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vertical line Table of Contents Alphabetical Index of Diseases and Injuries Explanation of Disease Classification

15. Certain Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period (760-779)

Includes: conditions which have their origin in the perinatal period, before
 birth through the first 28 days after birth, even though death or morbidity occurs
Use additional code(s) to further specify condition


760	Fetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions which may be unrelated to present
Includes:	the listed maternal conditions only when specified as a cause of mortality
 or morbidity of the fetus or newborn
Excludes: maternal endocrine and metabolic disorders affecting fetus or newborn (775.0-775.9)
760.0	Maternal hypertensive disorders
Fetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to 642
760.1	Maternal renal and urinary tract diseases
Fetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to 580-599
760.2	Maternal infections
Fetus or newborn affected by maternal infectious disease classifiable to 001-136 and 487,
 but fetus or newborn not manifesting that disease
Excludes:	congenital infectious diseases (771.0-771.8)
maternal genital tract and other localized infections (760.8)
760.3	Other chronic maternal circulatory and respiratory diseases
Fetus or newborn affected by chronic maternal conditions classifiable to 390-459, 490-519,
760.4	Maternal nutritional disorders
Fetus or newborn affected by:
maternal disorders classifiable to 260-269
maternal malnutrition NOS
Excludes:	fetal malnutrition (764.10-764.29)
760.5	Maternal injury
Fetus or newborn affected by maternal conditions classifiable to 800-995
760.6	Surgical operation on mother
Excludes:	cesarean section for present delivery (763.4)
damage to placenta from amniocentesis, cesarean section, or surgical induction (762.1)
previous surgery to uterus or pelvic organs (763.89)
760.7	Noxious influences affecting fetus or newborn via placenta or breast milk
Fetus or newborn affected by noxious substance transmitted via placenta or breast milk
Excludes: anesthetic and analgesic drugs administered during labor and delivery (763.5)
drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn (779.5)
760.70	Unspecified noxious substance
Fetus or newborn affected by:
Drug NEC
760.71	Alcohol
Fetal alcohol syndrome
760.72	Narcotics
760.73	Hallucinogenic agents
760.74	Anti-infectives
760.75	Cocaine
760.76	Diethylstilbestrol [DES]
760.77	Anticonvulsants
Valproic acid
760.78	Antimetabolic agents
Retinoic acid
760.79	Other
Fetus or newborn affected by:
immune sera transmitted via placenta or breast milk
medicinal agents NEC transmitted via placenta or breast milk
toxic substance NEC transmitted via placenta or breast milk
760.8	Other specified maternal conditions affecting fetus or newborn
Maternal genital tract and other localized infection affecting fetus or newborn, but fetus
 or newborn not manifesting that disease
Excludes:	maternal urinary tract infection affecting fetus or newborn (760.1)
760.9	Unspecified maternal condition affecting fetus or newborn
761	Fetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy
Includes:	the listed maternal conditions only when specified as a cause of mortality
 or morbidity of the fetus or newborn
761.0	Incompetent cervix
761.1	Premature rupture of membranes
761.2	Oligohydramnios
Excludes:	that due to premature rupture of membranes (761.1)
761.3	Polyhydramnios
Hydramnios (acute) (chronic)
761.4	Ectopic pregnancy
761.5	Multiple pregnancy
Triplet (pregnancy)
Twin (pregnancy)
761.6	Maternal death
761.7	Malpresentation before labor
Breech presentation before labor
External version before labor
