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vertical line Table of Contents Alphabetical Index of Diseases and Injuries Explanation of Disease Classification

13. Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue (710-739)

The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with categories 711-712,
715-716, 718-719, and 730:
0	site unspecified
1	shoulder region
Acromioclavicular joint(s)
Glenohumeral joint(s)
Sternoclavicular joint(s)
2	upper arm
Elbow joint
3	forearm
Wrist joint
4	hand
Phalanges [fingers]
5	pelvic region and thigh
Hip (joint)
6	lower leg
Knee joint
7	ankle and foot
Ankle joint
Digits [toes]
Phalanges, foot
Other joints in foot
8	other specified sites
Vertebral column
9	multiple sites


Excludes:	disorders of spine (720.0-724.9)
710	Diffuse diseases of connective tissue
Includes:	all collagen diseases whose effects are not mainly confined to a
 single system
Excludes:	those affecting mainly the cardiovascular system, i.e., polyarteritis
 nodosa and allied conditions (446.0-446.7)
710.0	Systemic lupus erythematosus
Disseminated lupus erythematosus
Libman-Sacks disease
Use additional code to identify manifestation, as:
endocarditis (424.91)
nephritis (583.81)
chronic (582.81)
nephrotic syndrome (581.81)
Excludes:	lupus erythematosus (discoid) NOS (695.4)
710.1	Systemic sclerosis
CRST syndrome
Progressive systemic sclerosis
Use additional code to identify manifestation, as:
lung involvement (517.2)
myopathy (359.6)
Excludes:	circumscribed scleroderma (701.0)
710.2	Sicca syndrome
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Sj�gren's disease
710.3	Dermatomyositis
Polymyositis with skin involvement
710.4	Polymyositis
710.5	Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome
Toxic oil syndrome
Use additional E to identify drug, if drug induced
710.8	Other specified diffuse diseases of connective tissue
Multifocal fibrosclerosis (idiopathic) NEC
Systemic fibrosclerosing syndrome
710.9	Unspecified diffuse connective tissue disease
Collagen disease NOS
711	Arthropathy associated with infections
Includes:	arthritis associated with conditions classifiable below
arthropathy associated with conditions classifiable below
polyarthritis associated with conditions classifiable below
polyarthropathy associated with conditions classifiable below
Excludes:	rheumatic fever (390)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 711; valid digits
 are in [brackets] under each code. See list at beginning of chapter for definitions:
0	site unspecified
1	shoulder region
2	upper arm
3	forearm
4	hand
5	pelvic region and thigh
6	lower leg
7	ankle and foot
8	other specified sites
9	multiple sites
711.0	Pyogenic arthritis
Arthritis or polyarthritis (due to):
coliform [Escherichia coli]
Hemophilus influenzae [H. influenzae]
Use additional code to identify infectious organism (041.0-041.8)
711.1	Arthropathy associated with Reiter's disease and nonspecific urethritis
Code first underlying disease, as:
nonspecific urethritis (099.4)
Reiter's disease (099.3)
711.2	Arthropathy in Beh�et's syndrome
Code first underlying disease (136.1)
711.3	Postdysenteric arthropathy
Code first underlying disease, as:
dysentery (009.0)
enteritis, infectious (008.0-009.3)
paratyphoid fever (002.1-002.9)
typhoid fever (002.0)
Excludes:	salmonella arthritis (003.23)
711.4	Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases
Code first underlying disease, as:
diseases classifiable to 010-040, 090-099, except as in 711.1, 711.3, and 713.5
leprosy (030.0-030.9)
tuberculosis (015.0-015.9)
Excludes:	gonococcal arthritis (098.50)
meningococcal arthritis (036.82)
711.5	Arthropathy associated with other viral diseases
Code first underlying disease, as:
diseases classifiable to 045-049. 050-079, 480, 487
O'nyong nyong (066.3)
Excludes:	that due to rubella (056.71)
711.6	Arthropathy associated with mycoses
Code first underlying disease (110.0-118)
711.7	Arthropathy associated with helminthiasis
Code first underlying disease, as:
filariasis (125.0-125.9)
711.8	Arthropathy associated with other infectious and parasitic diseases
Code first underlying disease, as:
diseases classifiable to 080-088, 100-104, 130-136
Excludes:	arthropathy associated with sarcoidosis (713.7)
711.9	Unspecified infective arthritis
Infective arthritis or polyarthritis (acute) (chronic) (subacute) NOS
712	Crystal arthropathies
Includes:	crystal-induced arthritis and synovitis
Excludes:	gouty arthropathy (274.0)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 712; valid digits
 are in [brackets] under each code.  See list at beginning of chapter for definitions:
0	site unspecified
1	shoulder region
2	upper arm
3	forearm
4	hand
5	pelvic region and thigh
6	lower leg
7	ankle and foot
8	other specified sites
9	multiple sites
712.1	Chondrocalcinosis due to dicalcium phosphate crystals
Chondrocalcinosis due to dicalcium phosphate crystals (with other crystals)
Code first underlying disease (275.49)
712.2	Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals
Code first underlying disease (275.49)
712.3	Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified
Code first underlying disease (275.49)
712.8	Other specified crystal arthropathies
712.9	Unspecified crystal arthropathy
713	Arthropathy associated with other disorders classified elsewhere
