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Alphabetical Index - GThis is a "green" web site. In order to conserve bandwidth, the alphabetical index of diseases and injuries is presented in a separate page for each letter of the alphabet. Click on a letter button to reach other index pages. G Gafsa boil 085.1 Gain, weight (abnormal) (excessive) (see also Weight, gain) 783.1 Gaisb�ck's disease or syndrome (polycythemia hypertonica) 289.0 Gait abnormality 781.2 hysterical 300.11 ataxic 781.2 hysterical 300.11 disturbance 781.2 hysterical 300.11 paralytic 781.2 scissor 781.2 spastic 781.2 staggering 781.2 hysterical 300.11 Galactocele (breast) (infected) 611.5 puerperal, postpartum 676.8 Galactophoritis 611.0 puerperal, postpartum 675.2 Galactorrhea 676.6 not associated with childbirth 611.6 Galactosemia (classic) (congenital) 271.1 Galactosuria 271.1 Galacturia 791.1 bilharziasis 120.0 Galen's vein - see condition Gallbladder - see also condition acute (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.0 Gall duct - see condition Gallop rhythm 427.89 Gallstone (cholemic) (colic) (impacted) - see also Cholelithiasis causing intestinal obstruction 560.31 Gambling, pathological 312.31 Gammaloidosis 277.39 Gammopathy 273.9 macroglobulinemia 273.3 monoclonal (benign) (essential) (idiopathic) (with lymphoplasmacytic dyscrasia) 273.1 Gamna's disease (siderotic splenomegaly) 289.51 Gampsodactylia (congenital) 754.71 Gamstorp's disease (adynamia episodica hereditaria) 359.3 Gandy-Nanta disease (siderotic splenomegaly) 289.51 Gang activity, without manifest psychiatric disorder V71.09 adolescent V71.02 adult V71.01 child V71.02 Gangliocytoma (M9490/0) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign Ganglioglioma (M9505/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior Ganglion 727.43 joint 727.41 of yaws (early) (late) 102.6 periosteal (see also Periostitis) 730.3 tendon sheath (compound) (diffuse) 727.42 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.9 Ganglioneuroblastoma (M9490/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant Ganglioneuroma (M9490/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign malignant (M9490/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant Ganglioneuromatosis (M9491/0) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign Ganglionitis fifth nerve (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1 gasserian 350.1 geniculate 351.1 herpetic 053.11 newborn 767.5 herpes zoster 053.11 herpetic geniculate (Hunt's syndrome) 053.11 Gangliosidosis 330.1 Gangosa 102.5 Gangrene, gangrenous (anemia) (artery) (cellulitis) (dermatitis) (dry) (infective) (moist) (pemphigus) (septic) (skin) (stasis) (ulcer) 785.4 with arteriosclerosis (native artery) 440.24 bypass graft 440.30 autologous vein 440.31 nonautologous biological 440.32 diabetes (mellitus) 250.7 [785.4] abdomen (wall) 785.4 adenitis 683 alveolar 526.5 angina 462 diphtheritic 032.0 anus 569.49 appendices epiploicae - see Gangrene, mesentery appendix - see Appendicitis, acute arteriosclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis, with, gangrene auricle 785.4 Bacillus welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0 bile duct (see also Cholangitis) 576.8 bladder 595.89 bowel - see Gangrene, intestine cecum - see Gangrene, intestine Clostridium perfringens or welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0 colon - see Gangrene, intestine connective tissue 785.4 cornea 371.40 corpora cavernosa (infective) 607.2 noninfective 607.89 cutaneous, spreading 785.4 decubital (see also Decubitus) 707.00 [785.4] diabetic (any site) 250.7 [785.4] dropsical 785.4 emphysematous (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0 epidemic (ergotized grain) 988.2 epididymis (infectional) (see also Epididymitis) 604.99 erysipelas (see also Erysipelas) 035 extremity (lower) (upper) 785.4 gallbladder or duct (see also Cholecystitis, acute) 575.0 gas (bacillus) 040.0 with abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0 molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0 following abortion 639.0 ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0 puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670 glossitis 529.0 gum 523.8 hernia - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene hospital noma 528.1 intestine, intestinal (acute) (hemorrhagic) (massive) 557.0 with hernia - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene mesenteric embolism or infarction 557.0 obstruction (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9 laryngitis 464.00 with obstruction 464.01 liver 573.8 lung 513.0 spirochetal 104.8 lymphangitis 457.2 Meleney's (cutaneous) 686.09 mesentery 557.0 with embolism or infarction 557.0 intestinal obstruction (see also Obstruction, intestine) 560.9 mouth 528.1 noma 528.1 orchitis 604.90 ovary (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2 pancreas 577.0 penis (infectional) 607.2 noninfective 607.89 perineum 