Oblique lie before labor
Transverse lie before labor
Unstable lie before labor
761.8	Other specified maternal complications of pregnancy affecting fetus or newborn
Spontaneous abortion, fetus
761.9	Unspecified maternal complication of pregnancy affecting fetus or newborn
762	Fetus or newborn affected by complications of placenta, cord, and membranes
Includes:	the listed maternal conditions only when specified as a cause of mortality
 or morbidity in the fetus or newborn
762.0	Placenta previa
762.1	Other forms of placental separation and hemorrhage
Abruptio placentae
Antepartum hemorrhage
Damage to placenta from amniocentesis, cesarean section, or surgical induction
Maternal blood loss
Premature separation of placenta
Rupture of marginal sinus
762.2	Other and unspecified morphological and functional abnormalities of placenta
762.3	Placental transfusion syndromes
Placental and cord abnormality resulting in twin-to-twin or other transplacental transfusion
Use additional code to indicate resultant condition in fetus or newborn:
fetal blood loss (772.0)
polycythemia neonatorum (776.4)
762.4	Prolapsed cord
Cord presentation
762.5	Other compression of umbilical cord
Cord around neck
Entanglement of cord
Knot in cord
Torsion of cord
762.6	Other and unspecified conditions of umbilical cord
Short cord
Thrombosis of umbilical cord
Varices of umbilical cord
Velamentous insertion of umbilical cord
Vasa previa
Excludes:	infection of umbilical cord (771.4)
single umbilical artery (747.5)
762.7	Chorioamnionitis
762.8	Other specified abnormalities of chorion and amnion
762.9	Unspecified abnormality of chorion and amnion
763	Fetus or newborn affected by other complications of labor and delivery
Includes:	the listed conditions only when specified as a cause of mortality or
 morbidity in the fetus or newborn
763.0	Breech delivery and extraction
763.1	Other malpresentation, malposition, and disproportion during labor and delivery
Fetus or newborn affected by:
abnormality of bony pelvis
contracted pelvis
persistent occipitoposterior position
shoulder presentation
transverse lie
conditions classifiable to 652, 653, and 660
763.2	Forceps delivery
Fetus or newborn affected by forceps extraction
763.3	Delivery by vacuum extractor
763.4	Cesarean delivery
Excludes:	placental separation or hemorrhage from cesarean section (762.1)
763.5	Maternal anesthesia and analgesia
Reactions and intoxications from maternal opiates and trauilizers during labor and delivery
Excludes:	drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn (779.5)
763.6	Precipitate delivery
Rapid second stage
763.7	Abnormal uterine contractions
Fetus or newborn affected by:
contraction ring
hypertonic labor
hypotonic uterine dysfunction
uterine inertia or dysfunction
conditions classifiable to 661, except 661.3
763.8	Other specified complications of labor and delivery affecting fetus or newborn
763.81	Abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm before the onset of labor
763.82	Abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm during labor
763.83	Abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm, unspecified as to time of onset
763.84	Meconium passage during delivery
Excludes:	meconium aspiration (770.11, 770.12)
meconium staining (779.84)
763.89	Other specified complications of labor and delivery affecting fetus or newborn
Fetus or newborn affected by:
abnormality of maternal soft tissues
destructive operation on live fetus to facilitate delivery
induction of labor (medical)
previous surgery to uterus or pelvic organs
other conditions classifiable to 650-669
other procedures used in labor and delivery
763.9	Unspecified complication of labor and delivery affecting fetus or newborn