Includes:	arthritis associated with conditions classifiable below
arthropathy associated with conditions classifiable below
polyarthritis associated with conditions classifiable below
polyarthropathy associated with conditions classifiable below
713.0	Arthropathy associated with other endocrine and metabolic disorders
Code first underlying disease, as:
acromegaly (253.0)
hemochromatosis (275.0)
hyperparathyroidism (252.00-252.08)
hypogammaglobulinemia (279.00-279.09)
hypothyroidism (243-244.9)
lipoid metabolism disorder (272.0-272.9)
ochronosis (270.2)
Excludes:	arthropathy associated with:
amyloidosis (713.7)
crystal deposition disorders, except gout (712.1-712.9)
diabetic neuropathy (713.5)
gouty arthropathy (274.0)
713.1	Arthropathy associated with gastrointestinal conditions other than infections
Code first underlying disease, as:
regional enteritis (555.0-555.9)
ulcerative colitis (556)
713.2	Arthropathy associated with hematological disorders
Code first underlying disease, as:
hemoglobinopathy (282.4-282.7)
hemophilia (286.0-286.2)
leukemia (204.0-208.9)
malignant reticulosis (202.3)
multiple myelomatosis (203.0)
Excludes:	arthropathy associated with Henoch-Sch�nlein purpura (713.6)
713.3	Arthropathy associated with dermatological disorders
Code first underlying disease, as:
erythema multiforme (695.1)
erythema nodosum (695.2)
Excludes:	psoriatic arthropathy (696.0)
713.4	Arthropathy associated with respiratory disorders
Code first underlying disease, as:
diseases classifiable to 490-519
Excludes:	arthropathy associated with respiratory infections (711.0, 711.4-711.8)
713.5	Arthropathy associated with neurological disorders
Charcot's arthropathy associated with diseases classifiable elsewhere
Neuropathic arthritis associated with diseases classifiable elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
neuropathic joint disease [Charcot's joints]:
NOS (094.0)
diabetic (250.6)
syringomyelic (336.0)
tabetic [syphilitic] (094.0)
713.6	Arthropathy associated with hypersensitivity reaction
Code first underlying disease, as:
Henoch (-Sch�nlein) purpura (287.0)
serum sickness (999.5)
Excludes:	allergic arthritis NOS (716.2)
713.7	Other general diseases with articular involvement
Code first underlying disease, as:
amyloidosis (277.30-277.39)
familial Mediterranean fever (277.31)
sarcoidosis (135)
713.8	Arthropathy associated with other conditions classifiable elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
conditions classifiable elsewhere except as in 711.1-711.8, 712, and 713.0-713.7
714	Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies
Excludes:	rheumatic fever (390)
rheumatoid arthritis of spine NOS (720.0)
714.0	Rheumatoid arthritis
Arthritis or polyarthritis:
rheumatic (chronic)
Use additional code to identify manifestation, as:
myopathy (359.6)
polyneuropathy (357.1)
Excludes:	juvenile rheumatoid arthritis NOS (714.30)
714.1	Felty's syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis with splenoadenomegaly and leukopenia
714.2	Other rheumatoid arthritis with visceral or systemic involvement
Rheumatoid carditis
714.3	Juvenile chronic polyarthritis
714.30	Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, chronic or unspecified
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis NOS
Still's disease
714.31	Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, acute
714.32	Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
714.33	Monoarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
714.4	Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy
Chronic rheumatoid nodular fibrositis
Jaccoud's syndrome
714.8	Other specified inflammatory polyarthropathies
714.81	Rheumatoid lung
Caplan's syndrome
Diffuse interstitial rheumatoid disease of lung
Fibrosing alveolitis, rheumatoid
714.89	Other
714.9	Unspecified inflammatory polyarthropathy
Inflammatory polyarthropathy or polyarthritis NOS
Excludes:	polyarthropathy NOS (716.5)
715	Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders
Note:	Localized, in the subcategories below, includes bilateral involvement of the
 same site.
Includes:	arthritis or polyarthritis:
degenerative joint disease
Excludes:	Marie-Str�mpell spondylitis (720.0)
osteoarthrosis [osteoarthritis] of spine (721.0-721.9)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 715; valid digits
 are in [brackets] under each code.  See list at beginning of chapter for definitions:
0	site unspecified
1	shoulder region
2	upper arm
3	forearm
4	hand
5	pelvic region and thigh
6	lower leg
7	ankle and foot
8	other specified sites
9	multiple sites
715.0	Osteoarthrosis, generalized
Degenerative joint disease, involving multiple joints
Primary generalized hypertrophic osteoarthrosis
715.1	Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary
Localized osteoarthropathy, idiopathic
715.2	Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary
Coxae malum senilis
715.3	Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary
Otto's pelvis
715.8	Osteoarthrosis involving, or with mention of more than one site, but not specified
 as generalized
715.9	Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized
716	Other and unspecified arthropathies
Excludes:	cricoarytenoid arthropathy (478.79)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 716; valid digits are