785.4 pharynx 462 septic 034.0 pneumonia 513.0 Pott's 440.24 presenile 443.1 pulmonary 513.0 pulp, tooth 522.1 quinsy 475 Raynaud's (symmetric gangrene) 443.0 [785.4] rectum 569.49 retropharyngeal 478.24 rupture - see Hernia, by site, with gangrene scrotum 608.4 noninfective 608.83 senile 440.24 sore throat 462 spermatic cord 608.4 noninfective 608.89 spine 785.4 spirochetal NEC 104.8 spreading cutaneous 785.4 stomach 537.89 stomatitis 528.1 symmetrical 443.0 [785.4] testis (infectional) (see also Orchitis) 604.99 noninfective 608.89 throat 462 diphtheritic 032.0 thyroid (gland) 246.8 tonsillitis (acute) 463 tooth (pulp) 522.1 tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9 tunica vaginalis 608.4 noninfective 608.89 umbilicus 785.4 uterus (see also Endometritis) 615.9 uvulitis 528.3 vas deferens 608.4 noninfective 608.89 vulva (see also Vulvitis) 616.10 Gannister disease (occupational) 502 with tuberculosis - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary Ganser's syndrome, hysterical 300.16 Gardner-Diamond syndrome (autoerythrocyte sensitization) 287.2 Gargoylism 277.5 Garr�'s disease (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1 osteitis (sclerosing) (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1 osteomyelitis (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1 Garrod's pads, knuckle 728.79 Gartner's duct cyst 752.41 persistent 752.41 Gas 787.3 asphyxia, asphyxiation, inhalation, poisoning, suffocation NEC 987.9 specified gas - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals bacillus gangrene or infection - see Gas, gangrene cyst, mesentery 568.89 excessive 787.3 gangrene 040.0 with abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0 molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0 following abortion 639.0 ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0 puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670 on stomach 787.3 pains 787.3 Gastradenitis 535.0 Gastralgia 536.8 psychogenic 307.89 Gastrectasis, gastrectasia 536.1 psychogenic 306.4 Gastric - see condition Gastrinoma (M8153/1) malignant (M8153/3) pancreas 157.4 specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site 157.4 specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior unspecified site 235.5 Gastritis 535.5 NoteUse
the following fifth-digit subclassification for category 535: acute 535.0 alcoholic 535.3 allergic 535.4 antral 535.4 atrophic 535.1 atrophic-hyperplastic 535.1 bile-induced 535.4 catarrhal 535.0 chronic (atrophic) 535.1 cirrhotic 535.4 corrosive (acute) 535.4 dietetic 535.4 due to diet deficiency 269.9 [535.4] eosinophilic 535.4 erosive 535.4 follicular 535.4 chronic 535.1 giant hypertrophic 535.2 glandular 535.4 chronic 535.1 hypertrophic (mucosa) 535.2 chronic giant 211.1 irritant 535.4 nervous 306.4 phlegmonous 535.0 psychogenic 306.4 sclerotic 535.4 spastic 536.8 subacute 535.0 superficial 535.4 suppurative 535.0 toxic 535.4 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9 Gastrocarcinoma (M8010/3) 151.9 Gastrocolic - see condition Gastrocolitis - see Enteritis Gastrodisciasis 121.8 Gastroduodenitis (see also Gastritis) 535.5 catarrhal 535.0 infectional 535.0 virus, viral 008.8 specified type NEC 008.69 Gastrodynia 536.8 Gastroenteritis (acute) (catarrhal) (congestive) (hemorrhagic) (noninfectious) (see also Enteritis) 558.9 aertrycke infection 003.0 allergic 558.3 chronic 558.9 ulcerative (see also Colitis, ulcerative) 556.9 dietetic 558.9 due to food poisoning (see also Poisoning, food) 005.9 radiation 558.1 epidemic 009.0 functional 558.9 infectious (see also Enteritis, due to, by organism) 009.0 presumed 009.1 salmonella 003.0 septic (see also Enteritis, due to, by organism) 009.0 toxic 558.2 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8 ulcerative (see also Colitis, ulcerative) 556.9 viral NEC 008.8 specified type NEC 008.69 zymotic 009.0 Gastroenterocolitis - see Enteritis Gastroenteropathy, protein-losing 579.8 Gastroenteroptosis 569.89 Gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome 530.7 Gastroesophagitis 530.19 Gastrohepatitis (see also Gastritis) 535.5 Gastrointestinal - see condition Gastrojejunal - see condition Gastrojejunitis (see also Gastritis) 535.5 Gastrojejunocolic - see condition Gastroliths 537.89 Gastromalacia 537.89 Gastroparalysis 536.3 diabetic 250.6 [536.3] Gastroparesis 536.3 diabetic 250.6 [536.3] Gastropathy 537.9 congestive portal 537.89 erythematous 535.5 exudative 579.8 portal hypertensive 537.89 Gastroptosis 537.5 Gastrorrhagia 578.0 Gastrorrhea 536.8 psychogenic 306.4 Gastroschisis (congenital) 756.79 acquired 569.89 Gastrospasm (neurogenic) (reflex) 536.8 neurotic 306.4 psychogenic 306.4 Gastrostaxis 578.0 Gastrostenosis 537.89 Gastrostomy attention to V55.1 complication 536.40 specified type 536.49 infection 536.41 malfunctioning 536.42 status V44.1 Gastrosuccorrhea (continuous) (intermittent) 536.8 neurotic 306.4 psychogenic 306.4 Gaucher's disease (adult) (cerebroside