The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 764 and codes 765.0
 and 765.1 to denote birthweight:
0	unspecified [weight]
1	less than 500 grams
2	500-749 grams
3	750-999 grams
4	1,000-1,249 grams
5	1,250-1,499 grams
6	1,500-1,749 grams
7	1,750-1,999 grams
8	2,000-2,499 grams
9	2,500 grams and over
764	Slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition
Requires fifth digit. See beginning of section 764-779 for codes and definitions.
764.0	"Light-for-dates" without mention of fetal malnutrition
Infants underweight for gestational age
764.1	"Light-for-dates" with signs of fetal malnutrition
Infants "light-for-dates" classifiable to 764.0, who in addition show signs of fetal
 malnutrition, such as dry peeling skin and loss of subcutaneous tissue
764.2	Fetal malnutrition without mention of "light-for-dates"
Infants, not underweight for gestational age, showing signs of fetal malnutrition, such
 as dry peeling skin and loss of subcutaneous tissue
Intrauterine malnutrition
764.9	Fetal growth retardation, unspecified
Intrauterine growth retardation
765	Disorders relating to short gestation and low birthweight
Requires fifth digit. See beginning of section 764-779 for codes and definitions.
Includes:	the listed conditions, without further specification, as causes of
 mortality, morbidity, or additional care, in fetus or newborn
765.0	Extreme immaturity
Note:	Usually implies a birthweight of less than 1,000 grams.
Use additional code for weeks of gestation (765.20-765.29)
765.1	Other preterm infants
Note:	Usually implies birthweight of 1,000-2,499 grams.
Prematurity NOS
Prematurity or small size, not classifiable to 765.0 or as "light-for-dates" in 764
Use additional code for weeks of gestation (765.20-765.29)
765.2	Weeks of gestation
765.20	Unspecified weeks of gestation
765.21	Less than 24 completed weeks of gestation
765.22	24 weeks of gestation
765.23	25-26 weeks of gestation
765.24	27-28 weeks of gestation
765.25	29-30 weeks of gestation
765.26	31-32 weeks of gestation
765.27	33-34 weeks of gestation
765.28	35-36 weeks of gestation
765.29	37 or more weeks of gestation
766	Disorders relating to long gestation and high birthweight
Includes:	the listed conditions, without further specification, as causes of
 mortality, morbidity, or additional care, in fetus or newborn
766.0	Exceptionally large baby
Note:	Usually implies a birthweight of 4,500 grams or more.
766.1	Other "heavy-for-dates" infants
Other fetus or infant "heavy-" or "large-for-dates" regardless of period of gestation
766.2	Late infant, not "heavy-for-dates"
766.21	Post-term infant
Infant with gestation period over 40 completed weeks to 42 completed weeks
766.22	Prolonged gestation of infant
Infant with gestation period over 42 completed weeks
Postmaturity NOS
767	Birth trauma
767.0	Subdural and cerebral hemorrhage
Subdural and cerebral hemorrhage, whether described as due to birth trauma or to
 intrapartum anoxia or hypoxia
Subdural hematoma (localized)
Tentorial tear
Use additional code to identify cause
Excludes:	intraventricular hemorrhage (772.10-772.14)
subarachnoid hemorrhage (772.2)
767.1	Injuries to scalp
767.11	Epicranial subaponeurotic hemorrhage (massive)
Subgaleal hemorrhage
767.19	Other injuries to scalp
Caput succedaneum
Chignon (from vacuum extraction)
767.2	Fracture of clavicle
767.3	Other injuries to skeleton
Fracture of:
long bones
Excludes:	congenital dislocation of hip (754.30-754.35)
fracture of spine, congenital (767.4)
767.4	Injury to spine and spinal cord
Dislocation of spine or spinal cord due to birth trauma
Fracture of spine or spinal cord due to birth trauma
Laceration of spine or spinal cord due to birth trauma
Rupture of spine or spinal cord due to birth trauma
767.5	Facial nerve injury
Facial palsy
767.6	Injury to brachial plexus
Palsy or paralysis:
Erb (-Duchenne)
Klumpke (-D�j�rine)
767.7	Other cranial and peripheral nerve injuries
Phrenic nerve paralysis
767.8	Other specified birth trauma
Eye damage
Hematoma of:
liver (subcapsular)
Rupture of:
Scalpel wound
Traumatic glaucoma
Excludes:	hemorrhage classifiable to 772.0-772.9
767.9	Birth trauma, unspecified
Birth injury NOS
768	Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia
Use only when associated with newborn morbidity classifiable elsewhere
Excludes:	acidemia NOS of newborn (775.81)
acidosis NOS of newborn (775.81)
cerebral ischemia NOS (779.2)
hypoxia NOS of newborn (770.88)
mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis of newborn (775.81)