 in [brackets] under each code.  See list at beginning of chapter for definitions:
0	site unspecified
1	shoulder region
2	upper arm
3	forearm
4	hand
5	pelvic region and thigh
6	lower leg
7	ankle and foot
8	other specified sites
9	multiple sites
716.0	Kaschin-Beck disease
Endemic polyarthritis
716.1	Traumatic arthropathy
716.2	Allergic arthritis
Excludes: arthritis associated with Henoch-Sch�nlein purpura or serum sickness (713.6)
716.3	Climacteric arthritis
Menopausal arthritis
716.4	Transient arthropathy
Excludes:	palindromic rheumatism (719.3)
716.5	Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis
716.6	Unspecified monoarthritis
716.8	Other specified arthropathy
716.9	Arthropathy, unspecified
Arthritis, (acute) (chronic) (subacute)
Arthropathy, (acute) (chronic) (subacute)
Articular rheumatism, (chronic)
Inflammation of joint, NOS
717	Internal derangement of knee
Includes:	degeneration of articular cartilage or meniscus of knee
rupture, old of articular cartilage or meniscus of knee
tear, old of articular cartilage or meniscus of knee
Excludes:	acute derangement of knee (836.0-836.6)
ankylosis (718.5)
contracture (718.4)
current injury (836.0-836.6)
deformity (736.4-736.6)
recurrent dislocation (718.3)
717.0	Old bucket handle tear of medial meniscus
Old bucket handle tear of unspecified cartilage
717.1	Derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus
717.2	Derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus
717.3	Other and unspecified derangement of medial meniscus
Degeneration of internal semilunar cartilage
717.4	Derangement of lateral meniscus
717.40	Derangement of lateral meniscus, unspecified
717.41	Bucket handle tear of lateral meniscus
717.42	Derangement of anterior horn of lateral meniscus
717.43	Derangement of posterior horn of lateral meniscus
717.49	Other
717.5	Derangement of meniscus, not elsewhere classified
Congenital discoid meniscus
Cyst of semilunar cartilage
Derangement of semilunar cartilage NOS
717.6	Loose body in knee
Joint mice, knee
Rice bodies, knee (joint)
717.7	Chondromalacia of patella
Chondromalacia patellae
Degeneration [softening] of articular cartilage of patella
717.8	Other internal derangement of knee
717.81	Old disruption of lateral collateral ligament
717.82	Old disruption of medial collateral ligament
717.83	Old disruption of anterior cruciate ligament
717.84	Old disruption of posterior cruciate ligament
717.85	Old disruption of other ligaments of knee
Capsular ligament of knee
717.89	Other
Old disruption of ligaments of knee NOS
717.9	Unspecified internal derangement of knee
Derangement NOS of knee
718	Other derangement of joint
Excludes:	current injury (830.0-848.9)
jaw (524.60-524.69)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 718; valid digits are
 in [brackets] under each code.  See list at beginning of chapter for definitions:
0	site unspecified
1	shoulder region
2	upper arm
3	forearm
4	hand
5	pelvic region and thigh
6	lower leg
7	ankle and foot
8	other specified sites
9	multiple sites
718.0	Articular cartilage disorder
rupture, old
tear, old
Old rupture of ligament(s) of joint NOS
Excludes:	articular cartilage disorder:
in ochronosis (270.2)
knee (717.0-717.9)
chondrocalcinosis (275.49)
metastatic calcification (275.40)
718.1	Loose body in joint
Joint mice
Excludes:	knee (717.6)
718.2	Pathological dislocation
Dislocation or displacement of joint, not recurrent and not current
718.3	Recurrent dislocation of joint
718.4	Contracture of joint
718.5	Ankylosis of joint
Ankylosis of joint (fibrous) (osseous)
Excludes:	spine (724.9)
stiffness of joint without mention of ankylosis (719.5)
718.6	Unspecified intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum
Protrusio acetabuli, unspecified
718.7	Developmental dislocation of joint
Excludes:	congenital dislocation of joint (754.0-755.8)
traumatic dislocation of joint (830-839)
718.8	Other joint derangement, not elsewhere classified
Flail joint (paralytic)
Instability of joint
Excludes:	deformities classifiable to 736 (736.0-736.9)
718.9	Unspecified derangement of joint
Excludes:	knee (717.9)
719	Other and unspecified disorders of joint
Excludes:	jaw (524.60-524.69)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with codes 719.0-719.6, 719.8-719.9;
 valid digits are in [brackets] under each code.  See list at beginning of chapter for
0	site unspecified
1	shoulder region
2	upper arm
3	forearm
4	hand
5	pelvic region and thigh
6	lower leg
7	ankle and foot
8	other specified sites
9	multiple sites
719.0	Effusion of joint
Swelling of joint, with or without pain
Excludes:	intermittent hydrarthrosis (719.3)
719.1	Hemarthrosis
Excludes:	current injury (840.0-848.9)
719.2	Villonodular synovitis
719.3	Palindromic rheumatism
Hench-Rosenberg syndrome
Intermittent hydrarthrosis
719.4	Pain in joint
719.5	Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified
719.6	Other symptoms referable to joint
Joint crepitus
Snapping hip
719.7	Difficulty in walking
Excludes:	abnormality of gait (781.2)
719.8	Other specified disorders of joint
Calcification of joint
Fistula of joint
Excludes: temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction syndrome [Costen's syndrome] (524.60)
719.9	Unspecified disorder of joint


