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Alphabetical Index - M

This is a "green" web site. In order to conserve bandwidth, the alphabetical index of diseases and injuries is presented in a separate page for each letter of the alphabet. Click on a letter button to reach other index pages.


Macacus ear 744.29


fetus (cause not stated) 779.9

wet feet, tropical (syndrome) 991.4

Machado-Joseph disease 334.8

Machupo virus hemorrhagic fever 078.7

Macleod's syndrome (abnormal transradiancy, one lung) 492.8

Macrocephalia, macrocephaly 756.0

Macrocheilia (congenital) 744.81

Macrochilia (congenital) 744.81

Macrocolon (congenital) 751.3

Macrocornea 743.41

associated with buphthalmos 743.22

Macrocytic - see condition

Macrocytosis 289.89

Macrodactylia, macrodactylism (fingers) (thumbs) 755.57

toes 755.65

Macrodontia 520.2

Macroencephaly 742.4

Macrogenia 524.05

Macrogenitosomia (female) (male) (praecox) 255.2

Macrogingivae 523.8

Macroglobulinemia (essential) (idiopathic) (monoclonal) (primary) (syndrome) (Waldenstr�m's) 273.3

Macroglossia (congenital) 750.15

acquired 529.8

Macrognathia, macrognathism (congenital) 524.00

mandibular 524.02

alveolar 524.72

maxillary 524.01

alveolar 524.71

Macrogyria (congenital) 742.4

Macrohydrocephalus (see also Hydrocephalus) 331.4

Macromastia (see also Hypertrophy, breast) 611.1

Macrophage activation syndrome 288.4

Macropsia 368.14

Macrosigmoid 564.7

congenital 751.3

Macrospondylitis, acromegalic 253.0

Macrostomia (congenital) 744.83

Macrotia (external ear) (congenital) 744.22


cornea, corneal

congenital 743.43

interfering with vision 743.42

interfering with central vision 371.03

not interfering with central vision 371.02

degeneration (see also Degeneration, macula) 362.50

hereditary (see also Dystrophy, retina) 362.70

edema, cystoid 362.53

Maculae ceruleae 132.1

Macules and papules 709.8

Maculopathy, toxic 362.55

Madarosis 374.55


deformity (radius) 755.54

disease (lipomatosis) 272.8

lipomatosis 272.8

Madness (see also Psychosis) 298.9

myxedema (acute) 293.0

subacute 293.1


disease (actinomycotic) 039.9

mycotic 117.4

foot (actinomycotic) 039.4

mycotic 117.4

Maduromycosis (actinomycotic) 039.9

mycotic 117.4

Maffucci's syndrome (dyschondroplasia with hemangiomas) 756.4

Magenblase syndrome 306.4

Main en griffe (acquired) 736.06

congenital 755.59


chemotherapy regimen or treatment V58.11

dialysis regimen or treatment

extracorporeal (renal) V56.0

peritoneal V56.8

renal V56.0

drug therapy or regimen

chemotherapy, antineoplastic V58.11

immunotherapy, antineoplastic V58.12

external fixation NEC V54.89

radiotherapy V58.0

traction NEC V54.89


disease (purpura annularis telangiectodes) 709.1

granuloma 110.6

Major - see condition


cerebral (idiopathic) (see also Epilepsy) 345.9

comital (see also Epilepsy) 345.9

de los pintos (see also Pinta) 103.9

de Meleda 757.39

de mer 994.6

lie - see Presentation, fetal

perforant (see also Ulcer, lower extremity) 707.15

Malabar itch 110.9

beard 110.0

foot 110.4

scalp 110.0

Malabsorption 579.9

calcium 579.8

carbohydrate 579.8

disaccharide 271.3

drug-induced 579.8

due to bacterial overgrowth 579.8

fat 579.8

folate, congenital 281.2

galactose 271.1

glucose-galactose (congenital) 271.3

intestinal 579.9

isomaltose 271.3

lactose (hereditary) 271.3

methionine 270.4

monosaccharide 271.8

postgastrectomy 579.3

postsurgical 579.3

protein 579.8

sucrose (-isomaltose) (congenital) 271.3

syndrome 579.9

postgastrectomy 579.3

postsurgical 579.3

Malacia, bone 268.2

juvenile (see also Rickets) 268.0

Kienb�ck's (juvenile) (lunate) (wrist) 732.3

adult 732.8


bladder 596.8

colon 569.89

pelvis (kidney) 593.89

ureter 593.89

urethra 599.84

Malacosteon 268.2

juvenile (see also Rickets) 268.0

Maladaptation - see Maladjustment

Maladie de Roger 745.4


conjugal V61.10

involving divorce or estrangement V61.0

educational V62.3

family V61.9

specified circumstance NEC V61.8

marital V61.10

involving divorce or estrangement V61.0

occupational V62.2

simple, adult (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9

situational acute (see also Reaction, adjustment) 309.9

social V62.4

Malaise 780.79

Malakoplakia - see Malacoplakia

Malaria, malarial (fever) 084.6

algid 084.9

any type, with

algid malaria 084.9

blackwater fever 084.8


blackwater 084.8

hemoglobinuric (bilious) 084.8

hemoglobinuria, malarial 084.8

hepatitis 084.9 [573.2]

nephrosis 084.9 [581.81]

pernicious complication NEC 084.9

cardiac 084.9

cerebral 084.9

cardiac 084.9

carrier (suspected) of V02.9

cerebral 084.9

complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 647.4

congenital 771.2

congestion, congestive 084.6

brain 084.9

continued 084.0

estivo-autumnal 084.0

falciparum (malignant tertian) 084.0

hematinuria 084.8

hematuria 084.8

hemoglobinuria 084.8

hemorrhagic 084.6

induced (therapeutically) 084.7

accidental - see Malaria, by type

liver 084.9 [573.2]

malariae (quartan) 084.2

malignant (tertian) 084.0

mixed infections 084.5

monkey 084.4

ovale 084.3

pernicious, acute 084.0

Plasmodium, P.

falciparum 084.0

malariae 084.2

ovale 084.3

vivax 084.1

quartan 084.2

quotidian 084.0

recurrent 084.6

induced (therapeutically) 084.7

accidental - see Malaria, by type

remittent 084.6

specified types NEC 084.4

spleen 084.6

subtertian 084.0

tertian (benign) 084.1

malignant 084.0

tropical 084.0

typhoid 084.6

vivax (benign tertian) 084.1

Malassez's disease (testicular cyst) 608.89

Malassimilation 579.9

Maldescent, testis 752.51

Maldevelopment - see also Anomaly, by site

brain 742.9

colon 751.5

hip (joint) 755.63

congenital dislocation (see also Dislocation, hip, congenital) 754.30

mastoid process 756.0

middle ear, except ossicles 744.03

ossicles 744.04

newborn (not malformation) 764.9

ossicles, ear 744.04

spine 756.10

toe 755.66

Male type pelvis 755.69

with disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

Malformation (congenital) - see also Anomaly

bone 756.9

bursa 756.9


type I 348.4

type II (see also Spina bifida) 741.0

type III 742.0

type IV 742.2

circulatory system NEC 747.9

specified type NEC 747.89

cochlea 744.05

digestive system NEC 751.9

lower 751.5

specified type NEC 751.8

upper 750.9

eye 743.9

gum 750.9

heart NEC 746.9

specified type NEC 746.89

valve 746.9

internal ear 744.05

joint NEC 755.9

specified type NEC 755.8

Mondini's (congenital) (malformation, cochlea) 744.05

muscle 756.9

nervous system (central) 742.9

pelvic organs or tissues

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.9

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

placenta (see also Placenta, abnormal) 656.7

respiratory organs 748.9

specified type NEC 748.8

Rieger's 743.44

sense organs NEC 742.9

specified type NEC 742.8

skin 757.9

specified type NEC 757.8

spinal cord 742.9

teeth, tooth NEC 520.9

tendon 756.9

throat 750.9

umbilical cord (complicating delivery) 663.9

affecting fetus or newborn 762.6

umbilicus 759.9

urinary system NEC 753.9

specified type NEC 753.8

Malfunction - see also Dysfunction

arterial graft 996.1

cardiac pacemaker 996.01

catheter device - see Complications, mechanical, catheter

colostomy 569.62

valve 569.62

cystostomy 997.5

device, implant, or graft NEC - see Complications, mechanical

enteric stoma 569.62

enterostomy 569.62

esophagostomy 530.87

gastroenteric 536.8

gastrostomy 536.42


valve 569.62

nephrostomy 997.5

pacemaker - see Complications, mechanical, pacemaker

prosthetic device, internal - see Complications, mechanical

tracheostomy 519.02


colostomy 569.62

ileostomy 569.62

vascular graft or shunt 996.1

Malgaigne's fracture (closed) 808.43

open 808.53


calcifying epithelioma (M8110/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

tumor (M8110/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Malibu disease 919.8

infected 919.9

Malignancy (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Malignant - see condition

Malingerer, malingering V65.2

Mallet, finger (acquired) 736.1

congenital 755.59

late effect of rickets 268.1

Malleus 024

Mallory's bodies 034.1

Mallory-Weiss syndrome 530.7

Malnutrition (calorie) 263.9

complicating pregnancy 648.9


first 263.1

second 263.0

third 262

mild 263.1

moderate 263.0

severe 261

protein-calorie 262

fetus 764.2

"light-for-dates" 764.1

following gastrointestinal surgery 579.3

intrauterine or fetal 764.2

fetus or infant "light-for-dates" 764.1

lack of care, or neglect (child) (infant) 995.52

adult 995.84

malignant 260

mild 263.1

moderate 263.0

protein 260

protein-calorie 263.9

severe 262

specified type NEC 263.8

severe 261

protein-calorie NEC 262

Malocclusion (teeth) 524.4

angle's class I 524.21

angle's class II 524.22

angle's class III 524.23

due to

abnormal swallowing 524.59

accessory teeth (causing crowding) 524.31

dentofacial abnormality NEC 524.89

impacted teeth (causing crowding) 520.6

missing teeth 524.30

mouth breathing 524.59

sleep postures 524.59

supernumerary teeth (causing crowding) 524.31

thumb sucking 524.59

tongue, lip, or finger habits 524.59

temporomandibular (joint) 524.69


cardiac apex (congenital) 746.87

cervix - see Malposition, uterus


adrenal (gland) 759.1

alimentary tract 751.8

lower 751.5

upper 750.8

aorta 747.21

appendix 751.5

arterial trunk 747.29

artery (peripheral) NEC (see also Malposition, congenital, peripheral vascular system) 747.60