respiratory arrest of newborn (770.87)
768.0	Fetal death from asphyxia or anoxia before onset of labor or at unspecified time
768.1	Fetal death from asphyxia or anoxia during labor
768.2	Fetal distress before onset of labor, in liveborn infant
Fetal metabolic acidemia before onset of labor, in liveborn infant
768.3	Fetal distress first noted during labor and delivery, in liveborn infant
Fetal metabolic acidemia first noted during labor and delivery, in liveborn infant
768.4	Fetal distress, unspecified as to time of onset, in liveborn infant
Fetal metabolic acidemia unspecified as to time of onset, in liveborn infant
768.5	Severe birth asphyxia
Birth asphyxia with neurologic involvement
Excludes:	hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) (768.7)
768.6	Mild or moderate birth asphyxia
Other specified birth asphyxia (without mention of neurologic involvement)
Excludes:	hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) (768.7)
768.7	Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)
768.9	Unspecified birth asphyxia in liveborn infant
Anoxia NOS, in liveborn infant
Asphyxia NOS, in liveborn infant
769	Respiratory distress syndrome
Cardiorespiratory distress syndrome of newborn
Hyaline membrane disease (pulmonary)
Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome [IRDS or RDS] of newborn
Pulmonary hypoperfusion syndrome
Excludes:	transient tachypnea of newborn (770.6)
770	Other respiratory conditions of fetus and newborn
770.0	Congenital pneumonia
Infective pneumonia acquired prenatally
Excludes:	pneumonia from infection acquired after birth (480.0-486)
770.1	Fetal and newborn aspiration
Excludes:	aspiration of postnatal stomach contents (770.85, 770.86)
meconium passage during delivery (763.84)
meconium staining (779.84)
770.10	Fetal and newborn aspiration, unspecified
770.11	Meconium aspiration without respiratory symptoms
Meconium aspiration NOS
770.12	Meconium aspiration with respiratory symptoms
Meconium aspiration pneumonia
Meconium aspiration pneumonitis
Meconium aspiration syndrome NOS
Use additional code to identify any secondary pulmonary hypertension (416.8), if applicable
770.13	Aspiration of clear amniotic fluid without respiratory symptoms
Aspiration of clear amniotic fluid NOS
770.14	Aspiration of clear amniotic fluid with respiratory symptoms
Aspiration of clear amniotic fluid with pneumonia
Aspiration of clear amniotic fluid with pneumonitis
Use additional code to identify any secondary pulmonary hypertension (416.8), if applicable
770.15	Aspiration of blood without respiratory symptoms
Aspiration of blood NOS
770.16	Aspiration of blood with respiratory symptoms
Aspiration of blood with pneumonia
Aspiration of blood with pneumonitis
Use additional code to identify any secondary pulmonary hypertension (416.8), if applicable
770.17	Other fetal and newborn aspiration without respiratory symptoms
770.18	Other fetal and newborn aspiration with respiratory symptoms
Other aspiration pneumonia
Other aspiration pneumonitis
Use additional code to identify any secondary pulmonary hypertension (416.8), if applicable
770.2	Interstitial emphysema and related conditions
Pneumomediastinum originating in the perinatal period
Pneumopericardium originating in the perinatal period
Pneumothorax originating in the perinatal period
770.3	Pulmonary hemorrhage
alveolar (lung) originating in the perinatal period
intra-alveolar (lung) originating in the perinatal period
massive pulmonary originating in the perinatal period
770.4	Primary atelectasis
Pulmonary immaturity NOS
770.5	Other and unspecified atelectasis
NOS originating in the perinatal period
partial originating in the perinatal period
secondary originating in the perinatal period
Pulmonary collapse originating in the perinatal period
770.6	Transitory tachypnea of newborn
Idiopathic tachypnea of newborn
Wet lung syndrome
Excludes:	respiratory distress syndrome (769)
770.7	Chronic respiratory disease arising in the perinatal period
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis of prematurity
Wilson-Mikity syndrome
770.8	Other respiratory problems after birth
Excludes:	mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis of newborn (775.81)
770.81	Primary apnea of newborn
Apneic spells of newborn NOS
Essential apnea of newborn
Sleep apnea of newborn
770.82	Other apnea of newborn
Obstructive apnea of newborn
770.83	Cyanotic attacks of newborn
770.84	Respiratory failure of newborn