Excludes:	curvature of spine (737.0-737.9)
osteochondrosis of spine (juvenile) (732.0) adult (732.8)
720	Ankylosing spondylitis and other inflammatory spondylopathies
720.0	Ankylosing spondylitis
Rheumatioid arthritis of spine NOS
720.1	Spinal enthesopathy
Disorder of peripheral ligamentous or muscular attachments of spine
Romanus lesion
720.2	Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere classified
Inflammation of sacroiliac joint NOS
720.8	Other inflammatory spondylopathies
720.81	Inflammatory spondylopathies in diseases classified elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
tuberculosis (015.0)
720.89	Other
720.9	Unspecified inflammatory spondylopathy
Spondylitis NOS
721	Spondylosis and allied disorders
721.0	Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy
Cervical or cervicodorsal:
721.1	Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy
Anterior spinal artery compression syndrome
Spondylogenic compression of cervical spinal cord
Vertebral artery compression syndrome
721.2	Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy
721.3	Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy
Lumbar or lumbosacral:
721.4	Thoracic or lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy
721.41	Thoracic region
Spondylogenic compression of thoracic spinal cord
721.42	Lumbar region
Spondylogenic compression of lumbar spinal cord
721.5	Kissing spine
Baastrup's syndrome
721.6	Ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis
721.7	Traumatic spondylopathy
K�mmell's disease or spondylitis
721.8	Other allied disorders of spine
721.9	Spondylosis of unspecified site
721.90	Without mention of myelopathy
arthritis (deformans) (degenerative) (hypertrophic)
osteoarthritis NOS
Spondylarthrosis NOS
721.91	With myelopathy
Spondylogenic compression of  spinal cord NOS
722	Intervertebral disc disorders
722.0	Displacement of cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy
Neuritis (brachial) or radiculitis due to displacement or rupture of cervical
 intervertebral disc
Any condition classifiable to 722.2 of the cervical or cervicothoracic intervertebral
722.1	Displacement of thoracic or lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy
722.10	Lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy
Lumbago or sciatica due to displacement of intervertebral disc
Neuritis or radiculitis due to displacement or rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc
Any condition classifiable to 722.2 of the lumbar or lumbosacral intervertebral disc
722.11	Thoracic intervertebral disc without myelopathy
Any condition classifiable to 722.2 of thoracic intervertebral disc
722.2	Displacement of intervertebral disc, site unspecified, without myelopathy
Discogenic syndrome NOS
Herniation of nucleus pulposus NOS
Intervertebral disc NOS:
Neuritis or radiculitis due to displacement or rupture of intervertebral disc
722.3	Schmorl's nodes
722.30	Unspecified region
722.31	Thoracic region
722.32	Lumbar region
722.39	Other
722.4	Degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc
Degeneration of cervicothoracic intervertebral disc
722.5	Degeneration of thoracic or lumbar intervertebral disc
722.51	Thoracic or thoracolumbar intervertebral disc
722.52	Lumbar or lumbosacral intervertebral disc
722.6	Degeneration of intervertebral disc, site unspecified
Degenerative disc disease NOS
Narrowing of intervertebral disc or space NOS
722.7	Intervertebral disc disorder with myelopathy
722.70	Unspecified region
722.71	Cervical region
722.72	Thoracic region
722.73	Lumbar region
722.8	Postlaminectomy syndrome
722.80	Unspecified region
722.81	Cervical region
722.82	Thoracic region
722.83	Lumbar region
722.9	Other and unspecified disc disorder
Calcification of intervertebral cartilage or disc Discitis
722.90	Unspecified region
722.91	Cervical region
722.92	Thoracic region
722.93	Lumbar region
723	Other disorders of cervical region
Excludes:	conditions due to:
intervertebral disc disorders (722.0-722.9)
spondylosis (721.0-721.9)
723.0	Spinal stenosis of cervical region
723.1	Cervicalgia
Pain in neck
723.2	Cervicocranial syndrome
Barr�-Li�ou syndrome
Posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome
723.3	Cervicobrachial syndrome (diffuse)
723.4	Brachia neuritis or radiculitis NOS
Cervical radiculitis
Radicular syndrome of upper limbs
723.5	Torticollis, unspecified
Contracture of neck
Excludes:	congenital (754.1)
due to birth injury (767.8)
hysterical (300.11)
ocular torticollis (781.93)
psychogenic (306.0)
spasmodic (333.83)
traumatic, current (847.0)
723.6	Panniculitis specified as affecting neck
723.7	Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in cervical region
723.8	Other syndromes affecting cervical region
Cervical syndrome NEC
Klippel's disease
Occipital neuralgia
723.9	Unspecified musculoskeletal disorders and symptoms referable to neck
Cervical (region) disorder NOS
724	Other and unspecified disorders of back
Excludes:	collapsed vertebra (code to cause, e.g., osteoporosis, 733.00-733.09)
conditions due to:
intervertebral disc disorders (722.0-722.9)
spondylosis (721.0-721.9)
724.0	Spinal stenosis, other than cervical
724.00	Spinal stenosis, unspecified region
724.01	Thoracic region
724.02	Lumbar region
724.09	Other
724.1	Pain in thoracic spine
724.2	Lumbago
Low back pain
Low back syndrome
724.3	Sciatia
Neuralgia or neuritis of sciatic nerve
Excludes:	specified lesion of sciatic nerve (355.0)
724.4	Thoracic or lumbosacral neuritis or radiculitis, unspecified
Radicular syndrome of lower limbs
724.5	Backache, unspecified
Vertebrogenic (pain) syndrome NOS
724.6	Disorders of sacrum
Ankylosis, lumbosacral or sacroiliac (joint)
Instability, lumbosacral or sacroiliac (joint)
724.7	Disorders of coccyx
724.70	Unspecified disorder of coccyx
724.71	Hypermobility of coccyx
724.79	Other
724.8	Other symptoms referable to back
Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament NOS
Panniculitis specified as sacral or affecting back
724.9	Other unspecified back disorders
Ankylosis of spine NOS
Compression of spinal nerve root NEC
Spinal disorder NOS
Excludes:	sacroiliitis (720.2)