coronary 746.85

pulmonary 747.3

auditory canal 744.29

causing impairment of hearing 744.02

auricle (ear) 744.29

causing impairment of hearing 744.02

cervical 744.43

biliary duct or passage 751.69

bladder (mucosa) 753.8

exteriorized or extroverted 753.5

brachial plexus 742.8

brain tissue 742.4

breast 757.6

bronchus 748.3

cardiac apex 746.87

cecum 751.5

clavicle 755.51

colon 751.5

digestive organ or tract NEC 751.8

lower 751.5

upper 750.8

ear (auricle) (external) 744.29

ossicles 744.04

endocrine (gland) NEC 759.2

epiglottis 748.3

Eustachian tube 744.24

eye 743.8

facial features 744.89

fallopian tube 752.19

finger(s) 755.59

supernumerary 755.01

foot 755.67

gallbladder 751.69

gastrointestinal tract 751.8

genitalia, genital organ(s) or tract

female 752.89

external 752.49

internal NEC 752.89

male 752.89

penis 752.69

scrotal transposition 752.81

glottis 748.3

hand 755.59

heart 746.87

dextrocardia 746.87

with complete transposition of viscera 759.3

hepatic duct 751.69

hip (joint) (see also Dislocation, hip, congenital) 754.30

intestine (large) (small) 751.5

with anomalous adhesions, fixation, or malrotation 751.4

joint NEC 755.8

kidney 753.3

larynx 748.3

limb 755.8

lower 755.69

upper 755.59

liver 751.69

lung (lobe) 748.69

nail(s) 757.5

nerve 742.8

nervous system NEC 742.8

nose, nasal (septum) 748.1

organ or site NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC, by site

ovary 752.0

pancreas 751.7

parathyroid (gland) 759.2

patella 755.64

peripheral vascular system 747.60

gastrointestinal 747.61

lower limb 747.64

renal 747.62

specified NEC 747.69

spinal 747.82

upper limb 747.63

pituitary (gland) 759.2

respiratory organ or system NEC 748.9

rib (cage) 756.3

supernumerary in cervical region 756.2

scapula 755.59

shoulder 755.59

spinal cord 742.59

spine 756.19

spleen 759.0

sternum 756.3

stomach 750.7

symphysis pubis 755.69

testis (undescended)752.51

thymus (gland) 759.2

thyroid (gland) (tissue) 759.2

cartilage 748.3

toe(s) 755.66

supernumerary 755.02

tongue 750.19

trachea 748.3

uterus 752.3

vein(s) (peripheral) NEC (see also Malposition, congenital, peripheral vascular system) 747.60

great 747.49

portal 747.49

pulmonary 747.49

vena cava (inferior) (superior) 747.49

device, implant, or graft - see Complications, mechanical

fetus NEC (see also Presentation, fetal) 652.9

with successful version 652.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

before labor, affecting fetus or newborn 761.7

causing obstructed labor 660.0

in multiple gestation (one fetus or more) 652.6

with locking 660.5

causing obstructed labor 660.0

gallbladder (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.8

gastrointestinal tract 569.89

congenital 751.8

heart (see also Malposition, congenital, heart) 746.87

intestine 569.89

congenital 751.5

pelvic organs or tissues

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

placenta - see Placenta, previa

stomach 537.89

congenital 750.7

tooth, teeth 524.30

with impaction 520.6

uterus (acquired) (acute) (adherent) (any degree) (asymptomatic) (postinfectional) (postpartal, old) 621.6

anteflexion or anteversion (see also Anteversion, uterus) 621.6

congenital 752.3

flexion 621.6

lateral (see also Lateroversion, uterus) 621.6

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

inversion 621.6

lateral (flexion) (version) (see also Lateroversion, uterus) 621.6

lateroflexion (see also Lateroversion, uterus) 621.6

lateroversion (see also Lateroversion, uterus) 621.6

retroflexion or retroversion (see also Retroversion, uterus) 621.6

Malposture 729.9

Malpresentation, fetus (see also Presentation, fetal) 652.9


cecum 751.4

colon 751.4

intestine 751.4

kidney 753.3

MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue) 200.3

Malta fever (see also Brucellosis) 023.9

Maltosuria 271.3

Maltreatment (of)


emotional 995.82

multiple forms 995.85

neglect (nutritional) 995.84

physical 995.81

psychological 995.82



emotional 995.51

multiple forms 995.59

neglect (nutritional)995.52

physical 995.54

shaken infant syndrome 995.55

psychological 995.51

sexual 995.53

spouse (see also Maltreatment, adult) 995.80

Malt workers' lung 495.4

Malum coxae senilis 715.25

Malunion, fracture 733.81

Mammillitis (see also Mastitis) 611.0

puerperal, postpartum 675.2

Mammitis (see also Mastitis) 611.0

puerperal, postpartum 675.2


calcification 793.89

calculus 793.89

microcalcification 793.81

Mammoplasia 611.1


contraceptive V25.9

specified type NEC V25.8

procreative V26.9

specified type NEC V26.89

Mangled NEC (see also nature and site of injury) 959.9

Mania (monopolar) (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.0

alcoholic (acute) (chronic) 291.9

Bell's - see Mania, chronic

chronic 296.0

recurrent episode 296.1

single episode 296.0

compulsive 300.3

delirious (acute) 296.0

recurrent episode 296.1

single episode 296.0

epileptic (see also Epilepsy) 345.4

hysterical 300.10

inhibited 296.89

puerperal (after delivery) 296.0

recurrent episode 296.1

single episode 296.0

recurrent episode 296.1

senile 290.8

single episode 296.0

stupor 296.89

stuporous 296.89

unproductive 296.89

Manic-depressive insanity, psychosis, reaction, or syndrome (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80

circular (alternating) 296.7


depressed 296.5

episode unspecified 296.7

hypomanic, previously depressed 296.4

manic 296.4

mixed 296.6

depressed (type), depressive 296.2

atypical 296.82

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

hypomanic 296.0

recurrent episode 296.1

single episode 296.0

manic 296.0

atypical 296.81

recurrent episode 296.1

single episode 296.0

mixed NEC 296.89

perplexed 296.89

stuporous 296.89

Manifestations, rheumatoid

lungs 714.81

pannus - see Arthritis, rheumatoid

subcutaneous nodules - see Arthritis, rheumatoid

Mankowsky's syndrome (familial dysplastic osteopathy) 731.2

Mannoheptulosuria 271.8

Mannosidosis 271.8


disease (schistosomiasis) 120.1

pyosis (pemphigus contagiosus) 684

schistosomiasis 120.1

Mansonellosis 125.5

Manual - see condition

Maple bark disease 495.6

Maple bark-strippers' lung 495.6

Maple syrup (urine) disease or syndrome 270.3

Marable's syndrome (celiac artery compression) 447.4

Marasmus 261

brain 331.9

due to malnutrition 261

intestinal 569.89

nutritional 261

senile 797

tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9


bones 756.52

skin 782.61

Marburg disease (virus) 078.89


foot 733.94

hemoglobinuria 283.2

Marchand multiple nodular hyperplasia (liver) 571.5

Marchesani (-Weill) syndrome (brachymorphism and ectopia lentis) 759.89

Marchiafava (-Bignami) disease or syndrome 341.8

Marchiafava-Micheli syndrome (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria) 283.2

Marcus Gunn's syndrome (jaw-winking syndrome) 742.8


congenital syphilis 090.49

disease 090.49

syndrome (arachnodactyly) 759.82

meaning congenital syphilis 090.49

with luxation of lens 090.49 [379.32]


implantation, placenta - see Placenta, previa

placenta - see Placenta, previa

sinus (hemorrhage) (rupture) 641.2

affecting fetus or newborn 762.1


cerebellar ataxia 334.2

syndrome (acromegaly) 253.0

Marie-Bamberger disease or syndrome (hypertrophic) (pulmonary) (secondary) 731.2

idiopathic (acropachyderma) 757.39

primary (acropachyderma) 757.39

Marie-Charc�t-Tooth neuropathic atrophy, muscle 356.1

Marie-Str�mpell arthritis or disease (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0

Marihuana, marijuana

abuse (see also Abuse, drugs, nondependent) 305.2

dependence (see also Dependence) 304.3

Marion's disease (bladder neck obstruction) 596.0

Marital conflict V61.10


port wine 757.32

raspberry 757.32

strawberry 757.32

stretch 701.3

tattoo 709.09

Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis VI) 277.5

Marriage license examination V70.3

Marrow (bone)

arrest 284.9

megakaryocytic 287.30

poor function 289.9

Marseilles fever 082.1

Marsh's disease (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0

Marshall's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia 757.31

Marsh fever (see also Malaria) 084.6

Martin's disease 715.27

Martin-Albright syndrome (pseudohypoparathyroidism) 275.49

Martorell-Fabre syndrome (pulseless disease) 446.7

Masculinization, female, with adrenal hyperplasia 255.2

Masculinovoblastoma (M8670/0) 220

Masochism 302.83

Masons' lung 502


abdominal 789.3

anus 787.99

bone 733.90

breast 611.72

cheek 784.2

chest 786.6

cystic - see Cyst

ear 388.8

epigastric 789.3

eye 379.92

female genital organ 625.8

gum 784.2

head 784.2

intracranial 784.2

joint 719.60

ankle 719.67

elbow 719.62

foot 719.67

hand 719.64

hip 719.65

knee 719.66

multiple sites 719.69

pelvic region 719.65

shoulder (region) 719.61

specified site NEC 719.68

wrist 719.63

kidney (see also Disease, kidney) 593.9

lung 786.6

lymph node 785.6

malignant (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

mediastinal 786.6

mouth 784.2

muscle (limb) 729.89

neck 784.2

nose or sinus 784.2

palate 784.2

pelvis, pelvic 789.3

penis 607.89

perineum 625.8

rectum 787.99

scrotum 608.89

skin 782.2

specified organ NEC - see Disease of specified organ or site

splenic 789.2

substernal 786.6

thyroid (see also Goiter) 240.9

superficial (localized) 782.2

testes 608.89

throat 784.2

tongue 784.2

umbilicus 789.3

uterus 625.8

vagina 625.8

vulva 625.8

Massive - see condition

Mastalgia 611.71

psychogenic 307.89

Mast cell

disease 757.33

systemic (M9741/3) 202.6

leukemia (M9900/3) 207.8

sarcoma (M9742/3) 202.6

tumor (M9740/1) 238.5

malignant (M9740/3) 202.6

Masters-Allen syndrome 620.6

Mastitis (acute) (adolescent) (diffuse) (interstitial) (lobular) (nonpuerperal) (nonsuppurative) (parenchymatous) (phlegmonous) (simple) (subacute) (suppurative) 611.0

chronic (cystic) (fibrocystic) 610.1

cystic 610.1

Schimmelbusch's type 610.1

fibrocystic 610.1

infective 611.0

lactational 675.2

lymphangitis 611.0

neonatal (noninfective) 778.7

infective 771.5

periductal 610.4

plasma cell 610.4

puerperal, postpartum, (interstitial) (nonpurulent) (parenchymatous) 675.2

purulent 675.1

stagnation 676.2

puerperalis 675.2

retromammary 611.0

puerperal, postpartum 675.1

submammary 611.0

puerperal, postpartum 675.1

Mastocytoma (M9740/1) 238.5

malignant (M9740/3) 202.6

Mastocytosis 757.33

malignant (M9741/3) 202.6

systemic (M9741/3) 202.6

Mastodynia 611.71

psychogenic 307.89

Mastoid - see condition

Mastoidalgia (see also Otalgia) 388.70

Mastoiditis (coalescent) (hemorrhagic) (pneumococcal) (streptococcal) (suppurative) 383.9