lipidosis) (infantile) 272.7 hepatomegaly 272.7 splenomegaly (cerebroside lipidosis) 272.7 GAVE (gastric antral vascular ectasia) 537.82 with hemorrhage 537.83 without hemorrhage 537.82 Gayet's disease (superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis) 265.1 Gayet-Wernicke's syndrome (superior hemorrhagic polioencephalitis) 265.1 Gee (-Herter) (-Heubner) (-Thaysen) disease or syndrome (nontropical sprue) 579.0 G�lineau's syndrome (see also Narcolepsy) 347.00 Gemination, teeth 520.2 Gemistocytoma (M9411/3) specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site 191.9 Genetic susceptibility to MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia) V84.81 neoplasia multiple endocrine [MEN] V84.81 neoplasm malignant, of breast V84.01 endometrium V84.04 other V84.09 ovary V84.02 prostate V84.03 specified disease NEC V84.89 General, generalized - see condition Genital - see condition warts 078.19 Genito-anorectal syndrome 099.1 Genitourinary system - see condition Genu congenital 755.64 extrorsum (acquired) 736.42 congenital 755.64 late effects of rickets 268.1 introrsum (acquired) 736.41 congenital 755.64 late effects of rickets 268.1 rachitic (old) 268.1 recurvatum (acquired) 736.5 congenital 754.40 with dislocation of knee 754.41 late effects of rickets 268.1 valgum (acquired) (knock-knee) 736.41 congenital 755.64 late effects of rickets 268.1 varum (acquired) (bowleg) 736.42 congenital 755.64 late effect of rickets 268.1 Geographic tongue 529.1 Geophagia 307.52 Geotrichosis 117.9 intestine 117.9 lung 117.9 mouth 117.9 Gephyrophobia 300.29 Gerbode defect 745.4 Gerhardt's disease (erythromelalgia) 443.82 syndrome (vocal cord paralysis) 478.30 Gerlier's disease (epidemic vertigo) 078.81 German measles 056.9 exposure to V01.4 Germinoblastoma (diffuse) (M9614/3) 202.8 follicular (M9692/3) 202.0 Germinoma (M9064/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant Gerontoxon 371.41 Gerstmann's syndrome (finger agnosia) 784.69 Gestation (period) - see also Pregnancy ectopic NEC (see also Pregnancy, ectopic) 633.90 with intrauterine pregnancy 633.91 Gestational proteinuria 646.2 with hypertension - see Toxemia, of pregnancy Ghon tubercle primary infection (see also Tuberculosis) 010.0 Ghost teeth 520.4 vessels, cornea 370.64 Ghoul hand 102.3 Gianotti Crosti syndrome 057.8 due to known virus- see Infection, virus due to unknown virus 057.8 Giant cell epulis 523.8 peripheral (gingiva) 523.8 tumor, tendon sheath 727.02 colon (congenital) 751.3 esophagus (congenital) 750.4 kidney 753.3 urticaria 995.1 hereditary 277.6 Giardia lamblia infestation 007.1 Giardiasis 007.1 Gibert's disease (pityriasis rosea) 696.3 Gibraltar fever - see Brucellosis Giddiness 780.4 hysterical 300.11 psychogenic 306.9 Gierke's disease (glycogenosis I) 271.0 Gigantism (cerebral) (hypophyseal) (pituitary) 253.0 Gilbert's disease or cholemia (familial nonhemolytic jaundice) 277.4 Gilchrist's disease (North American blastomycosis) 116.0 Gilford (-Hutchinson) disease or syndrome (progeria) 259.8 Gilles de la Tourette's disease (motor-verbal tic) 307.23 Gillespie's syndrome (dysplasia oculodentodigitalis) 759.89 Gingivitis 523.10 acute 523.00 necrotizing 101 non-plaque induced 523.01 plaque induced 523.00 catarrhal 523.00 chronic 523.10 non-plaque induced 523.11 desquamative 523.10 expulsiva 523.40 hyperplastic 523.10 marginal, simple 523.10 necrotizing, acute 101 non-plaque induced 523.11 pellagrous 265.2 plaque induced 523.10 ulcerative 523.10 acute necrotizing 101 Vincent's 101 Gingivoglossitis 529.0 Gingivopericementitis 523.40 Gingivosis 523.10 Gingivostomatitis 523.10 herpetic 054.2 Giovannini's disease 117.9 GISA (glycopeptide intermediate staphylococcus aureus V09.8 Gland, glandular - see condition Glanders 024 Glanzmann (-Naegeli) disease or thrombasthenia 287.1 Glassblowers' disease 527.1 Glaucoma (capsular) (inflammatory) (noninflammatory) (primary) 365.9 with increased episcleral venous pressure 365.82 absolute 360.42 acute 365.22 narrow angle 365.22 secondary 365.60 angle closure 365.20 acute 365.22 chronic 365.23 intermittent 365.21 interval 365.21 residual stage 365.24 subacute 365.21 borderline 365.00 chronic 365.11 noncongestive 365.11 open angle 365.11 simple 365.11 closed angle - see Glaucoma, angle closure congenital 743.20 associated with other eye anomalies 743.22 simple 743.21 congestive - see Glaucoma, narrow angle corticosteroid-induced (glaucomatous stage) 365.31 residual stage 365.32 hemorrhagic 365.60 hypersecretion 365.81 in or with aniridia 743.45 [365.42] Axenfeld's anomaly 743.44 [365.41] concussion of globe 921.3 [365.65] congenital syndromes NEC 759.89 [365.44] dislocation of lens anterior 379.33 [365.59] posterior 379.34 [365.59] disorder of lens NEC 365.59 epithelial down-growth 364.61 [365.64] glaucomatocyclitic crisis 364.22 [365.62] hypermature cataract 366.18 [365.51] hyphema 364.41 [365.63] inflammation, ocular 365.62 iridocyclitis 364.3 [365.62] iris anomalies NEC 743.46 [365.42] atrophy, essential 364.51 [365.42] bomb� 364.74 [365.61] rubeosis 364.42 [365.63] microcornea 743.41 [365.43] neurofibromatosis 237.71 [365.44] ocular cysts NEC 365.64 disorders NEC 365.60 trauma 365.65 tumors NEC 365.64 postdislocation of lens anterior 379.33 [365.59] posterior 379.34 [365.59] pseudoexfoliation of capsule 366.11 [365.52] pupillary block or seclusion 364.74 [365.61] recession of chamber angle 364.77 [365.65] retinal vein occlusion 362.35 [365.63] Rieger's anomaly or syndrome 743.44 [365.41] rubeosis of iris 364.42 [365.63] seclusion of pupil 364.74 [365.61] spherophakia 743.36 [365.59] Sturge-Weber (-Dimitri) syndrome 759.6 [365.44] systemic syndrome NEC 365.44 tumor of globe 365.64 vascular disorders NEC 365.63 infantile 365.14 congenital 743.20 associated with other eye anomalies 743.22 simple 743.21 juvenile 365.14 low tension 365.12 malignant 365.83 narrow angle (primary) 365.20 acute 365.22 chronic 365.23 intermittent 365.21 interval 365.21 residual stage 365.24 subacute 365.21 newborn 743.20 associated with other eye anomalies 743.22 simple 743.21 noncongestive (chronic) 365.11 nonobstructive (chronic) 365.11 obstructive 365.60 due to lens changes 365.59 open angle 365.10 with borderline intraocular pressure 365.01 cupping of optic discs 365.01 primary 365.11 residual stage 365.15 phacolytic 365.51 with hypermature cataract 366.18 [365.51] pigmentary 365.13 postinfectious 365.60 pseudoexfoliation 365.52 with pseudoexfoliation of capsule 366.11 [365.52] secondary NEC 365.60 simple (chronic) 365.11 simplex 365.11 steroid responders 365.03 suspect 365.00 syphilitic 095.8 traumatic NEC 365.65 newborn 767.8 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [365.62] wide angle (see also Glaucoma, open angle) 365.10 Glaucomatous flecks (subcapsular) 366.31 Glazed tongue 529.4 Gleet 098.2 Gl�nard's disease or syndrome (enteroptosis) 569.89 Glinski-Simmonds syndrome (pituitary cachexia) 253.2 Glioblastoma (multiforme) (M9440/3) with sarcomatous component (M9442/3) specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site 191.9 giant cell (M9441/3) specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site 191.9 specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site 191.9 Glioma (malignant) (M9380/3) astrocytic (M9400/3) specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site 191.9 mixed (M9382/3) specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site 191.9 nose 748.1 specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant subependymal (M9383/1) 237.5 unspecified site 191.9 Gliomatosis cerebri (M9381/3) 191.0 Glioneuroma (M9505/1) - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior Gliosarcoma (M9380/3) specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site 191.9 Gliosis (cerebral) 349.89 spinal 336.0 Glisson's cirrhosis - see Cirrhosis, portal disease (see also Rickets) 268.0 Glissonitis 573.3 Globinuria 791.2 Globus 306.4 hystericus 300.11 Glomangioma (M8712/0) (see also Hemangioma) 228.00 Glomangiosarcoma (M8710/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant Glomerular nephritis (see also Nephritis) 583.9 Glomerulitis (see also Nephritis) 583.9 Glomerulonephritis (see also Nephritis) 583.9 with edema (see also Nephrosis) 581.9 lesion of exudative nephritis 583.89 interstitial nephritis (diffuse) (focal) 583.89 necrotizing glomerulitis 583.4 acute 580.4 chronic 582.4 renal necrosis 583.9 cortical 583.6 medullary 583.7 specified pathology NEC 583.89 acute 580.89 chronic 582.89 necrosis, renal 583.9 cortical 583.6 medullary (papillary) 583.7 specified pathology or lesion NEC 583.89 acute 580.9 with exudative nephritis 580.89 interstitial nephritis (diffuse) (focal) 580.89 necrotizing glomerulitis 580.4 extracapillary with epithelial crescents 580.4 poststreptococcal 580.0 proliferative (diffuse) 580.0 rapidly progressive 580.4 specified pathology NEC 580.89 arteriolar (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90 arteriosclerotic (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90 ascending (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 basement membrane NEC 583.89 with pulmonary hemorrhage (Goodpasture's syndrome) 446.21 [583.81] chronic 582.9 with exudative nephritis 582.89 interstitial nephritis (diffuse) (focal) 582.89 necrotizing glomerulitis 582.4 specified pathology or lesion NEC 582.89 endothelial 582.2 extracapillary with epithelial crescents 582.4 hypocomplementemic persistent 582.2 lobular 582.2 membranoproliferative 582.2 membranous 582.1 and proliferative (mixed) 582.2 sclerosing 582.1 mesangiocapillary 582.2 mixed membranous and proliferative 582.2 proliferative (diffuse) 582.0 rapidly progressive 582.4 sclerosing 582.1 cirrhotic - see Sclerosis, renal desquamative - see Nephrosis due to or associated with amyloidosis 277.39 [583.81] with nephrotic syndrome 277.39 [581.81] chronic 277.39 [582.81] diabetes mellitus 250.4 [583.81] with nephrotic syndrome 250.4 [581.81] diphtheria 032.89 [580.81] gonococcal infection (acute) 098.19 [583.81] chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.39 [583.81] infectious hepatitis 070.9 [580.81] malaria (with nephrotic syndrome) 084.9 [581.81] mumps 072.79 [580.81] polyarteritis (nodosa) (with nephrotic syndrome) 446.0 [581.81] specified pathology NEC 583.89 acute 580.89 chronic 582.89 streptotrichosis 039.8 [583.81] subacute bacterial endocarditis 421.0 [580.81] syphilis (late) 095.4 congenital 090.5 [583.81] early 091.69 [583.81] systemic lupus erythematosus 710.0 [583.81] with nephrotic syndrome 710.0 [581.81] chronic 710.0 [582.81] tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis) 016.0 [583.81] typhoid fever 002.0 [580.81] extracapillary with epithelial crescents 583.4 acute 580.4 chronic 582.4 exudative 583.89 acute 580.89 chronic 582.89 focal (see also Nephritis) 583.9 embolic 580.4 granular 582.89 granulomatous 582.89 hydremic (see also Nephrosis) 581.9 hypocomplementemic persistent 583.2 with nephrotic syndrome 581.2 chronic 582.2 immune complex NEC 583.89 infective (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 interstitial (diffuse) (focal) 583.89 with nephrotic syndrome 581.89 acute 580.89 chronic 582.89 latent or quiescent 582.9 lobular 583.2 with nephrotic syndrome 581.2 chronic 582.2 membranoproliferative 583.2 with nephrotic syndrome 581.2 chronic 582.2 membranous 583.1 with nephrotic syndrome 581.1 and proliferative (mixed) 583.2 with nephrotic syndrome 581.2 chronic 582.2 chronic 582.1 sclerosing 582.1 with nephrotic syndrome 581.1 mesangiocapillary 583.2 with nephrotic syndrome 581.2 chronic 582.2 minimal change 581.3 mixed membranous and proliferative 583.2 with nephrotic syndrome 581.2 chronic 582.2 necrotizing 583.4 acute 580.4 chronic 582.4 nephrotic (see also Nephrosis) 581.9 old - see Glomerulonephritis, chronic parenchymatous 581.89 poststreptococcal 580.0 proliferative (diffuse) 583.0 with nephrotic syndrome 581.0 acute 580.0 chronic 582.0 purulent (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 quiescent - see Nephritis, chronic rapidly progressive 583.4 acute 580.4 chronic 582.4 sclerosing membranous (chronic) 582.1 with nephrotic syndrome 581.1 septic (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 specified pathology or lesion NEC 583.89 with nephrotic syndrome 581.89 acute 580.89 chronic 582.89 suppurative (acute) (disseminated) (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 toxic - see Nephritis, acute tubal, tubular - see Nephrosis, tubular type II (Ellis) - see Nephrosis vascular - see Hypertension, kidney Glomerulosclerosis (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587 focal 582.1 with nephrotic syndrome 581.1 intercapillary (nodular) (with diabetes) 250.4 [581.81] Glossagra 529.6 Glossalgia 529.6 Glossitis 529.0 areata exfoliativa 529.1 atrophic 529.4 benign migratory 529.1 gangrenous 529.0 Hunter's 529.4 median rhomboid 529.2 Moeller's 529.4 pellagrous 265.2 Glossocele 529.8 Glossodynia 529.6 exfoliativa 529.4 Glossoncus 529.8 Glossophytia 529.3 Glossoplegia 529.8 Glossoptosis 529.8 Glossopyrosis 529.6 Glossotrichia 529.3 Glossy skin 701.9 Glottis - see condition Glottitis - see Glossitis Glucagonoma (M8152/0) malignant (M8152/3) pancreas 157.4 specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant unspecified site 157.4 pancreas 211.7 specified site NEC - see Neoplasm, by site, benign unspecified site 211.7 Glucoglycinuria 270.7 Glue ear syndrome 381.20 Glue sniffing (airplane glue) (see also Dependence) 304.6 Glycinemia (with methylmalonic acidemia) 270.7 Glycinuria (renal) (with ketosis) 270.0 Glycogen infiltration (see also Disease, glycogen storage) 271.0 storage disease (see also Disease, glycogen storage) 271.0 Glycogenosis (see also Disease, glycogen storage) 271.0 cardiac 271.0 [425.7] Cori, types I-VII 271.0 diabetic, secondary 250.8 [259.8] diffuse (with hepatic cirrhosis) 271.0 generalized 271.0 glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency 271.0 hepatophosphorylase deficiency 271.0 hepatorenal 271.0 myophosphorylase deficiency 271.0 Glycopenia 251.2 Glycopeptide intermediate staphylococcus aureus (GISA) V09.8 resistant enterococcus V09.8 staphylococcus aureus (GRSA) V09.8 Glycoprolinuria 270.8 Glycosuria 791.5 renal 271.4 Gnathostoma (spinigerum) (infection) (infestation) 128.1 wandering swellings from 128.1 Gnathostomiasis 128.1 Goiter (adolescent) (colloid) (diffuse) (dipping) (due to iodine deficiency) (endemic) (euthyroid) (heart) (hyperplastic) (internal) (intrathoracic) (juvenile) (mixed type) (nonendemic) (parenchymatous) (plunging) (sporadic) (subclavicular) (substernal) 240.9 with hyperthyroidism (recurrent) (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.0 thyrotoxicosis (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.0 adenomatous (see also Goiter, nodular) 241.9 cancerous (M8000/3) 193 complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 648.1 congenital 246.1 cystic (see also