Includes:	disorders of muscles and tendons and their attachments, and of other
725	Polymyalgia rheumatica
726	Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes
Note:	Enthesopathies are disorders of peripheral ligamentous or muscular attachments.
Excludes:	spinal enthesopathy (720.1)
726.0	Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
726.1	Rotator cuff syndrome of shoulder and allied disorders
726.10	Disorders of bursae and tendons in shoulder region, unspecified
Rotator cuff syndrome NOS
Supraspinatus syndrome NOS
726.11	Calcifying tendinitis of shoulder
726.12	Bicipital tenosynovitis
726.19	Other specified disorders
Excludes:	complete rupture of rotator cuff, nontraumatic (727.61)
726.2	Other affections of shoulder region, not elsewhere classified
Periarthritis of shoulder
Scapulohumeral fibrositis
726.3	Enthesopathy of elbow region
726.30	Enthesopathy of elbow, unspecified
726.31	Medial epicondylitis
726.32	Lateral epicondylitis
Epicondylitis NOS
Golfers' elbow
Tennis elbow
726.33	Olecranon bursitis
Bursitis of elbow
726.39	Other
726.4	Enthesopathy of wrist and carpus
Bursitis of hand or wrist
Periarthritis of wrist
726.5	Enthesopathy of hip region
Bursitis of hip
Gluteal tendinitis
Iliac crest spur
Psoas tendinitis
Trochanteric tendinitis
726.6	Enthesopathy of knee
726.60	Enthesopathy of knee, unspecified
Bursitis of knee NOS
726.61	Pes anserinus tendinitis or bursitis
726.62	Tibial collateral ligament bursitis
Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome
726.63	Fibular collateral ligament bursitis
726.64	Patellar tendinitis
726.65	Prepatellar bursitis
726.69	Other
726.7	Enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus
726.70	Enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus, unspecified
Metatarsalgia NOS
Excludes:	Morton's metatarsalgia (355.6)
726.71	Achilles bursitis or tendinitis
726.72	Tibialis tendinitis
Tibialis (anterior) (posterior) tendinitis
726.73	Calcaneal spur
726.79	Other
Peroneal tendinitis
726.8	Other peripheral enthesopathies
726.9	Unspecified enthesopathy
726.90	Enthesopathy of unspecified site
Capsulitis NOS
Periarthritis NOS
Tendinitis NOS
726.91	Exostosis of unspecified site
Bone spur NOS
727	Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa
727.0	Synovitis and tenosynovitis
727.00	Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified
Synovitis NOS
Tenosynovitis NOS
727.01	Synovitis and tenosynovitis in diseases classified elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:tuberculosis (015.0-015.9)
Excludes:	crystal-induced (275.49)
gonococcal (098.51)
gouty (274.0)
syphilitic (095.7)
727.02	Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath
727.03	Trigger finger (acquired)
727.04	Radial styloid tenosynovitis
de Quervain's disease
727.05	Other tenosynovitis or hand and wrist
727.06	Tenosynovitis of foot and ankle
727.09	Other
727.1	Bunion
727.2	Specific bursitides often of occupational origin
Chronic crepitant synovitis of wrist
727.3	Other bursitis
Bursitis NOS
Excludes:	bursitis:
gonococcal (098.52)
subacromial (726.19)
subcoracoid (726.19)
subdeltoid (726.19)
syphilitic (095.7)
"frozen shoulder" (726.0)
727.4	Ganglion and cyst of synovium, tendon, and bursa
727.40	Synovial cyst, unspecified
Excludes:	that of popliteal space (727.51)
727.41	Ganglion of joint
727.42	Ganglion of tendon sheath
727.43	Ganglion, unspecified
727.49	Other
Cyst of bursa
727.5	Rupture of synovium
727.50	Rupture of synovium, unspecified
727.51	Synovial cyst of popliteal space
Baker's cyst (knee)
727.59	Other
727.6	Rupture of tendon, nontraumatic
727.60	Nontraumatic rupture of unspecified tendon
727.61	Complete rupture of rotator cuff
727.62	Tendons of biceps (long head)
727.63	Extensor tendons of hand and wrist
727.64	Flexor tendons of hand and wrist
727.65	Quadriceps tendon
727.66	Patellar tendon
727.67	Achilles tendon
727.68	Other tendons of foot and ankle
727.69	Other
727.8	Other disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursa
727.81	Contracture of tendon (sheath)
Short Achilles tendon (acquired)
727.82	Calcium deposits in tendon and bursa
Calcification of tendon NOS
Calcific tendinitis NOS
Excludes:	peripheral ligamentous or muscular attachments (726.0-726.9)
727.83	Plica syndrome
Plica knee
727.89	Other