acute or subacute 383.00


Gradenigo's syndrome 383.02

petrositis 383.02

specified complication NEC 383.02

subperiosteal abscess 383.01

chronic (necrotic) (recurrent) 383.1

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.6

Mastopathy, mastopathia 611.9

chronica cystica 610.1

diffuse cystic 610.1

estrogenic 611.8

ovarian origin 611.8

Mastoplasia 611.1

Masturbation 307.9

Maternal condition, affecting fetus or newborn

acute yellow atrophy of liver 760.8

albuminuria 760.1

anesthesia or analgesia 763.5

blood loss 762.1

chorioamnionitis 762.7

circulatory disease, chronic (conditions classifiable to 390-459, 745-747) 760.3

congenital heart disease (conditions classifiable to 745-746) 760.3

cortical necrosis of kidney 760.1

death 761.6

diabetes mellitus 775.0

manifest diabetes in the infant 775.1

disease NEC 760.9

circulatory system, chronic (conditions classifiable to 390-459, 745-747) 760.3

genitourinary system (conditions classifiable to 580-599) 760.1

respiratory (conditions classifiable to 490-519, 748) 760.3

eclampsia 760.0

hemorrhage NEC 762.1

hepatitis acute, malignant, or subacute 760.8

hyperemesis (gravidarum) 761.8

hypertension (arising during pregnancy) (conditions classifiable to 642) 760.0


disease classifiable to 001-136 760.2

genital tract NEC 760.8

urinary tract 760.1

influenza 760.2

manifest influenza in the infant 771.2

injury (conditions classifiable to 800-996) 760.5

malaria 760.2

manifest malaria in infant or fetus 771.2

malnutrition 760.4

necrosis of liver 760.8

nephritis (conditions classifiable to 580-583) 760.1

nephrosis (conditions classifiable to 581) 760.1

noxious substance transmitted via breast milk or placenta 760.70

alcohol 760.71

anticonvulsants 760.77

antifungals 760.74

anti-infective agents 760.74

antimetabolics 760.78

cocaine 760.75

"crack" 760.75

diethylstilbestrol [DES] 760.76

hallucinogenic agents 760.73

medicinal agents NEC 760.79

narcotics 760.72

obstetric anesthetic or analgesic drug 760.72

specified agent NEC 760.79

nutritional disorder (conditions classifiable to 260-269) 760.4

operation unrelated to current delivery 760.6

pre-eclampsia 760.0

pyelitis or pyelonephritis, arising during pregnancy (conditions classifiable to 590) 760.1

renal disease or failure 760.1

respiratory disease, chronic (conditions classifiable to 490-519, 748) 760.3

rheumatic heart disease (chronic) (conditions classifiable to 393-398) 760.3

rubella (conditions classifiable to 056) 760.2

manifest rubella in the infant or fetus 771.0

surgery unrelated to current delivery 760.6

to uterus or pelvic organs 763.89

syphilis (conditions classifiable to 090-097) 760.2

manifest syphilis in the infant or fetus 090.0

thrombophlebitis 760.3

toxemia (of pregnancy) 760.0

pre-eclamptic 760.0

toxoplasmosis (conditions classifiable to 130) 760.2

manifest toxoplasmosis in the infant or fetus 771.2

transmission of chemical substance through the placenta 760.70

alcohol 760.71

anticonvulsants 760.77

antifungals 760.74

anti-infective 760.74

antimetabolics 760.78

cocaine 760.75

"crack" 760.75

diethylstilbestrol [DES] 760.76

hallucinogenic agents 760.73

narcotics 760.72

specified substance NEC 760.79

uremia 760.1

urinary tract conditions (conditions classifiable to 580-599) 760.1

vomiting (pernicious) (persistent) (vicious) 761.8

Maternity - see Delivery

Matheiu's disease (leptospiral jaundice) 100.0

Mauclaire's disease or osteochondrosis 732.3

Maxcy's disease 081.0

Maxilla, maxillary - see condition

May (-Hegglin) anomaly or syndrome 288.2

Mayaro fever 066.3

Mazoplasia 610.8

MBD (minimal brain dysfunction), child (see also Hyperkinesia) 314.9

MCAD (medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency) 277.85

McArdle (-Schmid-Pearson) disease or syndrome (glycogenosis V) 271.0

McCune-Albright syndrome (osteitis fibrosa disseminata) 756.59

MCLS (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome) 446.1

McQuarrie's syndrome (idiopathic familial hypoglycemia) 251.2

Measles (black) (hemorrhagic) (suppressed) 055.9


encephalitis 055.0

keratitis 055.71

keratoconjunctivitis 055.71

otitis media 055.2

pneumonia 055.1

complication 055.8

specified type NEC 055.79

encephalitis 055.0

French 056.9

German 056.9

keratitis 055.71

keratoconjunctivitis 055.71

liberty 056.9

otitis media 055.2

pneumonia 055.1

specified complications NEC 055.79

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V04.2

Meatitis, urethral (see also Urethritis) 597.89

Meat poisoning - see Poisoning, food

Meatus, meatal - see condition

Meat-wrappers' asthma 506.9


diverticulitis 751.0

diverticulum (displaced) (hypertrophic) 751.0


aspiration 770.11


pneumonia 770.12

pneumonitis 770.12

respiratory symptoms 770.12

below vocal cords 770.11

with respiratory symptoms 770.12

syndrome 770.12

delayed passage in newborn 777.1

ileus 777.1

due to cystic fibrosis 277.01

in liquor 792.3

noted during delivery - 656.8

insufflation 770.11

with respiratory symptoms 770.12


fetus or newborn 777.1

in mucoviscidosis 277.01

passage of 792.3

noted during delivery 763.84

peritonitis 777.6

plug syndrome (newborn) NEC 777.1

staining 779.84

Median - see also condition

arcuate ligament syndrome 447.4

bar (prostate) 600.90


other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.91


obstruction 600.91

retention 600.91

vesical orifice 600.90


other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.91


obstruction 600.91

retention 600.91

rhomboid glossitis 529.2

Mediastinal shift 793.2

Mediastinitis (acute) (chronic) 519.2

actinomycotic 039.8

syphilitic 095.8

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 012.8

Mediastinopericarditis (see also Pericarditis) 423.9

acute 420.90

chronic 423.8

rheumatic 393

rheumatic, chronic 393

Mediastinum, mediastinal - see condition

Medical services provided for - see Health, services provided because (of)

Medicine poisoning (by overdose) (wrong substance given or taken in error) 977.9

specified drug or substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Medin's disease (poliomyelitis) 045.9


anemia (with other hemoglobinopathy) 282.49

disease or syndrome (hemipathic) 282.49

fever (see also Brucellosis) 023.9

familial 277.31

kala-azar 085.0

leishmaniasis 085.0

tick fever 082.1

Medulla - see condition


cystic kidney 753.16

sponge kidney 753.17

Medullated fibers

optic (nerve) 743.57

retina 362.85

Medulloblastoma (M9470/3)

desmoplastic (M9471/3) 191.6

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 191.6

Medulloepithelioma (M9501/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

teratoid (M9502/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Medullomyoblastoma (M9472/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 191.6

Meekeren-Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 756.83

Megacaryocytic - see condition

Megacolon (acquired) (functional) (not Hirschsprung's disease) 564.7

aganglionic 751.3

congenital, congenitum 751.3

Hirschsprung's (disease) 751.3

psychogenic 306.4

toxic (see also Colitis, ulcerative) 556.9

Megaduodenum 537.3

Megaesophagus (functional) 530.0

congenital 750.4

Megakaryocytic - see condition

Megalencephaly 742.4

Megalerythema (epidermicum) (infectiosum) 057.0

Megalia, cutis et ossium 757.39

Megaloappendix 751.5

Megalocephalus, megalocephaly NEC 756.0

Megalocornea 743.41

associated with buphthalmos 743.22

Megalocytic anemia 281.9

Megalodactylia (fingers) (thumbs) 755.57

toes 755.65

Megaloduodenum 751.5

Megaloesophagus (functional) 530.0

congenital 750.4

Megalogastria (congenital) 750.7

Megalomania 307.9

Megalophthalmos 743.8

Megalopsia 368.14

Megalosplenia (see also Splenomegaly) 789.2

Megaloureter 593.89


Megarectum 569.49

Megasigmoid 564.7

congenital 751.3

Megaureter 593.89


Megrim 346.9


cyst 373.2

infected 373.12

gland - see condition

infarct (eyelid) 374.85

stye 373.11

Meibomitis 373.12


-Milroy disease (chronic hereditary edema) 757.0

syndrome (blepharospasm-oromandibular dystonia) 333.82

Melalgia, nutritional 266.2

Melancholia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.90

climacteric 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

hypochondriac 300.7

intermittent 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

involutional 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

menopausal 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

puerperal 296.2

reactive (from emotional stress, psychological trauma) 298.0

recurrent 296.3

senile 290.21

stuporous 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

Melanemia 275.0

Melanoameloblastoma (M9363/0) - see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Melanoblastoma (M8720/3) - see Melanoma


Block-Sulzberger 757.33

cutis linearis sive systematisata 757.33

Melanocarcinoma (M8720/3) - see Melanoma

Melanocytoma, eyeball (M8726/0) 224.0

Melanoderma, melanodermia 709.09

Addison's (primary adrenal insufficiency) 255.41

Melanodontia, infantile 521.05

Melanodontoclasia 521.05

Melanoepithelioma (M8720/3) - see Melanoma

Melanoma (malignant) (M8720/3) 172.9

Note53Except where otherwise indicated, the morphological varieties of melanoma in the list below should be coded by site as for "Melanoma (malignant)." Internal sites should be coded to malignant neoplasm of those sites.

abdominal wall 172.5

ala nasi 172.3

amelanotic (M8730/3) - see Melanoma, by site

ankle 172.7

anus, anal 154.3

canal 154.2

arm 172.6

auditory canal (external) 172.2

auricle (ear) 172.2

auricular canal (external) 172.2

axilla 172.5

axillary fold 172.5

back 172.5

balloon cell (M8722/3) - see Melanoma, by site

benign (M8720/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

breast (female) (male) 172.5

brow 172.3

buttock 172.5

canthus (eye) 172.1

cheek (external) 172.3

chest wall 172.5

chin 172.3

choroid 190.6

conjunctiva 190.3

ear (external) 172.2

epithelioid cell (M8771/3) - see also Melanoma, by site

and spindle cell, mixed (M8775/3) - see Melanoma, by site

external meatus (ear) 172.2

eye 190.9

eyebrow 172.3

eyelid (lower) (upper) 172.1

face NEC 172.3

female genital organ (external) NEC 184.4

finger 172.6

flank 172.5

foot 172.7

forearm 172.6

forehead 172.3

foreskin 187.1

gluteal region 172.5

groin 172.5

hand 172.6

heel 172.7

helix 172.2

hip 172.7


giant pigmented nevus (M8761/3) - see Melanoma, by site

Hutchinson's melanotic freckle (M8742/3) - see Melanoma, by site

junctional nevus (M8740/3) - see Melanoma, by site

precancerous melanosis (M8741/3) - see Melanoma, by site

interscapular region 172.5

iris 190.0

jaw 172.3

juvenile (M8770/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

knee 172.7


majus 184.1

minus 184.2

lacrimal gland 190.2

leg 172.7

lip (lower) (upper) 172.0

liver 197.7

lower limb NEC 172.7

male genital organ (external) NEC 187.9

meatus, acoustic (external) 172.2

meibomian gland 172.1


of or from specified site - see Melanoma, by site

site not of skin - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant, secondary

to specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant, secondary

unspecified site 172.9

nail 172.9

finger 172.6

toe 172.7

neck 172.4

nodular (M8721/3) - see Melanoma, by site

nose, external 172.3

orbit 190.1

penis 187.4

perianal skin 172.5

perineum 172.5

pinna 172.2

popliteal (fossa) (space) 172.7

prepuce 187.1

pubes 172.5

pudendum 184.4

retina 190.5

scalp 172.4

scrotum 187.7

septum nasal (skin) 172.3

shoulder 172.6

skin NEC 172.8

spindle cell (M8772/3) - see also Melanoma, by site

type A (M8773/3) 190.0

type B (M8774/3) 190.0

submammary fold 172.5

superficial spreading (M8743/3) - see Melanoma, by site

temple 172.3

thigh 172.7

toe 172.7

trunk NEC 172.5

umbilicus 172.5

upper limb NEC 172.6

vagina vault 184.0

vulva 184.4

Melanoplakia 528.9

Melanosarcoma (M8720/3) - see also Melanoma

epithelioid cell (M8771/3) - see Melanoma

Melanosis 709.09

addisonian (primary adrenal insufficiency) 255.41

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.6

adrenal 255.41

colon 569.89

conjunctiva 372.55

congenital 743.49

corii degenerativa 757.33

cornea (presenile) (senile) 371.12

congenital 743.43

interfering with vision 743.42

prenatal 743.43

interfering with vision 743.42

eye 372.55

congenital 743.49

jute spinners' 709.09

lenticularis progressiva 757.33

liver 573.8

precancerous (M8741/2) - see also Neoplasm, skin, in situ

malignant melanoma in (M8741/3) - see Melanoma

Riehl's 709.09

sclera 379.19

congenital 743.47

suprarenal 255.41

tar 709.09

toxic 709.09

Melanuria 791.9

MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes ) 277.87

Melasma 709.09

adrenal (gland) 255.41

suprarenal (gland) 255.41

Melena 578.1

due to

swallowed maternal blood 777.3

ulcer - see Ulcer, by site, with hemorrhage

newborn 772.4

due to swallowed maternal blood 777.3


gangrene (cutaneous) 686.09

ulcer (chronic undermining) 686.09

Melioidosis 025

Melitensis, febris 023.0

Melitococcosis 023.0

Melkersson (-Rosenthal) syndrome 351.8

Mellitus, diabetes - see Diabetes

Melorheostosis (bone) (leri) 733.99

Meloschisis 744.83

Melotia 744.29


capsularis lentis posterior 743.39

epipapillaris 743.57

Membranacea placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Membranaceous uterus 621.8

Membrane, membranous - see also condition

folds, congenital - see Web

Jackson's 751.4

over face (causing asphyxia), fetus or newborn 768.9

premature rupture - see Rupture, membranes, premature

pupillary 364.74

persistent 743.46

retained (complicating delivery) (with hemorrhage) 666.2

without hemorrhage 667.1

secondary (eye) 366.50

unruptured (causing asphyxia) 768.9

vitreous humor 379.25

Membranitis, fetal 658.4

affecting fetus or newborn 762.7

Memory disturbance, loss or lack (see also Amnesia) 780.93

mild, following organic brain damage 310.1

MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia) syndromes

type I 258.01

type IIA 258.02

type IIB 258.03

Menadione (vitamin K) deficiency 269.0

Menarche, precocious 259.1

Mendacity, pathologic 301.7

Mende's syndrome (ptosis-epicanthus) 270.2

Mendelson's syndrome (resulting from a procedure) 997.3

obstetric 668.0

M�n�trier's disease or syndrome (hypertrophic gastritis) 535.2

M�ni�re's disease, syndrome, or vertigo 386.00

cochlear 386.02

cochleovestibular 386.01

inactive 386.04

in remission 386.04

vestibular 386.03

Meninges, meningeal - see condition

Meningioma (M9530/0) - see also Neoplasm, meninges, benign

angioblastic (M9535/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

angiomatous (M9534/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

endotheliomatous (M9531/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

fibroblastic (M9532/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

fibrous (M9532/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

hemangioblastic (M9535/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

hemangiopericytic (M9536/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

malignant (M9530/3) - see Neoplasm, meninges, malignant

meningiothelial (M9531/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

meningotheliomatous (M9531/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

mixed (M9537/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

multiple (M9530/1) 237.6

papillary (M9538/1) 237.6

psammomatous (M9533/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

syncytial (M9531/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

transitional (M9537/0) - see Neoplasm, meninges, benign

Meningiomatosis (diffuse) (M9530/1) 237.6

Meningism (see also Meningismus) 781.6

Meningismus (infectional) (pneumococcal) 781.6

due to serum or vaccine 997.09 [321.8]

influenzal NEC 487.8

Meningitis (basal) (basic) (basilar) (brain) (cerebral) (cervical) (congestive) (diffuse) (hemorrhagic) (infantile) (membranous) (metastatic) (nonspecific) (pontine) (progressive) (simple) (spinal) (subacute) (sympathetica) (toxic) 322.9

abacterial NEC (see also Meningitis, aseptic) 047.9

actinomycotic 039.8 [320.7]

adenoviral 049.1

aerobacter aerogenes 320.82

anaerobes (cocci) (gram-negative) (gram-positive) (mixed) (NEC) 320.81

arbovirus NEC 066.9 [321.2]

specified type NEC 066.8 [321.2]

aseptic (acute) NEC 047.9

adenovirus 049.1

Coxsackie virus 047.0

due to

adenovirus 049.1

Coxsackie virus 047.0

ECHO virus 047.1

enterovirus 047.9

mumps 072.1

poliovirus (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.2 [321.2]

ECHO virus 047.1

herpes (simplex) virus 054.72

zoster 053.0

leptospiral 100.81

lymphocytic choriomeningitis 049.0

noninfective 322.0

Bacillus pyocyaneus 320.89

bacterial NEC 320.9

anaerobic 320.81

gram-negative 320.82

anaerobic 320.81

Bacteroides (fragilis) (oralis) (melaninogenicus) 320.81

cancerous (M8000/6) 198.4

candidal 112.83

carcinomatous (M8010/6) 198.4

caseous (see also Tuberculosis, meninges) 013.0

cerebrospinal (acute) (chronic) (diplococcal) (endemic) (epidemic) (fulminant) (infectious) (malignant) (meningococcal) (sporadic) 036.0

carrier (suspected) of V02.59

chronic NEC 322.2

clear cerebrospinal fluid NEC 322.0

Clostridium (haemolyticum) (novyi) NEC 320.81

coccidioidomycosis 114.2

Coxsackie virus 047.0

cryptococcal 117.5 [321.0]

diplococcal 036.0

gram-negative 036.0

gram-positive 320.1

Diplococcus pneumoniae 320.1

due to

actinomycosis 039.8 [320.7]

adenovirus 049.1

coccidiomycosis 114.2

enterovirus 047.9

specified NEC 047.8

histoplasmosis (see also Histoplasmosis) 115.91

Listerosis 027.0 [320.7]

Lyme disease 088.81 [320.7]

moniliasis 112.83

mumps 072.1

neurosyphilis 094.2

nonbacterial organisms NEC 321.8

oidiomycosis 112.83

poliovirus (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.2 [321.2]

preventive immunization, inoculation, or vaccination 997.09 [321.8]

sarcoidosis 135 [321.4]

sporotrichosis 117.1 [321.1]

syphilis 094.2

acute 091.81

congenital 090.42

secondary 091.81

trypanosomiasis (see also Trypanosomiasis) 086.9 [321.3]

whooping cough 033.9 [320.7]

E. coli 320.82

ECHO virus 047.1

endothelial-leukocytic, benign, recurrent 047.9

Enterobacter aerogenes 320.82

enteroviral 047.9

specified type NEC 047.8

enterovirus 047.9

specified NEC 047.8

eosinophilic 322.1

epidemic NEC 036.0

Escherichia coli (E. coli) 320.82

Eubacterium 320.81

fibrinopurulent NEC 320.9

specified type NEC 320.89

Friedl�nder (bacillus) 320.82

fungal NEC 117.9 [321.1]

Fusobacterium 320.81

gonococcal 098.82

gram-negative bacteria NEC 320.82

anaerobic 320.81

cocci 036.0

specified NEC 320.82

gram-negative cocci NEC 036.0

specified NEC 320.82

gram-positive cocci NEC 320.9

H. influenzae 320.0

herpes (simplex) virus 054.72

zoster 053.0

infectious NEC 320.9

influenzal 320.0

Klebsiella pneumoniae 320.82

late effect - see Late, effect, meningitis

leptospiral (aseptic) 100.81

Listerella (monocytogenes) 027.0 [320.7]

Listeria monocytogenes 027.0 [320.7]

lymphocytic (acute) (benign) (serous) 049.0

choriomeningitis virus 049.0

meningococcal (chronic) 036.0

Mima polymorpha 320.82

Mollaret's 047.9

monilial 112.83

mumps (virus) 072.1

mycotic NEC 117.9 [321.1]

Neisseria 036.0

neurosyphilis 094.2

nonbacterial NEC (see also Meningitis, aseptic) 047.9

nonpyogenic NEC 322.0

oidiomycosis 112.83

ossificans 349.2

Peptococcus 320.81

PeptoStreptococcus 320.81

pneumococcal 320.1

poliovirus (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.2 [321.2]

Proprionibacterium 320.81

Proteus morganii 320.82

Pseudomonas (aeruginosa) (pyocyaneus) 320.82

purulent NEC 320.9

specified organism NEC 320.89

pyogenic NEC 320.9

specified organism NEC 320.89

Salmonella 003.21

septic NEC 320.9

specified organism NEC 320.89

serosa circumscripta NEC 322.0

serous NEC (see also Meningitis, aseptic) 047.9

lymphocytic 049.0

syndrome 348.2

Serratia (marcescens) 320.82

specified organism NEC 320.89

sporadic cerebrospinal 036.0

sporotrichosis 117.1 [321.1]

staphylococcal 320.3

sterile 997.09

streptococcal (acute) 320.2

suppurative 320.9

specified organism NEC 320.89

syphilitic 094.2

acute 091.81

congenital 090.42

secondary 091.81

torula 117.5 [321.0]

traumatic (complication of injury) 958.8

Treponema (denticola) (macrodenticum) 320.81

trypanosomiasis 086.1 [321.3]

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, meninges) 013.0

typhoid 002.0 [320.7]

Veillonella 320.81

Vibrio vulnificus 320.82

viral, virus NEC (see also Meningitis, aseptic) 047.9

Wallgren's (see also Meningitis, aseptic) 047.9

Meningocele (congenital) (spinal) (see also Spina bifida) 741.9

acquired (traumatic) 349.2

cerebral 742.0

cranial 742.0

Meningocerebritis - see Meningoencephalitis

Meningococcemia (acute) (chronic) 036.2

Meningococcus, meningococcal (see also condition) 036.9

adrenalitis, hemorrhagic 036.3

carditis 036.40

carrier (suspected) of V02.59

cerebrospinal fever 036.0

encephalitis 036.1

endocarditis 036.42

exposure to V01.84

infection NEC 036.9

meningitis (cerebrospinal) 036.0

myocarditis 036.43

optic neuritis 036.81

pericarditis 036.41

septicemia (chronic) 036.2

Meningoencephalitis (see also Encephalitis) 323.9

acute NEC 048

bacterial, purulent, pyogenic, or septic - see Meningitis

chronic NEC 094.1

diffuse NEC 094.1

diphasic 063.2

due to

actinomycosis 039.8 [320.7]

blastomycosis NEC (see also Blastomycosis) 116.0 [323.41]

free-living amebae 136.2

Listeria monocytogenes 027.0 [320.7]