Excludes:	respiratory distress syndrome (769)
770.85	Aspiration of postnatal stomach contents without respiratory symptoms
Aspiration of postnatal stomach contents NOS
770.86	Aspiration of postnatal stomach contents with respiratory symptoms
Aspiration of postnatal stomach contents with pneumonia
Aspiration of postnatal stomach contents with pneumonitis
Use additional code to identify any secondary pulmonary hypertension (416.8), if applicable
770.87	Respiratory arrest of newborn
770.88	Hypoxemia of newborn
Hypoxia NOS, in liveborn infant
770.89	Other respiratory problems after birth
770.9	Unspecified respiratory condition of fetus and newborn
771	Infections specific to the perinatal period
Includes:	infections acquired before or during birth or via the umbilicus or during
 the first 28 days after birth
Excludes:	congenital pneumonia (770.0)
congenital syphilis (090.0-090.9)
infant botulism (040.41)
maternal infectious disease as a cause of mortality or morbidity in fetus or newborn, but
 fetus or newborn not manifesting the disease (760.2)
ophthalmia neonatorum due to gonococcus (098.40)
other infections not specifically classified to this category
771.0	Congenital rubella
Congenital rubella pneumonitis
771.1	Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
Congenital cytomegalic inclusion disease
771.2	Other congenital infections
herpes simplex
771.3	Tetanus neonatorum
Tetanus omphalitis
Excludes:	hypocalcemic tetany (775.4)
771.4	Omphalitis of the newborn
navel cord
umbilical stump
Excludes:	tetanus omphalitis (771.3)
771.5	Neonatal infective mastitis
Excludes:	noninfective neonatal mastitis (778.7)
771.6	Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis
Ophthalmia neonatorum NOS
Excludes:	ophthalmia neonatorum due to gonococcus (098.40)
771.7	Neonatal Candida infection
Neonatal moniliasis
Thrush in newborn
771.8	Other infections specific to the perinatal period
Use additional code to identify organism (041.00-041.9)
771.81	Septicemia [sepsis] of newborn
771.82	Urinary tract infection of newborn
771.83	Bacteremia of newborn
771.89	Other infections specific to the perinatal period
Intra-amniotic infection of fetus NOS
Infection of newborn NOS
772	Fetal and neonatal hemorrhage
Excludes:	hematological disorders of fetus and newborn (776.0-776.9)
772.0	Fetal blood loss
Fetal blood loss from:
cut end of co-twin's cord
ruptured cord
vasa previa
Fetal exsanguination
Fetal hemorrhage into:
mother's circulation
772.1	Intraventricular hemorrhage
Intraventricular hemorrhage from any perinatal cause
772.10	Unspecified grade
772.11	Grade I
Bleeding into germinal matrix
772.12	Grade II
Bleeding into ventricle
772.13	Grade III
Bleeding with enlargement of ventricle
772.14	Grade IV
Bleeding into cerebral cortex
772.2	Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Subarachnoid hemorrhage from any perinatal cause
Excludes:	subdural and cerebral hemorrhage (767.0)
772.3	Umbilical hemorrhage after birth
Slipped umbilical ligature
772.4	Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
Excludes:	swallowed maternal blood (777.3)
772.5	Adrenal hemorrhage
772.6	Cutaneous hemorrhage
Bruising in fetus or newborn
Ecchymoses in fetus or newborn
Petechiae in fetus or newborn
Superficial hematoma in fetus or newborn
772.8	Other specified hemorrhage of fetus or newborn
Excludes:	hemorrhagic disease of newborn (776.0)
pulmonary hemorrhage (770.3)
772.9	Unspecified hemorrhage of newborn
773	Hemolytic disease of fetus or newborn, due to isoimmunization
773.0	Hemolytic disease due to Rh isoimmunization
Anemia due to RH:
maternal/fetal incompatibility
Erythroblastosis (fetalis) due to RH:
maternal/fetal incompatibility
Hemolytic disease (fetus) (newborn) due to RH:
maternal/fetal incompatibility
Jaundice due to RH:
maternal/fetal incompatibility
Rh hemolytic disease
Rh isoimmunization
773.1	Hemolytic disease due to ABO isoimmunization
ABO hemolytic disease
ABO isoimmunization
Anemia due to ABO:
maternal/fetal incompatibility
Erythroblastosis (fetalis) due to ABO:
maternal/fetal incompatibility
Hemolytic disease (fetus) (newborn) due to ABO:
maternal/fetal incompatibility
Jaundice due to ABO:
maternal/fetal incompatibility
773.2	Hemolytic disease due to other and unspecified isoimmunization
Erythroblastosis (fetalis) (neonatorum) NOS
Hemolytic disease (fetus) (newborn) NOS
Jaundice or anemia due to other and unspecified blood-group incompatibility
773.3	Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization
Use additional code, if desired, to identify type of isoimmunization (773.0-773.2)
773.4	Kernicterus due to isoimmunization
Use additional code, if desired, to identify type of isoimmunization (773.0-773.2)
773.5	Late anemia due to isoimmunization
774	Other perinatal jaundice
774.0	Perinatal jaundice from hereditary hemolytic anemias
Code first underlying disease (282.0-282.9)
774.1	Perinatal jaundice from other excessive hemolysis
Fetal or neonatal jaundice from:
drugs or toxins transmitted from mother
swallowed maternal blood
Use additional code to identify cause
Excludes:	jaundice due to isoimmunization (773.0-773.2)
774.2	Neonatal jaundice associated with preterm delivery
Hyperbilirubinemia of prematurity
Jaundice due to delayed conjugation associated with preterm delivery
774.3	Neonatal jaundice due to delayed conjugation from other causes
774.30	Neonatal jaundice due to delayed conjugation, cause unspecified
774.31	Neonatal jaundice due to delayed conjugation in diseases classified elsewhere
Code first underlying diseases, as:
congenital hypothyroidism (243)
Crigler-Najjar syndrome (277.4)
Gilbert's syndrome (277.4)
774.39	Other
Jaundice due to delayed conjugation from causes, such as:
breast milk inhibitors
delayed development of conjugating system
774.4	Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage
Fetal or neonatal hepatitis
Giant cell hepatitis
Inspissated bile syndrome
774.5	Perinatal jaundice from other causes
Code first underlying cause, as:
congenital obstruction of bile duct (751.61)
galactosemia (271.1)
mucoviscidosis (277.00-277.09)
774.6	Unspecified fetal and neonatal jaundice
Icterus neonatorum
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (transient)
Physiologic jaundice NOS in newborn
Excludes:	that in preterm infants (774.2)
774.7	Kernicterus not due to isoimmunization
Bilirubin encephalopathy
Kernicterus of newborn NOS
Excludes:	kernicterus due to isoimmunization (773.4)
775	Endocrine and metabolic disturbances specific to the fetus and newborn
Includes:	transitory endocrine and metabolic disturbances caused by the infant's
 response to maternal endocrine and metabolic factors, its removal from them, or its
 adjustment to extrauterine existence
775.0	Syndrome of "infant of a diabetic mother"
Maternal diabetes mellitus affecting fetus or newborn (with hypoglycemia)
775.1	Neonatal diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus syndrome in newborn infant
775.2	Neonatal myasthenia gravis
775.3	Neonatal thyrotoxicosis
Neonatal hyperthyroidism (transient)
775.4	Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia of newborn
Cow's milk hypocalcemia
Hypocalcemic tetany, neonatal
Neonatal hypoparathyroidism
Phosphate-loading hypocalcemia
775.5	Other transitory neonatal electrolyte disturbances
Dehydration, neonatal
775.6	Neonatal hypoglycemia
Excludes:	infant of mother with diabetes mellitus (775.0)
775.7	Late metabolic acidosis of newborn
775.8	Other neonatal endocrine and metabolic disturbances
775.81	Other acidosis of newborn
Acidemia NOS of newborn
Acidosis of newborn NOS
Mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis of newborn
775.89	Other neonatal endocrine and metabolic disturbances
Amino-acid metabolic disorders described as transitory
775.9	Unspecified endocrine and metabolic disturbances specific to the fetus and newborn
776	Hematological disorders of fetus and newborn
Includes:	disorders specific to the fetus or newborn
776.0	Hemorrhagic disease of newborn
Hemorrhagic diathesis of newborn
Vitamin K deficiency of newborn
Excludes:	fetal or neonatal hemorrhage (772.0-772.9)
776.1	Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia
Neonatal thrombocytopenia due to:
exchange transfusion
idiopathic maternal thrombocytopenia
776.2	Disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn
776.3	Other transient neonatal disorders of coagulation
Transient coagulation defect, newborn
776.4	Polycythemia neonatorum
Plethora of newborn
Polycythemia due to:
donor twin transfusion
maternal-fetal transfusion
776.5	Congenital anemia
Anemia following fetal blood loss
Excludes:	anemia due to isoimmunization (773.0-773.2, 773.5)
hereditary hemolytic anemias (282.0-282.9)
776.6	Anemia of prematurity
776.7	Transient neonatal neutropenia
Isoimmune neutropenia
Maternal transfer neutropenia
Excludes:	congenital neutropenia (nontransient) (288.01)
776.8	Other specified transient hematological disorders
776.9	Unspecified hematological disorder specific to fetus or newborn