Abscess of bursa or tendon
Excludes:	xanthomatosis localized to tendons (272.7)
727.9	Unspecified disorder of synovium, tendon, and bursa
728	Disorders of muscle, ligament, and fascia
Excludes:	enthesopathies (726.0-726.9)
muscular dystrophies (359.0-359.1)
myoneural disorders (358.00-358.9)
myopathies (359.2-359.9)
old disruption of ligaments of knee (717.81-717.89)
728.0	Infective myositis
Excludes:	myositis:
epidemic (074.1)
interstitial (728.81)
myoneural disorder (358.00-358.9)
syphilitic (095.6)
tropical (040.81)
728.1	Muscular calcification and ossification
728.10	Calcification and ossification, unspecified
Massive calcification (paraplegic)
728.11	Progressive myositis ossificans
728.12	Traumatic myositis ossifications
Myisitis ossificans (circumscripta)
728.13	Postoperative heterotopic calcification
728.19	Other
Polymyositis ossificans
728.2	Muscular wasting and disuse atrophy, not elsewhere classified
Amyotrophia NOS
Excludes:	neuralgic amyotrophy (353.5)
pelvic muscle wasting and disuse atrophy (618.83)
progressive muscular atrophy (335.0-335.9)
728.3	Other specific muscle disorders
Immobility syndrome (paraplegic)
Excludes:	arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (754.89)
stiff-man syndrome (333.91)
728.4	Laxity of ligament
728.5	Hypermobility syndrome
728.6	Contracture of palmar fascia
Dupuytren's contracture
728.7	Other fibromatoses
728.71	Plantar fascial fibromatosis
Contracture of plantar fascia
Plantar fasciitis (traumatic)
728.79	Other
Garrod's or knuckle pads
Nodular fasciitis
Pseudosarcomatous Fibromatosis (proliferative) (subcutaneous)
728.8	Other disorders of muscle, ligament, and fascia
728.81	Interstitial myositis
728.82	Foreign body granuloma of muscle
Talc granuloma of muscle
728.83	Rupture of muscle, nontraumatic
728.84	Diastasis of muscle
Diastatsis recti (abdomen)
Excludes:	diastatsis recti complicating pregnancy, labor, and delivery (665.8)
728.85	Spasm of muscle
728.86	Necrotizing fasciitis
Use additional code to identify:
infectious organism (041.00-041.89)
gangrene (785.4), if applicable
728.87	Muscle weakness (generalized)
Excludes:	generalized weakness (780.79)
728.88	Rhabdomyolysis
728.89	Other
Eosinophilic fasciitis
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug induced
728.9	Unspecified disorder of muscle, ligament, and fascia
729	Other disorders of soft tissues
Excludes:	acroparesthesia (443.89)
carpal tunnel syndrome (354.0)
disorders of the back (720.0-724.9)
entrapment syndromes (354.0-355.9)
palindromic rheumatism (719.3)
periarthritis (726.0-726.9)
psychogenic rheumatism (306.0)
729.0	Rheumatism, unspecified and fibrositis
729.1	Myalgia and myositis, unspecified
Fibromyositis NOS
729.2	Neuralgia, neuritis, and radiculitis, unspecified
Excludes:	brachia radiculitis (723.4)
cervical radiculitis (723.4)
lumbosacral radiculitis (724.4)
mononeuritis (354.0-355.9)
radiculitis due to intervertebral disc involvement (722.0-722.2,722.7)
sciatica (724.3)
729.3	Panniculitis, unspecified
729.30	Panniculitis, unspecified site
Weber-Christian disease
729.31	Hypertrophy of fat pad, knee
Hypertrophy of infrapatellar fat pad
729.39	Other site
Excludes:	panniculitis specified as (affecting):
back (724.8)
neck (723.6)
sacral (724.8)
729.4	Fasciitis, unspecified
Excludes:	necrotizing fasciitis (728.86)
nodular fasciitis (728.79)
729.5	Pain in limb
729.6	Residual foreign body in soft tissue
Excludes:	foreign body granuloma:
muscle (728.82)
skin and subcutaneous tissue (709.4)
729.7	Nontraumatic compartment syndrome
Excludes:	compartment syndrome NOS (958.90)
traumatic compartment syndrome (958.90-958.99)
729.71	Nontraumatic compartment syndrome of upper extremity
Nontraumatic compartment syndrome of shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers
729.72	Nontraumatic compartment syndrome of lower extremity
Nontraumatic compartment syndrome of hip, buttock, thigh, leg, foot and toes
729.73	Nontraumatic compartment syndrome of abdomen
729.79	Nontraumatic compartment syndrome of other sites
729.8	Other musculoskeletal symptoms referable to limbs
729.81	Swelling of limb
729.82	Cramp
729.89	Other
Excludes:	abnormality of gait (781.2)
tetany (781.7)
transient paralysis of limb (781.4)
729.9	Other and unspecified disorders of soft tissue