Lyme disease 088.81 [320.7]

mumps 072.2

Naegleria (amebae) (gruberi) (organisms) 136.2

rubella 056.01

sporotrichosis 117.1 [321.1]

toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.0

congenital (active) 771.2 [323.41]

Trypanosoma 086.1 [323.2]

epidemic 036.0

herpes 054.3

herpetic 054.3

H. influenzae 320.0

infectious (acute) 048

influenzal 320.0

late effect - see category 326

Listeria monocytogenes 027.0 [320.7]

lymphocytic (serous) 049.0

mumps 072.2

parasitic NEC 123.9 [323.41]

pneumococcal 320.1

primary amebic 136.2

rubella 056.01

serous 048

lymphocytic 049.0

specific 094.2

staphylococcal 320.3

streptococcal 320.2

syphilitic 094.2

toxic NEC 989.9 [323.71]

due to

carbon tetrachloride 987.8 [323.71]

hydroxyquinoline derivatives poisoning 961.3 [323.71]

lead 984.9 [323.71]

mercury 985.0 [323.71]

thallium 985.8 [323.71]

toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.0

trypanosomic 086.1 [323.2]

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, meninges) 013.0

virus NEC 048

Meningoencephalocele 742.0

syphilitic 094.89

congenital 090.49

Meningoencephalomyelitis (see also Meningoencephalitis) 323.9

acute NEC 048

disseminated (postinfectious) 136.9 [323.61]

postimmunization or postvaccination 323.51

due to

actinomycosis 039.8 [320.7]

torula 117.5 [323.41]

toxoplasma or toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.0

congenital (active) 771.2 [323.41]

late effect - see category 326

Meningoencephalomyelopathy (see also Meningoencephalomyelitis) 349.9

Meningoencephalopathy (see also Meningoencephalitis) 348.39

Meningoencephalopoliomyelitis (see also Poliomyelitis, bulbar) 045.0

late effect 138

Meningomyelitis (see also Meningoencephalitis) 323.9

blastomycotic NEC (see also Blastomycosis) 116.0 [323.41]

due to

actinomycosis 039.8 [320.7]

blastomycosis (see also Blastomycosis) 116.0 [323.41]

Meningococcus 036.0

sporotrichosis 117.1 [323.41]

torula 117.5 [323.41]

late effect - see category 326

lethargic 049.8

meningococcal 036.0

syphilitic 094.2

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, meninges) 013.0

Meningomyelocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9

syphilitic 094.89

Meningomyeloneuritis - see Meningoencephalitis

Meningoradiculitis - see Meningitis

Meningovascular - see condition

Meniscocytosis 282.60

Menkes' syndrome - see Syndrome, Menkes'

Menolipsis 626.0

Menometrorrhagia 626.2

Menopause, menopausal (symptoms) (syndrome) 627.2

arthritis (any site) NEC 716.3

artificial 627.4

bleeding 627.0

crisis 627.2

depression (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2

agitated 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

psychotic 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

melancholia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2

recurrent episode 296.3

single episode 296.2

paranoid state 297.2

paraphrenia 297.2

postsurgical 627.4

premature 256.31

postirradiation 256.2

postsurgical 256.2

psychoneurosis 627.2

psychosis NEC 298.8

surgical 627.4

toxic polyarthritis NEC 716.39

Menorrhagia (primary) 626.2

climacteric 627.0

menopausal 627.0

postclimacteric 627.1

postmenopausal 627.1

preclimacteric 627.0

premenopausal 627.0

puberty (menses retained) 626.3

Menorrhalgia 625.3

Menoschesis 626.8

Menostaxis 626.2

Menses, retention 626.8

Menstrual - see also Menstruation

cycle, irregular 626.4

disorders NEC 626.9

extraction V25.3

fluid, retained 626.8

molimen 625.4

period, normal V65.5

regulation V25.3


absent 626.0

anovulatory 628.0

delayed 626.8

difficult 625.3

disorder 626.9

psychogenic 306.52

specified NEC 626.8

during pregnancy 640.8

excessive 626.2

frequent 626.2

infrequent 626.1

irregular 626.4

latent 626.8

membranous 626.8

painful (primary) (secondary) 625.3

psychogenic 306.52

passage of clots 626.2

precocious 626.8

protracted 626.8

retained 626.8

retrograde 626.8

scanty 626.1

suppression 626.8

vicarious (nasal) 625.8

Mentagra (see also Sycosis) 704.8

Mental - see also condition

deficiency (see also Retardation, mental) 319

deterioration (see also Psychosis) 298.9

disorder (see also Disorder, mental) 300.9

exhaustion 300.5

insufficiency (congenital) (see also Retardation, mental) 319

observation without need for further medical care NEC V71.09

retardation (see also Retardation, mental) 319

subnormality (see also Retardation, mental) 319

mild 317

moderate 318.0

profound 318.2

severe 318.1

upset (see also Disorder, mental) 300.9

Meralgia paresthetica 355.1

Mercurial - see condition

Mercurialism NEC 985.0

Merergasia 300.9

MERRF syndrome (myoclonus with epilepsy and with ragged red fibers) 277.87

Merkel cell tumor - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Merocele (see also Hernia, femoral) 553.00

Meromelia 755.4

lower limb 755.30

intercalary 755.32

femur 755.34

tibiofibular (complete) (incomplete) 755.33

fibula 755.37

metartarsal(s) 755.38

tarsal(s) 755.38

tibia 755.36

tibiofibular 755.35

terminal (complete) (partial) (transverse) 755.31

longitudinal 755.32

metatarsal(s) 755.38

phalange(s) 755.39

tarsal(s) 755.38

transverse 755.31

upper limb 755.20

intercalary 755.22

carpal(s) 755.28

humeral 755.24

radioulnar (complete) (incomplete) 755.23

metacarpal(s) 755.28

phalange(s) 755.29

radial 755.26

radioulnar 755.25

ulnar 755.27

terminal (complete) (partial) (transverse) 755.21

longitudinal 755.22

carpal(s) 755.28

metacarpal(s) 755.28

phalange(s) 755.29

transverse 755.21

Merosmia 781.1

Merycism - see also Vomiting

psychogenic 307.53

Merzbacher-Pelizaeus disease 330.0

Mesaortitis - see Aortitis

Mesarteritis - see Arteritis

Mesencephalitis (see also Encephalitis) 323.9

late effect - see category 326

Mesenchymoma (M8990/1) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

benign (M8990/0) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

malignant (M8990/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant


retractile 567.82

sclerosing 567.82

Mesentery, mesenteric - see condition

Mesiodens, mesiodentes 520.1

causing crowding 524.31

Mesio-occlusion 524.23

Mesocardia (with asplenia) 746.87

Mesocolon - see condition

Mesonephroma (malignant) (M9110/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

benign (M9110/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

Mesophlebitis - see Phlebitis

Mesostromal dysgenesis 743.51

Mesothelioma (malignant) (M9050/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

benign (M9050/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

biphasic type (M9053/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

benign (M9053/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

epithelioid (M9052/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

benign (M9052/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

fibrous (M9051/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

benign (M9051/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

Metabolic syndrome 277.7

Metabolism disorder 277.9

specified type NEC 277.89

Metagonimiasis 121.5

Metagonimus infestation (small intestine) 121.5


pigmentation (skin) 709.00

polishers' disease 502

Metalliferous miners' lung 503

Metamorphopsia 368.14


bone, in skin 709.3

breast 611.8

cervix - omit code

endometrium (squamous) 621.8

esophagus 530.85

intestinal, of gastric mucosa 537.89

kidney (pelvis) (squamous) (see also Disease, renal) 593.89

myelogenous 289.89

myeloid 289.89

agnogenic 238.76

megakaryocytic 238.76

spleen 289.59

squamous cell

amnion 658.8

bladder 596.8

cervix - see condition

trachea 519.19

tracheobronchial tree 519.19

uterus 621.8

cervix - see condition

Metastasis, metastatic

abscess - see Abscess

calcification 275.40

cancer, neoplasm, or disease

from specified site (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

to specified site (M8000/6) - see Neoplasm, by site, secondary

deposits (in) (M8000/6) - see Neoplasm, by site, secondary

pneumonia 038.8 [484.8]

spread (to) (M8000/6) - see Neoplasm, by site, secondary

Metatarsalgia 726.70

anterior 355.6

due to Freiberg's disease 732.5

Morton's 355.6

Metatarsus, metatarsal - see also condition

abductus valgus (congenital) 754.60

adductus varus (congenital) 754.53

primus varus 754.52

valgus (adductus) (congenital) 754.60

varus (abductus) (congenital) 754.53

primus 754.52

Methemoglobinemia 289.7

acquired (with sulfhemoglobinemia) 289.7

congenital 289.7

enzymatic 289.7

Hb-M disease 289.7

hereditary 289.7

toxic 289.7

Methemoglobinuria (see also Hemoglobinuria) 791.2

Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) V09.0

Methioninemia 270.4

Metritis (catarrhal) (septic) (suppurative) (see also Endometritis) 615.9

blennorrhagic 098.16

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.36

cervical (see also Cervicitis) 616.0

gonococcal 098.16

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.36

hemorrhagic 626.8

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.7

Metropathia hemorrhagica 626.8

Metroperitonitis (see also Peritonitis, pelvic, female) 614.5

Metrorrhagia 626.6

arising during pregnancy - see Hemorrhage, pregnancy

postpartum NEC 666.2

primary 626.6

psychogenic 306.59

puerperal 666.2

Metrorrhexis - see Rupture, uterus

Metrosalpingitis (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2

Metrostaxis 626.6

Metrovaginitis (see also Endometritis) 615.9

gonococcal (acute) 098.16

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.36

Mexican fever - see Typhus, Mexican

Meyenburg-Altherr-Uehlinger syndrome 733.99

Meyer-Schwickerath and Weyers syndrome (dysplasia oculodentodigitalis) 759.89

Meynert's amentia (nonalcoholic) 294.0

alcoholic 291.1

Mibelli's disease 757.39

Mice, joint (see also Loose, body, joint) 718.1

knee 717.6

Micheli-Rietti syndrome (thalassemia minor) 282.49

Michotte's syndrome 721.5

Micrencephalon, micrencephaly 742.1

Microalbuminuria 791.0

Microaneurysm, retina 362.14

diabetic 250.5 [362.01]