Goiter, nodular) 241.9 due to enzyme defect in synthesis of thyroid hormone (butane-insoluble iodine) (coupling) (deiodinase) (iodide trapping or organification) (iodotyrosine dehalogenase) (peroxidase) 246.1 dyshormonogenic 246.1 exophthalmic (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.0 familial (with deaf-mutism) 243 fibrous 245.3 lingual 759.2 lymphadenoid 245.2 malignant (M8000/3) 193 multinodular (nontoxic) 241.1 toxic or with hyperthyroidism (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.2 nodular (nontoxic) 241.9 with hyperthyroidism (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.3 thyrotoxicosis (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.3 endemic 241.9 exophthalmic (diffuse) (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.0 multinodular (nontoxic) 241.1 sporadic 241.9 toxic (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.3 uninodular (nontoxic) 241.0 nontoxic (nodular) 241.9 multinodular 241.1 uninodular 241.0 pulsating (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.0 simple 240.0 toxic 242.0 NoteUse
the following fifth-digit subclassification with category 242: adenomatous 242.3 multinodular 242.2 uninodular 242.1 multinodular 242.2 nodular 242.3 multinodular 242.2 uninodular 242.1 uninodular 242.1 uninodular (nontoxic) 241.0 toxic or with hyperthyroidism (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.1 Goldberg (-Maxwell) (-Morris) syndrome (testicular feminization) 259.5 Goldblatt's hypertension 440.1 kidney 440.1 Goldenhar's syndrome (oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia) 756.0 Goldflam-Erb disease or syndrome 358.00 Goldscheider's disease (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39 Goldstein's disease (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) 448.0 Golfer's elbow 726.32 Goltz-Gorlin syndrome (dermal hypoplasia) 757.39 Gonadoblastoma (M9073/1) specified site - see Neoplasm, by site uncertain behavior unspecified site female 236.2 male 236.4 Gonecystitis (see also Vesiculitis) 608.0 Gongylonemiasis 125.6 mouth 125.6 Goniosynechiae 364.73 Gonococcemia 098.89 Gonococcus, gonococcal (disease) (infection) (see also condition) 098.0 anus 098.7 bursa 098.52 chronic NEC 098.2 complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 647.1 affecting fetus or newborn 760.2 conjunctiva, conjunctivitis (neonatorum) 098.40 dermatosis 098.89 endocardium 098.84 epididymo-orchitis 098.13 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.33 eye (newborn) 098.40 fallopian tube (chronic) 098.37 acute 098.17 genitourinary (acute) (organ) (system) (tract) (see also Gonorrhea) 098.0 lower 098.0 chronic 098.2 upper 098.10 chronic 098.30 heart NEC 098.85 joint 098.50 keratoderma 098.81 keratosis (blennorrhagica) 098.81 lymphatic (gland) (node) 098.89 meninges 098.82 orchitis (acute) 098.13 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.33 pelvis (acute) 098.19 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.39 pericarditis 098.83 peritonitis 098.86 pharyngitis 098.6 pharynx 098.6 proctitis 098.7 pyosalpinx (chronic) 098.37 acute 098.17 rectum 098.7 septicemia 098.89 skin 098.89 specified site NEC 098.89 synovitis 098.51 tendon sheath 098.51 throat 098.6 urethra (acute) 098.0 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2 vulva (acute) 098.0 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2 Gonocytoma (M9073/1) specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior unspecified site female 236.2 male 236.4 Gonorrhea 098.0 acute 098.0 Bartholin's gland (acute) 098.0 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2 bladder (acute) 098.11 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.31 carrier (suspected of) V02.7 cervix (acute) 098.15 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.35 chronic 098.2 complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 647.1 affecting fetus or newborn 760.2 conjunctiva, conjunctivitis (neonatorum) 098.40 contact V01.6 Cowper's gland (acute) 098.0 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2 duration of 2 months or over 098.2 exposure to V01.6 fallopian tube (chronic) 098.37 acute 098.17 genitourinary (acute) (organ) (system) (tract) 098.0 chronic 098.2 duration of 2 months or over 098.2 kidney (acute) 098.19 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.39 ovary (acute) 098.19 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.39 pelvis (acute) 098.19 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.39 penis (acute) 098.0 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2 prostate (acute) 098.12 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.32 seminal vesicle (acute) 098.14 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.34 specified site NEC - see Gonococcus spermatic cord (acute) 098.14 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.34 urethra (acute) 098.0 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2 vagina (acute) 098.0 