730	Osteomyelitis, periostitis, and other infections involving bone
Excludes:	jaw (526.4-526.5)
petrous bone (383.2)
Use additional code to identify organism, such as Staphylococcus (041.1)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 730; valid digits
 are in [brackets] under each code.  See list at beginning of chapter for definitions:
0	site unspecified
1	shoulder region
2	upper arm
3	forearm
4	hand
5	pelvic region and thigh
6	lower leg
7	ankle and foot
8	other specified sites
9	multiple sites
730.0	Acute osteomyelitis
Abscess of any bone except accessory sinus, jaw, or mastoid
Acute or subacute osteomyelitis, with or without mention of periostitis
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
730.1	Chronic osteomyelitis
Brodie's abscess
Chronic or old osteomyelitis, with or without mention of periostitis
Sclerosing osteomyelitis of Garr�
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
Excludes:	aseptic necrosis of bone (733.40-733.49)
730.2	Unspecified osteomyelitis
Osteitis or osteomyelitis NOS, with or without mention of periostitis
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
730.3	Periostitis without mention of ostemyelitis
Abscess of periosteum, without mention of osteomyelitis
Periostosis, without mention of osteomyelitis
Excludes:	that in secondary syphilis (091.61)
730.7	Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis
Code first underlying disease (045.0-045.9)
730.8	Other infections involving bone in disease classified elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
tuberculosis (015.0-015.9)
typhoid fever (002.0)
Excludes:	syphilitis of bone NOS (095.5)
730.9	Unspecified infection of bone
731	Osteitis deformans and osteopathies associated with other disorders classified
731.0	Osteitis deformans without mention of bone tumor
Paget's disease of bone
731.1	Osteitis deformans in diseases classified elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
malignant neoplasm of bone (170.0-170.9)
731.2	Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
Bamberger-Marie disease
731.3	Major osseous defects
Code first underlying disease, if known, such as:
aseptic necrosis (733.40-733.49)
malignant neoplasm of bone (170.0-170.9)
osteomyelitis (730.00- 730.29)
osteoporosis (733.00- 733.09)
peri-prosthetic osteolysis (996.45)
731.8	Other bone involvement in diseases classified elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
diabetes mellitus (250.8)
Use additional code to specify bone condition, such as:
acute osteomyelitis (730.00-730.09)
732	Osteochondropathies
732.0	Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine
Juvenile osteochondrosis (of):
marginal  or vertebral ephiphysis (of Scheurermann) spine NOS
Vertebral epiphysitis
Excludes:	adolescent postural kyphosis (737.0)
732.1	Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis
Coxa plana
Ischiopubic synchondrosis (of van Neck)
Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of:
head of femur (of Legg-Calv�-Perthes)
iliac crest (of Buchanan)
symphysis pubis (of Pierson)
732.2	Nontraumatic slipped upper femoral epiphysis
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis NOS
732.3	Juvenile osteochondrosis of upper extremity
Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of:
capitulum of humerus (of Panner)
carpal lunate (of Kienbock)
hand NOS
head of humerus (of Haas)
heads of metacarpas (of Mauclaire)
lower ulna (of Burns)
radial head (of Brailsford)
upper extremity NOS
732.4	Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity, excluding foot
Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of:
lower extremity NOS
primary patellar center (of K�hler)
proximal tibia (of Blount)
secondary patellar center (of Sinding-Larsen)
tibial tubercle (of Osgood-Schlatter)
Tibia vara
732.5	Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot
Calcaneal apophysitis
Epiphysitis, os calcis
Osteochondrosis (juvenile) of:
astragalus (of Diaz)
calcaneum (of Sever)
foot NOS
second (of Freilberg)
fifth (of Iselin)
os tibiale externum (of Haglund)
tarsal navicular (of K�hler)
732.6	Other juvenile osteochondrosis
Apophysitis specified as juvenile, of other site, or site NOS
Epiphysitis specified as juvenile, of other site, or site NOS
Osteochondritis specified as juvenile, of other site, or site NOS
Osteochondrosis specified as juvenile, of other site, or site NOS
732.7	Osteochondritis dissecans
732.8	Other specified forms of osteochondropathy
Adult osteochondrosis of spine
732.9	Unspecified osteochondropathy
not specified as adult or juvenile, of unspecified site
not specified as adult or juvenile, of unspecified site
not specified as adult or juvenile, of unspecified site
not specified as adult or juvenile, of unspecified site
733	Other disorders of bone and cartilage
Excludes:	bone spur (726.91)
cartilage of, or loose body in, joint (717.0-717.9, 718.0-718.9)
giant cell granuloma of jaw (526.3)
osteitis fibrosa cystica generalisata (252.01)
osteomalacia (268.2)
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone (756.54)
prognathism, retrognathism (524.1)
xanthomatosis localized to bone (272.7)
733.0	Osteoporosis
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
733.00	Osteoporosis, unspecified
Wedging of vertebra NOS
733.01	Senile osteoporosis
Postmenopausal osteoporosis
733.02	Idiopathic osteoporosis
733.03	Disuse osteoporosis
733.09	Other
Drug-induced osteoporosis
Use additional E code to identify drug
733.1	Pathologic fracture
Spontaneous fracture
Excludes:	stress fracture (733.93-733.95)
traumatic fractures (800-829)
733.10	Pathologic fracture, unspecified site
733.11	Pathologic fracture of humerus
733.12	Pathologic fracture of distal radius and ulna
Wrist NOS
733.13	Pathologic fracture of vertebrae
Collapse of vertebra NOS
733.14	Pathologic fracture of neck of femur
Femur NOS
733.15	Pathologic fracture of other specified part of femur
733.16	Pathologic fracture of tibia and fibula
Ankle NOS
733.19	Pathologic fracture of other specified site
733.2	Cyst of bone
733.20	Cyst of bone (localized), unspecified
733.21	Solitary bone cyst
Unicameral bone cyst
733.22	Aneurysmal bone cyst
733.29	Other
Fibrous dysplasia (monostotic)
Excludes:	cyst of jaw (526.0-526.2, 526.89)
osteitis fibrosa cystica (252.01)
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone (756.54)
733.3	Hyperostosis of skull
Hyperostosis interna frontalis
Leontiasis ossium
733.4	Aseptic necrosis of bone
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
Excludes:	osteochondropathies (732.0-732.9)
733.40	Aseptic necrosis of bone, site unspecified
733.41	Head of humerus
733.42	Head and neck of femur
Femur NOS
Excludes:	Legg-Calv�-Perthes disease (732.1)
733.43	Medial femoral condyle
733.44	Talus
733.45	Jaw
Use additional E code to identify drug, if drug-induced
Excludes:	osteoradionecrosis of jaw (526.89)
733.49	Other
733.5	Osteitis condensans
Piriform sclerosis of ilium
733.6	Tietze's disease
Costochondral junction syndrome
733.7	Algoneurodystrophy
Disuse atrophy of bone
Sudeck's atrophy