777	Perinatal disorders of digestive system
Includes:	disorders specific to the fetus and newborn
Excludes:	intestinal obstruction classifiable to 560.0-560.9
777.1	Meconium obstruction
Congenital fecaliths
Delayed passage of meconium
Meconium ileus NOS
Meconium plug syndrome
Excludes:	meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis (277.01)
777.2	Intestinal obstruction due to inspissated milk
777.3	Hematemesis and melena due to swallowed maternal blood
Swallowed blood syndrome in newborn
Excludes:	that not due to swallowed maternal blood (772.4)
777.4	Transitory ileus of newborn
Excludes:	Hirschsprung's disease (751.3)
777.5	Necrotizing enterocolitis in fetus or newborn
Pseudomembranous enterocolitis in newborn
777.6	Perinatal intestinal perforation
Meconium peritonitis
777.8	Other specified perinatal disorders of digestive system
777.9	Unspecified perinatal disorder of digestive system
778	Conditions involving the integument and temperature regulation of fetus and newborn
778.0	Hydrops fetalis not due to isoimmunization
Idiopathic hydrops
Excludes:	hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization (773.3)
778.1	Sclerema neonatorum
778.2	Cold injury syndrome of newborn
778.3	Other hypothermia of newborn
778.4	Other disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn
Dehydration fever in newborn
Environmentally induced pyrexia
Hyperthermia in newborn
Transitory fever of newborn
778.5	Other and unspecified edema of newborn
Edema neonatorum
778.6	Congenital hydrocele
Congenital hydrocele of tunica vaginalis
778.7	Breast engorgement in newborn
Noninfective mastitis of newborn
Excludes:	infective mastitis of newborn (771.5)
778.8	Other specified conditions involving the integument of fetus and newborn
Urticaria neonatorum
Excludes:	impetigo neonatorum (684)
pemphigus neonatorum (684)
778.9	Unspecified condition involving the integument and temperature regulation of
 fetus and newborn
779	Other and ill-defined conditions originating in the perinatal period
779.0	Convulsions in newborn
Fits in newborn
Seizures in newborn
779.1	Other and unspecified cerebral irritability in newborn
779.2	Cerebral depression, coma, and other abnormal cerebral signs
Cerebral ischemia NOS of newborn
CNS dysfunction in newborn NOS
Excludes:	cerebral ischemia due to birth trauma (767.0)
intrauterine cerebral ischemia (768.2-768.9)
intraventricular hemorrhage (772.10-772.14)
779.3	Feeding problems in newborn
Regurgitation of food in newborn
Slow feeding in newborn
Vomiting in newborn
779.4	Drug reactions and intoxications specific to newborn
Gray syndrome from chloramphenicol administration in newborn
Excludes:	fetal alcohol syndrome (760.71)
reactions and intoxications from maternal opiates and tranquilizers (763.5)
779.5	Drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn
Drug withdrawal syndrome in infant of dependent mother
Excludes:	fetal alcohol syndrome (760.71)
779.6	Termination of pregnancy (fetus)
Fetal death due to:
induced abortion
termination of pregnancy
Excludes:	spontaneous abortion (fetus) (761.8)
779.7	Periventricular leukomalacia
779.8	Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period
779.81	Neonatal bradycardia
Excludes: abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm complicating labor and delivery
bradycardia due to birth asphyxia (768.5-768.9)
779.82	Neonatal tachycardia
Excludes: abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm complicating labor and delivery
779.83	Delayed separation of umbilical cord
779.84	Meconium staining
Excludes:	meconium aspiration (770.11, 770.12)
meconium passage during delivery (763.84)
779.85	Cardiac arrest of newborn
779.89	Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period
Use additional code to specify condition
779.9	Unspecified condition originating in the perinatal period
Congenital debility NOS
Stillbirth NEC





The ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee

Characteristics of the ICD-9-CM

The Disease Classification

Alphabetical Index of Diseases

Table of Drugs and Chemicals

Index To External Causes of Injury (E Code)

Classification of Procedures

Index to Procedures

Appendix A:
Morphology of Neoplasms

Appendix C:
Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Services List Number and their ICD-9-CM Equivalents

Appendix D:
Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency

Appendix E:
List of Three-Digit Categories

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