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2 vas deferens (acute) 098.14 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.34 vulva (acute) 098.0 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2 Goodpasture's syndrome (pneumorenal) 446.21 Good's syndrome 279.06 Gopalan's syndrome (burning feet) 266.2 Gordon's disease (exudative enteropathy) 579.8 Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss syndrome 759.89 Gougerot's syndrome (trisymptomatic) 709.1 Gougerot-Blum syndrome (pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis) 709.1 Gougerot-Carteaud disease or syndrome (confluent reticulate papillomatosis) 701.8 Gougerot-Hailey-Hailey disease (benign familial chronic pemphigus) 757.39 Gougerot (-Houwer)-Sj�gren syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) 710.2 Gouley's syndrome (constrictive pericarditis) 423.2 Goundou 102.6 Gout, gouty 274.9 with specified manifestations NEC 274.89 arthritis (acute) 274.0 arthropathy 274.0 degeneration, heart 274.82 diathesis 274.9 eczema 274.89 episcleritis 274.89 [379.09] external ear (tophus) 274.81 glomerulonephritis 274.10 iritis 274.89 [364.11] joint 274.0 kidney 274.10 lead 984.9 specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals nephritis 274.10 neuritis 274.89 [357.4] phlebitis 274.89 [451.9] rheumatic 714.0 saturnine 984.9 specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals spondylitis 274.0 synovitis 274.0 syphilitic 095.8 tophi 274.0 ear 274.81 heart 274.82 specified site NEC 274.82 Gowers' muscular dystrophy 359.1 syndrome (vasovagal attack) 780.2 Gowers-Paton-Kennedy syndrome 377.04 Gradenigo's syndrome 383.02 Graft-versus-host disease (bone marrow) 996.85 due to organ transplant NEC - see Complications, transplant, organ Graham Steell's murmur (pulmonic regurgitation) (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3 Grain-handlers' disease or lung 495.8 Grain mite (itch) 133.8 Grand mal (idiopathic) (see also Epilepsy) 345.1 hysteria of Charc�t 300.11 nonrecurrent or isolated 780.39 multipara affecting management of labor and delivery 659.4 status only (not pregnant) V61.5 Granite workers' lung 502 Granular - see also condition inflammation, pharynx 472.1 kidney (contracting) (see also Sclerosis, renal) 587 liver - see Cirrhosis, liver nephritis - see Nephritis Granulation tissue, abnormal - see also Granuloma abnormal or excessive 701.5 postmastoidectomy cavity 383.33 postoperative 701.5 skin 701.5 Granulocytopenia, granulocytopenic (primary) 288.00 malignant 288.09 Granuloma NEC 686.1 abdomen (wall) 568.89 skin (pyogenicum) 686.1 from residual foreign body 709.4 annulare 695.89 anus 569.49 apical 522.6 appendix 543.9 aural 380.23 beryllium (skin) 709.4 lung 503 bone (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1 eosinophilic 277.89 from residual foreign body 733.99 canaliculus lacrimalis 375.81 cerebral 348.8 cholesterin, middle ear 385.82 coccidioidal (progressive) 114.3 lung 114.4 meninges 114.2 primary (lung) 114.0 colon 569.89 conjunctiva 372.61 dental 522.6 ear, middle (cholesterin) 385.82 with otitis media - see Otitis media eosinophilic 277.89 bone 277.89 lung 277.89 oral mucosa 528.9 exuberant 701.5 eyelid 374.89 facial lethal midline 446.3 malignant 446.3 faciale 701.8 fissuratum (gum) 523.8 foot NEC 686.1 foreign body (in soft tissue) NEC 728.82 bone 733.99 in operative wound 998.4 muscle 728.82 skin 709.4 subcutaneous tissue 709.4 fungoides 202.1 gangraenescens 446.3 giant cell (central) (jaw) (reparative) 526.3 gingiva 523.8 peripheral (gingiva) 523.8 gland (lymph) 289.3 Hodgkin's (M9661/3) 201.1 ileum 569.89 infectious NEC 136.9 inguinale (Donovan) 099.2 venereal 099.2 intestine 569.89 iridocyclitis 364.10 jaw (bone) 526.3 reparative giant cell 526.3 kidney (see also Infection, kidney) 590.9 lacrimal sac 375.81 larynx 478.79 lethal midline 446.3 lipid 277.89 lipoid 277.89 liver 572.8 lung (infectious) (see also Fibrosis, lung) 515 coccidioidal 114.4 eosinophilic 277.89 lymph gland 289.3 Majocchi's 110.6 malignant, face 446.3 mandible 526.3 mediastinum 519.3 midline 446.3 monilial 112.3 muscle 728.82 from residual foreign body 728.82 nasal sinus (see also Sinusitis) 473.9 operation wound 998.59 foreign body 998.4 stitch (external) 998.89 internal wound 998.89 talc 998.7 oral mucosa, eosinophilic or pyogenic 528.9 orbit, orbital 376.11 paracoccidioidal 116.1 penis, venereal 099.2 periapical 522.6 peritoneum 568.89 due to ova of helminths NEC (see also Helminthiasis) 128.9 postmastoidectomy cavity 383.33 postoperative - see Granuloma, operation wound prostate 601.8 pudendi (ulcerating) 099.2 pudendorum (ulcerative) 099.2 pulp, internal (tooth) 521.49 pyogenic, pyogenicum (skin) 686.1 maxillary alveolar ridge 522.6 oral mucosa 528.9 rectum 569.49 reticulohistiocytic 277.89 rubrum nasi 705.89 sarcoid 135 Schistosoma 120.9 septic (skin) 686.1 silica (skin) 709.4 sinus (accessory) (infectional) (nasal) (see also Sinusitis) 473.9 skin (pyogenicum) 686.1 from foreign body or material 709.4 