733.8	Malunion and nonunion of fracture
733.81	Malunion of fracture
733.82	Nonunion of fracture
Psedoarthrosis (bone)
733.9	Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage
733.90	Disorder of bone and cartilage, unspecified
733.91	Arrest of bone development or growth
Epiphyseal arrest
733.92	Chondromalacia
localized, except patella
tibial plateau
Excludes:	chondromalacia of patella (717.7)
733.93	Stress fracture of tibia or fibula
Stress reaction of tibia or fibula
733.94	Stress fracture of the metatarsals
Stress reaction of metatarsals
733.95	Stress fracture of other bone
Stress reaction of other bone
733.99	Other
Hypertrophy of bone
Relapsing polychondritis
734	Flat foot
Pes planus (acquired)
Talipes planus (acquired)
Excludes:	congenital (754.61)
rigid flat foot (754.61)
spastic (everted) flat foot (754.61)
735	Acquired deformities of toe
Excludes:	congenital (754.60-754.69, 755.65-755.66)
735.0	Hallux valgus (acquired)
735.1	Hallux varus (acquired)
735.2	Hallux rigidus
735.3	Hallux malleus
735.4	Other hammer toe (acquired)
735.5	Claw toe (acquired)
735.8	Other acquired deformities of toe
735.9	Unspecified acquired deformity of toe
736	Other acquired deformities of limbs
Excludes:	congenital (754.3-755.9)
736.0	Acquired deformities of forearm, excluding fingers
736.00	Unspecified deformity
Deformity of elbow, forearm, hand, or wrist (acquired) NOS
736.01	Cubitus valgus (acquired)
736.02	Cubitus varus (acquired)
736.03	Valgus deformity of wrist (acquired)
736.04	Varus deformity of wrist (acquired)
736.05	Wrist drop (acquired)
736.06	Claw hand (acquired)
736.07	Club hand (acquired)
736.09	Other
736.1	Mallet finger
736.2	Other acquired deformities of finger
736.20	Unspecified deformity
Deformity of finger (acquired) NOS
736.21	Boutonniere deformity
736.22	Swan-neck deformity
736.29	Other
Excludes:	trigger finger (727.03)
736.3	Acquired deformities of hip
736.30	Unspecified deformity
Deformity of hip (acquired) NOS
736.31	Coxa valga (acquired)
736.32	Coxa vara (acquired)
736.39	Other
736.4	Genu valgum or varum (acquired)
736.41	Genu valgum (acquired)
736.42	Genu varum (acquired)
736.5	Genu recurvatum (acquired)
736.6	Other acquired deformities of knee
Deformity of knee (acquired) NOS
736.7	Other acquired deformities of ankle and foot
Excludes:	deformities of toe (acquired) (735.0-735.9)
pes planu (acquired) (734)
736.70	Unspecified deformity of ankle and foot, acquired
736.71	Acquired equinovarus deformity
Clubfoot, acquired
Excludes:	clubfoot not specified as acquired (754.5-754.7)
736.72	Equinus deformity of foot, acquired
736.73	Cavus deformity of foot
Excludes:	that with claw foot (736.74)
736.74	Claw foot, acquired
736.75	Cavovarus deformity of foot, acquired
736.76	Other calcaneus deformity
736.79	Other
pes not elsewhere classified
talipes not elsewhere classified
736.8	Acquired deformities of other parts of limbs
736.81	Unequal leg length (acquired)
736.89	Other
Deformity (acquired):
arm or leg, not elsewhere classified
736.9	Acquired deformity of limb, site unspecified
737	Curvature of spine
Excludes:	congenital (754.2)
737.0	Adolescent postural kyphosis
Excludes:	osteochondrosis of spine (juvenile) (732.0)
adult (732.8)
737.1	Kyphosis (acquired)
737.10	Kyphosis (acquired) (postural)
737.11	Kyphosis due to radiation
737.12	Kyphosis, postlaminectomy
737.19	Other
Excludes:	that associated with conditions classifiable elsewhere (737.41)
737.2	Lordosis (acquired)
737.20	Lordosis (acquired) (postural)
737.21	Lordosis, postlaminectomy
737.22	Other postsurgical lordosis
737.29	Other
Excludes:	that associated with conditions classifiable elsewhere (737.42)
737.3	Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis
737.30	Scoliosis [and kyphoscoliosis], idiopathic
737.31	Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis
737.32	Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis
737.33	Scoliosis due to radiation
737.34	Thoracogenic scoliosis
737.39	Other
Excludes:	that associated with conditions classifiable elsewhere (737.43)
that in kyphoscoliotic heart disease (416.1)
737.4	Curvature of spine associated with other conditions
Code first associated condition, as:
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (356.1)
mucopolysaccharidosis (277.5)
neurofibromatosis (237.7)
osteitis deformans (731.0)
osteitis fibrosa cystica (252.01)
osteoporosis (733.00-733.09)
poliomyelitis (138)
tuberculosis [Pott's curvature] (015.0)
737.40	Curvature of spine, unspecified
737.41	Kyphosis
737.42	Lordosis
737.43	Scoliosis
737.8	Other curvatures of spine
737.9	Unspecified curvature of spine
Curvature of spine (acquired) (idiopathic) NOS
Hunchback, acquired
Excludes:	deformity of spine NOS (738.5)
738	Other acquired deformity
Excludes:	congenital (754.0-756.9, 758.0-759.9)
dentofacial anomalies (524.0-524.9)
738.0	Acquired deformity of nose
Deformity of nose (acquired)
Overdevelopment of nasal bones
Excludes:	deflected of deviated nasal septum (470)
738.1	Other acquired deformity of head
738.10	Unspecified deformity
738.11	Zygomatic hyperplasia
738.12	Zygomatic hypoplasia
738.19	Other specified deformity
738.2	Acquired deformity of neck
738.3	Acquired deformity of chest and rib
chest (acquired)
rib (acquired)
carinatum, acquired
excavatum, acquired
738.4	Acquired spondylolisthesis
Degenerative spondylolisthesis
Spondylolysis, acquired
Excludes:	congenital (756.12)
738.5	Other acquired deformity of back or spine
Deformity of spine NOS
Excludes:	curvature of spine (737.0-737.9)
738.6	Acquired deformity of pelvis
Pelvic obliquity
Excludes:	intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum (718.6)
that in relation to labor and delivery (653.0-653.4, 653.8-653.9)
738.7	Cauliflower ear
738.8	Acquired deformity of other specified site
Deformity of clavicle
738.9	Acquired deformity of unspecified site
739	Nonallopathic lesions, not elsewhere classified
Includes:	segmental dysfunction
somatic dysfunction
739.0	Head region
Occipitocervical region
739.1	Cervical region
Cervicothoracic region
739.2	Thoracic region
Thoracolumbar region
739.3	Lumbar region
Lumbosacral region
739.4	Sacral region
Sacrococcygeal region
Sacroiliac region
739.5	Pelvic region
Hip region
Pubic region
739.6	Lower extremities
739.7	Upper extremities
Acromioclavicular region
Sternoclavicular region
739.8	Rib cage
Costochondral region
Costovertebral region
Sternochondral region
739.9	Abdomen and other





The ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee

Characteristics of the ICD-9-CM

The Disease Classification

Alphabetical Index of Diseases

Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Index To External Causes of Injury (E Code)

Classification of Procedures

Index to Procedures

Appendix A:
Morphology of Neoplasms

Appendix C:
Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Services List Number and their ICD-9-CM Equivalents

Appendix D:
Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency

Appendix E:
List of Three-Digit Categories

Copyright © 1995-2007 Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved).