) (papilla) 094.84

orbit (late) 095.8

orchitis 095.8

organic 097.9

osseous (late) 095.5

osteochondritis (congenital) 090.0

osteoporosis 095.5

ovary 095.8

oviduct 095.8

palate 095.8

gumma 095.8

perforated 090.5

pancreas (late) 095.8

pancreatitis 095.8

paralysis 094.89

general 094.1

juvenile 090.40

paraplegia 094.89

paresis (general) 094.1

juvenile 090.40

paresthesia 094.89

Parkinson's disease or syndrome 094.82

paroxysmal tachycardia 093.89

pemphigus (congenital) 090.0

penis 091.0

chancre 091.0

late 095.8

pericardium 093.81

perichondritis, larynx 095.8

periosteum 095.5

congenital 090.0

early 091.61

secondary 091.61

peripheral nerve 095.8

petrous bone (late) 095.5

pharynx 095.8

secondary 091.3

pituitary (gland) 095.8

placenta 095.8

pleura (late) 095.8

pneumonia, white 090.0

pontine (lesion) 094.89

portal vein 093.89

primary NEC 091.2

anal 091.1

and secondary (see also Syphilis, secondary) 091.9

cardiovascular 093.9

central nervous system 094.9

extragenital chancre NEC 091.2

fingers 091.2

genital 091.0

lip 091.2

specified site NEC 091.2

tonsils 091.2

prostate 095.8

psychosis (intracranial gumma) 094.89

ptosis (eyelid) 094.89

pulmonary (late) 095.1

artery 093.89

pulmonum 095.1

pyelonephritis 095.4

recently acquired, symptomatic NEC 091.89

rectum 095.8

respiratory tract 095.8


late 094.83

neurorecidive 094.83

retrobulbar neuritis 094.85

salpingitis 095.8

sclera (late) 095.0


cerebral 094.89

coronary 093.89

multiple 094.89

subacute 094.89

scotoma (central) 095.8

scrotum 095.8

secondary (and primary) 091.9

adenopathy 091.4

anus 091.3

bone 091.61

cardiovascular 093.9

central nervous system 094.9

chorioretinitis, choroiditis 091.51

hepatitis 091.62

liver 091.62

lymphadenitis 091.4

meningitis, acute 091.81

mouth 091.3

mucous membranes 091.3

periosteum 091.61

periostitis 091.61

pharynx 091.3

relapse (treated) (untreated) 091.7

skin 091.3

specified form NEC 091.89

tonsil 091.3

ulcer 091.3

viscera 091.69

vulva 091.3

seminal vesicle (late) 095.8


with signs or symptoms - see Syphilis, by site and stage


with signs or symptoms - see Syphilis, by site or stage

follow-up of latent syphilis - see Syphilis, latent

only finding - see Syphilis, latent

seventh nerve (paralysis) 094.89

sinus 095.8

sinusitis 095.8

skeletal system 095.5

skin (early) (secondary) (with ulceration) 091.3

late or tertiary 095.8

small intestine 095.8

spastic spinal paralysis 094.0

spermatic cord (late) 095.8

spinal (cord) 094.89


paresis 094.1

tabes 094.0

spleen 095.8

splenomegaly 095.8

spondylitis 095.5

staphyloma 095.8

stigmata (congenital) 090.5

stomach 095.8

synovium (late) 095.7

tabes dorsalis (early) (late) 094.0

juvenile 090.40

tabetic type 094.0

juvenile 090.40

taboparesis 094.1

juvenile 090.40

tachycardia 093.89

tendon (late) 095.7

tertiary 097.0

with symptoms 095.8

cardiovascular 093.9

central nervous system 094.9

multiple NEC 095.8

specified site NEC 095.8

testis 095.8

thorax 095.8

throat 095.8

thymus (gland) 095.8

thyroid (late) 095.8

tongue 095.8

tonsil (lingual) 095.8

primary 091.2

secondary 091.3

trachea 095.8

tricuspid valve 093.23

tumor, brain 094.89

tunica vaginalis (late) 095.8

ulcer (any site) (early) (secondary) 091.3

late 095.9

perforating 095.9

foot 094.0

urethra (stricture) 095.8

urogenital 095.8

uterus 095.8

uveal tract (secondary) 091.50

late 095.8 [363.13]

uveitis (secondary) 091.50

late 095.8 [363.13]

uvula (late) 095.8

perforated 095.8

vagina 091.0

late 095.8

valvulitis NEC 093.20

vascular 093.89

brain or cerebral 094.89

vein 093.89

cerebral 094.89

ventriculi 095.8

vesicae urinariae 095.8

viscera (abdominal) 095.2

secondary 091.69

vitreous (hemorrhage) (opacities) 095.8

vulva 091.0

late 095.8

secondary 091.3

Syphiloma 095.9

cardiovascular system 093.9

central nervous system 094.9

circulatory system 093.9

congenital 090.5

Syphilophobia 300.29

Syringadenoma (M8400/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

papillary (M8406/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Syringobulbia 336.0

Syringocarcinoma (M8400/3) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

Syringocystadenoma (M8400/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

papillary (M8406/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Syringocystoma (M8407/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Syringoma (M8407/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

chondroid (M8940/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

Syringomyelia 336.0

Syringomyelitis 323.9

late effect - see category 326

Syringomyelocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9

Syringopontia 336.0

System, systemic - see also condition

disease, combined - see Degeneration, combined

fibrosclerosing syndrome 710.8

inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) 995.90

due to

infectious process 995.91

with acute organ dysfunction 995.92

non-infectious process 995.93

with acute organ dysfunction 995.94

lupus erythematosus 710.0

������ inhibitor 286.5





The ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee

Characteristics of the ICD-9-CM

The Disease Classification

Alphabetical Index of Diseases

Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Index To External Causes of Injury (E Code)

Classification of Procedures

Index to Procedures

Appendix A:
Morphology of Neoplasms

Appendix C:
Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Services List Number and their ICD-9-CM Equivalents

Appendix D:
Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency

Appendix E:
List of Three-Digit Categories

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