sperm 608.89 spine syphilitic (epidural) 094.89 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [730.88] stitch (postoperative) 998.89 internal wound 998.89 suppurative (skin) 686.1 suture (postoperative) 998.89 internal wound 998.89 swimming pool 031.1 talc 728.82 in operation wound 998.7 telangiectaticum (skin) 686.1 tracheostomy 519.09 trichophyticum 110.6 tropicum 102.4 umbilicus 686.1 newborn 771.4 urethra 599.84 uveitis 364.10 vagina 099.2 venereum 099.2 vocal cords 478.5 Wegener's (necrotizing respiratory granulomatosis) 446.4 Granulomatosis NEC 686.1 disciformis chronica et progressiva 709.3 infantiseptica 771.2 lipoid 277.89 lipophagic, intestinal 040.2 miliary 027.0 necrotizing, respiratory 446.4 progressive, septic 288.1 Wegener's (necrotizing respiratory) 446.4 Granulomatous tissue - see Granuloma Granulosis rubra nasi 705.89 Graphite fibrosis (of lung) 503 Graphospasm 300.89 organic 333.84 Grating scapula 733.99 Gravel (urinary) (see also Calculus) 592.9 Graves' disease (exophthalmic goiter) (see also Goiter, toxic) 242.0 Gravis - see condition Grawitz's tumor (hypernephroma) (M8312/3) 189.0 Grayness, hair (premature) 704.3 congenital 757.4 Gray or grey syndrome (chloramphenicol) (newborn) 779.4 Greenfield's disease 330.0 Green sickness 280.9 Greenstick fracture - see Fracture, by site Greig's syndrome (hypertelorism) 756.0 Grief 309.0 Griesinger's disease (see also Ancylostomiasis) 126.9 Grinders' asthma 502 lung 502 phthisis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4 Grinding, teeth 306.8 Grip Dabney's 074.1 devil's 074.1 Grippe, grippal - see also Influenza Balkan 083.0 intestinal 487.8 summer 074.8 Grippy cold 487.1 Grisel's disease 723.5 Groin - see condition Grooved nails (transverse) 703.8 tongue 529.5 congenital 750.13 Ground itch 126.9 Growing pains, children 781.99 Growth (fungoid) (neoplastic) (new) (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature adenoid (vegetative) 474.12 benign (M8000/0) - see Neoplasm, by site, benign fetal, poor 764.9 affecting management of pregnancy 656.5 malignant (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant rapid, childhood V21.0 secondary (M8000/6) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant, secondary GRSA (glycopeptide resistant staphylococcus aureus) V09.8 Gruber's hernia - see Hernia, Gruber's Gruby's disease (tinea tonsurans) 110.0 G-trisomy 758.0 Guama fever 066.3 Gubler (-Millard) paralysis or syndrome 344.89 Gu�rin-Stern syndrome (arthrogryposis multiplex congenita) 754.89 Guertin's disease (electric chorea) 049.8 Guillain-Barr� disease or syndrome 357.0 Guinea worms (infection) (infestation) 125.7 Guinon's disease (motor-verbal tic) 307.23 Gull's disease (thyroid atrophy with myxedema) 244.8 Gull and Sutton's disease - see Hypertension, kidney Gum - see condition Gumboil 522.7 Gumma (syphilitic) 095.9 artery 093.89 cerebral or spinal 094.89 bone 095.5 of yaws (late) 102.6 brain 094.89 cauda equina 094.89 central nervous system NEC 094.9 ciliary body 095.8 [364.11] congenital 090.5 testis 090.5 eyelid 095.8 [373.5] heart 093.89 intracranial 094.89 iris 095.8 [364.11] kidney 095.4 larynx 095.8 leptomeninges 094.2 liver 095.3 meninges 094.2 myocardium 093.82 nasopharynx 095.8 neurosyphilitic 094.9 nose 095.8 orbit 095.8 palate (soft) 095.8 penis 095.8 pericardium 093.81 pharynx 095.8 pituitary 095.8 scrofulous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0 skin 095.8 specified site NEC 095.8 spinal cord 094.89 tongue 095.8 tonsil 095.8 trachea 095.8 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0 ulcerative due to yaws 102.4 ureter 095.8 yaws 102.4 bone 102.6 Gunn's syndrome (jaw-winking syndrome) 742.8 Gunshot wound - see also Wound, open, by site fracture - see Fracture, by site, open internal organs (abdomen, chest, or pelvis) - see Injury, internal, by site, with open wound intracranial - see Laceration, brain, with open intracranial wound G�nther's disease or syndrome (congenital erythropoietic porphyria) 277.1 Gustatory hallucination 780.1 Gynandrism 752.7 Gynandroblastoma (M8632/1) specified site - see Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior unspecified site female 236.2 male 236.4 Gynandromorphism 752.7 Gynatresia (congenital) 752.49 Gynecoid pelvis, male 738.6 Gynecological examination V72.31 for contraceptive maintenance V25.40 Gynecomastia 611.1 Gynephobia 300.29 Gyrate scalp 757.39 |
Preface Acknowledgments Introduction The ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee Characteristics of the ICD-9-CM The Disease Classification Alphabetical Index of Diseases Table of Drugs and Chemicals Index To External Causes of Injury (E Code) Classification of Procedures Index to Procedures Appendix A: Morphology of Neoplasms Appendix C: Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Services List Number and their ICD-9-CM Equivalents Appendix D: Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency Appendix E: List of Three-Digit Categories |