Microangiopathy 443.9

diabetic (peripheral) 250.7 [443.81]

retinal 250.5 [362.01]

peripheral 443.9

diabetic 250.7 [443.81]

retinal 362.18

diabetic 250.5 [362.01]

thrombotic 446.6

Moschcowitz's (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) 446.6

Microcalcification, mammographic 793.81

Microcephalus, microcephalic, microcephaly 742.1

due to toxoplasmosis (congenital) 771.2

Microcheilia 744.82

Microcolon (congenital) 751.5

Microcornea (congenital) 743.41

Microcytic - see condition

Microdeletions NEC 758.33

Microdontia 520.2

Microdrepanocytosis (thalassemia-Hb-S disease) 282.49


atherothrombotic - see Atheroembolism

retina 362.33

Microencephalon 742.1

Microfilaria streptocerca infestation 125.3

Microgastria (congenital) 750.7

Microgenia 524.06

Microgenitalia (congenital) 752.89

penis 752.64

Microglioma (M9710/3)

specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

unspecified site 191.9

Microglossia (congenital) 750.16

Micrognathia, micrognathism (congenital) 524.00

mandibular 524.04

alveolar 524.74

maxillary 524.03

alveolar 524.73

Microgyria (congenital) 742.2

Microinfarct, heart (see also Insufficiency, coronary) 411.89

Microlithiasis, alveolar, pulmonary 516.2

Micromyelia (congenital) 742.59


Microphakia (congenital) 743.36

Microphthalmia (congenital) (see also Microphthalmos) 743.10

Microphthalmos (congenital) 743.10

associated with eye and adnexal anomalies NEC 743.12

due to toxoplasmosis (congenital) 771.2

isolated 743.11

simple 743.11

syndrome 759.89

Micropsia 368.14

Microsporidiosis 136.8

Microsporon furfur infestation 111.0

Microsporosis (see also Dermatophytosis) 110.9

nigra 111.1

Microstomia (congenital) 744.84

Microthelia 757.6

Microthromboembolism - see Embolism

Microtia (congenital) (external ear) 744.23

Microtropia 378.34


disorder NEC 788.69

psychogenic 306.53

frequency 788.41

psychogenic 306.53

nocturnal 788.43

painful 788.1

psychogenic 306.53


ear - see condition

lobe (right) syndrome 518.0

Midplane - see condition

Miescher's disease 709.3

cheilitis 351.8

granulomatosis disciformis 709.3

Miescher-Leder syndrome or granulomatosis 709.3

Mieten's syndrome 759.89

Migraine (idiopathic) 346.9

with aura 346.0

abdominal (syndrome) 346.2

allergic (histamine) 346.2

atypical 346.1

basilar 346.2

classical 346.0

common 346.1

hemiplegic 346.8

lower-half 346.2

menstrual 625.4

ophthalmic 346.8

ophthalmoplegic 346.8

retinal 346.2

variant 346.2

Migrant, social V60.0

Migratory, migrating - see also condition

person V60.0

testis, congenital 752.52

Mikulicz's disease or syndrome (dryness of mouth, absent or decreased lacrimation) 527.1

Milian atrophia blanche 701.3

Miliaria (crystallina) (rubra) (tropicalis) 705.1

apocrine 705.82

Miliary - see condition

Milium (see also Cyst, sebaceous) 706.2

colloid 709.3

eyelid 374.84


crust 690.11

excess secretion 676.6

fever, female 672

poisoning 988.8

retention 676.2

sickness 988.8

spots 423.1

Milkers' nodes 051.1

Milk-leg (deep vessels) 671.4

complicating pregnancy 671.3

nonpuerperal 451.19

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 671.4

Milkman (-Looser) disease or syndrome (osteomalacia with pseudofractures) 268.2

Milky urine (see also Chyluria) 791.1

Millar's asthma (laryngismus stridulus) 478.75

Millard-Gubler paralysis or syndrome 344.89

Millard-Gubler-Foville paralysis 344.89

Miller-Dieker syndrome 758.33

Miller's disease (osteomalacia) 268.2

Miller Fisher's syndrome 357.0

Milles' syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6

Mills' disease 335.29

Millstone makers' asthma or lung 502

Milroy's disease (chronic hereditary edema) 757.0

Miners' - see also condition

asthma 500

elbow 727.2

knee 727.2

lung 500

nystagmus 300.89

phthisis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4

tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4

Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome (see also Spherocytosis) 282.0

Minor - see condition

Minor's disease 336.1

Minot's disease (hemorrhagic disease, newborn) 776.0

Minot-von Willebrand (-J�rgens) disease or syndrome (angiohemophilia) 286.4

Minus (and plus) hand (intrinsic) 736.09

Miosis (persistent) (pupil) 379.42

Mirizzi's syndrome (hepatic duct stenosis) (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2

with calculus, cholelithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis

Mirror writing 315.09

secondary to organic lesion 784.69

Misadventure (prophylactic) (therapeutic) (see also Complications) 999.9

administration of insulin 962.3

infusion - see Complications, infusion

local applications (of fomentations, plasters, etc.) 999.9

burn or scald - see Burn, by site

medical care (early) (late) NEC 999.9

adverse effect of drugs or chemicals - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

burn or scald - see Burn, by site

radiation NEC 990

radiotherapy NEC 990

surgical procedure (early) (late) - see Complications, surgical procedure

transfusion - see Complications, transfusion

vaccination or other immunological procedure - see Complications, vaccination

Misanthropy 301.7

Miscarriage - see Abortion, spontaneous

Mischief, malicious, child (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.0


aqueous 365.83

Mismanagement, feeding 783.3

Misplaced, misplacement

kidney (see also Disease, renal) 593.0

congenital 753.3

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Malposition, congenital


abortion 632

delivery (at or near term) 656.4

labor (at or near term) 656.4

Missing - see also Absence

teeth (acquired) 525.10

congenital (see also Anodontia) 520.0

due to

caries 525.13

extraction 525.10

periodontal disease 525.12

specified NEC 525.19

trauma 525.11

vertebrae (congenital) 756.13

Misuse of drugs NEC (see also Abuse, drug, nondependent) 305.9

Mitchell's disease (erythromelalgia) 443.82


diarrhea 133.8

grain (itch) 133.8

hair follicle (itch) 133.8

in sputum 133.8

Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS syndrome) 277.87

Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy syndrome (MNGIE) 277.87

Mitral - see condition

Mittelschmerz 625.2

Mixed - see condition

Mljet disease (mal de Meleda) 757.39

Mobile, mobility

cecum 751.4

coccyx 733.99

excessive - see Hypermobility

gallbladder 751.69

kidney 593.0

congenital 753.3

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Malposition, congenital

spleen 289.59

Mobitz heart block (atrioventricular) 426.10

type I (Wenckebach's) 426.13

type II 426.12


disease 346.8


congenital oculofacial paralysis 352.6

ophthalmoplegic migraine 346.8

Moeller (-Barlow) disease (infantile scurvy) 267

glossitis 529.4

Mohr's syndrome (types I and II) 759.89

Mola destruens (M9100/1) 236.1

Molarization, premolars 520.2

Molar pregnancy 631

hydatidiform (delivered) (undelivered) 630

Mold(s) in vitreous 117.9

Molding, head (during birth) - omit code

Mole (pigmented) (M8720/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

blood 631

Breus' 631

cancerous (M8720/3) - see Melanoma

carneous 631

destructive (M9100/1) 236.1

ectopic - see Pregnancy, ectopic

fleshy 631

hemorrhagic 631

hydatid, hydatidiform (benign) (complicating pregnancy) (delivered) (undelivered) (see also Hydatidiform mole) 630

invasive (M9100/1) 236.1

malignant (M9100/1) 236.1

previous, affecting management of pregnancy V23.1

invasive (hydatidiform) (M9100/1) 236.1



malignant hydatidiform mole (9100/1) 236.1

melanoma (M8720/3) - see Melanoma

nonpigmented (M8730/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

pregnancy NEC 631

skin (M8720/0) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

tubal - see Pregnancy, tubal

vesicular (see also Hydatidiform mole) 630

Molimen, molimina (menstrual) 625.4

Mollaret's meningitis 047.9

Mollities (cerebellar) (cerebral) 437.8

ossium 268.2


contagiosum 078.0

epitheliale 078.0

fibrosum (M8851/0) - see Lipoma, by site

pendulum (M8851/0) - see Lipoma, by site

M�nckeberg's arteriosclerosis, degeneration, disease, or sclerosis (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20

Monday fever 504

Monday morning dyspnea or asthma 504

Mondini's malformation (cochlea) 744.05

Mondor's disease (thrombophlebitis of breast) 451.89

Mongolian, mongolianism, mongolism, mongoloid 758.0

spot 757.33

Monilethrix (congenital) 757.4

Monilia infestation - see Candidiasis

Monkeypox 057.8

Moniliasis - see also Candidiasis

neonatal 771.7

vulvovaginitis 112.1

Monoarthritis 716.60

ankle 716.67

arm 716.62

lower (and wrist) 716.63

upper (and elbow) 716.62

foot (and ankle) 716.67

forearm (and wrist) 716.63

hand 716.64

leg 716.66

lower 716.66

upper 716.65

pelvic region (hip) (thigh) 716.65

shoulder (region) 716.61

specified site NEC 716.68

Monoblastic - see condition

Monochromatism (cone) (rod) 368.54

Monocytic - see condition

Monocytopenia 288.59

Monocytosis (symptomatic) 288.63

Monofixation syndrome 378.34

Monomania (see also Psychosis) 298.9

Mononeuritis 355.9

cranial nerve - see Disorder, nerve, cranial

femoral nerve 355.2


cutaneous nerve of thigh 355.1

popliteal nerve 355.3

lower limb 355.8

specified nerve NEC 355.79

medial popliteal nerve 355.4

median nerve 354.1

multiplex 354.5

plantar nerve 355.6

posterior tibial nerve 355.5

radial nerve 354.3

sciatic nerve 355.0

ulnar nerve 354.2

upper limb 354.9

specified nerve NEC 354.8

vestibular 388.5

Mononeuropathy (see also Mononeuritis) 355.9

diabetic NEC 250.6 [355.9]

lower limb 250.6 [355.8]

upper limb 250.6 [354.9]

iliohypogastric nerve 355.79

ilioinguinal nerve 355.79

obturator nerve 355.79

saphenous nerve 355.79

Mononucleosis, infectious 075

with hepatitis 075 [573.1]

Monoplegia 344.5

brain (current episode) (see also Paralysis, brain) 437.8

fetus or newborn 767.8

cerebral (current episode) (see also Paralysis, brain) 437.8

congenital or infantile (cerebral) (spastic) (spinal) 343.3

embolic (current) (see also Embolism, brain) 434.1

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

infantile (cerebral) (spastic) (spinal) 343.3

lower limb 344.30


dominant side 344.31

nondominant side 344.32

due to late effect of cerebrovascular accident- see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular accident

newborn 767.8

psychogenic 306.0

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

thrombotic (current) (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

transient 781.4

upper limb 344.40


dominant side 344.41

nondominant side 344.42

due to late effect of cerebrovascular accident- see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular accident

Monorchism, monorchidism 752.89

Monteggia's fracture (closed) 813.03

open 813.13

Mood swings

brief compensatory 296.99

rebound 296.99

Moore's syndrome (see also Epilepsy) 345.5

Mooren's ulcer (cornea) 370.07

Mooser-Neill reaction 081.0

Mooser bodies 081.0


deficiency 301.7

imbecility 301.7

Morax-Axenfeld conjunctivitis 372.03

Morbilli (see also Measles) 055.9


anglicus, anglorum 268.0

Beigel 111.2

caducus (see also Epilepsy) 345.9

caeruleus 746.89

celiacus 579.0

comitialis (see also Epilepsy) 345.9

cordis - see also Disease, heart

valvulorum - see Endocarditis

coxae 719.95

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.1

hemorrhagicus neonatorum 776.0

maculosus neonatorum 772.6

renum 593.0

senilis (see also Osteoarthrosis) 715.9

Morel-Kraepelin disease (see also Schizophrenia) 295.9

Morel-Moore syndrome (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3

Morel-Morgagni syndrome (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3


cyst, organ, hydatid, or appendage 752.89

fallopian tube 752.11

disease or syndrome (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3

Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome (syncope with heart block) 426.9

Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome (hyperostosis frontalis interna) 733.3

Moria (see also Psychosis) 298.9

Morning sickness 643.0

Moron 317

Morphea (guttate) (linear) 701.0

Morphine dependence (see also Dependence) 304.0

Morphinism (see also Dependence) 304.0

Morphinomania (see also Dependence) 304.0

Morphoea 701.0

Morquio (-Brailsford) (-Ullrich) disease or syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis IV) 277.5

kyphosis 277.5

Morris syndrome (testicular feminization) 259.5

Morsus humanus (open wound) - see also Wound, open, by site

skin surface intact - see Contusion

Mortification (dry) (moist) (see also Gangrene) 785.4


disease 355.6

foot 355.6

metatarsalgia (syndrome) 355.6

neuralgia 355.6

neuroma 355.6

syndrome (metatarsalgia) (neuralgia) 355.6

toe 355.6

Morvan's disease 336.0

Mosaicism, mosaic (chromosomal) 758.9

autosomal 758.5

sex 758.81

Moschcowitz's syndrome (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) 446.6

Mother yaw 102.0

Motion sickness (from travel, any vehicle) (from roundabouts or swings) 994.6

Mottled teeth (enamel) (endemic) (nonendemic) 520.3

Mottling enamel (endemic) (nonendemic) (teeth) 520.3

Mouchet's disease 732.5

Mould(s) (in vitreous) 117.9


bronchitis 502

tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4

Mounier-Kuhn syndrome 748.3


acute exacerbation 494.1

bronchiectasis 494.0

with (acute) exacerbation 494.1

acquired 519.19

with bronchiectasis 494.0

with (acute) exacerbation 494.1


fever - see Fever, mountain

sickness 993.2

with polycythemia, acquired 289.0

acute 289.0

tick fever 066.1

Mouse, joint (see also Loose, body, joint) 718.1

knee 717.6

Mouth - see condition


coccyx 724.71

kidney (see also Disease, renal) 593.0

congenital 753.3

organ or site, congenital NEC - see Malposition, congenital

spleen 289.59


abnormal (dystonic) (involuntary) 781.0

decreased fetal 655.7

paradoxical facial 374.43

Moya Moya disease 437.5

Mozart's ear 744.29

MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) V09.0

Mucha's disease (acute parapsoriasis varioliformis) 696.2

Mucha-Haberman syndrome (acute parapsoriasis varioliformis) 696.2

Mu-chain disease 273.2

Mucinosis (cutaneous) (papular) 701.8


appendix 543.9

buccal cavity 528.9

gallbladder (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.3

lacrimal sac 375.43

orbit (eye) 376.81

salivary gland (any) 527.6

sinus (accessory) (nasal) 478.19

turbinate (bone) (middle) (nasal) 478.19

uterus 621.8

Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (acute) (febrile) (infantile) 446.1

Mucoenteritis 564.9

Mucolipidosis I, II, III 272.7

Mucopolysaccharidosis (types 1-6) 277.5

cardiopathy 277.5 [425.7]

Mucormycosis (lung) 117.7

Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) 200.3

Mucositis - see also Inflammation, by site 528.00

cervix (ulcerative) 616.81

due to

antineoplastic therapy (ulcerative) 528.01

other drugs (ulcerative) 528.02

specified NEC 528.09

gastrointestinal (ulcerative) 538

nasal (ulcerative) 478.11

ulcerative 528.00

vagina (ulcerative) 616.81

vulva (ulcerative) 616.81

necroticans agranulocytica(see also Agranulocytosis) 288.09

Mucous - see also condition

patches (syphilitic) 091.3

congenital 090.0

Mucoviscidosis 277.00

with meconium obstruction 277.01


asphyxia or suffocation (see also Asphyxia, mucus) 933.1

newborn 770.18

in stool 792.1

plug (see also Asphyxia, mucus) 933.1

aspiration, of newborn 770.17

tracheobronchial 519.19

newborn 770.18

Muguet 112.0

Mulberry molars 090.5

Mullerian mixed tumor (M8950/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant

Multicystic kidney 753.19

Multilobed placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Multinodular prostate 600.10



obstruction 600.11

retention 600.11

Multiparity V61.5


fetus or newborn 763.89

management of

labor and delivery 659.4

pregnancy V23.3

requiring contraceptive management (see also Contraception) V25.9

Multipartita placenta - see Placenta, abnormal

Multiple, multiplex - see also condition


affecting fetus or newborn 761.5

healthy liveborn - see Newborn, multiple

digits (congenital) 755.00

fingers 755.01

toes 755.02

organ or site NEC - see Accessory

personality 300.14

renal arteries 747.62

Mumps 072.9

with complication 072.8

specified type NEC 072.79

encephalitis 072.2

hepatitis 072.71

meningitis (aseptic) 072.1

meningoencephalitis 072.2

oophoritis 072.79

orchitis 072.0

pancreatitis 072.3

polyneuropathy 072.72

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V04.6

Mumu (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9

M�nchausen syndrome 301.51

M�nchmeyer's disease or syndrome (exostosis luxurians) 728.11

Mural - see condition

Murmur (cardiac) (heart) (nonorganic) (organic) 785.2

abdominal 787.5

aortic (valve) (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1

benign - omit code

cardiorespiratory 785.2

diastolic - see condition

Flint (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1

functional - omit code

Graham Steell (pulmonic regurgitation) (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3

innocent - omit code

insignificant - omit code

midsystolic 785.2

mitral (valve) - see Stenosis

physiologic - see condition

presystolic, mitral - see Insufficiency, mitral

pulmonic (valve) (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3

Still's (vibratory) - omit code

systolic (valvular) - see condition

tricuspid (valve) - see Endocarditis, tricuspid

undiagnosed 785.2

valvular - see condition

vibratory - omit code

Murri's disease (intermittent hemoglobinuria) 283.2

Muscae volitantes 379.24

Muscle, muscular - see condition

Musculoneuralgia 729.1

Mushrooming hip 718.95

Mushroom workers' (pickers') lung 495.5


factor V leiden 289.81

prothrombin gene 289.81

Mutism (see also Aphasia) 784.3

akinetic 784.3

deaf (acquired) (congenital) 389.7

hysterical 300.11

selective (elective) 313.23

adjustment reaction 309.83

My�'s disease (congenital dilation, colon) 751.3

Myalgia (intercostal) 729.1

eosinophilia syndrome 710.5

epidemic 074.1

cervical 078.89

psychogenic 307.89

traumatic NEC 959.9

Myasthenia 358.00

cordis - see Failure, heart

gravis 358.00

with exacerbation (acute) 358.01

in crisis 358.01

neonatal 775.2

pseudoparalytica 358.00

stomach 536.8

psychogenic 306.4



botulism 005.1 [358.1]

diabetes mellitus 250.6 [358.1]

hypothyroidism (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9 [358.1]

malignant neoplasm NEC 199.1 [358.1]

pernicious anemia 281.0 [358.1]

thyrotoxicosis (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [358.1]

Myasthenic 728.87

Mycelium infection NEC 117.9

Mycetismus 988.1

Mycetoma (actinomycotic) 039.9

bone 039.8

mycotic 117.4

foot 039.4

mycotic 117.4

madurae 039.9

mycotic 117.4

maduromycotic 039.9

mycotic 117.4

mycotic 117.4

nocardial 039.9

Mycobacteriosis - see Mycobacterium

Mycobacterium, mycobacterial (infection) 031.9

acid-fast (bacilli) 031.9

anonymous (see also Mycobacterium, atypical) 031.9

atypical (acid-fast bacilli) 031.9

cutaneous 031.1

pulmonary 031.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

specified site NEC 031.8

avium 031.0

intracellulare complex bacteremia (MAC) 031.2

balnei 031.1

Battey 031.0

cutaneous 031.1

disseminated 031.2

avium-intracellulare complex (DMAC) 031.2

fortuitum 031.0

intracellulare (battey bacillus) 031.0

kakerifu 031.8

kansasii 031.0

kasongo 031.8

leprae - see Leprosy

luciflavum 031.0

marinum 031.1

pulmonary 031.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

scrofulaceum 031.1

tuberculosis (human, bovine) - see also Tuberculosis

avian type 031.0

ulcerans 031.1

xenopi 031.0

Mycosis, mycotic 117.9

cutaneous NEC 111.9

ear 111.8 [380.15]

fungoides (M9700/3) 202.1

mouth 112.0

pharynx 117.9

skin NEC 111.9

stomatitis 112.0

systemic NEC 117.9

tonsil 117.9

vagina, vaginitis 112.1

Mydriasis (persistent) (pupil) 379.43

Myelatelia 742.59

Myelinoclasis, perivascular, acute (postinfectious) NEC 136.9 [323.61]

postimmunization or postvaccinal 323.51

Myelinosis, central pontine 341.8

Myelitis (ascending) (cerebellar) (childhood) (chronic) (descending) (diffuse) (disseminated) (pressure) (progressive) (spinal cord) (subacute) (see also Encephalitis) 323.9

acute (transverse) 341.20

idiopathic 341.22

in conditions classified elsewhere 341.21

due to

infection classified elsewhere 136.9 [323.42]

specified cause NEC 323.82

vaccination (any) 323.52

viral diseases classified elsewhere 323.02

herpes simplex 054.74

herpes zoster 053.14

late effect - see category 326

optic neuritis in 341.0

postchickenpox 052.2

postimmunization 323.52

postinfectious 136.9 [323.63]

postvaccinal 323.52

postvaricella 052.2

syphilitic (transverse) 094.89

toxic 989.9 [323.72]

transverse 323.82

acute 341.20

idiopathic 341.22

in conditions classified elsewhere 341.21

idiopathic 341.22

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 013.6

virus 049.9

Myeloblastic - see condition

Myelocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9

with hydrocephalus 741.0

Myelocystocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9

Myelocytic - see condition

Myelocytoma 205.1

Myelodysplasia (spinal cord) 742.59

meaning myelodysplastic syndrome - see Syndrome, myelodysplastic

Myeloencephalitis - see Encephalitis

Myelofibrosis 289.83

with myeloid metaplasia 238.76

idiopathic (chronic) 238.76

megakaryocytic 238.79

primary 238.76

secondary 289.83

Myelogenous - see condition

Myeloid - see condition

Myelokathexis 288.09

Myeloleukodystrophy 330.0

Myelolipoma (M8870/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

Myeloma (multiple) (plasma cell) (plasmacytic) (M9730/3) 203.0

monostotic (M9731/1) 238.6

solitary (M9731/1) 238.6

Myelomalacia 336.8

Myelomata, multiple (M9730/3) 203.0

Myelomatosis (M9730/3) 203.0

Myelomeningitis - see Meningoencephalitis

Myelomeningocele (spinal cord) (see also Spina bifida) 741.9

fetal, causing fetopelvic disproportion 653.7

Myelo-osteo-musculodysplasia hereditaria 756.89

Myelopathic - see condition

Myelopathy (spinal cord) 336.9

cervical 721.1

diabetic 250.6 [336.3]

drug-induced 336.8

due to or with

carbon tetrachloride 987.8 [323.72]

degeneration or displacement, intervertebral disc 722.70

cervical, cervicothoracic 722.71

lumbar, lumbosacral 722.73

thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.72

hydroxyquinoline derivatives 961.3 [323.72]

infection - see Encephalitis

intervertebral disc disorder 722.70

cervical, cervicothoracic 722.71

lumbar, lumbosacral 722.73

thoracic, thoracolumbar 722.72

lead 984.9 [323.72]

mercury 985.0 [323.72]

neoplastic disease (see also Neoplasm, by site) 239.9 [336.3]

pernicious anemia 281.0 [336.3]

spondylosis 721.91

cervical 721.1

lumbar, lumbosacral 721.42

thoracic 721.41

thallium 985.8 [323.72]

lumbar, lumbosacral 721.42

necrotic (subacute) 336.1

radiation-induced 336.8

spondylogenic NEC 721.91

cervical 721.1

lumbar, lumbosacral 721.42

thoracic 721.41

thoracic 721.41

toxic NEC 989.9 [323.72]

transverse (see also Myelitis) 323.82

vascular 336.1

Myelophthisis 284.2

Myeloproliferative disease (M9960/1) 238.79

Myeloradiculitis (see also Polyneuropathy) 357.0

Myeloradiculodysplasia (spinal) 742.59

Myelosarcoma (M9930/3) 205.3

Myelosclerosis 289.89

with myeloid metaplasia (M9961/1) 238.76

disseminated, of nervous system 340

megakaryocytic (M9961/1) 238.79

Myelosis (M9860/3) (see also Leukemia, myeloid) 205.9

acute (M9861/3) 205.0

aleukemic (M9864/3) 205.8

chronic (M9863/3) 205.1

erythremic (M9840/3) 207.0

acute (M9841/3) 207.0

megakaryocytic (M9920/3) 207.2

nonleukemic (chronic) 288.8

subacute (M9862/3) 205.2

Myesthenia - see Myasthenia

Myiasis (cavernous) 134.0

orbit 134.0 [376.13]

Myoadenoma, prostate 600.20


other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.21


obstruction 600.21

retention 600.21


granular cell (M9580/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

malignant (M9580/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

tongue (M9580/0) 210.1

Myocardial - see condition

Myocardiopathy (congestive) (constrictive) (familial) (hypertrophic nonobstructive) (idiopathic) (infiltrative) (obstructive) (primary) (restrictive) (sporadic) 425.4

alcoholic 425.5

amyloid 277.39 [425.7]

beriberi 265.0 [425.7]

cobalt-beer 425.5

due to

amyloidosis 277.39 [425.7]

beriberi 265.0 [425.7]

cardiac glycogenosis 271.0 [425.7]

Chagas' disease 086.0

Friedreich's ataxia 334.0 [425.8]

influenza 487.8 [425.8]

mucopolysaccharidosis 277.5 [425.7]

myotonia atrophica 359.21 [425.8]

progressive muscular dystrophy 359.1 [425.8]

sarcoidosis 135 [425.8]

glycogen storage 271.0 [425.7]

hypertrophic obstructive 425.1

metabolic NEC 277.9 [425.7]

nutritional 269.9 [425.7]

obscure (African) 425.2

peripartum 674.5

postpartum 674.5

secondary 425.9

thyrotoxic (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [425.7]

toxic NEC 425.9

Myocarditis (fibroid) (interstitial) (old) (progressive) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) 429.0


rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390) 398.0

active (see also Myocarditis, acute, rheumatic) 391.2

inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0

active (nonrheumatic) 422.90

rheumatic 391.2

with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0

acute or subacute (interstitial) 422.90

due to Streptococcus (beta-hemolytic) 391.2

idiopathic 422.91

rheumatic 391.2

with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0

specified type NEC 422.99

aseptic of newborn 074.23

bacterial (acute) 422.92

chagasic 086.0

chronic (interstitial) 429.0

congenital 746.89

constrictive 425.4

Coxsackie (virus) 074.23

diphtheritic 032.82

due to or in

Coxsackie (virus) 074.23

diphtheria 032.82

epidemic louse-borne typhus 080 [422.0]

influenza 487.8 [422.0]

Lyme disease 088.81 [422.0]

scarlet fever 034.1 [422.0]

toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.3

tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9 [422.0]

typhoid 002.0 [422.0]

typhus NEC 081.9 [422.0]

eosinophilic 422.91

epidemic of newborn 074.23

Fiedler's (acute) (isolated) (subacute) 422.91

giant cell (acute) (subacute) 422.91

gonococcal 098.85

granulomatous (idiopathic) (isolated) (nonspecific) 422.91

hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90

idiopathic 422.91

granulomatous 422.91

infective 422.92

influenzal 487.8 [422.0]

isolated (diffuse) (granulomatous) 422.91

malignant 422.99

meningococcal 036.43

nonrheumatic, active 422.90

parenchymatous 422.90

pneumococcal (acute) (subacute) 422.92

rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) (with chorea) 398.0

active or acute 391.2

with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0

septic 422.92

specific (giant cell) (productive) 422.91

staphylococcal (acute) (subacute) 422.92

suppurative 422.92

syphilitic (chronic) 093.82

toxic 422.93

rheumatic (see also Myocarditis, acute rheumatic) 391.2

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9 [422.0]

typhoid 002.0 [422.0]

valvular - see Endocarditis

viral, except Coxsackie 422.91

Coxsackie 074.23

of newborn (Coxsackie) 074.23

Myocardium, myocardial - see condition

Myocardosis (see also Cardiomyopathy) 425.4

Myoclonia (essential) 333.2

epileptica 333.2

Friedrich's 333.2

massive 333.2


epilepsy, familial (progressive) 333.2

jerks 333.2

Myoclonus (familial essential) (multifocal) (simplex) 333.2

with epilepsy and with ragged red fibers(MERRF syndrome) 277.87

facial 351.8

massive (infantile) 333.2

pharyngeal 478.29

Myodiastasis 728.84

Myoendocarditis - see also Endocarditis

acute or subacute 421.9

Myoepithelioma (M8982/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign

Myofascitis (acute) 729.1

low back 724.2

Myofibroma (M8890/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

uterus (cervix) (corpus) (see also Leiomyoma) 218.9


infantile 759.89

Myofibrosis 728.2

heart (see also Myocarditis) 429.0

humeroscapular region 726.2

scapulohumeral 726.2

Myofibrositis (see also Myositis) 729.1

scapulohumeral 726.2

Myogelosis (occupational) 728.89

Myoglobinuria 791.3

Myoglobulinuria, primary 791.3

Myokymia - see also Myoclonus

facial 351.8

Myolipoma (M8860/0)

specified site - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

unspecified site 223.0

Myoma (M8895/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

cervix (stump) (uterus) (see also Leiomyoma) 218.9

malignant (M8895/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

prostate 600.20


other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.21


obstruction 600.21

retention 600.21

uterus (cervix) (corpus) (see also Leiomyoma) 218.9

in pregnancy or childbirth 654.1

affecting fetus or newborn 763.89

causing obstructed labor 660.2

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1

Myomalacia 728.9

cordis, heart (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

Myometritis (see also Endometritis) 615.9

Myometrium - see condition

Myonecrosis, clostridial 040.0

Myopathy 359.9

alcoholic 359.4

amyloid 277.39 [359.6]

benign, congenital 359.0

central core 359.0

centronuclear 359.0

congenital (benign) 359.0

critical illness 359.81

distal 359.1

due to drugs 359.4

endocrine 259.9 [359.5]

specified type NEC 259.8 [359.5]

extraocular muscles 376.82

facioscapulohumeral 359.1


Addison's disease 255.41 [359.5]

amyloidosis 277.39 [359.6]

cretinism 243 [359.5]

Cushing's syndrome 255.0 [359.5]

disseminated lupus erythematosus 710.0 [359.6]

giant cell arteritis 446.5 [359.6]

hyperadrenocorticism NEC 255.3 [359.5]

hyperparathyroidism 252.01 [359.5]

hypopituitarism 253.2 [359.5]

hypothyroidism (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9 [359.5]

malignant neoplasm NEC (M8000/3) 199.1 [359.6]

myxedema (see also Myxedema) 244.9 [359.5]

polyarteritis nodosa 446.0 [359.6]

rheumatoid arthritis 714.0 [359.6]

sarcoidosis 135 [359.6]

scleroderma 710.1 [359.6]

Sj�gren's disease 710.2 [359.6]

thyrotoxicosis (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [359.5]

inflammatory 359.89

intensive care (ICU) 359.81

limb-girdle 359.1

myotubular 359.0

nemaline 359.0

necrotizing, acute 359.81

ocular 359.1

oculopharyngeal 359.1

of critical illness 359.81

primary 359.89

progressive NEC 359.89

proximal myotonic (PROMM) 359.21

quadriplegic, acute 359.81

rod body 359.0

scapulohumeral 359.1

specified type NEC 359.89

toxic 359.4

Myopericarditis (see also Pericarditis) 423.9

Myopia (axial) (congenital) (increased curvature or refraction, nucleus of lens) 367.1

degenerative, malignant 360.21

malignant 360.21

progressive high (degenerative) 360.21

Myosarcoma (M8895/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Myosis (persistent) 379.42

stromal (endolymphatic) (M8931/1) 236.0

Myositis 729.1

clostridial 040.0

due to posture 729.1

epidemic 074.1

fibrosa or fibrous (chronic) 728.2

Volkmann's (complicating trauma) 958.6

infective 728.0

interstitial 728.81

multiple - see Polymyositis

occupational 729.1

orbital, chronic 376.12

ossificans 728.12

circumscribed 728.12

progressive 728.11

traumatic 728.12

progressive fibrosing 728.11

purulent 728.0

rheumatic 729.1

rheumatoid 729.1

suppurative 728.0

syphilitic 095.6

traumatic (old) 729.1

Myospasia impulsiva 307.23

Myotonia (acquisita) (intermittens) 728.85

atrophica 359.21

congenita 359.22

acetazolamide responsive 359.22

dominant form 359.22

recessive form 359.22

drug-induced 359.24

dystrophica 359.21

fluctuans 359.29

levior 359.29

permanens 359.29

Myotonic pupil 379.46

Myriapodiasis 134.1


with otitis media - see Otitis media

acute 384.00

specified type NEC 384.09

bullosa hemorrhagica 384.01

bullous 384.01

chronic 384.1

Mysophobia 300.29

Mytilotoxism 988.0

Myxadenitis labialis 528.5

Myxedema (adult) (idiocy) (infantile) (juvenile) (thyroid gland) (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9

circumscribed 242.9

congenital 243

cutis 701.8

localized (pretibial) 242.9

madness (acute) 293.0

subacute 293.1

papular 701.8

pituitary 244.8

postpartum 674.8

pretibial 242.9

primary 244.9

Myxochondrosarcoma (M9220/3) - see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

Myxofibroma (M8811/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

odontogenic (M9320/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

Myxofibrosarcoma (M8811/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Myxolipoma (M8852/0) (see also Lipoma, by site) 214.9

Myxoliposarcoma (M8852/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Myxoma (M8840/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

odontogenic (M9320/0) 213.1

upper jaw (bone) 213.0

Myxosarcoma (M8840/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant





The ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee

Characteristics of the ICD-9-CM

The Disease Classification

Alphabetical Index of Diseases

Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Index To External Causes of Injury (E Code)

Classification of Procedures

Index to Procedures

Appendix A:
Morphology of Neoplasms

Appendix C:
Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Services List Number and their ICD-9-CM Equivalents

Appendix D:
Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency

Appendix E:
List of Three-Digit Categories

Copyright © 1995-2007 Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved).